
Minecraft logs from ArcticAria - MadeInChiner123 & NotMarcu

Nov 9th, 2017
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  1. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:14:57] » hesticnaion has joined the network.
  2. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:14:58] « hesticnaion has left the network.
  3. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:15:02] « Popsicle05 has left the network.
  4. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:15:09] §7§lDeath §b§l» §fKittyInAHat§7 §7forgot §7their §7parachute
  5. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:15:10] §8§l§m╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾
  6. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:15:10] §e§lJOIN THE STAFF TEAM!
  7. 2017-11-09-4.log- §7Applications open on the 10th of each month!
  8. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:15:10] §8§l§m╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾
  9. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:15:10] « Near_By_Gamer has left the network.
  10. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:15:13] §d§lSorcerer §5§l» §7Jdawgggg§7: nope :(
  11. 2017-11-09-4.log:[20:15:18] » MadeInChiner123 has joined the network.
  12. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:15:18] » Magi_cal won an Orange Shulker Box from the Halloween Crate!
  13. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:15:25] » hesticnaion has joined the network.
  14. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:15:25] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7StillWtr§7: grats magi
  15. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:15:30] §9§lBrawler §b§l» §7DuctTape_§7: tp jd
  16. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:15:36] §d§lSorcerer §5§l» §7DarkSmurf_§7: i like how you can change the colour on the shulker boxes and rename them :-)
  17. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:15:38] « NisF0Tra has left the network.
  18. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:15:48] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7StillWtr§7: you can? I didnt know that
  19. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:15:50] Archery skill increased by 1. Total (738)
  20. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:15:56] §9§lBrawler §b§l» §7DuctTape_§7: c'mere
  21. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:16:04] §d§lSorcerer §5§l» §7DarkSmurf_§7: yep, just dye them like anything else, and anvil them to rename
  22. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:16:12] §9§lBrawler §b§l» §7DuctTape_§7: @Jdawgggg try not to trample any dirt
  23. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:16:15] §9§lBrawler §b§l» §7DuctTape_§7: oh nvm
  24. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:16:19] « hesticnaion has left the network.
  25. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:16:22] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7StillWtr§7: cool. So I didnt have to keep trying for an orange one, the black one would do
  26. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:16:29] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7StillWtr§7: haha silly me
  27. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:16:30] « Jdawgggg has left the network.
  28. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:16:31] §6§lbMod §e§l» §7§5Aria§7: Yeah lmao
  29. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:16:37] §d§lSorcerer §5§l» §7DarkSmurf_§7: lol. nope.
  30. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:16:42] » Jdawgggg has joined the network.
  31. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:16:48] §d§lSorcerer §5§l» §7DarkSmurf_§7: mine are all blue now, and called mine. no mistakes :-)
  32. 2017-11-09-4.log:[20:16:55] » NotMarcu has joined the network.
  33. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:17:52] » BirchStevens has joined the network.
  34. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:17:55] §9§lBrawler §b§l» §7DuctTape_§7: @Jdawgggg?
  35. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:18:39] §7§lDeath §b§l» §fKittyInAHat§7 §7forgot §7their §7parachute
  36. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:19:03] « BirchStevens has left the network.
  37. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:19:32] §7§lDeath §b§l» §fKittyInAHat§7 §7forgot §7their §7parachute
  38. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:19:36] » NisF0Tra has joined the network.
  39. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:19:45] » CaptainLuke03 has joined the network.
  40. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:19:47] §9§lBrawler §b§l» §7DuctTape_§7: soz
  41. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:19:57] §d§lSorcerer §5§l» §7DarkSmurf_§7: hiya @NisF0Tra
  42. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:20:02] §d§lSorcerer §5§l» §7DarkSmurf_§7: hiya CaptainLuke03
  43. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:20:09] §d§lSorcerer §5§l» §7C§bap§fL§buke§7: hey @DarkSmurf_
  44. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:20:14] §a§lWanderer §2§l» §7NisF0Tra§7: hey there
  45. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:20:14] §7§lDeath §b§l» §fKittyInAHat§7 §7hit §7the §7ground §7running. §7Without §7the §7running...
  46. 2017-11-09-4.log:[20:20:22] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: @MadeInChiner123
  47. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:21:06] Reaction » Quick! Hover and Unscramble!
  48. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:21:10] Reaction » ArcticAria unscrambled the word retailer in 3.47 seconds!
  49. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:21:10] $75 has been added to your account.
  50. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:22:35] §d§lSorcerer §5§l» §7Jdawgggg§7: thanks heaps @DuctTape_
  51. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:22:38] §d§lSorcerer §5§l» §7C§bap§fL§buke§7: is there any parties i may join?
  52. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:22:38] §9§lBrawler §b§l» §7DuctTape_§7: np
  53. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:22:42] §9§lBrawler §b§l» §7DuctTape_§7: how many emeralds
  54. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:22:56] §d§lSorcerer §5§l» §7Jdawgggg§7: 23
  55. --
  56. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:24:29] » iLycheeee has joined the network.
  57. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:24:45] Opening chest silently. Can not edit.
  58. 2017-11-09-4.log:[20:25:31] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: @iLycheeee WHO RU
  59. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:25:41] §9§lBrawler §b§l» §7DuctTape_§7: someone that sponosrs me
  60. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:25:44] §6§lbMod §e§l» §7§6i§fLycheeee§7: I am a fruit
  61. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:25:48] §7§lDeath §b§l» §fKittyInAHat§7 §7forgot §7their §7parachute
  62. 2017-11-09-4.log:[20:25:54] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: i love lyche tbh
  63. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:25:56] §9§lBrawler §b§l» §7DuctTape_§7: @iLycheeee
  64. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:25:58] §9§lBrawler §b§l» §7DuctTape_§7: you good at english?
  65. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:26:06] §6§lbMod §e§l» §7§6i§fLycheeee§7: I am a fruit
  66. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:26:13] §6§lbMod §e§l» §7§6i§fLycheeee§7: Do you think fruits are good at english?
  67. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:26:14] » Whoosh!
  68. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:26:14] §9§lBrawler §b§l» §7DuctTape_§7: fruits are edible and good at enlgish
  69. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:26:16] §9§lBrawler §b§l» §7DuctTape_§7: alrighty
  70. 2017-11-09-4.log:[20:26:18] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: OH IT WAS A MOD TRYNNA WATCH ME BUT FAILED
  71. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:26:33] §d§lSorcerer §5§l» §7C§bap§fL§buke§7: caps :P
  72. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:26:57] « Jdawgggg has left the network.
  73. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:26:58] §7§lDeath §b§l» §fKittyInAHat§7 §7forgot §7their §7parachute
  74. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:26:59] » Whoosh!
  75. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:27:28] §6§lbMod §e§l» §7§6i§fLycheeee§7: ehh
  76. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:27:34] §6§lbMod §e§l» §7§6i§fLycheeee§7: i wouldn't say I failed :P
  77. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:27:41] » CapLuke is now AFK.
  78. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:27:43] §a§lWanderer §2§l» §7AorixGaming§7: I read a forum and it says that they might add marriage mod in this server us that right?
  79. --
  80. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:44:59] Reaction » KittyInAHat won in 2.67 seconds!
  81. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:45:15] Vote » Widdle_Mombles has voted at and was rewarded a Votecrate Key!
  82. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:45:16] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7KittyInAHat§7: I have beaten my record....
