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- #blocked Kaneshiro Palace entrance
- R
- なんだよこれ…
- The hell is this?
- Y
- さすがに、大穴を開けたままとはしなかったようだな…
- It seems as though they didn't want to leave that gaping hole...
- A
- …でも…通れないよね…
- But... we can't get in now...
- Makoto
- ゴメンなさい…その…ちょっと…やり過ぎだったかも…
- Sorry... I... think I might have taken it a little too far...
- 助かった
- >やり過ぎだ
- No, you saved us.
- Maybe a bit.
- R
- いいじゃねぇか。あン時のクイーン、すげぇカッコ良かったしよ!
- C'mon, it's not a big deal. Plus it was super cool, Queen!
- Makoto
- あ…ありがとう。
- Th-Thanks...
- Y
- 仕方がない。別に潜入ルートを探そう。ジョーカー。
- The details are no longer important. Let us search for a new infiltration point, Joker.
- #looking at a piggy bank statue
- A
- 何なんだろ、このブタ?
- What could it be?
- Makoto
- 待って。この像…何だか、下から風が…
- Wait. I can feel a draft coming from underneath the statue...
- Makoto
- ジョーカー、怪しくないかしら?
- Doesn't this seem strange to you, Joker?
- >全部怪しい
- プレートが怪しい
- I mean, it's a weird statue.
- That placard is suspicious.
- Makoto
- …特に、プレートが気になるわ。どうかしら?
- ...Especially that placard. I wonder why it looks so odd.
- A
- 調べてみればわかるんじゃない?
- Why don't we check it out?
- R
- おおっ、隠し通路か!!
- Oooh, a hidden passage!
- Makoto
- 入ってみましょう。…もちろん、準備を万全に整えてからね?
- Let's head inside... After we're adequately prepared, of course.
- #inside the bank
- Y
- この内装…銀行の中か。ひとまず上手くいったようだな。
- I would say given this interior design... we are inside the bank.
- Makoto
- 前回は見なかった場所ね…銀行の何処なのかしら…
- I don't remember seeing this place last time. Just where exactly are we...?
- M
- きっと何処かに地図があるはずだ。調査しながら、オタカラの在り処を探ろうぜ。
- There has to be a map somewhere. For now, let's try to explore and search for the Treasure.
- #dog shadow in the distance
- A
- ちょ、ちょっと待って!アレなに!?
- H-Hold on a second! What is that!?
- Y
- 犬型のシャドウ…ここの番犬か…
- A Shadow in the shape of a dog... It seems this place has its own watchdogs...
- M
- アイツ…どうも厄介そうだな…
- Hmm... I don't like the looks of this...
- R
- 猫的にか?
- Y'mean 'cause you're a cat?
- M
- ちげーよっ!他のより侵入者に敏感だったり、足速かったりしそうだろっ!
- Hell no! I mean it might be able to sniff out intruders, or hunt us down super fast!
- M
- …だが、敵が厄介ならむしろ好都合だ。
- ...But, if it does end up making trouble for us, that could actually work out in our favor.
- M
- あっと驚くワガハイたちの新技、お見舞いしてやるぜ!
- We'll have a chance to finally show off our surprise finisher!
- Makoto
- ちょっと、気づかれてるわよ!
- Sorry to butt in-we've been spotted!
- #fight
- M
- …ハッ、なかなかやるじゃねぇか!だが、苦境の時こそ愛は燃え上がるもんだぜ?
- Heh, not bad... But love always burns the brightest when facing down an opponent like this!
- M
- パンサー、前に話したやついくぞ!ショータイムだ!
- Panther, I think the moment's finally arrived-it's showtime!
- A
- えっ?あれ今やんの!?
- Eh? You wanna do that right now!?
- A
- …ああもうしょうがない!やってやろうじゃん!
- Geez... Fine! Here we go!
- #fight ends
- R
- おいっ、何だ今の!いつの間にあんなん出来るようになったんだよ!?
- Dude, what WAS that just now!? When'd you guys figure out how to do something like that!?
