
Goddess Quest 87

Oct 7th, 2014
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  1. [08:01] Knight the Wanderer: The army slowly sets about the land, helping those that slowly thaw from the stone adjust to what has happened. Your preventors are already awaiting and gathering any city leaders, with soldiers and sentinels closing down "Snuff" bars for patrons to fuck and then dispose of the weaker monster kin at their leisure.
  3. Lancelot looks over the sift from a near by broken down tower in the distance. "Sir Mordred did leave me instructions for how to act, but really he assumed you would have the sword, not Knight."
  4. [08:03] Karen Aido: "We all did, but it turns out I'm not related to the Dark Lord. Knight is though, so the sword won't work for me, instead I got this shield, which I'm really not amazingly keen on using, because it's sapient. Go on, say 'hello' everyone." she holds up the shield.
  5. [08:05] Knight the Wanderer: <Hello.> "Pleased to make your acquaintance. But this does put a damper on things, not so much as I thought though."
  6. [08:07] Karen Aido nods. "There's a new demon, called Faith, it's basically the child of all the others near as I can tell. Well, all this means is that Knight will be the one to open the gate to Holais, it's not that big a change, though I guess he is technically the king of this area. Which is no big deal, we were already going to get married as soon as he figured out who he wanted to oversee it."
  7. [08:10] Knight the Wanderer: "Yes, the problem though is he is human, and all the dark lords have been monster kin, according to the rumors."
  8. [08:11] Karen Aido shrugs. "That last guy looked human. And when the first Dark Lord took over him, he was still human."
  9. [08:14] Knight the Wanderer: "He was a Satyr, hence the Hooves instead of clawed feet. Anyway, the lords will be expected to fight him to the death, all at once. I shall substitute in for my step-mother as it my duty."
  10. [08:15] Karen Aido: "Wait, what? I understand it's survival of the fittest, but I will not allow you to throw away the top tier of your leadership, because of a primitive and antiquated tradition."
  11. [08:18] Knight the Wanderer: "I understand, but the people will expect it, the masses have been fed up with the ruling class for a while, and now that they can have an execution why not. At least those how Lord Fernier put it."
  12. [08:20] Karen Aido: "I hope they're ready for a bunch of reform then, because they're getting it." she'll look around. "Err... since I am technically, very technically, in charge of Knight, wouldn't I be the one who has to fight them?" she frowns a little.
  13. [08:21] Knight the Wanderer: "I am fighting for my lady because she is a lady. Not in the fact of her being a woman understand but a lady. Did that make any sense?"
  14. [08:23] Karen Aido: "It's because of the position in question. Gender doesn't mean anything. Right?"
  15. [08:25] Knight the Wanderer: "More like the way she lives but also that. There have been gentle kings and the like with warrior queens."
  16. [08:26] Karen Aido: "Oh. That. Yes. I can understand that."
  17. [08:29] Knight the Wanderer: "So anyway Knight shall have to fight us, and then either he dies or we do. The masses want it badly enough that I feel it is worth the price to grant them this vengeance for future peace."
  18. [08:30] Karen Aido: "Wait, but I beat him, doesn't that mean I'm in charge?"
  19. [08:31] Karen Aido: "Just figured I'd ask, I don't get these laws. They're different."
  20. [08:32] Knight the Wanderer: "You say you did, with human witnesses, when everyone was turned to stone."
  21. [08:32] Knight the Wanderer: "See the problem with that?"
  22. [08:33] Karen Aido: "I have golem and demon witnesses as well. Do those count? I also have some Orcs and you?"
  23. [08:34] Knight the Wanderer: "Orcs are Human based, thats why they weren't in our lands, along with elves or humans. Just so you know."
  24. [08:35] Karen Aido: "Oh... Crap." she sighs. "Alright. It might be for the best anyway, I'm still trying to adjust to this form."
  25. [08:37] Knight the Wanderer: "Its okay, you have bigger things to worry about then lineage. I also already told Knight all this stuff and he went off to talk to that Kitsune, golem, and talking suit of armor."
  26. [08:38] Karen Aido: "Ah, I remembered something." she'll summon her armor to her or try to anyway. "The Kitsune's Tomoko. The Golem is Muna/Strider (not sure which one I last saw talking with him), and the suit of armor is Judge Mercy."
  27. [08:49] Knight the Wanderer: The Armor snaps on, with each piece glowing in part with the shield You can feel something, some sort of...Power from it and you being connected.
  29. You can now Dominate anything that doesn't resist your magic with a single charge of mana, the spell has no upkeep and things you dominate are stronger, warping demonically
  31. You also can channel mana into your hand, creating an powerful shape changing weapon made purely of mana, this cost a single charge and has no upkeep.
  33. You also gained the ability to summon a shade of yourself that can cast your spells and follow directions, this cost a single charge and the shade has its own mana, but you must feed it mana as long as its out.
  35. Your chest piece thirst for the blood of the fallen or wounded, any damage you have quickly repairs fro blood pulled from the ground.