  83. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:45:27] §d§lSorcerer §5§l» §7DarkSmurf_§7: brb is for very short afk's :-) bbs is for slightly longer :-)
  84. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:45:32] Vote » Widdle_Mombles has voted at and was rewarded a Votecrate Key!
  85. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:45:35] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7StillWtr§7: ey
  86. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:45:38] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7StillWtr§7: yeah
  87. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:45:38] §d§lSorcerer §5§l» §7DarkSmurf_§7: bbiab is for slightly longer than that :-)
  88. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:45:44] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7StillWtr§7: haha
  89. 2017-11-09-4.log:[20:45:49] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: what about bbl
  90. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:45:54] Vote » Widdle_Mombles has voted at and was rewarded a Votecrate Key!
  91. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:45:58] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7KittyInAHat§7: be back later
  92. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:46:05] §6§lbMod §e§l» §7§5Aria§7: What about
  93. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:46:07] §d§lSorcerer §5§l» §7DarkSmurf_§7: that's for buggering off for some time :-)
  94. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:46:08] §6§lbMod §e§l» §7§5Aria§7: bb-8
  95. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:46:14] » wotam has joined the network.
  96. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:46:16] Opening chest silently. Can not edit.
  97. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:46:17] Opening chest silently. Can not edit.
  98. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:46:19] §d§lSorcerer §5§l» §7DarkSmurf_§7: thats a droid.
  99. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:46:27] §d§lSorcerer §5§l» §7DarkSmurf_§7: (and it's not the one you're looking for!)
  100. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:46:31] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7StillWtr§7: hahaah
  101. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:46:39] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7StillWtr§7: I just watched that it was on tv
  102. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:46:42] Opening chest silently. Can not edit.
  103. 2017-11-09-4.log:[20:46:47] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: what about ibb
  104. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:46:47] You will be teleported to 'CowXP' in 0 seconds.
  105. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:46:47] Welcome to 'CowXP', ArcticAria.
  106. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:46:47] You have cooled down, feel free to use warps again.
  107. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:46:52] §d§lSorcerer §5§l» §7BakedPotatoes§7: soooo... are y saying that in sequence it goes: brb, bbs, bbiab, bbl?
  108. 2017-11-09-4.log:[20:47:02] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: what about ibb
  109. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:47:04] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7StillWtr§7: sounds correct
  110. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:47:07] **ENEMY BLEEDING**
  111. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:47:08] **ENEMY BLEEDING**
  112. 2017-11-09-4.log:[20:47:19] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7StillWtr§7: @NotMarcu thats if you are going to terminate someone =P
  113. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:47:19] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7KittyInAHat§7: Im 44 at archery for my rankings <3
  114. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:47:20] §d§lSorcerer §5§l» §7DarkSmurf_§7: *shrug* sounds about right to me, @BakedPotatoes but i'm no internet guru
  115. 2017-11-09-4.log:[20:47:29] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: haha true
  116. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:47:31] §d§lSorcerer §5§l» §7DarkSmurf_§7: just an old fart who's been around a loooong time :-D
  117. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:47:39] §d§lSorcerer §5§l» §7BakedPotatoes§7: older than me!?
  118. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:47:56] §d§lSorcerer §5§l» §7DarkSmurf_§7: in fact, i should say BBS not internet. i remember when Adam Internet first got their internet connection :_)
  119. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:48:07] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7KittyInAHat§7: Dark im 6 levels lower than you in arhcery :)
  120. 2017-11-09-4.log:[20:48:10] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: bbs -b
  121. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:48:18] §d§lSorcerer §5§l» §7DarkSmurf_§7: @KittyInAHat i better get twanging then! ;-)
  122. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:48:24] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7KittyInAHat§7: :cccccc
  123. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:48:32] §8§l§m╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾
  124. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:48:32] §e§lJOIN THE STAFF TEAM!
  125. 2017-11-09-4.log- §7Applications open on the 10th of each month!
  126. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:48:32] §8§l§m╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾
  127. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:49:01] §d§lSorcerer §5§l» §7DarkSmurf_§7: hehe, you're safe; i'm working swords n mining right now :-)
  128. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:49:09] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7KittyInAHat§7: strange my optifine isn't working
  129. 2017-11-09-4.log-[20:49:37] » iLycheeee has joined the network.
  130. --
  131. 2017-11-09-4.log-[21:00:00] Vote » Cptn_Keel_Over has just won a HALLOWEEN KEY from voting.
  132. 2017-11-09-4.log-[21:00:03] §d§lSorcerer §5§l» §7C§bap§fL§buke§7: gg
  133. 2017-11-09-4.log-[21:00:07] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7Cptn_Keel_Over§7: :)
  134. 2017-11-09-4.log-[21:00:20] » Cptn_Keel_Over won $1000 from the Halloween Crate!
  135. 2017-11-09-4.log-[21:00:23] §d§lSorcerer §5§l» §7C§bap§fL§buke§7: ncie
  136. 2017-11-09-4.log-[21:00:26] §d§lSorcerer §5§l» §7C§bap§fL§buke§7: nice
  137. 2017-11-09-4.log-[21:00:29] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7Cptn_Keel_Over§7: ill take it
  138. 2017-11-09-4.log-[21:00:49] Reaction » Quick! Hover and Type!
  139. 2017-11-09-4.log-[21:00:52] Reaction » hesticnaion won in 3.48 seconds!
  140. 2017-11-09-4.log-[21:00:54] §d§lSorcerer §5§l» §7C§bap§fL§buke§7: cotent
  141. 2017-11-09-4.log:[21:01:14] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: im tired of being what you want me to be
  142. 2017-11-09-4.log-[21:01:20] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7Cptn_Keel_Over§7: Ok sozx
  143. 2017-11-09-4.log-[21:01:24] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7KittyInAHat§7: what?
  144. 2017-11-09-4.log:[21:01:38] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: feeling so faithless, lost under the surface
  145. 2017-11-09-4.log-[21:01:54] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7Cptn_Keel_Over§7: More stupid lyrics :)
  146. 2017-11-09-4.log-[21:01:54] §d§lSorcerer §5§l» §7BakedPotatoes§7: is there anything that would force player out of minecart?
  147. 2017-11-09-4.log-[21:01:56] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7KittyInAHat§7: are you being forced to do this?
  148. 2017-11-09-4.log:[21:02:08] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: dont know what you're expecting of me
  149. 2017-11-09-4.log-[21:02:14] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7KittyInAHat§7: who?
  150. 2017-11-09-4.log-[21:02:17] §d§lSorcerer §5§l» §7C§bap§fL§buke§7: lyric prank?
  151. 2017-11-09-4.log:[21:02:24] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7MadeInChiner123§7: whos this fuck
  152. 2017-11-09-4.log-[21:02:24] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7Cptn_Keel_Over§7: Prankt
  153. 2017-11-09-4.log-[21:02:27] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7Cptn_Keel_Over§7: mad prank
  154. 2017-11-09-4.log-[21:02:31] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7KittyInAHat§7: WOW
  155. 2017-11-09-4.log:[21:02:32] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: feeling the pressure of walking in your shoes :(
  156. 2017-11-09-4.log-[21:02:39] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7KittyInAHat§7: you just called me a fuck idiot
  157. 2017-11-09-4.log-[21:02:45] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7Cptn_Keel_Over§7: Oo
  158. 2017-11-09-4.log:[21:02:59] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: caught in the under toe
  159. 2017-11-09-4.log:[21:03:00] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7MadeInChiner123§7: what are you gonna do about it
  160. 2017-11-09-4.log:[21:03:11] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: just caught in the under toe
  161. 2017-11-09-4.log-[21:03:14] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7KittyInAHat§7: Nothing because you are just stupid
  162. 2017-11-09-4.log-[21:03:21] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7Cptn_Keel_Over§7: Oooft
  163. 2017-11-09-4.log-[21:03:25] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7Cptn_Keel_Over§7: Shits going down
  164. 2017-11-09-4.log-[21:03:45] « wotam has left the network.