- M
- ワガハイもまさかここまで上手くいくとは…いや、これもパンサーとワガハイの愛の…
- Heheheh! It's simply the fruit of our secret, passionate training-
- A
- んー、たしかに結構頑張ったけどにしても上手くいったよね…
- Hmm, yeah, I guess we did put some effort into it. Still, I'm surprised it went so well...
- A
- あ!もしかしてあれのせいじゃない?
- Oh! You know what it could've been?
- A
- ジョゼがくれた…「ホシ」だっけ?もしかしてアレのおかげもあるんじゃない?
- Maybe it was because of the thing Jose gave us? That... star-shaped thing?
- A
- あの時、ホシが光ってたっぽかったし!
- I think it even gave off some kinda twinkle back then!
- M
- あの時…?ワガハイが戦い法の提案をしたときか?
- Back... then? Oh, you mean when I told you about the team-up idea?
- Makoto
- つまり、モナの「パンサーと一緒に戦いたい」って気持ちに、その…ホシが応えたってこと?
- So in other words, the... star, I guess we'll call it... reacted to Mona's wish to fight alongside Panther?
- Y
- 気持ちに…そうだとすれば、また妙な話だな。
- Wish-granting stars... If that's truly the case, we're just encountering one strange phenomenon after another.
- R
- よくわかんねーけど、モナたちがやれたんなら俺らも出来るってことじゃね?やばくね?
- I don't really get it... But, what I know is, if Mona and Panther can pull that off, can't we do it too? Wouldn't that be sick!?
- R
- どうよフォックス、俺たちもああいうやつやってみね?
- Hey, Fox, you wanna try comin' up with one o' those badass moves of our own?
- R
- 技名は…「ミラクルスーパーバズーカ」とか?
- We could call it, like... "Miracle Super Berzerker," or somethin'!
- R
- 露骨に嫌そうな顔すんなっつの!
- C'mon, quit givin' me that look...
- M
- 相変わらずよくわからんことが多いが…
- There's a lot we don't understand about how this works... as usual...
- M
- ま、上手く使えれば戦力アップに繋がるかもしれないな!
- But what I DO get is, if we use these stars right, we'll be more ready than ever for our battles!
- #Shadow enters an elevator
- A
- 下にも階があるみたいね…
- It looks like there are lower floors in here too...
- Y
- だが見ろ、あのエレベーター、操作パネルがないぞ?
- Hm, but that elevator is lacking a control panel.
- M
- 外部から監視しながら動かしてるのかもな…単純だが有効なセキュリティだ。
- They probably control it from a security room. It's a simple, but effective measure of screening.
- Makoto
- それだけ「下へは行かせたくない」って事よね…
- That must mean they really don't want anyone going down there...
- #examining elevator
- Makoto
- 外部から操作されてるんじゃ、簡単には使えないわね…
- Hm, we won't be able to use it if it's being controlled somewhere else...
- #examining a closed door
- R
- ちっ、これじゃ入れねぇか…
- Tch, we ain't gonna get in like this...
- Makoto
- でも見て。「関係者以外立ち入り禁止」って書いてある。
- But look. It says, "No entry by unauthorized personnel."
- M
- そう言われると、余計に入りたくなるよな。なんとかならないか?
- That just makes me want to go in more! Isn't there anything else we can do?
- #entering security room through vents
- M
- 邪魔なのが居るな…どうする?ジョーカー?
- That Shadow's in our way... What should we do Joker?
- >仕掛けよう
- 準備したい
- just fight the fucking shadow as we've done thousands of times already you dense motherfucker what else would we even do in this situation
- there is no second choice choose the first option or leave and come back later because you love wasting time i guess
- #fight ends
- Makoto
- ふぅ…何とかなったわね。
- Phew... We somehow managed.
- Makoto
- ここは「監視室」ってとこかしら。何か手掛かりがあるといいけど…
- This appears to be some kind of monitoring room. I hope we can find clues in here...
- R
- オイ見ろよ!それっぽいモンがあるぜ?これ、カードキーってヤツじゃね?
- Hey guys, I think I found something! Ain't this some kinda keycard?