  37. Your claws are now tipped with a vicious cocktail of venom from your mouth if you choose, along with powerful spikes that punch out a foot or so for larger beast/anchoring onto a building, you also have a new corrosive venom added that breaks metal easily.
  39. <Oh sorry, I forgot to tell you to grab your armor so that it could be powered up like I meant to do earlier.> Faith says.
  40. [08:53] Karen Aido looks at Faith. "Good thing I decided I wanted to wear it again." she'll heft her old suit. "Hee, I've got some ideas with this~" she'll call up a mirror to see if it changed form. "Anyway, how's this event supposed to play out?"
  41. [09:07] Knight the Wanderer: The armor fits to cover up any pale bit of skin the tattoos miss, creating the illusion of you being fully armored. Running your finger over though you feel the armor continuing to cover you completely. While unarmored you seem to entice people, armored you are made to intimidate them. The black leather look of the armor is once again metal, but stronger then before. There are small spikes and blades it seems, but running your hands near those areas causes them to retract, even thinking about it they go down. "Amazing, you truly look the part of the dark lord, if you were going to be them." Lancelot says while trotting around you.
  43. "Anyway, the event will be a roll call to see the lords or their relatives to fight on their behalf. The customary thirty minutes will pass to let any resurrection spell fade from them if they were able to apply one, and then they will fight against the one claiming to be the Dark Lord."
  44. [09:09] Karen Aido: "Okay and why can't Knight be the Dark Lord? I get it's because he's not a monsterfolk, but... the first Dark Lord was still human."
  45. [09:10] Knight the Wanderer: "People contest that harshly, after all how could his daughter be a Lamia then for the goddess was the Goddess."
  46. [09:11] Karen Aido: "Considering the giants beget all the races, I'm think it's safe to assume that the Goddess intended it to be that way."
  47. [09:12] Knight the Wanderer: "Yes, but remember mortals give their own meaning to history and by doing so override the divine will that united us for their own goals."
  48. [09:13] Karen Aido shrugs. "I don't know. I don't think any of that is important. The only thing that is important is what we have learned and what we do next."
  49. [09:17] Knight the Wanderer: "Well be sure to make sure that is passed on after Knight is victorious. The lords going into the fight all know that either he wins and the people will grow under your rule, or they will win today and die tonight when the people offer their kings heads as tribute for peace."
  50. [09:18] Karen Aido: "I think I know how to resolve this without anyone dying, but it will have to wait until the event."
  51. [09:21] Knight the Wanderer: "Sir Knight was already meeting I think to deal with that."
  52. [09:22] Karen Aido: "Sir Knight? Wouldn't he be Lord Knight? This naming structure never made any damn sense to me. Well, once he calms down he'll be King Knight, and that's just going to be weird."
  53. [09:26] Knight the Wanderer: "Truth be told he needs to actually be granted the title of king or a lordship to be addressed as such, he is however a Knight sworn to your service."
  54. [09:27] Karen Aido: "If he and I got married, wouldn't he automatically be king?"
  55. [09:28] Knight the Wanderer: "Yes, but you are only promised to each other, not yet actually engaged."
  56. [09:29] Karen Aido: "He's picking someone who will marry us off now, well, maybe not actively, but it's down to that."
  57. [09:30] Knight the Wanderer: "I hope you got the main point though, that if you wish to share something with how to save my life please go speak with him and those he is planing with."
  58. [09:30] Karen Aido nods and slithers over to you. "Hey, everyone. What do we have so far?"
  59. [09:33] Knight the Wanderer: Knight and the others are father then that, the GM isn't going to make it that easy.
  61. So after a bit of searching you find the plotters as they have already worked on drawing up their different proposed solutions. Legion is standing near Muna and Raiser as you enter. [I am telling you, letting them die and then collecting their vital essence will allow for near perfect binding.] [Yes but they might not let the remains go.]
  62. [09:34] Karen Aido: "So you haven't come to a conclusion that will keep us from having to execute the top leadership, of the locals, including the guys who helped us win?"
  63. [09:37] Knight the Wanderer: Knight turns around in his seat to look at you and your new armor. "Very very interesting, and we are reviewing the options. Soul gems could revive them, but then they rise up right there, giving them to mercy could make them undead but that falls into the same thing as the remains not being handed over to us anyway."
  64. [09:39] Karen Aido: "You ever thought about just kicking the crap out of them and claiming them to be unworthy opponents? Establish a new tradition."
  65. [09:42] Knight the Wanderer: "I did, but I need to be ruthless in the battle and the fight to show my strength and conviction as dark lord apparently."
  66. [09:43] Karen Aido: "They wouldn't allow someone who was just bored by their fighting abilities?"
  67. [09:46] Knight the Wanderer: "Its nice what you are trying sweety, but these monster kin value strength, not mercy." Tomoko says while looking over her soul gems. <Why not...No thats risky.>
  68. [09:47] Karen Aido: "Okay, then smash the arena. That new sword of yours lets you damage huge areas, channel all the energy into the arena proper and I don't think they'll be able to question your strength."
