Guest User


a guest
Feb 13th, 2018
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  1. HELP:
  2. - "&7&m------------------------------------------"
  3. - "&4&lZonix &4&lHCF &7- &cHelp Page"
  4. - "&7&m------------------------------------------"
  5. - "&4Map Information&7:"
  6. - "&4Current Map&7:&c Map 1 &7- &cStarted March 3rd&7, &c2018"
  7. - "&4Map Border&7:&c 3000"
  8. - "&4Warzone Until&7:&c 1000"
  9. - "&4End Portals&7:&c 2500&7, &c2500 in each quadrant"
  10. - "&4Enchant Limits&7:&c Protection 1&7, &cSharpness 1&7, &cPower 4"
  11. - " "
  12. - "&4Deathban Times&7:"
  13. - "&aNormal&7: &c3 hours"
  14. - "&7Silver&7: &c2 hours 30 minutes"
  15. - "&6Gold&7: &c2 hours"
  16. - "&3Platinum&7: &c1 hour 15 minutes"
  17. - "&2Emerald&7: &c45 minutes"
  18. - "&4&lZonix&7: &c25 minutes&7"
  19. - " "
  20. - "&4Request Help & Report Cheaters&7:"
  21. - "&c/report <player> <reason> &7- &cReport cheaters with this command!"
  22. - "&c/request <reason> &7- &cRequest staff assistance."
  23. - " "
  24. - "&4Chat Commands&7:"
  25. - "&cGlobal Chat &7- &cPrefix your message with &7'&7!&7' or type '&7'/f c p&7'&c to set."
  26. - "&cTeam Chat &7- &cPrefix your message with &7'@&7' or type '&7'/f c f&7'&c to set."
  27. - " "
  28. - "&4Other Information&7:"
  29. - "&cOfficial Teamspeak &7- &"
  30. - "&cWebsite &7- &"
  31. - "&cStore &7- &"
  32. - "&7&m------------------------------------------"
