

Jun 16th, 2016
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  1. Dungeon Of Destiny 6-man Elimination Cage Match: Goldust[Trailblazers] vs Kazuya Okada[Money Inc.] vs Vader[Camp Cornette] vs Jushin Liger[Hart Foundation] vs Kane[Ministry] vs Mark Henry[DOA]
  3. As the bell rung, the competitors paired off, with Goldust and Okada immediately rushing for one another, and Vader, Kane, and Henry teaming up on Liger. As Liger used his small size and agility to evade the lumbering superheavyweights, Goldust had gotten the advantage on Okada, rocking him with a series of jabs before going for a Bionic Elbow and being rebuffed by a hard chop from Okada. Okada kept laying in chops, driving Goldust to the ropes before laying in a massive series of machine gun chops. During this, Liger got his first good hit in, leaping off the top turnbuckle to drive a missile dropkick right into Henry's knee. This knocked the Walking Apocalypse off-balance, but didn't quite take him down. Okada finished off his series of chops with a discus chop right to Goldust's throat, driving him to the mat to catch his breath. As Okada was mocking the fallen Goldust, Liger had gotten a few more good strikes in on Henry, and Kane and Vader were getting impatient. Kane ran at Liger, who was perched on the top turnbuckle, but Liger pulled himself up by the cage, sending Kane face-first into the metal, before dropping back down and hooking Kane into a flash pin.
  5. 1...2, Kane kicked out and Liger scrambled back up the side of the cage. JR made sure to mention that as this is an elimination match, escaping the cage is not a victory condition. Contestants can only be eliminated via pinfall or submission. As Liger held out on the top of the cage, Kane, Henry, and Vader started shaking the cage, attempting to dislodge him, but he held strong. On the outside, Cornette was attempting to bribe the ref to unlock the cage so he could bring in a chair, but the ref refused. However, this discussion allowed IRS to sneak up behind the ref and steal the key. Once the key was secured, Cornette gave up on arguing, and rejoined IRS at cageside, where they waited for their chance to interfere. Goldust finally got back to his feet and hit the ropes for a lariat, but Okada bridged under and hit Goldust with the Graceful Dropkick on the rebound before scaling the ropes and hitting the Diving Elbow Drop!
  7. 1...2, Goldust kicked out. Vader, Henry, and Kane were still trying to dislodge Liger from the cage, but Liger had been able to shimmy his way to the corner, and the three superheavyweights had worn themselves out, sucking wind in the middle of the ring. Liger started to get his footing, perhaps looking to leap off the cage onto the fighters below, but before he could, Tajiri and Vampiro ran out from the crowd and started whacking the cage with chairs, shaking it just enough that Liger could not get his footing, and returned to straddling the cage. Vampiro attempted to scale the cage as Tajiri set up a table at cageside. Okada went for a second elbow drop, but Goldust got the knees up and hit a deadlift German on the downed Okada before going for an elbow drop of his own.
  9. 1...2, Okada kicked out. While Vader was sucking wind in the ring, Cornette and IRS beckoned him over to the cage door, but as soon as they had it open, Taz made his triumphant return, rolling out from under the ring, belting Cornette, ramming IRS into the cage, slamming the cage door on Vader's arm before he could retreat, and wailing on the cage door and therefore Vader's arm with the chair until Vader could not stand the pain and crumpled to the mat. Taz tossed the chair to Goldust before closing and locking the door again and handing the key back to the ref. Back on the top of the cage, Vampiro had made it all the way up, and was trading strikes with Liger. They both hit hard, but a Shotei strike from Liger finally knocked Vampiro off balance and sent him off the cage, through the table! Tajiri helped Vampiro to the back as Liger regained his footing and hit a crossbody on Mark Henry. Henry caught him, but his leg couldn't hold. Henry fell into a pinning predicament as Liger hooked the injured leg.
  11. 1...2...3. [b]Mark Henry has been eliminated![/b]
  13. Goldust stared at the chair Taz tossed him for a few seconds, unsure what Taz intended him to do with it. Okada was still on the mat, gathering his energy after that elbow drop sequence. Goldust considered using the chair on Okada, but instead dropped it to the mat, made his way to the still-downed Vader, and hooked his injured arm into a weird sort of crossface armbar as Taz sat in on commentary.
  17. Vader could not endure for long and had to submit. [b]Vader has been eliminated.[/b]
  19. After making Vader submit, Okada turned his attention back to Okada, who had returned to his feet. Both men eyed the chair, but neither man went for it, instead engaging in a strike exchange, with both men dealing out the best they could, and daring the other man to hit them harder. Meanwhile, Liger set his sights on Kane, the last big man standing. Liger began working over the Demon's legs with stiff kicks, but Kane regained the momentum after dodging a spinning heel kick. Kane picked Liger off the mat in an uproot German, planting him back down in a perfect bridge.
