

May 28th, 2016
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  1. my presentation is about ny adventure in esports
  2. esports is form of sports where people are using computers or consoles to play.
  4. The most popular games that Im involved in are league of legends,dota 2,starcraft and cs-go.
  5. mY FAVORITE GAMES is league of legends.League of legends is a moba. It is strategic game played by two teams of 5 players.Strategies in game changes very often and you need to adapt if you want to be the best.
  6. When i had a lot of free time i tried to play proffesionally myself. I was a part of many teams , it allowed me to meet many cool people. Me and my team were training together evryday and discussing strategies
  7. In esport are 2 types of tournaments:
  8. online and offline, I played in many online tournaments but i never was on any Lan(local area network).
  10. Highest place i got was second in the monthly finally of go4lol.
  11. go4lol is tournament organized by esl(those are tournament in witch evryone can play amateurs and pro players).
  12. GO4lol is weekly tournament in which you can win ingame points and ability to play in monthly finally against the best players.
  14. LAN tournaments are organized by
  15. besides big organizations specialised in hosting offline tournaments there are a lot of ssholls, universities adn companies creating smaller lans.
  16. recently in my town there was a tournament for kids from middle school.
  18. all tournaments are streamed live on internet where everyone CAN SEE THEM
  19. the most popular sites for streaming are twitch, azubu and youtube
  22. i chosed this subject besause I really liek competition łif other players
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