  34. SIGN_TEXT: "&4[Subclaim]"
  35. ALREADY_SUBCLAIMED: "&cThis block is already subclaimed!"
  36. NOT_ALLOWED: "&cYou are not allowed to open this subclaim!"
  37. INVALID_BLOCK: "&cYou cannot subclaim this block!"
  38. CREATED: "&aYou have successfully created a new subclaim."
  39. NOT_IN_FACTION: "&cYou must be in a faction to create a subclaim!"
  40. NOT_OFFICER: "&cYou must be a officer or the leader of your faction to create a subclaim."
  41. NOT_IN_CLAIM: "&cYou must be in your faction claim to make subclaims."
  42. KOTH:
  43. START: "&6[KingOfTheHill] &e%KOTH%&6 can now be contested."
  44. CONTESTED: "&6[KingOfTheHill] &e%KOTH%&6 is being contested. &9(%TIME%)"
  45. KNOCKED: "&6[KingOfTheHill] Control of &e%KOTH%&6 lost. &9(%TIME%)"
  46. STOP: "&6[KingOfTheHill] &e%KOTH%&6 can no longer be contested."
  47. STOP_WINNER: "&6[KingOfTheHill] &e%KOTH%&6 has been captured by &e%PLAYER%&6."
  49. START: "&6[Glowstone Mountain] &e%GLOWSTONE%&6 has been reset."
  50. PERCENTAGE_MINED: "&6[Glowstone] &e%GLOWSTONE%&6 there is %PERCENTAGE% of remaining glowstone."
  51. FULLY_MINED: "&6[Glowstone] &e%GLOWSTONE%&6 all of the glowstone has been mined."
  53. NAME: "&e%PLAYER%"
  54. LOGOUT_CANCELLED: "&cSafe logout has been cancelled."
  55. LOGOUT_ALREADY: "&cYou're already logging out."
  56. LOGOUT_TAGGED: "&cYou cannot logout whilst combat tagged."
  57. LOGOUT_PEARL: "&cYou cannot logout whilst under enderpearl cooldown."
  58. LOGOUT: "&cYou will be logged out in %TIME% seconds."
  59. LOGOUT_KICK: "&cYou have safely logged out."
  61. BLOCKED: "&cThat potion is disabled!"
  62. SPAWN_TAG:
  63. PEARL_REFUNDED: "&cYour pearl has not been used!"
  65. ENDER_PEARL: "&cYou must wait &l%TIME%&c before enderpearling again!"
  66. SPAWN_TAG: "&cYou cannot enter a safezone whilst combat tagged."
  67. GOLDEN_APPLE: "&cYou must wait &l%TIME%&c before eating a gapple again!"
  69. MESSAGE: "&6%PLAYER% has gotten a killstreak of &c&l%COUNT% &6kills."
  70. HELP_MENU:
  71. - "&7&m-----------------------------------------------------"
  72. - "&4Golden Apples&7: &c3 Kills"
  73. - "&4Debuffs&7: &c6 Kills"
  74. - "&4Invis Splash&7: &c10 Kills"
  75. - "&4Cobwebs&7: &c12 Kills"
  76. - "&4OP Gapple&7: &c15 Kills"
  77. - "&4Strength II&7: &c20 Kills"
  78. - "&7&m-----------------------------------------------------"
  80. DEATHS:
  81. HEADER: "&4&lDeaths&7: &c%COUNT%"
  82. LINE: "&c%PLAYER%&7 killed by &c%KILLER%"
  83. KILLS:
  84. HEADER: "&4&lKills&7: &c%COUNT%"
  85. LINE: "&c%PLAYER%&e &7killed by &c%KILLER%"
  87. SKULL_CLICK: "&cThis is &4%PLAYER%&c head."
  88. SIGN:
  89. - "&4%KILLED%"
  90. - "&cwas slain by"
  91. - "&4%KILLER%"
  92. - "&7%TIME%"
  94. NAME: "&aDeath Sign"
  95. LORE:
  96. - "&4%KILLED%"
  97. - "&cwas slain by"
  98. - "&4%KILLER%"
  99. - "&7%TIME%"
  100. ECONOMY:
  101. SIGN:
  102. BOUGHT_TEXT: "&aYou bought"
  103. CANNOT_AFFORD: "&cCannot afford"
  104. INVENTORY_FULL: "&cNo space for"
  105. NOT_ENOUGH_TOP: "&cNot carrying"
  106. NOT_ENOUGH_BOTTOM: "&con you."
  107. SOLD: "&cYou sold"
  108. BUY_TEXT:
  109. - "&a[Buy]"
  110. - "%ITEM%"
  111. - "%AMOUNT%"
  112. - "$%PRICE%"
  113. SELL_TEXT:
  114. - "&c[Sell]"
  115. - "%ITEM%"
  116. - "%AMOUNT%"
  117. - "$%PRICE%"
  118. ERROR:
  119. NOT_ENOUGH: "&cYou do not have this item in your inventory."
  120. NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY: "&cYou do not have enough money to buy this."
  121. INVENTORY_FULL: "&cYour inventory is full!"
  123. DISPLAY_NAME: "&ax%COUNT%"
  124. CROWBAR:
  125. NAME: "&cCrowbar"
  126. LORE:
  127. - "&9Spawner Uses&b: &e%SPAWNER_USES%"
  128. - "&9Portal Uses:&b: &e%PORTAL_USES%"
  129. NO_SPAWNER_USES: "&cThis crowbar has no more spawner uses!"
  130. NO_PORTAL_USES: "&cThis crowbar has no more end portal uses!"
  131. ORES:
  132. FOUND_DIAMONDS_MULTI: "&f[FD] &b%PLAYER% found &b%COUNT% diamonds."
  133. FOUND_DIAMONDS_SINGLE: "&f[FD] &b%PLAYER% found &b%COUNT% diamond."
  134. VIEW:
  135. - "&7%PLAYER%'s Ores"
  136. - "&bDiamonds:&f %DIAMOND%"
  137. - "&6Gold:&f %GOLD%"
  138. - "&cRedstone:&f %REDSTONE%"
  139. - "&9Lapis Lazuli:&f %LAPIS%"
  140. - "&aEmeralds:&f %EMERALD%"
  141. - "&fQuarts: %QUARTZ%"
  142. - "&7Iron:&f %IRON%"
  143. - "&8Coal:&f %COAL%"