- #map on wall
- Y
- こっちには、ここの地図もあるぞ。予想通り、かなり広い地下フロアがあるようだ。
- And over here is a map. As expected, there seems to be quite a large basement floor.
- M
- こりゃあ、オタカラの在り処も恐らく地下だな…
- I'd bet that's where the Treasure is...
- Y
- だが、ここに記されているのは途中までだ。
- However, only a portion of it is depicted here.
- Y
- 実際のところは、別の地図を手に入れなくては分からん。
- Unless we can obtain another map, we won't know for certain.
- M
- ザッと見たところ、この建物だけでも地下一階のエリアがある。
- A cursory glance shows this building alone has one underground level.
- M
- まずはそこを目指すのが順当だな…
- It would probably make sense to head there first...
- Y
- 覚悟を決めて、さっきのエレベーターに乗ってみるか?
- Shall we go on that elevator we found earlier then?
- Makoto
- それは最後の手段。まず、見つけたカードキーで道が開けないか調べましょう。
- That should be our last resort. First, let's see if there is anywhere to use this keycard.
- #card key reader
- Makoto
- これ、さっきのカードキーとか使えないかしら?
- How about that keycard we found earlier? That may work.
- R
- よっしゃ!開いたな!
- All right, it's open!
- Y
- 他にも開けられる場所があるかもしれないな。
- Hm, we may be able to use this in other places as well.
- Makoto
- 柵が降りてる…これじゃ開かないわね。
- There are bars here... We won't be able to open the door like this.
- R
- さっきのカードキーの出番じゃねぇか?
- Think it's time to pop out that keycard from earlier?
- R
- よっしゃ!
- All right!
- #elevator control room
- Makoto
- あれは…エレベーター?
- Is that... an elevator?
- M
- 外から操作されていたやつだ。あの真上なんだな…
- Yeah, it has to be the one they're controlling externally. So this is right above it...
- R
- って事は、ここエレベーターの制御室かなんかか?こんな所来たって意味ないだろ?
- So what, this is the control room or something? What's the point of comin' here?
- エレベーターにのれる
- >地下へ行ける
- We can get on the elevator.
- We can go to the basement.
- M
- さすがジョーカー、察しが良いな。ここからならエレベーターの屋根裏に乗れそうだ。
- Perceptive as usual, Joker. We should be able to ride on top of the elevator.
- Y
- なるほど、屋根の上に潜んで、勝手に動くのを待つという訳か。
- I see. We sneak atop it, then wait for it to move on its own.
- Makoto
- 確かにそれなら地下へ行けそうね。
- It does sound like that plan will take us further down.
- M
- よしっ、早速乗り込むか!
- All right, let's get on there!
- #on elevator
- Y
- よし、あとは動き出すのを待つだけだ。
- Very well. We simply need to wait for it to move now.
- #lower floor
- R
- ここが地下か?
- So, is this the basement?
- Kaneshiro voice
- おい!警備員ども!よく聞け!
- All security, listen up!
- Makoto
- この声、金城…ッ!?
- Is that Kaneshiro...!?
- Kaneshiro voice
- どうやら「ネズミ」が侵入しているようだ!
- It looks like some rats have infested this place!
- Kaneshiro voice
- いいか、絶対に地下から先へ進ませるな!これまで以上に警備を強化しろ!
- Under no circumstances let them further down! Strengthen security as much as you can! Understood?
- Y
- あの様子では、地下にオタカラがあるのは間違いなさそうだな…
- It seems painfully obvious where the Treasure is now...
- A
- でも、さっきの地図、そこまで載つて無いよ?他にも地図があるのかな?
- But the map from earlier doesn't show that much... I wonder if there's another one somewhere.
- M
- とりあえず地下を目指すのは正解みたいだ。残りの地図も探しつつ、探索を進めようぜ!
- In any case, heading down should be the best move. Let's keep our eyes out for a map while we explore!
- #cameras on wall
- M
- 待て!あれは…!
- Wait, that's...!
- Makoto
- 監視カメラね…映ったら警戒されてしまうかも。
- A security camera... They'll probably tighten their guard if we show up on there...
