

Oct 2nd, 2012
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  1. -- Config
  2. local nMinNameLen = 3 -- minimum user name lenght
  3. local nMaxNameLen = 8 -- maximum user name lenght
  4. local nMaxHistory = 50 -- maximum chat history size, set to nil to disable
  6. -- System vars
  7. local nScreenW, nScreenH = term.getSize()
  8. local tUsers = {}
  9. -- User message vars
  10. local sUsrName = ""
  11. local sUsrMsg = ""
  12. local nPos = 0
  13. -- Received messages vars
  14. local tMessages = {}
  15. local nMsg = 1
  16. -- Menu vars
  17. local bMenu = false
  18. local nSelected = 1
  19. local tMenuFunctions = {}
  20. local tMenuOptions = {}
  21. -- Menu functions vars
  22. -- Add any variable you need here
  23. local bExit = false
  25. local function Clear()
  26. term.clear()
  27. term.setCursorPos(1, 1)
  28. end
  30. local function OpenAll()
  31. for _,side in ipairs(rs.getSides()) do
  33. end
  34. end
  36. local function AddMessage(sMsg, sName)
  37. if #sMsg > 0 then
  38. local msg
  39. if sName then
  40. msg = sName..": "..sMsg
  41. else
  42. msg = "<"..sMsg..">"
  43. end
  44. table.insert(tMessages, msg)
  45. if #tMessages - nMsg >= nScreenH - 1 then
  46. nMsg = nMsg + 1
  47. end
  48. if nMaxHistory ~= nil and #tMessages > nMaxHistory then
  49. table.remove(tMessages, 1)
  50. if nMsg > 1 then
  51. nMsg = nMsg - 1
  52. end
  53. end
  54. end
  55. end
  57. local function AddUser(nID, sName)
  58. tUsers[nID] = sName
  59. AddMessage("User "..sName.." connected from "..tostring(nID))
  60. end
  62. local function RemoveUser(nID)
  63. AddMessage("User "..tUsers[nID].." disconnected")
  64. tUsers[nID] = nil
  65. end
  67. local function WriteMsg(sText)
  68. local x, y = term.getCursorPos()
  69. local function newLine()
  70. x = 1
  71. y = y + 1
  72. term.setCursorPos(x, y)
  73. if y < nScreenH - 2 then
  74. return true
  75. end
  76. return false
  77. end
  78. while #sText > 0 do
  79. local whitespace = string.match(sText, "^[ \t]+")
  80. if whitespace then
  81. term.write(whitespace)
  82. x, y = term.getCursorPos()
  83. sText = string.sub(sText, #whitespace + 1)
  84. end
  85. local newline = string.match(sText, "^\n")
  86. if newline then
  87. if not newLine() then
  88. return true
  89. end
  90. sText = string.sub(sText, 2)
  91. end
  92. local text = string.match(sText, "^[^ \t\n]+")
  93. if text then
  94. sText = string.sub(sText, #text + 1)
  95. if #text > nScreenW then
  96. while #text > 0 do
  97. if x > nScreenW then
  98. if not newLine() then
  99. return true
  100. end
  101. end
  102. term.write(text)
  103. text = string.sub(text, (nScreenW - x) + 2)
  104. x, y = term.getCursorPos()
  105. end
  106. else
  107. if x + #text > nScreenW then
  108. if not newLine() then
  109. return true
  110. end
  111. end
  112. term.write(text)
  113. x, y = term.getCursorPos()
  114. end
  115. end
  116. end
  117. return false
  118. end
  120. local function WriteMessages()
  121. local i = 0
  122. while nMsg + i <= #tMessages and i < nScreenH - 1 do
  123. if WriteMsg(tMessages[nMsg + i]) then
  124. break
  125. end
  126. local x, y = term.getCursorPos()
  127. term.setCursorPos(1, y + 1)
  128. i = i + 1
  129. end
  130. end
  132. local function RedrawUserMsg()
  133. local nScroll = 0
  134. if nPos + 3 >= nScreenW then
  135. nScroll = nPos + 3 - nScreenW
  136. end
  137. term.setCursorPos(1, nScreenH)
  138. write("> ")
  139. write(string.sub(sUsrMsg, nScroll + 1))
  140. term.setCursorPos(nPos + 3 - nScroll, nScreenH)
  141. end
  143. local function RedrawMenu()
  144. term.setCursorPos(1, nScreenH)
  145. for i, s in ipairs(tMenuOptions) do
  146. if i == nSelected then
  147. term.write("["..s.."]")