  144. KIT:
  145. WARMUP: "&c%KIT% is warming up."
  146. CANCELLED: "&c%KIT% warmup has been cancelled."
  147. APPLIED: "&c%KIT% has been applied."
  148. REMOVED: "&c%KIT% has been removed."
  149. COOLDOWN: "&cYou must wait &l%TIME%&c before using this ability again!"
  150. NEED_MORE_ENERGY: "&cYou need &l%MORE%&c more energy to use this ability!"
  151. ROGUE_BACKSTAB_ATTACKED: "&eYou have been backstabbed by &6%PLAYER%"
  152. ROGUE_BACKSTAB_ATTACKER: "&eYou have backstabbed &6%PLAYER%"
  153. ROGUE_BACKSTAB_COOLDOWN: "&cYou cannot use this for &l%COOLDOWN%"
  154. ARCHER_TAG_ATTACKER: "&eYou have archer tagged &6%PLAYER% &c(Range: %BLOCKS%)"
  155. ARCHER_TAG_ATTACKED: "&eYou have been archer tagged by &6%PLAYER% &c(+%25 damage)"
  156. DEATHBAN:
  158. - "&cYou have been deathbanned."
  159. - "It will expire in &c%TIME%."
  160. USE_LIFE:
  161. - "&cYou currently have %AMOUNT% %LIFE_TYPE%"
  162. - "&cTo use a life, rejoin within 30 seconds."
  164. CANT_ENTER: "&cYou can't enter &c&l%FACTION%&c under &9&lPvP Protection&c."
  165. HAVE_SELF: "&cYou can't do this whilst under PvP Protection."
  166. HAVE_OTHER: "&c&l%PLAYER%&c has &lPvP Protection&c!"
  167. COMMAND:
  168. LIVES:
  169. MESSAGE:
  170. - "&6%PLAYER%'s Soulbound Lives:&f %SOULBOUND_LIVES%"
  171. - "&6%PLAYER%'s Friend Lives:&f %FRIEND_LIVES%"
  172. REVIVE:
  173. USAGE: "&cUsage: /pvp revive <target>"
  174. NOT_ENOUGH_LIVES: "&cYou do not have enough friend lives to revive %PLAYER%."
  175. NOT_DEATHBANNED: "&c%PLAYER% is not deathbanned."
  176. REVIVED: "&cYou have successfully revived %PLAYER%."
  177. ENABLE:
  178. USAGE: "&cUsage: /pvp enable"
  179. SELF: "&cYou have enabled PvP."
  180. OTHER: "&cYou have enabled PvP for %PLAYER%."
  181. NONE_SELF: "&cYou do not have PvP Protection."
  182. NONE_OTHER: "&c%PLAYER% does not have PvP Protection."
  183. TIME:
  184. USAGE: "&cUsage: /pvp time"
  185. HAVE_SELF: "&cYou currently have &lPvP Protection&c for %TIME% minutes."
  186. HAVE_OTHER: "&c%PLAYER% currently has &lPvP Protection&c for %TIME% minutes."
  187. NONE_SELF: "&cYou do not have PvP Protection."
  188. NONE_OTHER: "&c%PLAYER% does not have PvP Protection."
  189. HELP:
  190. - "&c/pvp lives <player> - Shows amount of lives that a player has"
  191. - "&c/pvp revive <player> - Revives target player"
  192. - "&c/pvp time - Shows time left on PVP Timer"
  193. - "&c/pvp enable - Remove PVP Timer"
  194. LIVES:
  195. COMMAND:
  196. VIEW:
  197. - "&cLives are used to revive you instantly upon death. You can purchase more lives at &"
  198. - "&eFriend lives:&c %FRIEND_LIVES%"
  199. - "&eSoulbound lives:&c %SOULBOUND_LIVES%"
  200. - "&cYou cannot revive other players with soulbound lives."
  201. # I'm pretty bad at organizing/naming configuration files with these many keys + values.
  202. # If you feel like you can do a better job, feel free to do so and make a PR.
  203. # Thanks, Alexandeh/Frog <3
  205. 1:
  206. - "&7&m-----------------------------------------------------"
  207. - "&4Faction Help &7(Page 1/4)"
  208. - "&c/f accept &7- &7Accept a join request from an existing faction."
  209. - "&c/f chat &7- &7Toggle faction/ally chat mode on or off."
  210. - "&c/f claim &7- &7Claim land in the Wilderness."
  211. - "&c/f create &7- &7Create a faction."
  212. - "&c/f demote &7- &7Demotes a player to a member."
  213. - "&c/f deposit &7- &7Deposits money to the faction balance."
  214. - "&6You are currently on &7(Page 1/4)"
  215. - "&6To view other pages, use &7/f help <page#-"
  216. - "&7&m-----------------------------------------------------"
  217. 2:
  218. - "&7&m-----------------------------------------------------"
  219. - "&4Faction Help &7(Page 2/4)"
  220. - "&c/f disband &7- &7Disband your faction."