  69. [09:50] Knight the Wanderer: <I was going to say each of these tribes has a special attack right that they use and pass down, why not let them go all out upon Knight and have him not fight back.>
  70. [09:52] Karen Aido: "That could work, but that's less about strength than it is about durability, and I'm not sure they'd approve of that. Admittedly, the only reason Knight couldn't just sleep through the fight is because the noise would wake him up. If they would accept that, then go ahead, but I doubt they'll accept it."
  71. [09:54] Knight the Wanderer: <They might, one of the great rebellions an assortment of monster kin broke out from a mine operated by the church when they confronted a crusader. Once they attacked him and saw no strike they made could defeat it they turned and slowly made for the mines once more.> "I don't know, I might just decide to do a mix of what Karen said to do."
  72. [09:56] Karen Aido: "Well, I suppose you could do both, there's nothing stating you can't let them beat on you fruitlessly for a few minutes, and then to drive the point home turn the arena into a crater."
  73. [09:58] Knight the Wanderer: "I'll have to play with my new toys...Ohh I am so excited!"
  74. [09:58] Karen Aido chuckles. "Yes. What is that new suit good at anyway, aside from allowing you access to that sword?"
  75. [10:01] Knight the Wanderer: "It makes me feel stronger, more in control. As though I am the middle of the battlefield and I can choose who lives and dies. Its very hard to explain. We'll see in once the battle begins in the evening."
  76. [10:02] Karen Aido: "Ah, okay. That's odd. My suit's got a bunch of new options, but you don't need me to step in here more than I already have."
  77. [10:04] Knight the Wanderer: "I'll be fine, the Lords know they are already going to lose, some are being replaced by family that wish them to live on or by a selected knight."
  78. [10:07] Karen Aido hugs you. "Now that this is settled, when does this thing start?"
  79. [10:08] Knight the Wanderer: "Later tonight, we are already rushing through but shaman trying to commune with the First dark Lord are distressed at his silence, thinking we have perverted things. Luckily I was able to strong arm them into doing it today."
  80. [10:10] Karen Aido purses her lips. "I wouldn't say... perverted things... more like, brutalized him into line. Lemme see if I have him." <Papa, is the Dark Lord up there?>
  81. [10:13] Knight the Wanderer: <I think they are talking about Faith, because there is nobody new up here.> <Your father is correct, I was the one they talked to, but I shall not speak to them, doing so would only give them the proof they need or think they need.>
  82. [10:17] Karen Aido: <Thanks, papa.> "Oh, well that's unexpected. Turns out they were talking to Faith here. Who isn't feeling like talking to him." she indicates her shield. "That's okay. We'll work our way through it. We should probably eat soon, I know that last time I went huge like that I was knocked out from the experience, and I suspect only my new-found power is sustaining me."
  83. [10:19] Knight the Wanderer: "We already ate lunch not to long ago, you had a blank look on your face and the shield said you were dreaming about the future. It was interesting." Knight says while reclining in his chair.
  84. [10:22] Karen Aido blinks. "Oh, I did it again. Hmm..." she smiles. "I guess I was. Well, I'm not sure what work needs to be done, aside from rebuilding the stuff we broke."
  85. [10:25] Knight the Wanderer: "Ahh then we have nothing to rebuild, cause it was all the dark lord that did that." Knight says before Tomoko looks towards you. "I am sure you'll be happy to know we shut down the last of those vile snuff dens."
  86. [10:26] Karen Aido smiles "Yay!" but she waggles a finger at you. "It still needs to be rebuilt, as it would never have been broken if we hadn't come here."
  87. [10:27] Karen Aido: "The castle last, if at all, depending on whether or not people live there."
  88. [10:29] Knight the Wanderer: "It was more of a place the Dark Lord sat around in to collect power. And we already have people and golems rebuilding the place so don't worry."
  89. [10:31] Karen Aido chuckles. "It would be amusing if we used the snuff dens to rebuild. Just pulling them apart and re-purposing them, but I digress. Have you put any thought into who is going to wed us?"
  90. [10:33] Knight the Wanderer: "Did you have anyone in mind? Cause I was thinking about someone old and responsible to do it."
  91. [10:33] Karen Aido chuckles. "I already cast my vote, but I was going to let you pick, remember?"
  92. [10:34] Karen Aido: "I'm pretty sure he's old, but I know for a fact he's responsible."
  93. [10:35] Karen Aido: <Papa, who do you think we should ask?>
  94. [10:38] Knight the Wanderer: <Its your wedding, chose who you want. But you better summon me so I can be there.>
  95. [10:40] Karen Aido: <That's a given.> "I still vote the Iron Lord. What do you think, Knight?"
  96. [10:41] Knight the Wanderer: "I think he can't really leave Vanguard remember."
  97. [10:44] Karen Aido: "I think we can just go there." she shrugs. "Hmm... The other option was Mercy in Oasis. What do you say?"
