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a guest
Jul 24th, 2017
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  1. #-----------------------------------------------
  3. #-----------------------------------------------
  4. script options:
  5. $ db url jdbc:mysql://
  6. $ db username db_41537
  7. $ db password 8c58d8641e
  8. $ use permissions
  10. options:
  11. Prefix:&8ยป &eCloud &8โ—
  13. on load:
  14. broadcast "{@Prefix} &7Alle BEDWARS Server wurden neu geladen."
  15. update "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `bedwars` ( `id` INT NULL DEFAULT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , `server` VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL , `mode` VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL , `players` VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL , `online` VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL , UNIQUE (`id`)) ENGINE = InnoDB;"
  17. command /serverjoin:
  18. permission: cloud.use
  19. permission message: {@Prefix} &cDu hast keinen Zugriff auf die Cloud!
  20. trigger:
  21. send "{@Prefix} &cYou can join a round, with the teleporter."
  23. command /fwgfviwf:
  24. trigger:
  25. send "{@Prefix} &cThis server is currently offline."
  27. command /cloud [<text>] [<text>] [<text>]:
  28. permission: cloud.use
  29. usage: &7/cloud help
  30. permission message: {@Prefix} &cDu hast keinen Zugriff auf die Cloud!
  31. trigger:
  32. if player is op:
  33. send "{@Prefix} &4Du kannst die Cloud nicht mit OP &4benutzen!"
  34. stop trigger
  35. if arg-1 is not set:
  36. send ""
  37. send "{@Prefix} &7Commands:"
  38. send "{@Prefix} "
  39. send "{@Prefix} &7/cloud list [<Modus>]"
  40. send "{@Prefix} &7/cloud create [<Modus>] [<Name>]"
  41. send "{@Prefix} &7/cloud remove [<Modus>] [<Name>]"
  42. send "{@Prefix} &7/cloud stop [<Modus>] [<Name>]"
  43. send "{@Prefix} &7/cloud start [<Modus>] [<Name>]"
  44. send ""
  45. stop
  46. if arg-1 is not "create" or "remove" or "stop" or "start" or "reload" or "list":
  47. send ""
  48. send "{@Prefix} &7Commands:"
  49. send "{@Prefix} "
  50. send "{@Prefix} &7/cloud list [<Modus>]"
  51. send "{@Prefix} &7/cloud create [<Modus>] [<Name>]"
  52. send "{@Prefix} &7/cloud remove [<Modus>] [<Name>]"
  53. send "{@Prefix} &7/cloud stop [<Modus>] [<Name>]"
  54. send "{@Prefix} &7/cloud start [<Modus>] [<Name>]"
  55. send "{@Prefix} &7/cloud reload [<Modus>] [<Name>]"
  56. send ""
  57. if arg 1 is "create":
  58. if arg 2 is set:
  59. if arg 3 is set:
  60. send "{@Prefix} &7Create a new Server... &8(&6%arg-2%&8) &8(&6%arg-3%&8)"
  61. wait 2 seconds
  62. set {_servermode} to arg 2
  63. set {_servername} to arg 3
  64. set {_players} to "0"
  65. set {_online} to "true"
  66. update "INSERT INTO `bedwars` (`server`, `mode`, `players`, `online`) VALUES ('%{_servername}%', '%{_servermode}%', '%{_players}%', '%{_online}%')"
  67. send "{@Prefix} &7Server &8(&6%{_servername}%&8) &7are now registered."
  68. else:
  69. send "{@Prefix} &cTry this command: /cloud"
  70. if arg 1 is "remove":
  71. if arg 2 is "1x1":
  72. if arg 3 is set:
  73. update "DELETE FROM `bedwars` WHERE `bedwars`.`server` = '%arg-3%'"
  74. send "{@Prefix} &cYou have successfully deleted this server"
  75. if arg-1 is "list":
  76. if arg 2 is not "1x1":
  77. send "{@Prefix} &cCurrently, there are only 1x1!"