- M
- ジョーカー、オマエの観察力なら、カメラの視界をハッキリ見抜けるんじゃないか?
- Joker, can't you use your observation skills to see the camera's range?
- M
- 映っちまわないように、注意してくれ!
- Make sure it doesn't catch sight of us!
- #panel on wall
- …何かの装置か?
- ...What is that?
- Makoto
- どうしたの?ジョーカー?
- What's wrong, Joker?
- M
- 何の機械だ?…調べておくか。
- Is that a device of some kind? Let's go check it out.
- M
- これは…何かの電源ボックスみたいだな…
- It seems to be a power supply box for something...
- Makoto
- カメラがどうこうって、書いてあるみたい…
- The word "camera" is written on it...
- M
- そうか…監視カメラの!ジョーカー、この電源ボックス、壊しちまおうぜ!
- Oh, this must be for the surveillance cameras! Let's destroy it, Joker!
- #kick box
- M
- いい蹴りだ、ジョーカー!
- Nice kick!
- R
- なるほど!こうすりゃ監視カメラ潰せる訳か!
- Ohhh, I get it! We can break this shit to kill the cameras!
- #opening a door to see a shadow
- R
- あっぶねえ…見つかりそうだったぜ。
- Whoa, crap... That was close...
- M
- しかしここは通らざるを得ないな…
- Ngh... But we'll have to get through this area...
- M
- 仕方ない、やるぞ!
- Let's do this, guys.
- #fight
- Makoto
- もう知ってるかもしれないけど、敵を状態異常にするのはかなり有効みたい。
- You may already know this, but inflicting status ailments on our enemies is a very useful tactic.
- Makoto
- 特に、弱点を突けない時は積極的に状態異常を狙うのがオススメよ。
- I especially recommend it when you can't take advantage of an opponent's weaknesses.
- #kicking another camera box
- R
- うしっ、これでどっかのカメラが死んだはずだな!
- Mkay, that shoulda killed some cameras!
- #walking into a room with a shadow behind a gate
- R
- うおっ、なんだよここ…
- Whoa, what is this?
- Y
- 随分と開けた場所に出たな…
- It is an exceedingly spacious room...
- M
- 地図によれば、ここから更に下の階へ行ける筈だが…
- According to the map, we should be able to head down from here...
- Shadow1
- おい、聞いてか?侵入者がずいぶん暴れてるようだが…
- Hey, did you hear? It sounds like those intruders are wreaking havoc in here.
- M
- ん…?オマエら静かにしろ!話し声がするぞ!
- Hm? Everyone, quiet down! I hear someone talking!
- Shadow1
- このフロアにも既に……じゃないか?頭取直々の命令も……
- So, this floor's... and Mr. Kaneshiro ordered us to...
- Shadow2
- そうだな。だが………だろう。……の2つの鍵は………からな。
- Yeah, but still... I mean, with these two keys... to happen?
- R
- …?鍵…?何の話してんだ、あのシャドウ。
- Hmm? Keys? What're those Shadows talkin' about?
- Makoto
- よく聞こえないわね。もう少し近づいて…
- I wasn't able to pick up everything they said. If only we could get closer...
- Y
- くっ…!また監視カメラか。
- Ngh... More surveillance cameras.
- A
- 部屋の中にシャドウいるし、このまま近づくのは危険だね…
- These are Shadows in there. It's probably too dangerous to get any close right now...
- Makoto
- 気にはなるけど仕方ないわ。
- I'm curious about the conversation they were having, but there's nothing we can do about it at the moment.
- Makoto
- ここは一旦後回しにして、まずは下へ行く方法を探しましょ?
- For now, let's just focus on finding a way down.
- #turning off half the cameras
- Y
- 守衛室前の監視カメラが止まったな。…全てではないようだが。
- We shut off some of the cameras in front of the guard room... Not all of them though, it seems.
- M
- 残りは別の電源につながってるのか…他の場所も探す必要があるな。
- The rest of them must be connected to a different power source... Looks like we need to check somewhere else.