  165. 2017-11-09-4.log:[21:03:49] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7MadeInChiner123§7: i know what are you are but what am i
  166. 2017-11-09-4.log:[21:04:04] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: every step that i take is another mistake to you :(
  167. 2017-11-09-4.log-[21:04:17] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7Cptn_Keel_Over§7: How do i mute somebody?
  168. 2017-11-09-4.log-[21:04:32] §d§lSorcerer §5§l» §7BakedPotatoes§7: ./ignore
  169. 2017-11-09-4.log:[21:04:35] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7KittyInAHat§7: @MadeInChiner123 you don't have any come backs do you so you want to come out with the lame one because you are just lame?
  170. 2017-11-09-4.log-[21:04:36] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7Cptn_Keel_Over§7: Ok thanks
  171. 2017-11-09-4.log:[21:04:47] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: i've become to numb, i cant feel you there
  172. 2017-11-09-4.log:[21:05:07] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7MadeInChiner123§7: sick my digle
  173. 2017-11-09-4.log:[21:05:09] §d§lSorcerer §5§l» §7BakedPotatoes§7: @NotMarcu there are rules for chat spam
  174. 2017-11-09-4.log-[21:05:12] §d§lSorcerer §5§l» §7BakedPotatoes§7: please stop it
  175. 2017-11-09-4.log-[21:05:13] §8§l§m╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾
  176. 2017-11-09-4.log-[21:05:13] §a§lGET INVOLVED WITH THE COMMUNITY!
  177. 2017-11-09-4.log- §7Join our Discord Server and chat with other players!
  178. 2017-11-09-4.log-[21:05:13] §8§l§m╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾
  179. 2017-11-09-4.log:[21:05:43] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7MadeInChiner123§7: nice name @KittyInAHat
  180. 2017-11-09-4.log:[21:05:51] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7MadeInChiner123§7: does it come in mens
  181. 2017-11-09-4.log-[21:05:57] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7Cptn_Keel_Over§7: Oooft
  182. 2017-11-09-4.log-[21:06:09] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7Cptn_Keel_Over§7: Well im sure @KittyInAHat knows how to spell china
  183. 2017-11-09-4.log-[21:06:10] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7KittyInAHat§7: does ur name come any dumber?
  184. 2017-11-09-4.log:[21:06:15] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: become so tired, so much more aware
  185. 2017-11-09-4.log-[21:06:25] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7KittyInAHat§7: China*
  186. 2017-11-09-4.log:[21:06:28] §d§lSorcerer §5§l» §7BakedPotatoes§7: @NotMarcu please stop
  187. 2017-11-09-4.log:[21:06:38] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7MadeInChiner123§7: chiners my mums name dick head
  188. 2017-11-09-4.log:[21:06:45] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7MadeInChiner123§7: i was made in my mum
  189. 2017-11-09-4.log:[21:06:48] §d§lSorcerer §5§l» §7DarkSmurf_§7: yep, @NotMarcu enough singing thanks mate :-)
  190. 2017-11-09-4.log-[21:06:48] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7Cptn_Keel_Over§7: Oh no
  191. 2017-11-09-4.log:[21:06:49] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: ok @BakedPotatoes sorry for this
  192. 2017-11-09-4.log-[21:06:52] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7Cptn_Keel_Over§7: Im sooo sorry
  193. 2017-11-09-4.log-[21:06:56] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7Cptn_Keel_Over§7: I did not know
  194. 2017-11-09-4.log-[21:07:04] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7KittyInAHat§7: read the book
  195. 2017-11-09-4.log-[21:07:11] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7Cptn_Keel_Over§7: It doesnt change the fact that it looks like you misspelt china
  196. 2017-11-09-4.log:[21:07:33] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7MadeInChiner123§7: get back to work @NotMarcu
  197. 2017-11-09-4.log:[21:07:37] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: ok sorry sir
  198. 2017-11-09-4.log:[21:07:50] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: out of sand sir
  199. 2017-11-09-4.log:[21:07:50] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7MadeInChiner123§7: i didnt miss spell chiner
  200. 2017-11-09-4.log:[21:08:02] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7MadeInChiner123§7: cus i wasnt truing to spell china
  201. 2017-11-09-4.log-[21:08:03] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7Cptn_Keel_Over§7: I said china
  202. 2017-11-09-4.log-[21:08:11] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7KittyInAHat§7: trying***
  203. 2017-11-09-4.log:[21:08:33] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7MadeInChiner123§7: thats what i said
  204. 2017-11-09-4.log-[21:08:35] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7Cptn_Keel_Over§7: And that still doesn't change the fact that a person who doesn't know your goddamn mum will think you misspelt china
  205. 2017-11-09-4.log-[21:08:45] Reaction » Quick! Hover and Unscramble!
  206. 2017-11-09-4.log-[21:08:49] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7KittyInAHat§7: kness
  207. 2017-11-09-4.log-[21:08:51] Reaction » Cptn_Keel_Over unscrambled the word seeks in 5.94 seconds!
  208. 2017-11-09-4.log-[21:08:56] §d§lSorcerer §5§l» §7BakedPotatoes§7: i only want that u guys stop spamming
  209. 2017-11-09-4.log:[21:09:02] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7MadeInChiner123§7: you guys are soo anoyying
  210. 2017-11-09-4.log:[21:09:03] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: Chiner is a very nice name sir
  211. 2017-11-09-4.log:[21:09:12] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: she must be a lovely lady
  212. 2017-11-09-4.log:[21:09:23] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7MadeInChiner123§7: please define spamming @BakedPotatoes
  213. 2017-11-09-4.log:[21:09:32] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7KittyInAHat§7: @MadeInChiner123, you are forcing NotMarcu to do ur work that is sad because you can't build ur our stuff?
  214. 2017-11-09-4.log:[21:10:02] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7MadeInChiner123§7: yes i am fuck i think thats pretty obios
  215. 2017-11-09-4.log-[21:10:06] §d§lSorcerer §5§l» §7BakedPotatoes§7: all that crap talk.. talk in private
  216. 2017-11-09-4.log:[21:10:31] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: you will not believe it
  217. 2017-11-09-4.log:[21:10:45] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: thanks :D
  218. 2017-11-09-4.log:[21:10:46] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7MadeInChiner123§7: i cant talk in private to 3 people
  219. 2017-11-09-4.log:[21:10:48] §d§lSorcerer §5§l» §7BakedPotatoes§7: @NotMarcu just /rtp if u are having trouble here
  220. 2017-11-09-4.log-[21:10:53] §d§lSorcerer §5§l» §7BakedPotatoes§7: u can talk in party
  221. 2017-11-09-4.log:[21:10:55] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: alright thanks
  222. 2017-11-09-4.log-[21:10:55] §d§lSorcerer §5§l» §7BakedPotatoes§7: make a party
  223. 2017-11-09-4.log-[21:11:00] » hesticnaion has joined the network.
  224. 2017-11-09-4.log-[21:11:00] « hesticnaion has left the network.
