
BMS Info

Jun 13th, 2024 (edited)
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  2. High Level Design
  3. 1. Architecture
  4. Client-Server Architecture: The system follows a client-server architecture where the client side is developed using Java Swing for the GUI and the server side is managed with a MySQL database using XAMPP.
  5. Three-Tier Architecture:
  6. Presentation Tier: Java Swing-based GUI
  7. Business Logic Tier: Java classes handling the core functionality
  8. Data Tier: MySQL database for storing user data, transaction history, etc.
  9. 2. Components
  10. User Interface Components: Login screen, main dashboard, deposit form, withdrawal form, transaction history view, balance inquiry, and pin change form.
  11. Business Logic Components: Java classes for handling login validation, deposit/withdrawal transactions, balance checks, pin changes, and transaction logging.
  12. Database Components: Tables for user information, account details, transaction history, and logs.
  14. Detailed Design
  15. 1. User Interface
  16. Login Screen: Fields for username and password, with login and reset buttons.
  17. Main Dashboard: Navigation buttons for deposit, withdraw, check balance, transaction history, and change pin.
  18. Deposit/Withdraw Forms: Input fields for account number and amount, with submit and cancel buttons.
  19. Transaction History View: Table displaying list of transactions with columns for date, type, amount, and balance.
  20. Balance Inquiry Screen: Display current balance with refresh button.
  21. Change Pin Form: Fields for old pin, new pin, confirm new pin, with submit and cancel buttons.
  22. 2. Database Schema
  23. User Table: Fields for userID, username, password, pin, account number.
  24. Account Table: Fields for accountID, userID, balance.
  25. Transaction Table: Fields for transactionID, accountID, date, type (deposit/withdraw), amount, balance after transaction.
  26. Log Table: Fields for logID, userID, action, timestamp.
  27. 3. Business Logic
  28. Authentication: Validation of user credentials during login.
  29. Transaction Processing: Logic for deposit and withdrawal operations, including balance updates and transaction logging.
  30. Balance Checking: Fetching and displaying current balance for the user.
  31. Pin Management: Validating and updating user PINs.
  32. Error Handling: Handling exceptions and providing user feedback for invalid operations.
  34. Setup Development Environment
  35. 1. Tools and Technologies
  36. IDE: NetBeans
  37. Programming Language: Java
  38. GUI Framework: Java Swing
  39. Database: MySQL
  40. Server Stack: XAMPP (Apache, MySQL, PHP, and Perl)
  43. Coding
  44. 1. Database Connection
  45. Code for establishing a connection: Using JDBC to connect Java application with MySQL database.
  46. 2. Authentication Logic
  47. Code for user authentication: Methods for validating username and password during login.
  48. 3. Transaction Processing
  49. Code for deposit and withdrawal: Methods for processing deposit and withdrawal requests, updating account balance, and recording transactions.
  50. 4. User Interface Handling
  51. Event Listeners: Implementing action listeners for buttons and other interactive components in the GUI.
  52. 5. Error Handling
  53. Exception Management: Code to handle SQL exceptions, invalid input, and other runtime errors gracefully.
  55. Integration
  56. 1. GUI and Backend Integration
  57. Connecting UI with business logic: Ensuring the actions performed in the GUI are accurately reflected in the backend processes.
  58. 2. Database Operations
  59. CRUD Operations: Integration of create, read, update, and delete operations with the MySQL database.
  60. 3. Testing
  61. Unit Testing: Writing unit tests for individual components and methods.
  62. Integration Testing: Testing the system as a whole to ensure seamless interaction between different components.
  64. Methodology
  65. Define Project Goals
  66. Goal 1: Provide a secure and user-friendly interface for bank customers to manage their accounts.
  67. Goal 2: Ensure the system handles transactions efficiently and records them accurately in the database.
  68. Goal 3: Implement robust error handling and security measures to protect user data and prevent unauthorized access.
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