  221. - "&c/f home &7- &7Teleport to the faction home."
  222. - "&c/f invite &7- &7Invite a player to the faction."
  223. - "&c/f kick &7- &7Kick a player from the faction."
  224. - "&c/f leader &7- &7Sets the new leader for your faction."
  225. - "&c/f leave &7- &7Leave your current faction."
  226. - "&c/f list &7- &7See a list of all factions."
  227. - "&c/f map &7- &7View all claims around your location."
  228. - "&c/f msg &7- &7Sends a message to your faction."
  229. - "&6You are currently on &7(Page 2/4)"
  230. - "&6To view other pages, use &7/f help <page#>."
  231. - "&7&m-----------------------------------------------------"
  232. 3:
  233. - "&7&m-----------------------------------------------------"
  234. - "&4Faction Help &7(Page 3/4)"
  235. - "&c/f rename &7- &7Change the name of your faction."
  236. - "&c/f promote &7- &7Promotes a player to a captain."
  237. - "&c/f sethome &7- &7Sets the faction home location."
  238. - "&c/f show &7- &7Get details about a faction."
  239. - "&c/f unclaim &7- &7Unclaims land from your faction."
  240. - "&c/f uninvite &7- &7Revoke an invitation to a player."
  241. - "&6You are currently on &7(Page 3/4)"
  242. - "&6To view other pages, use &7/f help <page#>."
  243. - "&7&m-----------------------------------------------------"
  244. 4:
  245. - "&7&m-----------------------------------------------------"
  246. - "&4Faction Help &7(Page 4/4)"
  247. - "&c/f withdraw &7- &7Withdraws money from the faction balance."
  248. - "&cYou are currently on &7(Page 4/4)"
  249. - "&cTo view other pages, use &7/f help <page#>."
  250. - "&7&m-----------------------------------------------------"
  252. - "&7&m-----------------------------------------------------"
  253. - "&4Faction List &7(Page %PAGE%/%TOTAL_PAGES%)"
  255. - "&6You are currently on &7(Page %PAGE%/%TOTAL_PAGES%&7)."
  256. - "&6To view other pages use &7/f list <page#>"
  257. - "&7&m-----------------------------------------------------"
  260. SETTINGS:
  262. MESSAGE:
  263. - "&7&m-----------------------------------------------------"
  264. - "%COLOR%%FACTION% &7- &4Home&7: %HOME%"
  265. - "&cThis faction cannot be joined."
  266. - "&7&m-----------------------------------------------------"
  268. SETTINGS:
  269. HOME_PLACEHOLDER: "None" #if home not set
  274. FORMAT: "&7, "
  275. SHOW_KILLS:
  277. FORMAT: "&7[&c%KILLS%&7]"
  278. DTR_SYMBOL:
  279. FROZEN: "■"
  280. REGENERATING: "▲"
  281. FULL: "◀"
  282. DTR_COLOR:
  285. MESSAGE:
  286. - "&7&m-----------------------------------------------------"
  287. - "&6%FACTION% &7(%ONLINE_COUNT%/%MAX_COUNT%) &7- &4Home&7: %HOME%"
  288. - "&cAnnouncement&7: %ANNOUNCEMENT%"
  289. - "&cLeader&7: %LEADER%"
  290. - "&cOfficers&7: %OFFICERS%"
  291. - "&cMembers&7: %MEMBERS%"
  292. - "&cAllies&7: %ALLIES%"
  293. - "&cBalance&7: &7$%BALANCE%"
  294. - "&cDeaths until raidable&7: &a%DTR%%DTR_SYMBOL%"
  295. - "&cTime until regen&7: &c%REGEN_TIME%"
  296. - "&7&m-----------------------------------------------------"