  225. 2017-11-09-4.log-[21:11:10] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7Cptn_Keel_Over§7: Its ok for people to use public chat to talk
  226. 2017-11-09-4.log-[21:11:25] §d§lSorcerer §5§l» §7BakedPotatoes§7: it is but not to spamm it
  227. 2017-11-09-4.log-[21:11:30] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7Cptn_Keel_Over§7: It is only spamming if it isnt really a conversation
  228. 2017-11-09-4.log-[21:11:32] » braygor has joined the network.
  229. 2017-11-09-4.log-[21:11:35] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7Cptn_Keel_Over§7: Like song lyrics
  230. 2017-11-09-4.log-[21:11:38] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7StillWtr§7: bbl... uhm.. brb... no wat bbs .. or... ok bbl :)
  231. 2017-11-09-4.log-[21:11:44] §d§lSorcerer §5§l» §7DarkSmurf_§7: LOL @StillWtr
  232. 2017-11-09-4.log:[21:11:47] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7MadeInChiner123§7: and t s
  233. 2017-11-09-4.log-[21:11:48] §d§lSorcerer §5§l» §7BakedPotatoes§7: lol
  234. 2017-11-09-4.log-[21:11:50] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7Cptn_Keel_Over§7: Or ctrl v texts
  235. 2017-11-09-4.log-[21:11:55] §d§lSorcerer §5§l» §7DarkSmurf_§7: dont forget TTFN
  236. 2017-11-09-4.log:[21:11:57] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: woah cool house man
  237. 2017-11-09-4.log-[21:12:00] « StillWtr has left the network.
  238. 2017-11-09-4.log:[21:12:10] NotMarcu has made the advancement [We Need to Go Deeper]
  239. 2017-11-09-4.log-[21:12:29] « Fhoz has left the network.
  240. 2017-11-09-4.log:[21:12:38] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7MadeInChiner123§7: whay do yoi want
  241. 2017-11-09-4.log-[21:12:50] « braygor has left the network.
  242. 2017-11-09-4.log:[21:13:06] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7MadeInChiner123§7: piss off
  243. 2017-11-09-4.log-[21:13:14] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7Cptn_Keel_Over§7: :O
  244. 2017-11-09-4.log:[21:13:22] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7MadeInChiner123§7: wheres my house
  245. --
  246. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:26:53] Watson Type /w help, for help.
  247. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:26:53] +--------------------------------------------+
  248. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:26:53] Welcome to AusCraft Survival!
  249. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:26:53] A whole new level of Australian Minecraft Gaming
  250. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:26:53]
  251. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:26:53] Check out handy links, server information
  252. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:26:53] and more by using /help.
  253. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:26:53] +--------------------------------------------+
  254. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:26:54] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7MadeInChiner123§7: yes
  255. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:26:54] Detected world: Overworld. If this is not correct, select your current world in the Multiworld screen.
  256. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:26:57] §d§lSorcerer §5§l» §7C§bap§fL§buke§7: do u fall from fall damage as socerer
  257. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:26:59] Set fly mode enabled for Aria.
  258. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:27:00] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: woah what is this site?
  259. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:27:04] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7damongray§7: LOOOL
  260. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:27:14] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7KittyInAHat§7: @MadeInChiner123
  261. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:27:19] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7MadeInChiner123§7: what
  262. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:27:22] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7MadeInChiner123§7: do
  263. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:27:24] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7KittyInAHat§7: that topic is inapporiate
  264. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:27:24] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7MadeInChiner123§7: yoi
  265. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:27:29] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7MadeInChiner123§7: want
  266. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:27:40] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: SORRY
  267. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:27:49] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7MadeInChiner123§7: why do we learn about it in school then
  268. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:27:52] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: didnt mean to push you :(
  269. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:28:27] » Zear5 has joined the network.
  270. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:28:39] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: what do we learn in school
  271. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:28:43] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7MadeInChiner123§7: yeah
  272. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:29:09] §7§lDeath §b§l» §fNotMarcu§7 §7has §7been §7shredded §7by §7TNT
  273. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:29:09] §7§lDeath §b§l» §fCptn_Keel_Over§7 §7has §7been §7shredded §7by §7TNT
  274. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:29:13] §d§lSorcerer §5§l» §7C§bap§fL§buke§7: rip
  275. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:29:20] NotMarcu has made the advancement [Cover Me With Diamonds]
  276. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:29:23] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7damongray§7: boy that takes me back @CapLuke
  277. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:29:25] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7Cptn_Keel_Over§7: bahahahahaha
  278. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:29:33] §d§lSorcerer §5§l» §7C§bap§fL§buke§7: lol @damongray its all good now
  279. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:29:46] §d§lSorcerer §5§l» §7C§bap§fL§buke§7: i fixed myself up haha
  280. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:29:46] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7damongray§7: lul
  281. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:29:51] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: all mine now
  282. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:30:00] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7damongray§7: there u go
  283. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:30:09] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7Cptn_Keel_Over§7: Whats all yours @NotMarcu
  284. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:30:10] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7MadeInChiner123§7: @NotMarcu come here now or els
  285. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:30:16] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: thanks so much @Cptn_Keel_Over <3
  286. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:30:16] §8§l§m╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾
  287. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:30:16] §d§lCHECK OUT THE MAP
  288. 2017-11-09-5.log- §7Find your ideal place to live on our online map!
  289. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:30:16] §8§l§m╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾
  290. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:30:19] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7KittyInAHat§7: NotMarcu, may you give the stuff of @Cptn_Keel_Over back to them?
  291. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:30:23] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: OK SORRY
  292. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:30:33] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7Cptn_Keel_Over§7: oh no u took my stuff
  293. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:30:38] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7Cptn_Keel_Over§7: u dog
  294. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:30:40] « KittyInAHat has left the network.
  295. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:30:59] « tingsta has left the network.
  296. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:31:07] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7MadeInChiner123§7: give to me and ill relases yuo
  297. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:31:10] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: ok sir
  298. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:31:16] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7Cptn_Keel_Over§7: I would like my stuff back thanks
  299. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:31:27] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: finally i am FREE
  300. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:31:35] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7Cptn_Keel_Over§7: Give it
  301. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:31:42] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: what did you lose
  302. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:31:46] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7Cptn_Keel_Over§7: My armour
  303. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:31:47] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7MadeInChiner123§7: this looks pretty nice on me rigjt @NotMarcu
  304. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:31:57] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: it sure does!
  305. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:32:02] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: so i am free now?
  306. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:32:03] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7Cptn_Keel_Over§7: Welp
  307. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:32:06] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7MadeInChiner123§7: i think i might keep it
  308. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:32:14] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7Cptn_Keel_Over§7: So can i do anything about people stealing gear?
  309. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:32:17] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7MadeInChiner123§7: yes @NotMarcu for now
  310. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:32:27] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7Cptn_Keel_Over§7: Or is it lost for good
  311. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:32:27] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: thanks so much @MadeInChiner123
  312. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:32:30] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7Cptn_Keel_Over§7: any mods?
  313. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:32:30] §c§lDragon§4§lSlayer §c§l» §7§dP§fink§dP§fawn§7: mod request it
  314. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:32:32] §c§lDragon§4§lSlayer §c§l» §7§6Lazlo§7: ./report
  315. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:32:36] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7Cptn_Keel_Over§7: Ok
  316. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:32:36] Reaction » Quick! Hover and Unscramble!
  317. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:32:39] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: depends if you blew me up and lost it
  318. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:32:44] Reaction » CaptainLuke03 unscrambled the word ignored in 7.96 seconds!
