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Go Green General /GGG/

a guest
Dec 9th, 2017
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  1. Operation Go Green:
  2. This Thread is for the discussion of Operation Go Green, brainstorming ideas, giving helpful advice and suggestions on plants to use.
  4. Everyone knows that the ghettos of the world are run down, destroyed remnants of previously white neighborhoods.
  5. These areas lack basic maintenance. Any problem with the infrastructure of these areas does not get fixed and only worsens (further ghettofying it).
  6. You guys are tackling the ghetto problem all wrong.
  8. You dont need to move into the neighborhood and barricade it with high end security systems and big guns.
  10. You need to make seed bombs.
  12. These areas lack infrastructure and maintenance.
  13. If you look into the areas of Detroit that have been abandoned for a long time you will see nature reclaiming it.
  15. All you need to do give mother nature a push.
  16. A seed bomb is a small ball of potters clay filled with seeds.
  17. If you get plants that are known house breakers all you need to do is throw that shit in some yards.
  19. You could literally destroy the ghettos using plants.
  21. All you gotta do is toss some seed bombs into the yards of these ghetto nog heavens and within a year these vicious plants will destroy their homes.
  22. Ive done this in Florida and a few other locations for fun.
  24. Find out the biggest problem plant in your area and make seed balls full of it and throw those fuckers far and wide all over the ghetto.
  26. Black people do not take care of their properties and all you have to do is weaponize botanical friends to destroy them.
  28. We have white flight but we can make green flight occur in urban decay.
  31. All you have to do is toss some of these in shitty areas and before to long nature will fuck it up
  33. Ingredients for seed bombs:
  35. Flower seed
  36. Potter’s clay powder, from any craft shop
  37. Peat-free compost
  38. Water
  39. A bowl
  40. A baking tray
  42. Instructions:
  44. Mix the seed, clay, and compost together in a bowl to a ratio of three handfuls of clay, five handfuls of compost and one handful of seed. Then carefully add water slowly and gradually (you don’t want it too gloopy), mixing it all together until you get a consistency that you can form into truffle-sized balls. Lay them out to bake dry on a sunny windowsill for at least three hours.'
  46. you could destroy the ghetto for under 20 dollars.
  48. Destroy your local ghetto
  50. List of Seeds to use:
  51. Kudzu
  52. Horseradish
  53. Chinese virginia creeper
  54. Tree of heaven
  55. Bamboo
  56. Sugar maple
  57. brambles
  58. bull nettles
  59. Giant hogweed
  60. Thorned Blackberries
  61. Mulberry
  62. Morning glory cairica
  63. Honey locust
  65. Persicaria perfoliata
  66. rhizome
  67. Euphorbia milii
  68. Campsis radicans
  69. ragweed
  70. Hedera helix
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