  78. else if arg-2 is "1x1":
  79. set {_servern::*} to objects in column "server" from result of query "SELECT * FROM `bedwars`"
  80. set {_onlinen::*} to objects in column "online" from result of query "SELECT * FROM `bedwars`"
  81. set {_players::*} to objects in column "players" from result of query "SELECT * FROM `bedwars`"
  82. set {_slot} to 10
  83. set {_offlineslot} to 28
  84. open chest with 5 rows named "&b&lCloud" to player
  85. format slot 0 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable
  86. format slot 1 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable
  87. format slot 2 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable
  88. format slot 3 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable
  89. format slot 4 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable
  90. format slot 5 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable
  91. format slot 6 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable
  92. format slot 7 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable
  93. format slot 8 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable
  94. format slot 9 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable
  95. format slot 17 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable
  96. format slot 18 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable
  97. format slot 19 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable
  98. format slot 20 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable
  99. format slot 21 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable
  100. format slot 22 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable
  101. format slot 23 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable
  102. format slot 24 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable
  103. format slot 25 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable
  104. format slot 26 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable
  105. format slot 27 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable
  106. format slot 35 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable
  107. format slot 36 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable
  108. format slot 37 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable
  109. format slot 38 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable
  110. format slot 39 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable
  111. format slot 40 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable
  112. format slot 41 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable
  113. format slot 42 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable
  114. format slot 43 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable
  115. format slot 44 of player with black stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable
  116. format slot 10 of player with blue stained clay named "&cCurrently, no server is online!" to be unstealable
  117. format slot 28 of player with blue stained clay named "&cCurrently, no server is offline!" to be unstealable
  118. loop {_servern::*}:
  119. loop {_onlinen::*}:
  120. if loop-value-2 is "true":
  121. loop {_players::*}:
  122. if {_done.%loop-index-1%} is not set:
  123. if {_done.%loop-index-2%} is not set:
  124. if {_done.%loop-index-3%} is not set:
  125. format slot {_slot} of player with lime stained clay named "&bBedwars" with lore "&7Server: &b%loop-value-1%||&7Online: &aonline||&7Mode: &a1x1||&7Spieler: &a%loop-value-3%" to run [execute player command "serverjoin"]
  126. add 1 to {_slot}
  127. set {_done.%loop-index-1%} to true
  128. set {_done.%loop-index-2%} to true
  129. set {_done.%loop-index-3%} to true
  130. else if loop-value-2 is "false":
  131. loop {_players::*}:
  132. if {_done.%loop-index-1%} is not set:
  133. if {_done.%loop-index-2%} is not set:
  134. if {_done.%loop-index-3%} is not set:
  135. format slot {_offlineslot} of player with red stained clay named "&bBedwars" with lore "&7Server: &b%loop-value-1%||&7Online: &coffline||&7Mode: &a1x1||&7Spieler: &a%loop-value-3%" to run [execute player command "fwgfviwf"]
  136. add 1 to {_offlineslot}
  137. set {_done.%loop-index-1%} to true
  138. set {_done.%loop-index-2%} to true
  139. set {_done.%loop-index-3%} to true
  140. else if arg 2 is not set:
  141. send "{@Prefix} &cYou forgot something. &8(&61x1&8)"
  142. if arg 1 is "start":
  143. if arg 2 is set:
  144. if arg 3 is set:
  145. set {_online} to "true"
  146. send "{@Prefix} &7Starting..."
  147. update "UPDATE bedwars SET `online` = '%{_online}%' WHERE server = '%arg-3%'"
  148. update "INSERT INTO `bedwars` (`online`) VALUES ('%{_online}%')"
  149. send "{@Prefix} &7This server are now online! &8(&6%arg 3%&8)"
  150. stop
  151. else:
  152. send "{@Prefix} &cThis server doesn't exist."
  153. stop
  154. else if arg 2 is not set:
  155. send "{@Prefix} &cYou forgot something. &8(&61x1&8)"
  156. if arg 1 is "stop":
  157. if arg 2 is set:
  158. if arg 3 is set:
  159. set {_online} to "false"
  160. send "{@Prefix} &cThe cloud now stop this server.. &8(&6%arg-3%&8)"
  161. update "UPDATE bedwars SET `online` = '%{_online}%' WHERE server = '%arg-3%'"
  162. update "INSERT INTO `bedwars` (`online`) VALUES ('%{_online}%')"
  163. send "{@Prefix} &7You stoped this server! &8(&6%arg 3%&8)"
  164. stop
  165. else:
  166. send "{@Prefix} &cThis server doesn't exist."
  167. stop
  168. else if arg 2 is not set:
  169. send "{@Prefix} &cYou forgot something. &8(&61x1&8)"
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