  98. [10:47] Knight the Wanderer: "I was actually thinking Iffrit maybe, he did help us plenty. At least inviting him would be nice." [What about Brakis, or maybe Muna.] Legion says while Muna suddenly looks alarmed.
  99. [10:50] Karen Aido scratches her chin. "Hmm... I actually had envisioned that Muna would be the best man or something. Unless you want to do it?" <Iffrit, Brakis, Knight and I are getting married. We're having a hard time choosing who to wed us though. I'm inviting you and whoever you want to bring, including the people who you've sent to help us, yes, even the elves. What do you think?>
  100. [10:54] Knight the Wanderer: <Sounds lovely, when is the wedding so I can make you something?>
  101. [10:56] Karen Aido: <Probably a few days after we figure out who is marrying us off. So they'll have time to prepare. It's happening in Oasis though.>
  102. [11:00] Karen Aido: "Okay, those invitations are sent. There's a thing. We'll need to set up a relay so that the Iron Lord can 'be there' a golem recording and transmitting it, as well as his actions. What did you think about that, Muna?"
  103. [11:01] Knight the Wanderer: <How about you find a simple priest or something? Don't make a big deal out of who unites you, as you two unite each other. Perhaps you can try marrying yourself and make a new tradition?>
  104. [11:01] Knight the Wanderer: [We already have something like that, and its slightly silly.]
  105. [11:04] Karen Aido: <Because that's kinda weird.> "That's fine, as long as he gets to attend." She scratches her chin. <Though the simple priest isn't a bad idea.> she'll try to think if there's any priests in Oasis who weren't a bag of dicks, or if she'll have to find someone else.
  106. [11:10] Karen Aido: "Okay, I've got nothing." <Which priestess is closest to Oasis?>
  107. [11:11] Knight the Wanderer: [Erika Weather-wool, the sheep girl.] Muna says.
  108. [11:12] Karen Aido: <Erika, do you have any openings in your schedule soon? One big enough for a wedding?>
  109. [11:17] Knight the Wanderer: <Yes, in a couple of days. Where was it going to be, and is it for a family friend?>
  110. [11:18] Karen Aido: <It's going to be in Oasis, it's for Knight and myself.>
  111. [11:21] Knight the Wanderer: <Oh I can pump a blessing back then and meet them closer to their land and be ready for tomorrow then, win for them, win for us.>
  112. [11:26] Karen Aido: <I'm okay with a few days, it will give the guests time to get there, and let us pick some nice outfits. This armor is hardly any good for a wedding after all.> "Erika says we can do it pretty much whenever, she's got an opening a few days from now or she can make one tomorrow. I figure a few days would probably better." <Sleepy, I was wanting to get the egg modification.>
  113. [11:32] Knight the Wanderer: <We'll have to get together to look it over, but I don't see why you can't have that.> Sleepy responds.
  115. <Okay, let me know whats up, I'll be in Oasis tomorrow anyway.> Erika replies.
  117. "Okay thats good, we can probably find-" "I'll make your dress Karen, I am a master seamstress anyway." Tomoko says interrupting Knight.
  118. [11:33] Karen Aido: <Okay. Where did you want to meet, the castle?> <Will do, where will you be?>"Ahh, okay! I'm not bad at it myself, but I doubt have had anywhere near the amount of time you've had to practice."
  119. [11:38] Knight the Wanderer: <We'll meet when we do. You can't just get pregnant right off the bat after all. I'll need some sperm from Knight as well, I am correct in guessing he will be the father.>
  121. <Oh I'll be staying at your old house, its sort of a way stop for the Priestesses and visiting high ranking troops. The place is kept nice and clean and even has been somewhat expanded with guest rooms in the basement along with a manor wall and small park in the front.>
  123. "Trust me, you will look amazing."
  124. [11:41] Karen Aido: <Er... okay, that's not how I thought it'd work. Yes, it's Knight. We're getting married, you're invited.> <Really? Odd. Okay.> she smiles "Thank you~ Sleep said he'll do it, but he's being difficult about when we meet."
  125. [11:46] Knight the Wanderer: <No no I need to do test to make sure everything will be okay is all. There might be complications that prevent the egg method but that is quite rare.>
  126. [11:49] Karen Aido: <Oh, that part. Right.> "So, that's all arranged, you'll have to be with me whenever we meet up with Sleepy, Knight. Do we want to start planning the attack on Holais now? Or is that already set in place?"
  127. [11:55] Knight the Wanderer: "Well we were waiting on the blade so we can analyze it as Muna would say, but just by holding it I can sense its great power and I know how its goign to cut that hole into their glimmering white wall."
  128. [11:57] Karen Aido: "Wait, you don't have it?"
  129. [11:58] Knight the Wanderer: "I do." [Knight means hes not going to let us test it hes just going to smack the wall and look silly.] Muna says while Knight pats him on the shoulder.