  319. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:32:46] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7Cptn_Keel_Over§7: ignored
  320. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:32:54] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7Cptn_Keel_Over§7: I didnt blow u up
  321. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:32:56] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7Cptn_Keel_Over§7: wait i did
  322. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:33:00] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7Cptn_Keel_Over§7: i didnt mean to
  323. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:33:05] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: you put down a bed RIGHT next to me and slept in it
  324. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:33:06] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7MadeInChiner123§7: i didnt take your amoir
  325. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:33:08] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: but you didnt mean to
  326. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:33:11] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7Cptn_Keel_Over§7: i didnt know beds exploded in the nether
  327. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:33:13] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: misunderstanding
  328. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:33:20] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: we said it in chat and you were talking :D
  329. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:33:27] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7Cptn_Keel_Over§7: Ok great
  330. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:33:32] » KittyInAHat has joined the network.
  331. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:33:33] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7damongray§7: what happened?
  332. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:33:37] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7Cptn_Keel_Over§7: Do i get my stuff back or do i have to report?
  333. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:33:51] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: true i need to report someone for blowing me up
  334. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:34:03] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7Cptn_Keel_Over§7: You're a troll
  335. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:34:07] » AorixGaming has joined the network.
  336. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:34:10] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7KittyInAHat§7: @NotMarcu please return Cptn_Keel_Over's stuff.
  337. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:34:10] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7MadeInChiner123§7: do i need to report you for pushng me off the edge in my own base
  338. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:34:23] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7KittyInAHat§7: hye Aorix
  339. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:34:23] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7MadeInChiner123§7: yeah @NotMarcu
  340. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:34:24] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7Cptn_Keel_Over§7: What do you mean?
  341. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:34:29] §a§lWanderer §2§l» §7AorixGaming§7: Hey Kitty
  342. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:34:31] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: ok @KittyInAHat
  343. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:34:37] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7Cptn_Keel_Over§7: I'll take that as a no for the stuff
  344. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:34:51] §c§lDragon§4§lSlayer §c§l» §7§dP§fink§dP§fawn§7: why cant you people play nice
  345. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:34:55] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7Cptn_Keel_Over§7: ikr
  346. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:35:19] §c§lDragon§4§lSlayer §c§l» §7§6Lazlo§7: if you intentional kill a player afaik you can get in trouble
  347. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:35:21] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: @Cptn_Keel_Over don't troll please!
  348. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:35:30] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7Cptn_Keel_Over§7: Pfft
  349. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:35:35] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7Cptn_Keel_Over§7: i havent killed anybody
  350. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:35:38] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7KittyInAHat§7: @NotMarcu please return Cptn_Keel_Over's stuff.
  351. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:35:39] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7MadeInChiner123§7: and neary killed me
  352. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:35:46] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: @MadeInChiner123 took it from me
  353. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:35:47] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7Cptn_Keel_Over§7: Classic techniques here
  354. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:35:49] » jellyfisherr has joined the network.
  355. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:35:51] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7Cptn_Keel_Over§7: Educating witnesses
  356. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:35:55] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7KittyInAHat§7: WB @jellyfisherr
  357. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:35:59] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7Cptn_Keel_Over§7: Basic trolling
  358. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:36:01] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7MadeInChiner123§7: i gave it to @hesticnaion
  359. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:36:03] » AorixGaming is now AFK.
  360. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:36:21] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7Cptn_Keel_Over§7: No u didnt you **** you're wearing it
  361. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:36:57] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7MadeInChiner123§7: your crazy
  362. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:37:02] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: @MadeInChiner123 r u a girl
  363. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:37:08] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7KittyInAHat§7: @MadeInChiner123 you are the idiot
  364. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:37:09] §c§lDragon§4§lSlayer §c§l» §7§dP§fink§dP§fawn§7: i jut dont understand how you guys dont think everything that happens on this server isnt logged
  365. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:37:31] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7jellyfisherr§7: im a vegan.
  366. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:37:33] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7MadeInChiner123§7: just cus im a girl am i an idiot
  367. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:37:34] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7Cptn_Keel_Over§7: Ticket assigned
  368. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:37:40] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: same here :D
  369. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:37:43] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7jellyfisherr§7: yes chiner
  370. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:37:50] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7MadeInChiner123§7: truw
  371. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:37:58] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7Cptn_Keel_Over§7: Im sure in some funny old way ill get banned for this
  372. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:38:01] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7KittyInAHat§7: Ah MadeInChiner123 is lying, you didn't give the stuff to @hesticnaion
  373. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:38:18] §c§lDragon§4§lSlayer §c§l» §7§dP§fink§dP§fawn§7: hell even your own client logs everything that goes into chat
  374. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:38:22] §c§lDragon§4§lSlayer §c§l» §7§dP§fink§dP§fawn§7: and it keeps it forever
  375. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:38:26] « Zear5 has left the network.
  376. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:38:27] « jellyfisherr has left the network.
  377. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:38:28] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7MadeInChiner123§7: yes i dud
  378. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:38:30] §c§lDragon§4§lSlayer §c§l» §7§4YAMP§7: lol I was afk whats happening
  379. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:38:37] §8§l§m╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾
  380. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:38:37] §c§lGRIEFED? NEED ASSISTANCE?
  381. 2017-11-09-5.log- §7Use /report and a Staff Member will be with you soon!
  382. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:38:37] §8§l§m╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾
  383. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:38:37] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7Cptn_Keel_Over§7: Mad drama
  384. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:38:47] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: yeah @Cptn_Keel_Over blew me up! >:(
  385. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:38:51] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7KittyInAHat§7: idiot drama to be exact
  386. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:38:51] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7MadeInChiner123§7: this chaps are acussing me of stealing
  387. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:39:01] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7Cptn_Keel_Over§7: after an accidental bed explosion a shark named @NotMarcu swoops in and steals my stuff
  388. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:39:08] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7KittyInAHat§7: I didn't accuse you of anything!
  389. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:39:16] §c§lDragon§4§lSlayer §c§l» §7§4YAMP§7: I see
  390. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:39:18] » AranXD has joined the network.
  391. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:39:23] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7Cptn_Keel_Over§7: Only to submit it to his master @MadeInChiner123 who is currently wearing it as a prize
  392. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:39:37] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: nah you put the bed next to me, and slept in it in which it blew up. I am sure that you were aware it blows up as we spoke about it in chat before hand.
  393. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:39:48] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7Cptn_Keel_Over§7: No
  394. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:39:54] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7AranXD§7: .
  395. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:39:55] §c§lDragon§4§lSlayer §c§l» §7§4YAMP§7: is this in the nether lol
  396. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:39:59] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: why run up to me and sleep right next to me?
  397. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:40:05] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7Cptn_Keel_Over§7: i didnt though
  398. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:40:06] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: I don't see a reason
  399. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:40:07] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7MadeInChiner123§7: my only prize is @NotMarcu who is working for me for free
  400. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:40:13] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7Cptn_Keel_Over§7: i moved away from the portal area to see
  401. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:40:13] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: and when it blew up, no reaction?
  402. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:40:24] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7KittyInAHat§7: well Im going to play bedwars so I don't expand this 'idiot drama' which indeed it is!
  403. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:40:25] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: I think not!
  404. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:40:26] « KittyInAHat has left the network.
  405. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:40:32] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7Cptn_Keel_Over§7: Aha
  406. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:40:34] Reaction » Quick! Hover and Type!