  21. 1...2...2.9, Liger got the shoulder up. Kane started working Liger over with knee drops as Goldust and Okada started pummeling each other with heavy elbows. Kane got a few hard knee drops in, but eventually, Liger was able to get Kane on the mat with a drop toehold, and immediately went after the injured legs with the Surfboard. It wasn't easy to get a big man like that up, but he did. It didn't last long, though, as Liger attempted to pull Kane in even further with a Dragon Sleeper, but Kane rebuffed with a few hard elbows, knocking Liger flat and allowing Kane to extricate himself. Kane, though his legs were a bit weakened from the surfboard, hit the ropes, looking for a big knee drop, but Liger rolled out of the way, leaving Kane to crash and burn. Liger capitalized quickly, dragging Kane off the mat, whipping him into the corner, just barely hoisting him to the top of the turnbuckle, and setting up for a top rope huracanrana before a hard right hand from Kane stopped him in his tracks. He wavered, but stayed standing at the top of the turnbuckle, but Kane grabbed him by the throat before standing up AND DRIVING LIGER TO THE MAT WITH A TOP ROPE CHOKESLAM!
  23. [b]1...2...3. Jushin Liger has been eliminated.[/b]
  25. With only 3 contestants remaining, Kane and Okada made common cause to gang up on Goldust, laying into him with the boots and the heavy leather. An Okada Irish whip into a Kane big boot sent Goldust down to the mat. Kane went for a cover but Goldust kicked out. Kane didn't let up, pulling Goldust to his feet and whipping to the ropes right into a Graceful Dropkick from Okada, followed by a reverse neckbreaker and a pin attempt.
  27. 1...2, Kane broke up the pin. Okada was incensed and started screaming at Kane, who responded by grabbing Okada's neck and picking him up for the chokeslam. Okada was able to worm his way out before drilling Kane with another Graceful Dropkick. Kane staggered back and got tied up in the ropes. Okada buildt up a head of steam to try to drill the defenseless Kane but got waylaid by a clothesline from Goldust. Goldust went hell for leather on Okada, repeatedly nailing him with rights and lefts. This was followed by an Irish whip into the turnbuckle where he drilled Okada with a clothesline, and again in the opposite corner. Goldust seemed to have Okada where he wanted him and set him up for the Final Cut as the crowd erupted. But Okada blocked it, getting Goldust up and dropping him to the mat with THE BRAINBUSTER!
  29. 1....2.....2.9!
  33. Okada wasteed no time in setting up Goldust for the Rainmaker, but out of nowhere Kane blindsided both of them with a top rope clothesline. Kane went after Okada, picking him up for the side suplex, but Okada raked the eyes and hit him with a russian leg sweep. Kane staggered up, only to get drilled with a DDT. Okada followed up by making his way to the top rope, hitting the demon with a beautiful diving elbow on Kane! However, in lieu of a cover, Okada dragged Kane to his feet and set him up for the Tombstone. But Kane managed to leverage himself in such a way to reverse the position and SPIKED OKADA WITH A TOMBSTONE OF HIS OWN! Kane went for the cover, mimicking his brother's trademark pin.
  35. [b]1....2...3. Kazuya Okada has been eliminated.[/b]
  37. Kane stalked the unsteady Goldust as Mean Gene started playing out the consequences of this match on commentary:
  39. "JR, we know what Goldust would do if he won this match and earned his match at Wrestlemania, but what ungodly consequences could there be if Kane is victorious here? That maniac, Paul Bearer, would have a free pass to sic his demon on anybody in the WWF! You saw what he did to Liger! You saw what he did to Okada! Hell, you've seen what the Ministry has done to The Undertaker in the past! Imagine if Rocky Maivia, or Owen Hart, or, god help us, Bret Hart fell victim to this monster?"
  41. Kane wasted no time in setting up Goldust for another Tombstone, but Goldust got out and set Kane up for the Final Cut. Kane pushed Goldust off and went for a chokeslam. Goldust got out of it by drilling Kane in the face with a series of rights. He ran against the ropes setting up the bionic elbow, but got a Big Boot for his troubles, knocking him to the mat where Kane immediately went for the pin.
  43. 1...2...2.9, Goldust kicked out. Kane ascended to the top rope and went for a flying clothesline, but Goldust hit the deck, rolling out of the way and sending Kane to a crash landing. Goldust ran the ropes again and clobbered Kane with a bionic elbow. Goldust set up the staggered Kane for the Final Cut, AND IT HIT, SENDING KANE RIGHT TO THE MAT! Goldust went for the pin.
  45. [b]1...2...3 Kane is eliminated. Goldust wins the dungeon of destiny and gets to pick his match at Wrestlemania.[/b]
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