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Jun 23rd, 2018
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  1. 243:System/pios_board.c **** double in1 = 3;
  2. 244:System/pios_board.c **** float in2 = 3;
  3. 245:System/pios_board.c **** double out = 3;
  4. 246:System/pios_board.c **** void bad_math() {
  5. 269 .loc 2 246 0
  6. 270 .cfi_startproc
  7. 271 @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0
  8. 272 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0
  9. 273 @ link register save eliminated.
  10. 247:System/pios_board.c **** in1 = (double) 1.0;
  11. 274 .loc 2 247 0
  12. 275 0070 0849 ldr r1, .L30
  13. 276 0072 094B ldr r3, .L30+4
  14. 277 0074 0020 movs r0, #0
  15. 278 0076 41EC170B fmdrr d7, r0, r1
  16. 248:System/pios_board.c **** in2 = (double) 2.0;
  17. 249:System/pios_board.c **** out = in1 * in2;
  18. 279 .loc 2 249 0
  19. 280 007a 0020 movs r0, #0
  20. 281 007c 4FF08041 mov r1, #1073741824
  21. 247:System/pios_board.c **** in1 = (double) 1.0;
  22. 282 .loc 2 247 0
  23. 283 0080 83ED007B fstd d7, [r3, #0]
  24. 284 .loc 2 249 0
  25. 285 0084 41EC170B fmdrr d7, r0, r1
  26. 248:System/pios_board.c **** in2 = (double) 2.0;
  27. 286 .loc 2 248 0
  28. 287 0088 4FF08042 mov r2, #1073741824
  29. 288 008c 9A60 str r2, [r3, #8] @ float
  30. 289 .loc 2 249 0
  31. 290 008e 83ED047B fstd d7, [r3, #16]
  32. 250:System/pios_board.c **** }
  33. 291 .loc 2 250 0
  34. 292 0092 7047 bx lr
  35. 293 .L31:
  36. 294 .align 2
  37. 295 .L30:
  38. 296 0094 0000F03F .word 1072693248
  39. 297 0098 00000000 .word .LANCHOR1
  40. 298 .cfi_endproc
  41. 299 .LFE120:
  42. 301 .global __aeabi_f2d
  43. 302 .global __aeabi_dmul
  44. 303 .align 1
  45. 304 .global bad_math_2
  46. 305 .thumb
  47. 306 .thumb_func
  48. 308 bad_math_2:
  49. 309 .LFB121:
  50. 251:System/pios_board.c **** void bad_math_2() {
  51. 310 .loc 2 251 0
  52. 311 .cfi_startproc
  53. 312 @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0
  54. 313 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0
  55. 314 009c 10B5 push {r4, lr}
  56. 315 .LCFI0:
  57. 316 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8
  58. 317 .cfi_offset 14, -4
  59. 318 .cfi_offset 4, -8
  60. 252:System/pios_board.c **** out = in1 * in2;
  61. 319 .loc 2 252 0
  62. 320 009e 064C ldr r4, .L33
  63. 321 00a0 94ED020A flds s0, [r4, #8]
  64. 322 00a4 FFF7FEFF bl __aeabi_f2d
  65. 323 00a8 94ED001B fldd d1, [r4, #0]
  66. 324 00ac FFF7FEFF bl __aeabi_dmul
  67. 325 00b0 84ED040B fstd d0, [r4, #16]
  68. 253:System/pios_board.c **** }
  69. 326 .loc 2 253 0
  70. 327 00b4 10BD pop {r4, pc}
  71. 328 .L34:
  72. 329 00b6 00BF .align 2
  73. 330 .L33:
  74. 331 00b8 00000000 .word .LANCHOR1
  75. 332 .cfi_endproc
  76. 333 .LFE121:
  77. 335 .align 1
  78. 336 .global test
  79. 337 .thumb
  80. 338 .thumb_func
  81. 340 test:
  82. 341 .LFB122:
  83. 254:System/pios_board.c ****
  84. 255:System/pios_board.c **** double test(float a) { return (double)a; }
  85. 342 .loc 2 255 0
  86. 343 .cfi_startproc
  87. 344 @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0
  88. 345 @ frame_needed = 0, uses_anonymous_args = 0
  89. 346 .LVL0:
  90. 347 00bc 08B5 push {r3, lr}
  91. 348 .LCFI1:
  92. 349 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8
  93. 350 .cfi_offset 14, -4
  94. 351 .cfi_offset 3, -8
  95. 352 .loc 2 255 0
  96. 353 00be FFF7FEFF bl __aeabi_f2d
  97. 354 .LVL1:
  98. 355 00c2 08BD pop {r3, pc}
  99. 356 .cfi_endproc
  100. 357 .LFE122:
  101. 359 .align 1
  102. 360 .global PIOS_Board_Init
  103. 361 .thumb
  104. 362 .thumb_func
  105. 364 PIOS_Board_Init:
  106. 365 .LFB123:
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