
Bit & Smidget: Odyssey

Apr 9th, 2012
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  1. Bit & Smidget: Odyssey StrangeCreed 04/09/12(Mon)03:46 No.1141661
  3. >you are now Bit, and are supremely pissed off
  4. >on top of losing all of the berries you gathered, you were abducted by some fluffy-abusing asshole
  5. >fortunately, you doused him in lighter fluid, and burned down the house where he and his stolen herd dwelt
  6. >less so now that you are having to death with being taken to a fluffy orphanage because you told them your owner burned to death
  7. >you are running out of patience
  8. >the indignity of being dumped in a filthy pen with the retards is an insult that just isn't going to fly
  9. >one of the overseers, a fat balding man named Constantine
  10. >you constantly stare daggers at him while the others eat their canned spaghetti off the shit-caked floor
  11. >admittedly, even this poor example of pasta kind is still tempting
  12. >after a while, he notices your stare
  13. What the hell are you looking at?
  14. >"I wan' out."
  15. Well, you ain't gettin' out.
  16. >"My owna is stiww awive. His name is [name redacted], he wives at [address redacted]."
  17. >Constantine is... curious
  18. Well, aren't you a smart little guy?
  19. >"Yes, I am smawt, so take me out of dis pen and take me HOME!"
  20. >he scratches his head
  21. I dunno, this is pretty fuckin' strange
  22. >facehoof.jpg
  24. ***
  26. >you are now the hapless owner
  27. >Bit has disappeared
  28. >he is entirely gone, and you are frankly terrified
  29. >just as much for him as for any fluffy pony he comes across
  30. >your worry apparently isn't solitary, because the other three have noticed his absence
  31. >"whewe Bit?" Smidget asks, cocking her head at you
  32. >you frankly have no idea, but you assure her he's probably safe
  33. >after all, he's a smart little guy
  34. >of course, you aren't going just let him rot out there
  35. >you start phoning up every adoption center, orphanage, or pet store in the area
  36. >"a pale blue unicorn that... doesn't play well with others" you ask for
  37. >with luck, the orphanage on [address redacted] had one dropped off by firefighters
  38. >you ignore the implications that Bit has graduated to full blown arson and just ask to hold him
  39. >you grab your coat and drive like the devil to pick up Bit before someone else does
  41. >you are surprised the place is still open at 2:00am
  42. >surprised AGAIN, when Bit is apparently in the break room with a trio of adult men
  43. >with crumbs of donut in his fluff, he positively lights up when he sees you
  44. >"Daaa-... uh... [name redacted], you came fo' me! Sowwy I snuck out..."
  45. >you pick Bit up and hug him
  46. >he smells of burned flesh and wood
  47. What have you been doing?
  48. >he shrugs adorably
  49. >"adventuwe?"
  50. >your brow furrows, and he is cowed
  51. >they don't fine you or anything, after all you just picked up your property
  52. >in the car, you begin your interrogation
  53. 'Adventure' isn't enough, Bit. What the FUCK where you doing, sneaking out at night?
  54. >he begins sniffling, "gavvering poisonous bewwies..."
  55. WHY?!
  56. >"I wan' kiww Hurples! He weawwy wustles my jimmies!"
  57. >you snort at his usage of the phrase and start the engine
  58. >the drive home is otherwise completely quiet
  59. >Smidget and the others have waddled off to bed
  60. >Bit however does not go to bed
  61. >"you'we weawwy disappointed, awen't you?"
  62. >thank you Captain Obvious
  63. >"I didn't even get da bewwies... and I kiwwed a guy."
  64. >you're stomach falls out
  66. Y-you what?
  67. >"he was gonna kiww me! I had to do somefin'! I buwned his house down!"
  68. >you run your fingers through your hair and lean against the counter
  69. >Bit has not only graduated to arson, but flat out murder
  70. >fuckmylife.swf
  71. You better start from the beginning, this is... serious
  72. >Bit explains in detail everything that happened, from sneaking out, to the greasy abductor, the cheese-grater, the flames...
  73. >you've since sunk to the floor, the gravity of a murderous fluffy that may be smarter than most PEOPLE you've met has just committed two felonies in one night
  74. >...with no legal repercussions to be seen
  75. >this... may be useful
  76. Bit, you wouldn't do this again unless I asked, right
  77. >he shakes his head
  78. >this little adventure was clearly unpleasant
  79. Let's say... I did ask, and was there to help if things went wrong, would you do it again?
  80. >he cocks his head in confusion
  81. >"Kiww... fo' you?"
  82. Yes, little buddy
  83. >he doesn't answer, only totters off to his bundle of blankets
  84. >you are one sick sack of shit
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