  130. [12:00] Karen Aido: "Truth be told, we don't test most of the weird artifact gear we get a hold of until we have to. We're kinda bad about that, hell, I don't even know if my legs will work under the effect of the anti-magic gas, but I assume it will."
  131. [12:01] Knight the Wanderer: [Lets test.] [Grenade out.] [Go go go.] The golems all say causing Tomoko to quickly jump from her spot away from them. Nothing happens after that except golem chirps and Tomoko scowling at them.
  132. [12:02] Karen Aido chuckles and pats Tomoko with her tail. "We haven't even developed it yet."
  133. [12:07] Knight the Wanderer: [Yes we did.] [Where have you been.] [Under a rock most likely or thinking fleshy thoughts.]
  134. [12:08] Karen Aido: "Or being tortured for, what was it again? 2 weeks? Not to mention working on other stuff. No one told me anything about it, I'd have cooked one off inside the castle when I was kidnapped."
  135. [12:08] Karen Aido: "I want two of this..."
  136. [12:08] Karen Aido: those*
  137. [12:10] Knight the Wanderer: [We had it before then, its hard to make though. But fair enough you can have Legions.] [Thank you for volunteering me and my stash Muna.] Legion says handing over to large canisters attached to wooden sticks. [Just Twist and pull before tossing, or Twist and hold. Just know the gas will prevent most spell use or severely weaken them.]
  138. [12:12] Karen Aido frowns. "I wanted you guys to make some for me, not just give me yours." she'll gently push his hand away.
  139. [12:14] Knight the Wanderer: [Right, we'll need some umbra or Primordial essence, glow caps, steel tubes, grenade springs, and a wooden handle.]
  140. [12:16] Karen Aido blinks. "Where did you guys get primordial essence? I can guess where you got the umbra from. The rest is relatively easy."
  141. [12:20] Knight the Wanderer: [Shipments from Vanguard and from Monsters that don't want to play nice. Some Horrors also produce the essence. It can be feces, blood, skin or armor scraps. All we need is the anti magic nature of it.]
  142. [12:21] Karen Aido: "Ah, okay." she'll call up the Iron Lord. "Hello?"
  143. [12:23] Knight the Wanderer: "Hello, I heard something about a wedding from a wandering priestess, something about finally happening?"
  144. [12:25] Karen Aido smiles. "Yes, Knight and I are getting married. You are invited, but since you can't attend personally, because it's happening in Oasis, we're going to set up a device that will let you attend from Vanguard. I just wanted to let you know... I didn't think it would go that far that fast...."
  145. [12:28] Knight the Wanderer: "Only a few people know about it, But expect a few to be there to watch. What else is the reason to call?"
  146. [12:31] Karen Aido: "Oh, I was just letting you know." she's not going to ask, because she figures she'll get a hold of it sooner or later. She'll think of something and get sad all of a sudden. "Alright, well, I'll talk to you later."
  147. [12:32] Knight the Wanderer: "I'd be there if I could, I'll be glad to watch from a Golem though."
  148. [12:33] Karen Aido: "I know, I was thinking about having you be the one who would marry us, because it would be amusing, and because I respect you a lot."
  149. [12:36] Knight the Wanderer: "If you really want me to, I could arrange a quick jaunt to Oasis."
  150. [12:37] Karen Aido: "No, it's okay. I just realized someone important won't be there, nor can he be. I don't know when I'll see him again, but... I will eventually."
  151. [12:41] Knight the Wanderer: "If you must know, Mordred came by, he looked and talked strange. Vanguard wanted to kill him but I held it back. He was rambling and his voice kept changing from his boyish to an even lighter one. He said congratulations and that he'll be watching for the star and its rival."
  152. [12:43] Karen Aido: "Oh... I hope he hasn't done anything he will regret... that is useful, I think? I'll know when the time comes."
  153. [12:46] Knight the Wanderer: "I hope so too. I really do."
  154. [12:48] Karen Aido sighs. "I have to know it, there's no other way around it. I'm pretty sure it's a sign that the end is near. Speaking of which, did anyone tell you about a possible alternate interpretation of the prophecy?"
  155. [12:51] Knight the Wanderer: "No, but I hope I didn't spend all this money and resources building Vanguard up for no reason."
  156. [12:55] Karen Aido: "You may have. We're thinking that maybe the 'vanguard' in the prophecy might be Knight, Muna, Morry, Strider, and myself. The people who tend to go into any given place first, aside from spies. This is part of the reason I've been contemplating trying to allow you guys to mobilize. I know it's a pipe dream, but it would both amuse me, justify you building up like that, and scare the shit out of our enemies."
  157. [12:55] Karen Aido: "It'd also let you find some real fights and that would be nice."
  158. [13:01] Knight the Wanderer: "As much as I would love that, my time spent talking to the sentinels and Marshalls has proven to me that my men are simply defenders, and not even as good as Andre. Some of his men and Legion's golems are working to teach my guys how to fight properly off of a wall and new tricks as well."