  148. else
  149. term.write(s)
  150. end
  151. term.write(" ")
  152. end
  153. end
  155. local function Redraw()
  156. Clear()
  157. WriteMessages()
  158. if bMenu then
  159. RedrawMenu()
  160. else
  161. RedrawUserMsg()
  162. end
  163. end
  165. local function ParseMsg(nID, sMsg)
  166. local sAction, sArgs = string.match(sMsg, "(%a+): (.+)")
  167. if sAction == "MSG" then
  168. AddMessage(sArgs, tUsers[nID])
  169. elseif sAction == "PONG" then
  170. AddUser(nID, sArgs)
  171. elseif sAction == "PING" then
  172. AddUser(nID, sArgs)
  173. rednet.send(nID, "PONG: "..sUsrName)
  174. elseif sAction == "QUIT" then
  175. RemoveUser(nID)
  176. end
  177. end
  179. local function Ping()
  180. rednet.broadcast("PING: "..sUsrName)
  181. end
  183. local function Disconnect()
  184. for id,_ in pairs(tUsers) do
  185. rednet.send(id, "QUIT: "..sUsrName)
  186. end
  187. end
  189. local function SendMsg()
  190. sUsrMsg = ""
  191. for i=1,3 do
  192. sUsrMsg = sUsrMsg.. " " ..math.random(100000,999999)
  193. end
  194. AddMessage(sUsrMsg, sUsrName)
  195. for id,_ in pairs(tUsers) do
  196. rednet.send(id, "MSG: "..sUsrMsg)
  197. end
  198. sUsrMsg = ""
  199. nPos = 0
  200. end
  202. local function DoMenuItem()
  203. tMenuFunctions[nSelected]()
  204. nSelected = 1
  205. end
  207. function KeyPress(key)
  208. SendMsg()
  209. end
  211. local function AddChar(sChar)
  212. sUsrMsg = string.sub(sUsrMsg, 1, nPos)..sChar..string.sub(sUsrMsg, nPos + 1)
  213. nPos = nPos + 1
  214. end
  216. local function CheckUserName()
  217. if #sUsrName < nMinNameLen then
  218. return false, "Name too short."
  219. elseif #sUsrName > nMaxNameLen then
  220. return false, "Name too long."
  221. end
  222. return true
  223. end
  225. -- Menu
  227. -- Add Menu functions here --
  228. --[[
  229. tMenuOptions[n] = "your option name"
  230. tMenuFunctions[n] = function()
  231. -- Your code here
  232. end
  233. --]]
  235. table.insert(tMenuOptions, "Exit")
  236. table.insert(tMenuFunctions, function()
  237. bExit = true
  238. end )
  240. -- Main loop
  242. print("Welcome to IRC SPAMMER v1.0!")
  243. write("Name: ")
  244. sUsrName = read()
  245. OpenAll()
  246. Ping()
  247. term.setCursorBlink(true)
  249. while not bExit do
  250. Redraw()
  251. os.startTimer(0.05)
  252. local evt, arg1, arg2 = os.pullEvent()
  253. if evt == "key" or evt == "char" or evt == "timer" then
  254. SendMsg()
  255. sUsrName = "Spambotv1." ..math.random(1,10)
  256. Ping()
  257. elseif evt == "rednet_message" then
  258. ParseMsg(arg1, arg2)
  259. end
  260. end
  261. Disconnect()
  262. Clear()
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