
Terraria Ass - anglerfish

May 18th, 2014
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  1. Her heavy weight presses down on you as you think back on how this night's been
  2. You generally avoid the monsters in this land, no matter how human like they may look most attack you on sight
  3. You decided to give this anglerfish girl a chance because she didn't attack
  4. In fact she didn't do much of all; mostly she just looked depressed, you decided to cheer her up
  5. One thing lead to another and now... well...
  6. But none of that matters now, as the night went the two of you have been busy enjoying each other’s company
  7. Eventually you found yourself in your current position, under her thick ass as she rides your face
  8. While you can't say much for the pond water like taste but you're unwilling to leave her unsatisfied so you get to work
  9. Fining it lines up perfectly with your mouth, you start gently probing her pucker with you tongue, slowly working your way in
  10. As she begins to moan you add a bit more variety to your efforts, kissing and nibbling the flesh around her pucker
  11. You have a bit of a panic when you bite too hard and taste a bit of blood but she gives the loudest moan you've heard all night so you start getting a bit more rough which only seems to excite her more
  12. Eventually you work your way up to just biting down as hard as you can only to find you can't let go
  13. You struggle beneath her as she continues to moan, unconcerned with your plight
  14. You have no idea what's happening but it feels like she's getting heavier, or are you just feeling weaker?
  15. It doesn't matter as the weight becomes oppressive and your body begins to feel numb until it feels like everything just fades away
  17. Later
  19. The anglerfish girl sits alone in a puddle of her and your cum
  20. She lets out a sad sigh as she runs her fingers down her (now slightly larger) hips and ass before stopping at the spot where you last bit and gently rubbing it
  21. This simple action causes a large spike of pleasure to run through what’s left of your mind, and judging by her gasp, hers too
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