  159. [13:02] Karen Aido: "Andre's got a serious talent. I'm actually kinda surprised you didn't have them running courtyard drills."
  160. [13:07] Knight the Wanderer: "Thats the thing, the men have always protected the wall, we sort of assumed they would never breach or scale it with its size."
  161. [13:08] Karen Aido: "Ah, or that if they got past the wall you're already fucked?"
  162. [13:11] Knight the Wanderer: "Maybe that has become our mentality, but learning how to fight again has helped me gain some respect for those I scoffed at."
  163. [13:13] Karen Aido nods. "Oh, yes. I can imagine. I'm glad you're learning stuff. I'm still learning about all kinds of crazy stuff, not all of which I'm amazingly happy to learn about. Like how Glyph, Iron, and Magic are demons."
  164. [14:26] Knight the Wanderer: "Demons? But they don't look like demons or act like them."
  165. [14:30] Karen Aido: "Apparently, actual demons aren't what we think they are. I look more like a demon at this point, but yeah, they're demons. Created by Love in Balgeria. Fortunately things have settled down a bit. Love kidnapped Knight, turned him into the Dark Lord, he then broke Love. He was somewhat ejected from his body, so he and I fought the Dark Lord until we could get the sliver of Aeons' weapon out of the Dark Lord's sword, reverting Knight to Knight. Then the Dark Lord became a demon called Faith. Love survived and joined the others. Along with Faith they combined together, now I have a snazzy shield that I'm not comfortable with using, due to it containing a bunch of my friends." who says she can't be diplomatic.
  166. [14:35] Knight the Wanderer: "That was a bit long for a story, perhaps you'll add pictures so I can understand it next time?"
  167. [14:37] Karen Aido: "Shit, it's not even over yet, Knight's gotta prove he's the Dark Lord tonight. By killing all the local leaders at once. I figured we'd change traditions by destroying the arena."
  168. [14:39] Knight the Wanderer: "If he wants to, he could just invoke the right of strength and compassion."
  169. [14:39] Karen Aido: "Apparently they don't have that here. What is that anyway?"
  170. [14:45] Knight the Wanderer: "They do, it was what spared the kingdom of Helgan and caused a thousand years of peace between the two. The Dark Lord fought against the an who he had claimed kidnapped his daughter, but when the time came to strike the boy down his strength was tempered by his compassion for his daughter and he stayed his blade."
  171. [14:47] Karen Aido: "Knight, are you hearing this? This is important."
  172. [14:49] Knight the Wanderer: "I'm listening." "The Dark Lord may be strong, but he is never meant to be heartless, newer lords seem to have forgotten this along with the people, after all it is said that love paved the way for power in the first place, for love of the people and the wish to protect them is the lords first and only true duty."
  173. [14:52] Karen Aido: "This sort of stuff is why I respect you so much. Yes. This is now plan A, the old plan A is now plan B." she still frowns a little.
  174. [14:53] Knight the Wanderer: "Whats wrong Karen, you seem upset even though we got something good."
  175. [14:54] Karen Aido: "Ah, it's just that if Morry was here, he'd have told us to do this. Yeah, it's very good, but... bleh, you know? Nothing like the knowledge that you're basically going to lose, even if temporarily, one of your friends, much less most of them."
  176. [14:55] Knight the Wanderer: "No, that boy didn't spend much time on the treaties of the formation of Helgan, instead he was to busy looking up and quoting economics books." The Iron lord says.
  177. [14:57] Karen Aido: "I don't know that, I just know he was really helpful with this stuff, and it's just fortune that I called you to let you know of your invitation."
  178. [15:00] Knight the Wanderer: "Just be loud and stead Knight, they will follow you." "And then when they all get mad because I didn't play along?" "Mention the first son sacrifice, and make it retroactive if they want tradition."
  179. [15:04] Karen Aido frowns. "That can be plan Y."
  180. [15:07] Knight the Wanderer: "It can be plan whatever, its just a threat that if they wish to return to the days of old with this blood bath, he will be obligated to bring all the old rules back."
  181. [15:09] Karen Aido nods. "Yes. Good to see this will work out. Though... do you have any useful information like that with Holais?"
  182. [15:11] Knight the Wanderer: "They bleed like any other man, except they heal while the blade is in them and don't scream or cry out in pain. The battle between your men and their will be silent for all but steel clashing against one another."
  183. [15:13] Karen Aido: "Oh, yeah, I've already fought them, I know what battle with the Church is like, I was hoping for stuff like 'if you invoke these rules, they'll shut up and step into line', like what we have going on here. Even if 'line' isn't a very accurate portrayal of what we actually have."
  184. [15:14] Knight the Wanderer: "No, your men know the rules they follow already and would tell you anything interesting. Their only reason in life is duty and brotherhood, other then that they are lost."
  185. [15:15] Karen Aido: "I know. Wish I could help them beyond that, but... truth be told, my life's not too far off from that, so I don't know how to help."
