

Nov 13th, 2016
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  1. <Silvors> So, story time
  2. <Silvors> Friday, me and some of my friends went to see Doctor Strange
  3. <Silvors> We decided to all stay in my car while I went to drop one of my friend's off, taking backroads to get to a parking lot where his sister would pick him up because cars are expensive so he doesn't have one.
  4. * BobaFettuccine has quit ()
  5. <Silvors> I was driving, my friend Saige was in the passenger seat, and two other friends (We'll call them Drop-Off and SideCharacter because names are bleh and they have the same first initial)
  6. <Silvors> Anyways, I was going down these backroads on a short little five-minute drive to this store where we were going to wait for Drop-Off's sister to pick him up.
  7. <Silvors> I was driving and went to glance at Saige, because he said something funny when I saw a skyblue square out of the corner of my eye in the road. It's weird, so I turn my head to look and right when I do, I blink and it's gone. Saige immediately asks if I saw a blue orb. I tell him I saw a blue square, but I was turning my head so it might've distorted the shape or something.
  8. <Silvors> At this point, we're making jokes about me and Saige going crazy (we had been making Astral Projection jokes, which is a long story in and of itself)
  9. <Silvors> Drop-Off gets a call from his Girlfriend, we slowly get the subject back on normal things by distracting ourselves, yay.
  10. <Silvors> Then, the topic gets to a secret thing I told them about, I tell Drop-Off to end the call with his girlfriend if he wants to keep talking about it, he says okay, tells her bye, and we keep driving.
  11. <Silvors> Between the orb and end of call, it was about two minutes, give or take a few dozen seconds.
  12. <Silvors> Then me and Saige hear a girl's voice on speaker phone and I immediately tell Dallas to hang up, or I'd start talking because the subject was private. He tells me he did, shows Saige his phone, saige confirms that Drop-Off isn't in a call, so it couldn't have been his girlfriend.
  13. <Silvors> Saige had heard the digital, female whispery voice too. At this point we're all creeped the fuck out because me and him both hallucinated an orb and then hallucinated whispers somehow.
  14. <Silvors> We talk and we both heard the same thing. Female phone-call sounding whispers that were unintelligible.
  15. <Silvors> Next, we're in the store's parking lot talking about how me and Saige can't be going crazy, because we both heard/saw the two things.
  16. <Silvors> Then Drop-Off says his foot got pushed by a finger, I start mass questioning him because Drop-Off is an asshole with aspergurs and might be fucking with me and Saige. He swears that he's telling the truth and we keep freaking out until his girlfriend arrives, we tell SideCharacter that since we experienced things, he will next and he'll be by himself for it.
  17. <Silvors> I came home, (after making a wrong turn at one point) Saige and SideCharacter got in their vehicles, I took a shower and got in bed.
  18. <Silvors> And that's the story of why I wasn't online Friday.
  19. <Silvors> TLDR; Me and a Friend saw and heard two somethings after watching Doctor Strange. Other friend claims he felt a finger push his foot. I like sleep.
  20. <Silvors> Any comments, questions, or concerns?
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