  298. FACTION:
  299. PLAYER_INVITED: "&ePlayer &a%PLAYER%&e has invited &9%INVITED_PLAYER%&e to the faction"
  300. PLAYER_UNINVITED: "&ePlayer &a%PLAYER%&e has cancelled &d%UNINVITED_PLAYER%&e's invititation to the faction"
  301. PLAYER_JOINED: "&ePlayer &a%PLAYER%&e has joined the faction"
  302. PLAYER_LEFT: "&ePlayer &a%PLAYER%&e has left the faction"
  303. PLAYER_PROMOTED: "&ePlayer &a%PLAYER%&e has been promoted to an officer by &f%LEADER%"
  304. PLAYER_DEMOTED: "&ePlayer &a%PLAYER%&e has been demoted to a member by &f%LEADER%"
  305. PLAYER_TRANSFER_LEADERSHIP: "&ePlayer &a%PLAYER%&e has been made leader by &f%LEADER%"
  306. PLAYER_SET_HOME: "&3%PLAYER% has updated the faction home location"
  308. PLAYER_ALLY_CHAT: "&9(Ally) %PLAYER%:&e %MESSAGE%"
  309. PLAYER_SET_ANNOUNCEMENT: "&d%PLAYER%&e changed the faction announcement to '&d%MESSAGE%&e'"
  310. PLAYER_KICKED: "&ePlayer &a%PLAYER%&e has kicked &9%KICKED_PLAYER%&e from the faction"
  311. PLAYER_SEND_ALLY_REQUEST: "&ePlayer &a%PLAYER%&e has requested to ally &d%FACTION%&e."
  312. PLAYER_DEPOSIT_MONEY: "&ePlayer &a%PLAYER%&e has deposited &9$%AMOUNT%&e into the faction balance!"
  313. PLAYER_WITHDRAW_MONEY: "&ePlayer &a%PLAYER%&e has withdrawn &9$%AMOUNT%&e from the faction balance!"
  314. PLAYER_CLAIM_LAND: "&ePlayer &a%PLAYER%&e has claimed land for your faction!"
  315. PLAYER_UNCLAIM_ALL: "&ePlayer &a%PLAYER%&e has unclaimed all your land!"
  316. PLAYER_UNCLAIM: "&ePlayer &a%PLAYER%&e has unclaimed land!"
  317. PLAYER_DEATH: "&c&lFaction member death: &f&l%PLAYER%&c&l DTR: &f&l%DTR%/%MAX_DTR%&c&l."
  318. FACTION_CREATED: "&eFaction &9%NAME%&e has been &acreated&e by &f%PLAYER%"
  319. FACTION_DISBANDED: "&eFaction &9%NAME%&e has been &cdisbanded&e by &f%PLAYER%"
  320. FACTION_RENAMED: "&eFaction &9%OLD_NAME%&e has been &arenamed&e to &9%NEW_NAME%&e by &f%PLAYER%"
  321. FACTION_RECEIVE_ALLY_REQUEST: "&eFaction &d%FACTION%&e has sent you an ally request!"
  322. FACTION_ALLIED: "&eYour faction is now &dallied&e with &9%FACTION%&e."
  323. FACTION_NOW_ENEMY: "&eYour faction is now an &cenemy&e of &9%FACTION%&e."
  324. TOO_FEW_ARGS:
  325. CREATE: "&cToo few arguments. &eUse like this: &b/f create &3<faction tag>"
  326. CREATE_SYSTEM: "&cToo few arguments. &eUse like this: &b/f createsystem &3<faction tag>"
  327. INVITE: "&cToo few arguments. &eUse like this: &b/f invite &3<player>"
  328. JOIN: "&cToo few arguments. &eUse like this: &b/f join &3<player/faction>"
  329. RENAME: "&cToo few arguments. &eUse like this: &b/f tag &3<new faction tag>"
  330. PROMOTE: "&cToo few arguments. &eUse like this: &b/f promote &3<player>"
  331. DEMOTE: "&cToo few arguments. &eUse like this: &b/f demote &3<player>"
  332. LEADER: "&cToo few arguments. &eUse like this: &b/f leader &3<player>"
  333. UNINVITE: "&cToo few arguments. &eUse like this: &b/f uninvite &3<player>"
  334. MESSAGE: "&cToo few arguments. &eUse like this: &b/f msg &3<message>"
  335. ANNOUNCEMENT: "&cToo few arguments. &eUse like this: &b/f announcement &3<message>"
  336. KICK: "&cToo few arguments. &eUse like this: &b/f kick &3<player>"
  337. ALLY: "&cToo few arguments. &eUse like this: &b/f ally &3<faction>"
  338. ENEMY: "&cToo few arguments. &eUse like this: &b/f enemy &3<faction>"
  339. DEPOSIT: "&cToo few arguments. &eUse like this: &b/f deposit &3<amount/all>"
