
OC Creation Sheet

Mar 4th, 2016
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  1. OC Creating Sheet~ This is made for people to plot out their outlines for characters.
  2. Name: (This can be really any name. It can be from any language, have any meaning, etc. Sometimes it's fun to relate it to abilities and powers, but that can be unrealistic. Example: Kuriamiko Omikuji, which is Japanese for Clear Priestess Paper Fortune. You can have more basic names like Alex, or Taka, etc.)
  3. Species: (Some people have different species than humans, so this is probably a nice add to the mix. This could possibly include diet, etc.)
  4. Elements: (Optional, you may have any conceivable element. A healthy max to prevent being overpowered is about 3-5. You can have more, but you might be a little to powerful. This can be used, or it can be a backup for abilities, as specific abilities are hard to come up with at times. Example Elements are Ice, Fire, Wind, Light, Dark, Mystic, and Earth.)
  5. Ability: (This is also optional, you can create pretty much any ability. A healthy max is about 1-2. Usually 1 is enough, because some abilities can provide you with incomprehensibly large amounts of attacks, such as "The ability to use Magic". That is indescribably vast, but is still usable under circumstances. You should always be reasonable with what you have, and originality is almost impossible, so don't beat yourself up if you can't come up with anything. Examples are The ability to Manipulate Water, The ability to Prohibit Things, The ability to control dolls.)
  6. Gear/Items: (These are items or equipment that your character commonly uses. You may have cards involved in some of your magical attacks, so that should be included. Weapons, Armor, etc. This is optional. Example: Sword of Death.)
  7. Personality: (These are a series of traits and adjectives meant to describe what kind of person your character is. Example: Kind, Energetic, Crazy, Loving, Plotting, Cunning.)
  8. Backstory: (This is your characters past. It can be deep and significant, or it can be light and breezy. Your backstory can have some duty in shaping personality, if you're really creative. This is not completely optional, but you still don't have to. Example: Born 1999, lived happily for 19 years...)
  9. Partners/Summons: (A summoned person/being, or an ally that is commonly with you, and is played by you. Totally optional. Example: Leviathan)
  10. Other: (Any other details about your character. Example: Danger Level: S)
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