- #a large safe
- R
- なんだよこれ…金庫か?
- Is this some kinda vault?
- Makoto
- でも地図だと、この先もある筈よ…
- According to the map, there's a great deal more beyond here...
- Y
- だとすればこれは金庫ではなく「融壁」…両端の装置は、開く為の端末という事か。
- Then this is not a vault, but a partition of sorts. The terminals there must be how you open it.
- A
- で、でも、どっちの端末にも鍵穴付いてるよ?
- B-But both of them have keyholes.
- Makoto
- 通るには、鍵が2つ必要って事みたいね…
- Meaning we'll need to get two keys to get beyond this area...
- R
- マジかよ、めんどくせぇ?厳重過ぎんだろ…
- For real? Ugh... it's such a pain in the ass how secure this place is.
- 重要だからだ
- >シャドウから聞こう
- 面倒だ
- Well, it must be important
- Let's ask the Shadows.
- What a pain...
- A
- 確かに!さっきのシャドウ鍵がどうとかって話してた。
- Yeah, you could be right! They were going on about some kinda key, so...
- A
- どこにあるか知ってるのかも!
- Maybe they know where it is!
- M
- うむ、確かにその可能性は高いな…よーし、さっきの部屋にいくぞ!
- Hmm, that sounds likely to me... All right! Let's go back to that room!
- R
- ってだから、監視カメラあんだろーが。
- Hold up-don't forget about them security cameras.
- M
- そうだった…面倒だが監視カメラを止めるのが先か…
- Good point. They're a pain, but we should deactivate the security cameras first.
- #turning off remaining cameras
- A
- 結構監視カメラ止めたよね。さっきの部屋、行けるようになってないかな?
- We've shut off quite a few cameras now. Do you think we can get to that other room now?
- #in front of gated area
- M
- よし、なんとかここまでこれたな。
- All right, we've made it so far.
- M
- シャドウ達はまだ中にいるみたいだ。隠れて話を聞くぞ!
- Looks like there are Shadows in there. Let's hide and listen in on them.
- Shadow1
- なぁ、さっきの侵入者の話…
- About those intruders...
- Shadow2
- どうした、そんなに不安か?
- Oh? Are you really that concerned?
- Shadow2
- 言った通りだ。例のキー我々が持っている。この2つの鍵を守り通す限り、手も足も出せん。
- Don't be. We have the keys they need, so things should be okay as long as we protect them.
- R
- 例のキー…?「2つの鍵」…!?
- Wait... You think they're talkin' about those two keys!?
- Y
- 予想通りだな。高い確率で、あの融壁を開くものだろう。
- Hm, just as expected... Those are highly likely to be what opens the partition.
- R
- じゃあ、どうする?ブッ倒して頂戴しちまうか?
- What're we gonna do then? Beat 'em up and take the keys?
- M
- あのなぁスカル、連中をよく見ろよ?あれは只者じゃないぞ?
- Really, Skull? Just look at 'em. They're not your average Shadows.
- M
- 鍵を任されてるって事も考えると、隊長クラスなんじゃないか?
- Anyone in charge of such important keys must be extremely strong.
- A
- それが2体って、さすがに無茶じゃない?てこずって警報鳴らされても嫌だし…
- And there's two of them; dealing with both of them would be tough. Plus, they could go and sound the alarm...
- >どうする?
- 様子をみよう
- What should we do?
- Let's just observe for now.
- M
- うーん…どうしよう…
- Hmm... That's a good question.
- Makoto
- …だったら分断して、各個撃破するっていうのはどう?
- ...Then why don't we split them up and beat them individually?
- Y
- どうやるんだ?
- And how will we do that?
- Makoto
- 上の階に遭った監視室を覚えてる?最初に地図を手に入れた部屋。
- Remember that monitoring room upstairs-the room we got the map in?
- Makoto
- あそこには通信設備もあったわ。あれを使って、片方を、おびき出すの。
- There was some communication equipment there as well. We can use that to lure one away.
- >いい案だ
- 不安だな
- That's a great idea.
- That's still worrisome...
- A
- 私も賛成。いっぺんに戦うより安全そう!