  186. [15:19] Knight the Wanderer: "You are a lot better at it then they are, trust me." Knight says while rubbing your back. "Most of them used to think sex was a duty they needed to do and finish as quickly as possible. Now you got them all lewd and stuff."
  187. [15:23] Karen Aido: "That's actually kind surprising, given their origin point..." she sighs and leans into you. "Hmm...."
  188. [15:25] Knight the Wanderer: "Well on that note I am going to hang up, I don't want to know what you are doing with your men behind closed doors."
  189. [15:26] Karen Aido: "There's only one man I do things with behind closed doors, actually. I'm marrying him tomorrow. Well, alright, seeya then~" and she'll hang up.
  190. [15:30] Knight the Wanderer: "So its tomorrow then?" Tomoko says while drawing up some dresses upon a small board.
  191. [15:31] Karen Aido nods. "Yes, it is. Decided to just have a priestess do it. In Oasis. I was calling the Iron Lord to let him know he was invited. Stuff happened and we're in a better position than a few minutes ago."
  192. [15:34] Knight the Wanderer: "Giving me so little time to work, you are gonna ruin my perfect fingers." She says while quickly working on finishing the design with Muna providing your sizes. "Really?" [Yes.] "They did get pretty big..."
  193. [15:35] Karen Aido: "You aren't going to use magic to help with it?"
  194. [15:37] Knight the Wanderer: "No, I want this to be my mundane wedding gift, for my magic one...Maybe an illusion spell thats real easy to maintain to make yourself look Angelic in place of demonic..."
  195. [15:39] Karen Aido: "My form is at my whim. I choose this to show respect to those who died, but if you think I should default to something else, I can arrange that easily enough."
  196. [15:42] Knight the Wanderer: "No, its more of ah...Ahh A better Idea. One I shall have to save for a different dress~"
  197. [15:42] Karen Aido: "Oh... okay."
  198. [15:42] Karen Aido: "Wait... I know that tone. This is gonna make me blush isn't it?"
  199. [15:46] Knight the Wanderer: "Not as much as it will make everyone else blush~"
  200. [15:47] Karen Aido blinks. "I think this might be the most terrified I've ever been."
  201. [15:50] Knight the Wanderer: Knight gently pecks you on the cheek before walking towards the captured city, twirling the Dark Lord's sword in one hand while the other spins his holy blade.
  202. [15:51] Karen Aido: "Traitor!" she says jokingly.
  203. [15:56] Knight the Wanderer: As he gets farther away time finally stops, with the entire area growing whiter. "Sorry, I know you said you wanted to be royalty and not have him be King but you can't blame me for this." Chronicle says while slowly materializing before you. "Yeah, that was strange. I thought she was related to Sheeta. It also has me question how I missed the blood of the goddess in my lands." Aeons says materializing next to you.
  204. [15:57] Karen Aido shrugs. "This was beyond your power was it not? Or did you rewrite us?" she tries not to recoil at Aeons "Gah! What do you want?"
  205. [16:00] Knight the Wanderer: "Calm down, I am here for the history lesson as well, also to find out how your forces were able to resist not Chronicle." "Well it wasn't me, it was a manifestation made by Razial, just like Karen." "Ahh, star child then?" "Yes, just like the two children that originally became the dark and light lord, or Iffrit, or Donavan."
  206. [16:01] Karen Aido: "Okay, so then what am I? One of her children with someone else?"
  207. [16:04] Knight the Wanderer: "You, like every other child of the stars is born from an exploding dying star, each giving birth to powerful beings. One of Knight's parents was one as well right?" "Yes, but one was flawed, thats why he is battle kin and not not complete."
  208. [16:05] Karen Aido: "Err... So, someone who's incomplete and from where Knight is from becomes a battle kin? Is there a way to complete him?"
  209. [16:07] Knight the Wanderer: "Hes going to do a training session in my lands isn't he..." "Yes, with Argus his great great grandfather." "Thats going to be hard to do, Argus doesn't listen to me and is on my side of the world."
  210. [16:09] Karen Aido shrugs. "None of us have it easy. Not even you." she points at Chronicle. "That said, telling me I'm born from an star blowing up doesn't tell me about my lineage. Was I born of the goddess or not?"
  211. [16:12] Knight the Wanderer: "Directly from her and Razial, its complicated. Just know that you have no parts light or dark, save for that from a group of men claiming they were."
  212. [16:13] Karen Aido: "Oh, that's silly." she looks around then up. "Fucking told you so!" she grumbles a bit.
  213. [16:17] Knight the Wanderer: Aeons gently pats your back while Chronicle flips a page from a book he is looking at. "Right since you both are getting along right now, I would like to talk about the cease fire after Laputa."
  214. [16:20] Karen Aido: "Getting along? I'm not getting along at all. There won't be a cease fire. I'm going to kick his ass up between his ears and then we're going to live happily ever after, likely using one of him in a leadership position of some sort, since he's not horrible at it, he's just stuck on a shitty platform. I still owe him for Japan and a few other places, you see."
