
30 Lesta Nediam LNC2017-08-04 1120 +JETHRO MCCORMICK

Aug 3rd, 2017
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  1. Lesta Nediam LNC2017-08-04 1120 +JETHRO MCCORMICK
  4. __
  6. +JETHRO MCCORMICK __ I saw your comment soon after you posted it but have not had an opportunity to return here until now. You should know that I am far more accessible - and give far more detailed and thoughtful replies - than most (if not all) people on YouTube. Here is a *lengthy reply* and by all means get back to me if you have any follow-up questions.
  8. __
  10. What you are pointing out gets to the core of the lie system and if you can take the time to genuinely understand what I am about to write then the lie system itself might suddenly become perceptible to you (only a very few people "get it").
  12. Everyone has heard of "voodoo" and knows that "voodoo" is prevalent in some cultures. Voodoo is a kind of "magic" that is founded on *suggestion*. Many people in the "West" think of "voodoo" and the cultures that embrace it as "primitive".
  14. What isn't understood is that the West is _also_ a *voodoo culture* (certainly - everyone in the West is measurably vulnerable to the "placebo effect"). The lie system can be thought of as a "voodoo system" which works on *"trust"*.
  16. When you figure out how the "trust voodoo" works you can not only break free from it but you can begin to see it around you as clear as day. You will recognise the "story tellers" that surround us as being the West's equivalent of *"shamen"*.
  18. Absolutely no meaningful progress can be made until you genuinely realise that you are *in* a "voodoo culture" and genuinely understand how the voodoo works and how we have all been made increasingly *susceptible to it* from birth. That includes all people - especially the intelligent and those who think of themselves as immune to suggestions.
  20. Perhaps the only difference between the West and other so-called "primitive (voodoo) cultures" is that we have technology! _The "voodoo" itself still works in the *same* way._
  22. __
  24. This is a placebo planet and much about reality is *suggested* to us. How are we made *responsive* to suggestions? It is simple - as much as possible the population is *forced to believe* the lie system's claims (or *stories* or *suggestions*) on *trust*.
  26. These claims or stories (suggestions) are told to us by *charming story tellers* ("experts" _or_ "shaman"). As much as possible we are given *proof's appearances* instead of _actual proof_ for the claims/stories/suggestions.
  28. That which necessarily proves a claim (story or suggestion) to be true (to all people!) is termed *"sufficient proof"* in lie system nomenclature. As much as possible the lie system can be expected to withhold, cripple and obscure "sufficient proof" where it cannot avoid being given. This is perhaps the single most important thing to know about the lie system.
  30. It is certainly the *first* thing a person needs to become aware of (and become convinced about) if he or she wishes to escape from the lie system.
  32. There are other (more limited) kinds of "sufficient proof" which come in the form of *"technical evidence"* but many in the population may simply not understand it and are forced to trust that the "experts" who cite it do. (Thus it is "sufficient proof" for those who understand it *but not* for those who don't.)
  34. For example - many flat Earth folk have discovered that most who assert that the Earth is a globe do not really understand the round Earth model they believe in! Flat Earthers have _inadvertently_ discovered that the shape of the Earth is a *belief* that results from *trust* and exposure to *proof's appearances* - rather than a belief that was founded and formed on *actual proof* (i.e., "sufficient proof").
  36. When the population routinely accepts _as true_ claims that _*are*_ true on trust and proof's appearances it becomes trained to accept false claims as true - also on trust and proof's appearances. This is also an important point to be forever mindful of.
  38. And so let me repeat it. When *true* things are told to you but in a way that forces you to trust (because upon proper scrutiny you are shown proof's appearances instead of actual proof) you become vulnerable/susceptible to accepting *false* things as true when they are _also_ presented with proof's appearances by someone you trust.
  40. __
  42. If humans have truly travelled far enough away from the Earth to take a picture then it is reasonable for us to expect that the picture _would not_ resemble artwork! Yet _every_ purported "Earth from space" photo _more closely resembles artwork than not_ (e.g., when compared to photos of the Moon).
  44. If we were not in a lie system (remembering that the lie system is like a "voodoo system" that requires "trust") - if instead we were in an *honest system* - then we would righteously proclaim: _"Hey - you're *only* showing us artwork! That's because you can't *really* travel that far in space *otherwise* you would have shown genuine photos!"_
  46. In lie system nomenclature this kind of reaction is to commit what has been termed the *"fallacy of the conspiracy theorist".* The fallacy of the conspiracy theorist is where a person asserts a claim (story or suggestion) is false *because* it has not been *proved* (with "sufficient proof") when such proof _should_ exist and there is no good reason for not having seen it.