  340. WITHDRAW: "&cToo few arguments. &eUse like this: &b/f withdraw &3<amount/all>"
  341. TOGGLE_DEATHBAN: "&cToo few arguments. &eUse like this: &b/f toggledeathban &3<systemfaction>"
  342. SET_COLOR: "&cToo few arguments. &eUse like this: &b/f color &3<systemfaction> <color>"
  343. FREEZE: "&cToo few arguments. &eUse like this: &b/f freeze &3<faction> <time>"
  344. THAW: "&cToo few arguments. &eUse like this: &b/f thaw &3<faction>"
  345. SET_DTR: "&cToo few arguments. &eUse like this: &b/f setdtr &3<faction> <dtr>"
  346. ADMIN: "&cToo few arguments. &eUse like this: &b/f admin &3<player>"
  348. UNCLAIM: "&cIncorrect usage. &eUse like this: &b/f unclaim &3(<all>)"
  350. CANNOT_BUILD_SYSTEM: "&eYou cannot build in the territory of %COLOR%%FACTION%&e."
  351. CANNOT_BUILD_ALLY: "&eYou cannot build in the territory of &d%FACTION%&e."
  352. CANNOT_BUILD_ENEMY: "&eYou cannot build in the territory of &c%FACTION%&e."
  353. CANNOT_INTERACT_SYSTEM: "&eYou cannot interact with blocks in the territory of %COLOR%%FACTION%&e."
  354. CANNOT_INTERACT_ALLY: "&eYou cannot interact with blocks in the territory of &d%FACTION%&e."
  355. CANNOT_INTERACT_ENEMY: "&eYou cannot interact with blocks in the territory of &c%FACTION%&e."
  356. DAMAGER_IN_SAFEZONE: "&eYou cannot damage other players whilst in %COLOR%%FACTION%&e."
  357. DAMAGED_IN_SAFEZONE: "&eYou cannot damage other players who are in %COLOR%%FACTION%&e."
  358. RECEIVED_WAND: "&7You have received a claiming wand."
  359. CLICK_TO_RESET_SELECTION: "&7Right-click the air again to reset your selection!"
  360. SELECTION_RESET: "&7Your claim selection has been reset!"
  361. SET_POSITION_1: "&eYou have set the &9first&e point to &7(X: %X_POS%, Z: %Z_POS%)&e."
  362. SET_POSITION_2: "&eYou have set the &9second&e point to &7(X: %X_POS%, Z: %Z_POS%)&e."
  363. BOTH_POSITIONS_SET: "&eClaim cost: &9$%COST%&e, Current size: &7(%WIDTH%, %LENGTH%)&e, &9%TOTAL_BLOCKS%&e blocks."
  364. ENTER:
  365. WILDERNESS: "&eNow entering: &7Wilderness &e(&cDeathban&e)"
  366. FRIENDLY: "&eNow entering: &a%FACTION% &e(&cDeathban&e)"
  367. ALLY: "&eNow entering: &d%FACTION% &e(&cDeathban&e)"
  368. ENEMY: "&eNow entering: &c%FACTION% &e(&cDeathban&e)"
  369. SYSTEM_FACTION_DEATHBAN: "&eNow entering: %COLOR%%FACTION% &e(&cDeathban&e)"
  370. SYSTEM_FACTION_NON-DEATHBAN: "&eNow entering: %COLOR%%FACTION% &e(&aNon-Deathban&e)"
  371. LEAVE:
  372. WILDERNESS: "&eNow leaving: &7Wilderness &e(&cDeathban&e)"
  373. FRIENDLY: "&eNow leaving: &a%FACTION% &e(&cDeathban&e)"
  374. ALLY: "&eNow leaving: &d%FACTION% &e(&cDeathban&e)"
  375. ENEMY: "&eNow leaving: &c%FACTION% &e(&cDeathban&e)"
  376. SYSTEM_FACTION_DEATHBAN: "&eNow leaving: %COLOR%%FACTION% &e(&cDeathban&e)"
  377. SYSTEM_FACTION_NON-DEATHBAN: "&eNow leaving: %COLOR%%FACTION% &e(&aNon-Deathban&e)"
  379. DELETED: "&cYou deleted the system faction named '%NAME%'."
  380. RENAMED: "&cYou renamed the systemfaction named '%OLD_NAME%' to '%NEW_NAME%'."
  381. TOGGLED_DEATHBAN: "&cYou have set %FACTION%'s deathban boolean to %BOOLEAN%. "
  382. SET_COLOR: "&cYou have set %FACTION%'s color to %COLOR%%COLOR_NAME%&c."
  383. CREATED: "&cYou have created a new system faction named '%NAME%'."
  385. CANNOT_DAMAGE_FRIENDLY: "&eYou cannot hurt &a%PLAYER%&e."
  386. CANNOT_DAMAGE_ALLY: "&eYou cannot hurt &d%PLAYER%&e."