  407. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:40:37] Reaction » Cptn_Keel_Over won in 3.72 seconds!
  408. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:40:53] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: @Cptn_Keel_Over you have been out played, out done, and just rekt
  409. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:40:57] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7Cptn_Keel_Over§7: Even if i did do that what made you think it would be ok to take my gear?
  410. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:41:09] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: the fact that you blew me up and I thought it was mine LD
  411. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:41:11] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7Cptn_Keel_Over§7: And why would i bring gear anyway?
  412. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:41:16] §a§lPM §aMe §7-> §bCptn_Keel_Over§7: §fWhat did you lose?
  413. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:41:17] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: I wasn't sure what was mine :D
  414. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:41:17] §c§lDragon§4§lSlayer §c§l» §7§4YAMP§7: is the incident reported
  415. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:41:23] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7MadeInChiner123§7: the lava burbt your gear
  416. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:41:25] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: I think you forgot to take off your armor as you only had that
  417. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:41:32] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: silly you :O
  418. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:41:38] §a§lPM §bCptn_Keel_Over §7-> §aMe§7: §fAh a diamond helmet and a diamond chestplate with some enchants
  419. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:41:42] » Zear5 has joined the network.
  420. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:41:43] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7Cptn_Keel_Over§7: Yes
  421. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:41:50] » MrJames7 has joined the network.
  422. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:42:02] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7Cptn_Keel_Over§7: I was only wearing my armour the whole time
  423. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:42:04] Teleporting to NotMarcu.
  424. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:42:10] You don't have MadeInChiner123's permission to use that.
  425. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:42:16] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: so you had diamond armour, and a bed?
  426. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:42:19] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: I think not
  427. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:42:19] » AorixGaming is no longer AFK.
  428. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:42:23] « BakedPotatoes has left the network.
  429. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:42:24] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7MadeInChiner123§7: this us absolute bull shit i didnt steal your amour
  430. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:42:27] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7Cptn_Keel_Over§7: I made a bed to test
  431. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:42:29] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: you forgot to take off your armour being the silly man that you are!
  432. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:42:34] hesticnaion has made the advancement [Diamonds!]
  433. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:42:35] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: test right next to me?
  434. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:42:40] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: test what
  435. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:42:41] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7Cptn_Keel_Over§7: i didnt though
  436. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:42:47] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: before you said you just wanted to sleep
  437. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:42:49] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: now a test?
  438. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:42:53] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: this is changing
  439. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:43:00] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7Cptn_Keel_Over§7: I never said i justed wanted to sleep?!?!?!
  440. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:43:05] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7Cptn_Keel_Over§7: wtf are you on about
  441. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:43:06] Vote » PinkPawn has voted at and was rewarded a Votecrate Key!
  442. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:43:07] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: Yes, you did before
  443. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:43:10] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7Cptn_Keel_Over§7: Your getting mixed up
  444. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:43:13] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7Cptn_Keel_Over§7: Read^^^
  445. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:43:15] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: scroll back up there sir!
  446. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:43:27] §a§lPM §aMe §7-> §bCptn_Keel_Over§7: §fWhere are the items? I don't see them on him atm, do you happen to know where they are?
  447. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:43:29] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7Cptn_Keel_Over§7: I am damn well certain i never said i wanted to sleep
  448. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:43:37] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7damongray§7: @Cptn_Keel_Over was your gear plain diamond?
  449. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:43:44] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: Oh well, short term memory loss is a serious thing :D
  450. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:43:46] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7MadeInChiner123§7: yeah right tryubg ti sleep in a server wutg 15 people in it
  451. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:43:49] §a§lPM §bCptn_Keel_Over §7-> §aMe§7: §fHe gave them to MadeInChiner123 and he was wearing them but im not sure now
  452. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:44:04] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7Cptn_Keel_Over§7: You guys are funny ay
  453. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:44:06] Vote » PinkPawn has voted at and was rewarded a Votecrate Key!
  454. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:44:09] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: thanks, we are!
  455. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:44:13] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: so are you
  456. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:44:17] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7Cptn_Keel_Over§7: Bet this will make a cool youtube video
  457. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:44:21] Vote » PinkPawn has voted at and was rewarded a Votecrate Key!
  458. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:44:27] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: sure will!
  459. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:44:29] §a§lPM §aMe §7-> §bCptn_Keel_Over§7: §fFull darmour?
  460. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:44:29] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7MadeInChiner123§7: where actully good pople
  461. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:44:33] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7Cptn_Keel_Over§7: No point feeding the trolls
  462. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:44:34] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7damongray§7: @Cptn_Keel_Over
  463. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:44:36] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: if only someone was recording that would be amazing :D
  464. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:44:55] §a§lPM §bCptn_Keel_Over §7-> §aMe§7: §fNah just a chest plate and headpiece
  465. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:44:58] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7MadeInChiner123§7: is some one recordubg
  466. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:45:43] hesticnaion has made the advancement [Enchanter]
  467. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:45:46] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: thank god that troll stopped @MadeInChiner123
  468. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:45:55] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7Cptn_Keel_Over§7: Keep going
  469. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:46:01] §a§lPM §aMe §7-> §bCptn_Keel_Over§7: §fEnchants?
  470. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:46:01] Vote » Zear5 has voted at and was rewarded a Votecrate Key!
  471. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:46:01] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7MadeInChiner123§7: ok
  472. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:46:03] §a§lWanderer §2§l» §7AorixGaming§7: ah
  473. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:46:04] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: damn, he is back at it
  474. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:46:05] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: again!
  475. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:46:10] Vote » Zear5 has voted at and was rewarded a Votecrate Key!
  476. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:46:19] Vote » AranXD has voted at and was rewarded a Votecrate Key!
  477. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:46:24] Vote » Zear5 has voted at and was rewarded a Votecrate Key!
  478. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:46:30] §a§lPM §bCptn_Keel_Over §7-> §aMe§7: §fYeah unbreaking 3 and prot 4 on chest and unbreaking and something on diamond helmet
  479. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:46:35] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7MadeInChiner123§7: with the white van
  480. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:46:37] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7MadeInChiner123§7: s
  481. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:46:41] Vote » AranXD has voted at and was rewarded a Votecrate Key!
  482. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:46:42] Vote » AranXD has voted at and was rewarded a Votecrate Key!
  483. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:46:45] §a§lPM §aMe §7-> §bCptn_Keel_Over§7: §fDid it have thorns?
  484. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:46:51] §a§lPM §bCptn_Keel_Over §7-> §aMe§7: §fYes that too
  485. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:46:52] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7AranXD§7: :)
  486. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:46:57] §a§lPM §bCptn_Keel_Over §7-> §aMe§7: §fFound it?
  487. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:46:59] §8§l§m╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾
  488. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:46:59] §d§lCHECK OUT THE MAP
  489. 2017-11-09-5.log- §7Find your ideal place to live on our online map!
  490. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:46:59] §8§l§m╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾
  491. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:47:14] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7MadeInChiner123§7: me
  492. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:47:17] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: th
  493. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:47:28] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7MadeInChiner123§7: cheeky
  494. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:47:41] Vote » AnAlphaLonzy has voted at and was rewarded a Votecrate Key!
  495. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:47:43] §a§lPM §aMe §7-> §bCptn_Keel_Over§7: §fWas it just those two items?
  496. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:47:45] Vote » AranXD has just won a RARE reward from voting.
  497. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:47:47] Vote » AnAlphaLonzy has voted at and was rewarded a Votecrate Key!