  48. E.g., if the claim is that humans have been far enough away from space to take a photo of the Earth's entire shape then the only reason we are shown that which better resembles artwork is because the initial claim must be false! (That is the fallacy of the conspiracy theorist.)
  50. Because *every* photo of Earth from space *resembles* artwork (upon scrutiny) it becomes _possible_ that the *reason* for this is _because_ humans haven't travelled far enough away to take a genuine photo. But that is not the _only_ possibility! However - it becomes the only _considered possibility_ for those who commit the fallacy of the conspiracy theorist.
  52. There is another possibility - that we are being given intentionally crippled photos that resemble artwork to force us to trust the people making the claim. _Hence - the lie system in action._
  54. (Note: there will be some who say there *do* exist genuine photos of the Earth from space which don't more closely resemble artwork than not. But we know that deep down they don't really believe that because if they did then they would be showing *those* photos to flat Earthers and be done with the topic. Instead they *always* resort to ridicule and rely on mathematical proofs and "technical evidence" to convince flat Earthers; but where these proofs are valid they are not understood by those they are trying to convince because those people need to see a genuine (non _artwork-esque_ photo!)
  56. In a lie system we can *fully expect* that *every* purported photo of the Earth from space will more closely resemble artwork than not. We have this expectation because getting that far from the Earth *is not possible for anyone in the population.* Therefore it is fair game for the lie system to misrepresent.
  58. Until the population is able to travel far enough away from space to *verify* the claim/story/suggestion the lie system will *never* present a clear photo that has undeniable realness *even if* such a photo were possible (by the story tellers) because to do so would be to undermine the trust voodoo.
  60. This is a point which doesn't seem to sink in with most skeptics (those who have lost trust with the lie system) and some time may be needed to ponder it. *The lie system does not give us any knowledge easily or for free.* We have to fight tooth and nail for it! To give us what we need to see to form a "justified belief" (a belief that's formed from witnessing "sufficient proof" instead of proof's appearances) would be to undermine the trust voodoo.
  62. Because we are presented with artwork - those who have lost trust in the lie system are at risk of committing the fallacy of the conspiracy theorist and concluding that the reason for the artwork is because either the Earth is flat or because humans have been unable to travel far enough away from space. But the simple reason is because we must expect that the lie system will force us to trust its claims/stories/suggestions as much as possible.
  64. (Those who have not figured out we are in a "trust voodoo" system will always be at risk of committing the fallacy of the conspiracy theorist. If not for one thing then for another.)
  66. There is more to it than what I have outlined above but I have already written enough. The most important thing is *not* to try to determine whether a claim is true or false but to recognise that *it is the presentation of the claim* that makes it possible to doubt in the first place.
  68. Those who remain trapped in the lie system (and that is most people) will debate the "available evidence" and conclude that a claim is either true or false. They will take a side (forming a "planned dichotomy"). Because neither side has seen "sufficient proof" (one side may be aware of "technical evidence" but it isn't accepted by both sides) both sides will _feel_ adamant they are right!
  70. Neither side is able to realise that this "presentation protocol" is what reveals the "voodoo system" we are in. Unless you are willing _and_ able to figure things out for yourself (that *can* be figured out) you are forced to trust that there are others who have and that they are relaying the unabridged truth about it to you.
  72. Don't look at the "Earth from space" artwork and think "it's like that because we can't get far enough from the Earth" (the fallacy of the conspiracy theorist) but instead use it to recognise we are living in a lie system which is a "voodoo system" that's no different to other "primitive cultures".
  74. Recognise that those who make claims without sufficient proof are "story tellers" and they are no different to "shamen" from other voodoo cultures. Recognise also that many who speak against the lie system are no less "shamen" either - only in the West when a person isn't "official" they are called "liars and confidence artists"!
  77. ____________________________________________________________
  78. My name is Lesta Nediam and I am cracking reality like a nut.
  80. Lesta on YouTube
  83. Lesta on Twitter
  86. Lesta on Google Plus
  89. What does not exist - exists to exist.
  90. What exists - exists to always exist.
  91. As it is written - so it is done.
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