  215. [16:22] Knight the Wanderer: "This is her first game, she doesn't realize a season break is coming. Be gentle.
  216. [16:25] Karen Aido: "Season break? I didn't know this happened in seasons. Abso-fucking-lutely not. Unless, I can have my friends back for the duration of the break."
  217. [16:29] Knight the Wanderer: "You may have noticed or not, that you can interact with them as you wish in a sort of pocket dream. There you may play, laugh, and cry all you want. There you are a complete god. Unfortunately or fortunately people seem to like you and have pushed for a second season instead of letting Aeons win in the first. The highlights of the second season seem to be Knight growing, Clark acting as a rival, pregnant Karen slowly over coming her melancholy, return of a friend, and do or die final." The elder god thing guy says while handing you the barest bones script you have ever seen.
  218. [16:35] Karen Aido takes it "This is just a page saying 'stuff happens'. That other thing? I do enjoy it, but I seem to participate in that at the same time as this, I also didn't know I was a full-fledged god there, and was just playing what I thought my role was. Meh, that's fun, I'll leave it as it is. I am curious, especially with the two Morries, Morry, Mordreds, whatever, and the suit of Knight's armor guarding the museum, are those actually them over there? Or just a simulacrum? I know they probably won't really remember it, but it's still important to me that it's them."
  219. [16:42] Knight the Wanderer: "The fact of the matter is people want tragedy, and in order to have a true happy ending loss must be attained. At least the viewers think that anyway." "So I still have to pull my punches?" "Not only that, you need to purposefully weaken yourself in an attack against Laputa, oh and you can't target Knight while he is in your land."
  220. [16:44] Karen Aido: "I'm going to reserve my opinion on the viewers. I was wondering about that. Does he have to keep pulling his punches after Laputa? Also, you didn't answer my question: are they real or not?"
  221. [16:48] Knight the Wanderer: "Those are parts of them, adapted and weaved from your interactions with them. As well as parts of their future mixed in as well. And he will pull his punches until you make landfall through the western sea of his lands."
  222. [16:50] Karen Aido sighs in disgust. "How the hell am I going to explain that 'oh, they're defending their homes' doesn't explain the sudden appearance of newer, bigger, and burlier bastards than ever before."
  223. [16:53] Knight the Wanderer: "Because he will have to deploy them towards you to stop him from powering up his secret fleet of monsters makes way to break the rules." "I send a new monster towards you, Knight intercepts it on his own, eventually you catch up, touching reunion and then we fight at the end with me either winning and destroying Vanguard, or losing and Vanguard repelling the attack. Simple, effective and entertaining.
  224. [16:54] Karen Aido: "So is this vanguard us or the actual city? Or the entire force that's over there?"
  225. [17:00] Knight the Wanderer: "Knight is the Vanguard. If you all meet up with him before he leaves Argus with his training complete or before he reaches Aeons Castle you will lose the means to first weaken him and his dragon. Thats another reason you can't just leave to go save him right away, Argus needs to train him on his own without interference." "Basically, wait until you get the sign to head over there, and make sure you reach him before its too late."
  226. [17:02] Karen Aido: "The sign's the green clouds right?"
  227. [17:04] Knight the Wanderer: "Its green over the sky all the time in Aeon's domain." "If you see a clear sky hes close most likely."
  228. [17:05] Karen Aido: "Fine, I'll keep my eye out for it then. When it's time, I'll be there." she'll press the button. "I'm still not amazingly comfortable spending time in your presence, not after last time."
  229. [17:06] Knight the Wanderer: Fate appears and looks around before pointing a sword at Aeons. "You touching her wrong? Is he being mean to you?"
  230. [17:07] Karen Aido: "No, I've just spent way more time around him than I'm comfortable with and Chronicle's presence isn't helping. Is there actually a season break?"
  231. [17:09] Knight the Wanderer: "Yes its coming soon how did you-" "Aeons Idea." Chronicle says before leaning back.
  232. [17:12] Karen Aido: "Still, wish you or one of the others that I'm on more favorable terms with had said something."
  233. [17:12] Karen Aido: "First."
  234. [17:14] Knight the Wanderer: "You aren't supposed to tell her yet! Now we need to partition this conversation so it will be a surprise." "She is a great actor, you don't need to do that. Shes a big girl."
  235. [17:18] Karen Aido: "Yeah, I intend on curling up in that one thing once the break hits. Until then, I have a wedding, an assault, a siege, and an aftermath to deal with. There's a ton of shit I could have done differently with meta-knowledge, but I've been partitioning this crap in my brain so I don't bend the rules much. It's not amazingly different from keeping multiple cases rattling around in there, while not getting them confused."
  236. [17:20] Knight the Wanderer: "You are lucky they allowed Oasis to act as more modern guards then other places with their paper work and their citizen protection laws." Chronicle says jokingly.
  237. [17:22] Karen Aido shrugs. "I actually figured it had just worked out that way, considering how papa always acted, it made me think that he'd decided to establish a new method of policing a city."
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