  498. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:47:52] §a§lPM §aMe §7-> §bCptn_Keel_Over§7: §fThe helmet and chestplate
  499. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:47:55] §a§lPM §bCptn_Keel_Over §7-> §aMe§7: §fYeah i think thats all i had on me
  500. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:48:00] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7MadeInChiner123§7: cu
  501. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:48:01] Vote » AnAlphaLonzy has voted at and was rewarded a Votecrate Key!
  502. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:48:14] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: nt
  503. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:48:20] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7MadeInChiner123§7: ooooooh
  504. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:48:22] §a§lPM §bCptn_Keel_Over §7-> §aMe§7: §fI was tping around and i just didnt have anything in my inventory i guess
  505. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:48:24] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: cheek-e
  506. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:48:29] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7MadeInChiner123§7: y
  507. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:48:31] Reaction » Quick! Hover and Unscramble!
  508. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:48:32] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: ak
  509. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:48:33] Reaction » ArcticAria unscrambled the word load in 2.19 seconds!
  510. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:48:33] $85 has been added to your account.
  511. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:48:33] §a§lWanderer §2§l» §7AorixGaming§7: Hi @PinkPawn
  512. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:48:39] §c§lDragon§4§lSlayer §c§l» §7§dP§fink§dP§fawn§7: howdy
  513. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:48:39] hesticnaion digging a whole around my entire claim
  514. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:48:46] « hesticnaion has left the network.
  515. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:48:46] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7MadeInChiner123§7: we are on fire today
  516. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:48:49] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: @everyone
  517. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:48:51] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: bum
  518. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:48:53] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7Cptn_Keel_Over§7: Damn right
  519. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:48:58] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: Damn STRAIGHT
  520. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:49:03] §a§lWanderer §2§l» §7AorixGaming§7: How much are the halloween heads ganna be when they're out of stock?
  521. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:49:11] Vote » PinkPawn has just won a RARE reward from voting.
  522. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:49:12] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: at least a mill
  523. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:49:12] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7Cptn_Keel_Over§7: Probs not much more
  524. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:49:19] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: WRONG
  525. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:49:20] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7MadeInChiner123§7: @Lazlo AorixGaming
  526. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:49:21] » TTStyle30467 has joined the network.
  527. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:49:22] §a§lWanderer §2§l» §7AorixGaming§7: Hmm its limitde doh
  528. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:49:24] §c§lDragon§4§lSlayer §c§l» §7§dP§fink§dP§fawn§7: what u mean @AorixGaming?
  529. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:49:24] §c§lDragon§4§lSlayer §c§l» §7§6Lazlo§7: ?
  530. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:49:26] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7Cptn_Keel_Over§7: Not the best idea for an investment
  531. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:49:29] §a§lWanderer §2§l» §7AorixGaming§7: limited*
  532. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:49:32] §a§lWanderer §2§l» §7AorixGaming§7: ?
  533. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:49:33] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7MadeInChiner123§7: ay
  534. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:49:34] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: AND LAZLO WAS HIS NAME-O
  535. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:49:38] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: ds
  536. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:49:44] §6§lbMod §e§l» §7§5Aria§7: @NotMarcu caps.
  537. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:49:49] « MrJames7 has left the network.
  538. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:49:50] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: sozzles ma man
  539. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:49:53] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7Cptn_Keel_Over§7: ./ignore
  540. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:49:57] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: yeah do /ignore
  541. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:50:01] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: listen to @Cptn_Keel_Over
  542. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:50:05] » YAMP is now AFK.
  543. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:50:16] §c§lDragon§4§lSlayer §c§l» §7§dP§fink§dP§fawn§7: u mean if u sell them to other players?
  544. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:50:27] §d§lSorcerer §5§l» §7C§bap§fL§buke§7: my builds nearly complete
  545. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:50:27] » tingsta has joined the network.
  546. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:50:30] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7AranXD§7: 360 nooo scooooope
  547. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:50:33] §a§lWanderer §2§l» §7AorixGaming§7: ?
  548. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:50:36] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7AranXD§7: xd
  549. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:50:37] §a§lWanderer §2§l» §7AorixGaming§7: close
  550. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:50:37] » CapLuke is now AFK.
  551. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:50:39] §a§lPM §aMe §7-> §bCptn_Keel_Over§7: §fI might have found them but I can't bypass claims, I'm waiting for a full mod to come on
  552. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:50:41] » lambsie11 has joined the network.
  553. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:50:55] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOI
  554. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:50:58] §c§lDragon§4§lSlayer §c§l» §7§dP§fink§dP§fawn§7: anyone want a totem?
  555. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:50:59] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: wait sorry
  556. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:51:01] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: ooooooooooooooooooooi*
  557. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:51:13] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7MadeInChiner123§7: does any one know any good hacked client mine sucks
  558. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:51:14] * PinkPawn waves *
  559. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:51:21] » lambsie11 won a Beacon from the Halloween Crate!
  560. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:51:22] §a§lPM §bCptn_Keel_Over §7-> §aMe§7: §fOk thanks for the help
  561. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:51:26] §c§lDragon§4§lSlayer §c§l» §7§dP§fink§dP§fawn§7: nice
  562. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:51:28] §c§lDragon§4§lSlayer §c§l» §7§6Lazlo§7: wtf getting so much random things
  563. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:51:40] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: so many*
  564. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:51:41] Vote » jaminloh has voted at and was rewarded a Votecrate Key!
  565. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:51:53] §c§lDragon§4§lSlayer §c§l» §7§6Lazlo§7: Good for you buddy
  566. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:51:58] §a§lPM §bCptn_Keel_Over §7-> §aMe§7: §fI feel that they might have a short future on this server...
  567. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:51:59] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7MadeInChiner123§7: who
  568. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:52:03] §c§lDragon§4§lSlayer §c§l» §7§dP§fink§dP§fawn§7: lol
  569. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:52:05] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: Just helping out LD
  570. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:52:21] » CapLuke is no longer AFK.
  571. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:52:42] Vote » jaminloh has voted at and was rewarded a Votecrate Key!
  572. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:52:44] §d§lSorcerer §5§l» §7DarkSmurf_§7: night folks!
  573. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:52:55] §d§lSorcerer §5§l» §7DarkSmurf_§7: bbiavlw
  574. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:52:59] §f§lSwordsman§5§l » §7lambsie11§7: Bye
  575. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:52:59] §c§lDragon§4§lSlayer §c§l» §7§dP§fink§dP§fawn§7: ciao
  576. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:53:03] « TTStyle30467 has left the network.
  577. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:53:10] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: they hate us coz they aint us
  578. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:53:10] » rfcroc has joined the network.
  579. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:53:29] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7MadeInChiner123§7: they hate us cus they anus
  580. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:53:37] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: aint us man dude >:(
  581. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:53:37] « AnAlphaLonzy has left the network.
  582. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:53:37] §a§lWanderer §2§l» §7AorixGaming§7: Aria
  583. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:53:47] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: yeah
  584. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:53:54] « DarkSmurf_ has left the network.
  585. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:53:57] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: oi *****
  586. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:53:58] §a§lPM §aMe §7-> §bAorixGaming§7: §fWhat is it? Keep it in PM
  587. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:53:58] Vote » jaminloh has voted at and was rewarded a Votecrate Key!