  387. INVITED_TO_JOIN: "&eYou&e have been invited to join &9%FACTION%&e. &7(Click to join)"
  388. JOINED: "&eYou joined &9%FACTION%&e."
  389. LEFT: "&eYou left &9%FACTION%&e."
  390. CLAIMING_FOR_OTHER: "&7You are now claiming for &3%FACTION%&7."
  391. TELEPORTING_TO_HOME: "&eYou will be teleported to your faction home in %TIME%..."
  392. TELEPORTING_TO_STUCK: "&eYou will be teleported to safety in %TIME%..."
  393. INVITES:
  394. PLAYER_INVITES: "&eYour invites: &7%INVITES%"
  395. PLAYER_INVITES_PLACEHOLDER: "&7No pending invites."
  396. FACTION_INVITES: "&eInvited to your team: &7%INVITES%"
  397. SPLITTER: "&e, &7"
  399. PUBLIC: "&3You are now in public chat."
  400. FACTION: "&3You are now in faction chat."
  401. ALLY: "&3You are now in alliance chat."
  403. MAP_REMOVED: "&eMap pillars hidden..."
  404. DISPLAY:
  405. FRIENDLY: "&eDisplaying &a%FACTION%&e with &d%BLOCK%&e."
  406. ENEMY: "&eDisplaying &c%FACTION%&e with &d%BLOCK%&e."
  407. ALLY: "&eDisplaying &d%FACTION%&e with &d%BLOCK%&e."
  408. SYSTEM_FACTION: "&eDisplaying %COLOR%%FACTION%&e with &d%BLOCK%&e."
  409. ADMIN:
  410. FROZEN: "&cYou have frozen '%FACTION%' for %TIME%!"
  411. THAWED: "&cYou have thawed '%FACTION%'."
  412. SET_DTR: "&cYou have set the DTR for '%FACTION%' to %DTR%."
  413. SET_DTR_ALL: "&cYou have set the DTR for all factions to %DTR%."
  414. ADMIN_MODE: "&eAdmin mode for &d%PLAYER%&e has been set to &c%BOOLEAN%&e."
  415. DISBAND_ALL: "You have disbanded all factions in the server."
  416. ERROR:
  417. PLAYER_NOT_FOUND: "&cNo player online with the name '%NAME%'."
  418. INVALID_TIME: "&cYou have not entered a valid time!"
  419. NOT_FROZEN: "&c'%FACTION%' is not frozen!"
  420. INVALID_COLOR: "&cInvalid color!"
  421. SYSTEM_FACTION_NOT_FOUND: "&cSystem faction named '%NAME%' not found!"
  422. TELEPORT_CANCELLED: "&cTeleport cancelled!"
  423. NO_HOME_PVP_PROTECTION: "You can't do this whilst under PvP Protection."
  424. NO_HOME_ENEMY: "You can't do this whilst under enemy territory."
  425. NO_HOME_TELEPORT_IN_WORLD: "&cYou cannot teleport to your faction home in this world!"
  426. NO_STUCK_TELEPORT_IN_WORLD: "&cYou cannot /f stuck in this world!"
  427. HOME_NOT_SET: "&cFaction home not set!"
  428. NO_FACTIONS_TO_LIST: "&cThere are currently no factions to list!"
  429. NO_CLAIMS: "&cYour faction does not have any land!"
  430. MUST_BE_IN_LAND_TO_UNCLAIM: "&cYou must be in our own land to unclaim!"
  431. NO_CLAIMS_NEARBY: "&cThere are no nearby claims to display!"
  432. MUST_BE_IN_LAND_TO_SET_HOME: "&cYour faction home can only be set in your own land!"
  433. MUST_CLAIM_CLOSER: "&cYou must claim closer to your existing claims!"
  434. CANNOT_CLAIM_HERE: "&cYou cannot claim here!"
  435. CANNOT_CLAIM_BUFFER: "&cYou cannot claim within 10 blocks of another faction claim!"
  436. CANNOT_OVERCLAIM: "&cYou cannot overclaim existing claims!"
  437. CLAIM_TOO_SMALL: "&cYour selection must be at least 5x5 blocks!"
  438. INVALID_SELECTION: "&cYou do not have a valid selection!"
  439. ALREADY_HAVE_WAND: "&cYou already have a claiming wand in your inventory!"
  440. NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY: "&cYou do not have enough money to do this!"
  441. FACTION_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY: "&cYour faction does not have enough money to do this!"