  588. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:54:01] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: cu nt
  589. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:54:26] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7MadeInChiner123§7: i really like cocks in my arse whole no homo though'
  590. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:54:27] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: coz u no the time (cu nt)
  591. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:54:34] §a§lPM §bAorixGaming §7-> §aMe§7: §fTake my 1k i don't need it
  592. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:54:35] « LegendaryBlasian has left the network.
  593. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:54:52] §a§lPM §bAorixGaming §7-> §aMe§7: §frip it says player not found
  594. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:54:55] §a§lSettler §2§l» §7NotMarcu§7: if you see this say I
  595. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:55:19] §8§l§m╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾
  596. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:55:19] §a§lGET INVOLVED WITH THE COMMUNITY!
  597. 2017-11-09-5.log- §7Join our Discord Server and chat with other players!
  598. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:55:19] §8§l§m╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾
  599. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:55:24] §7§lDeath §b§l» §7A §fcreeper §7blast §7vaporized §fCaptainLuke03§7
  600. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:55:27] S ! ArcticAria tempmuted NotMarcu for 1 hour for 'Bypassing chat filter§f'
  601. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:55:31] §a§lWanderer §2§l» §7rfcroc§7: rip
  602. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:55:52] §a§lWanderer §2§l» §7Zear5§7: anyone want to sell me a beacon for 20k?
  603. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:55:57] S ! ArcticAria tempmuted MadeInChiner123 for 1 hour for 'Inappropriate language§f'
  604. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:56:03] « damongray has left the network.
  605. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:56:13] §d§lSorcerer §5§l» §7C§bap§fL§buke§7: ./ah check there
  606. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:56:23] §a§lWanderer §2§l» §7Zear5§7: i have there isnt any for 20k
  607. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:56:27] Reaction » Quick! Hover and Unscramble!
  608. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:56:30] §6§lbMod §e§l» §7§5Aria§7: charm
  609. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:56:31] §f§lSwordsman§5§l » §7lambsie11§7: charm
  610. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:56:32] Reaction » ArcticAria unscrambled the word march in 5.06 seconds!
  611. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:56:32] $45 has been added to your account.
  612. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:56:36] §f§lSwordsman§5§l » §7lambsie11§7: xD
  613. --
  614. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:57:07] Opened by MrJames7 at Nov.09 21:48 AEDT at X:-2039, Y:49, Z:5203
  615. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:57:07] hesticnaion digging a whole around my entire claim
  616. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:57:17] §a§lPM §aMe §7-> §bCptn_Keel_Over§7: §fOkay to keep you updated
  617. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:57:41] §a§lPM §aMe §7-> §bCptn_Keel_Over§7: §fI shut them up for a bit, to keep the trolling down. Also I made a waypoint where the items are but all the senior staff are busy atm
  618. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:57:57] §a§lPM §bCptn_Keel_Over §7-> §aMe§7: §fOk all good
  619. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:57:58] §a§lPM §aMe §7-> §bCptn_Keel_Over§7: §fI can't promise that you'll get your items back tonight, but you will get them back as soon as I can drag someone on
  620. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:58:09] §a§lPM §bCptn_Keel_Over §7-> §aMe§7: §fThanks
  621. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:58:17] « lambsie11 has left the network.
  622. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:58:28] » iGomPvP has joined the network.
  623. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:58:46] §a§lWanderer §2§l» §7AorixGaming§7: Does anyone know the secret of getting money?
  624. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:58:49] §a§lWanderer §2§l» §7AorixGaming§7: fast-
  625. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:58:53] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7Cptn_Keel_Over§7: Ahhh the peace and quiet
  626. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:58:55] §6§lbMod §e§l» §7§5Aria§7:
  627. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:58:57] §a§lWanderer §2§l» §7Zear5§7: sell gravel
  628. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:59:02] Returning to previous location.
  629. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:59:04] « MadeInChiner123 has left the network.
  630. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:59:06] §a§lWanderer §2§l» §7AorixGaming§7: The store?
  631. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:59:07] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7Cptn_Keel_Over§7: silk mining
  632. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:59:12] §a§lWanderer §2§l» §7AorixGaming§7: 1 second
  633. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:59:12] §a§lWanderer §2§l» §7Zear5§7: yep
  634. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:59:18] §9§lSurvivor §b§l» §7Cptn_Keel_Over§7: Yeah he wants you to buy ingame money
  635. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:59:18] §c§lDragon§4§lSlayer §c§l» §7§dP§fink§dP§fawn§7: you should always silk anyway
  636. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:59:31] §a§lWanderer §2§l» §7Zear5§7: actually get a silk touch pick and then get redstone ore and sell that too
  637. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:59:35] » MadeInChiner123 has joined the network.
  638. 2017-11-09-5.log-[21:59:46] §d§lSorcerer §5§l» §7C§bap§fL§buke§7: And lapis lazuli
  639. 2017-11-09-5.log:[21:59:49] §7§lDeath §b§l» §fNotMarcu§7 §7forgot §7their §7parachute
  640. 2017-11-09-5.log:[22:00:01] « MadeInChiner123 has left the network.
  641. 2017-11-09-5.log-[22:00:02] aranxd digging a hole beaneath me to kill me
  642. 2017-11-09-5.log-[22:00:05] §c§lDragon§4§lSlayer §c§l» §7§dP§fink§dP§fawn§7: i sell silk touch books for 1500
  643. 2017-11-09-5.log-[22:00:06] hesticnaion digging a whole around my entire claim
  644. 2017-11-09-5.log-[22:00:11] §a§lWanderer §2§l» §7AorixGaming§7: Holy massive discount for imortal
  645. 2017-11-09-5.log-[22:00:15] §c§lDragon§4§lSlayer §c§l» §7§dP§fink§dP§fawn§7: as an fyi
  646. --
  647. 2017-11-09-5.log-[22:00:21] aranxd digging a hole beaneath me to kill me
  648. 2017-11-09-5.log-[22:00:22] hesticnaion digging a whole around my entire claim
  649. 2017-11-09-5.log-[22:00:34] §a§lWanderer §2§l» §7Zear5§7: or sell me a beacon for 20k
  650. 2017-11-09-5.log-[22:00:43] « Cptn_Keel_Over has left the network.
  651. 2017-11-09-5.log-[22:00:54] §a§lWanderer §2§l» §7AorixGaming§7: Hmm the money in store doesnt give much
  652. 2017-11-09-5.log-[22:01:02] §a§lWanderer §2§l» §7AorixGaming§7: Welp better start ahing
  653. 2017-11-09-5.log-[22:01:14] §d§lSorcerer §5§l» §7C§bap§fL§buke§7: i have sorcerer as a monthly thing abd i bought it as 8 bucks, does it stay 8 bucks as the months roll on for me
  654. 2017-11-09-5.log-[22:01:46] Returning to previous location.
  655. 2017-11-09-5.log:[22:01:54] « NotMarcu has left the network.
  656. 2017-11-09-5.log-[22:03:17] » Cluracan has joined the network.
  657. 2017-11-09-5.log-[22:03:20] §a§lWanderer §2§l» §7AorixGaming§7: wb @Cluracan
  658. 2017-11-09-5.log-[22:03:22] §d§lSorcerer §5§l» §7C§bap§fL§buke§7: wb @Cluracan
  659. 2017-11-09-5.log-[22:03:27] §6§lMod §e§l» §7§9Cluracan§7: 'allo 'allo
  660. 2017-11-09-5.log-[22:03:40] §8§l§m╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾╾
  661. 2017-11-09-5.log-[22:03:40] §d§lCHECK OUT THE MAP
  662. --
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