  442. INVALID_NUMBER: "&c'%STRING%' is not a valid number!"
  443. INVALID_DEPOSIT_AMOUNT: "&cYou cannot deposit $0 (or less)!"
  444. INVALID_WITHDRAW_AMOUNT: "&cYou cannot withdraw $0 (or less)!"
  445. MAX_ALLIES: "&cFaction '%FACTION%' has reached the maximum ally limit!"
  446. MAX_PLAYERS: "&cFaction '%FACTION%' has reach the maximum player limit!"
  447. ALREADY_HAVE_RELATION: "&cYour faction already has this relationship with %FACTION%."
  448. ALREADY_REQUESTED: "&cYour faction has already requested to ally %FACTION%."
  449. CANT_ENEMY_YOURSELF: "&cYou cannot enemy your own faction!"
  450. CANT_ALLY_YOURSELF: "&cYou cannot ally your own faction!"
  451. CANT_KICK_OTHER_OFFICER: "&cYou can't kick another officer!"
  452. CANT_KICK_LEADER: "&cYou can't kick the leader!"
  453. KICK_YOURSELF: "&cYou can't kick yourself!"
  454. NO_FACTIONS_FOUND: "&cNo player factions found with player or name '%NAME%'."
  455. CANT_LEAVE_WHEN_LEADER: "&cYou cannot leave as leader!"
  456. MUST_BE_IN_FACTION_FOR_CHAT_TYPE: "&cYou must be in a faction to use this chat mode!"
  457. ALREADY_LEADER: "&cYou're already the leader!"
  458. PLAYER_ALREADY_LEADER: "&c%PLAYER% is already leader of the faction!"
  459. NOT_OFFICER: "&c%PLAYER% is not an officer!"
  460. ALREADY_OFFICER: "&c%PLAYER% is already an officer!"
  461. NOT_IN_YOUR_FACTION: "&3%PLAYER% is not in your faction!"
  462. PROMOTE_YOURSELF: "&cYou cannot promote yourself!"
  463. DEMOTE_YOURSELF: "&cYou cannot demote yourself!"
  464. NAME_TAKEN: "&7That faction already exists!"
  465. NOT_INVITED: "&cThat faction hasn't invited you."
  466. NOT_ONLINE: "&cPlayer '%PLAYER%' has never joined the server!"
  467. INVITE_YOURSELF: "&cYou can't invite yourself!"
  468. INVITE_MEMBER: "&c%PLAYER% is already in your faction!"
  469. ALREADY_INVITED: "&c%PLAYER% has already been invited!"
  470. NEVER_INVITED: "&cNo pending invite for '%PLAYER%'"
  471. NOT_IN_FACTION: "&7You're not in a faction!"
  472. ALREADY_IN_FACTION: "&cYou're already in a faction!"
  473. NOT_ALPHANUMERIC: "&cFaction tag must be alphanumeric!"
  474. BLOCKED_NAME: "&cThat faction tag is blacklisted!"
  475. TAG_TOO_SHORT: "&cMinimum faction name size is 3 characters!"
  476. TAG_TOO_LONG: "&cMaximum faction name size is 16 characters!"
  477. NOT_LEADER: "&cYou must be the leader of the faction to do this!"
  478. NOT_OFFICER_OR_LEADER: "&cYou must be either an officer or the leader of the faction to do this!"
  479. NO_PERMISSION: "&cYou do not have permission to do this!"
  480. EOTW_CLAIM: "&cYou can't claim during EOTW!"
  481. EOTW_UNCLAIM: "&cYou can't claim during EOTW!"
  482. EOTW_FACTION_CREATE: "&cYou can't create factions during EOTW!"
  483. RECLAIM:
  484. NONE: "&cYou don't have anything to reclaim."
  485. SUCCESS: "&6%PLAYER% &ehas used /reclaim to redeem their donator package."
  487. DELAY: "&cYou must wait &l%TIME%&c before using this kit again."
  488. SUCCESS: "&aYou have received %KIT% Kit."
  490. MESSAGE: "&6You earned &6&l%MONEY% &6for killing &f%PLAYER%&6."
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