- I agree. It sounds a lot safer than fighting them both at the same time!
- M
- よしっ、ここは頭脳派に任せてみるか!
- Okay, let's leave this part to our resident intellectual!
- Makoto
- ありがとう!じゃあまず監視室に行きましょう!
- Thanks! So, first we need to head to the monitoring room!
- R
- なぁ、監視室まで、一気に駆け抜けちまうか?ジョーカー?
- Think we should head over there now, Joker?
- >一気に行く
- 地道に行く
- Head straight there
- Explore here some more
- #back at earlier security room
- Makoto
- 少しの間、声を出さないでね…
- Okay, stay quiet during this...
- Makoto
- こちら監視室!守衛室、聞こえるか!
- Come in, security room! This is the monitoring room!
- Makoto
- 侵入者の襲撃だ、増援を求む!1人でもいい、こちらに寄こしてくれ!
- We've been ambushed by intruders! Requesting backup, immediately! One person would be perfect!
- Shadow1
- 了解した!多くは割けないが、そちらに人員を回す!
- Roger that! We'll send someone your way at once!
- Makoto
- これでいいわ!あとは敵を待ち伏せしましょう。
- And there we go! All we need to do now is wait for the enemy.
- #just the worst running animation up to the security room
- Shadow1
- むっ!?誰もいない?
- Hm!? There's no one here...?
- R
- そうでもねぇぜ?
- Not exactly.
- Shadow1
- き、貴様らはっ!
- Y-You're...!?
- Shadow1
- おのれっ!はかったのか!
- This was a trap!? You bastards!
- #after fight
- M
- おおっ、あいつ鍵を持ってたぞ!
- Oooh, he had a key!
- R
- 上手くいったな、おいっ!
- Guess that went pretty well, huh?
- Makoto
- これで守衛室が手簿になったはず!
- That means there should only be one Shadow in the security room!
- Makoto
- 今のうちに残りのシャドウから、カギを奪いましょう!
- Let's snatch the other key from it while we can!
- A
- さっきの守衛室まで、一気に駆け抜けちゃう?ジョーカー?
- Joker, do you want to go right to the security room from earlier?
- >一気に行く
- 地道に行く
- Head straight there
- Explore some more
- #back at previous room
- Shadow2
- あいつ、なぜ戻って来ないっ!まさか、何かあったのか!?
- Why isn't he coming back!? Could something have happened!?
- M
- 突入すればすぐ戦闘だ!準備はいいか?
- We'll be heading right into battle when we charge in there! Are you ready for this?
- Shadow2
- むっ、何だ貴様らはっ!?
- Hm? Who are you!?
- R
- 残りの鍵を頂きに来たぜ!!
- We're here for the other key!
- Shadow2
- なんだと!?ではさっきの通信は…おのれぇ!!
- What!? Then that comm earlier... How dare you!
- #after fight
- Y
- よし、2本の鍵がそろったな!
- Perfect, we've now obtained both keys!
- Makoto
- あっ、ちょっと待って!
- Oh, just one moment!
- Makoto
- これ…新しい地図じゃない?
- Doesn't this map have a little more information than our own?
- M
- おおっ、確かにそうだ!お手柄だぞクイーン!
- Ah, right you are! Well done, Queen!
- A
- これで「地下の先」の構造もわかるんじゃない?
- Maybe it can tell us what the bank is like further down.
- R
- どうだ?オタカラの場所、分かりそうか?
- How's it look? You see where the Treasure is?
- M
- まぁ、怪しいのは地下最深部だが…
- Well, the most suspicious area would be the deepest part...
- M
- 見ろ、地下へと続くエレベーターがある。きっとこの先だ。
- Look here. There's an elevator that leads down. The Treasure must be past there.
- Y
- この地図を見る限り、融壁の先もかなり広そうだな…
- This map seems to indicate that the area beyond the partition is rather large as well...
- M
- 恐らく、警備も厳重になっていくはずだ。慎重に行こうぜ。
- I'm sure security will keep getting more intense from here onward too. We need to be careful.
- #before the safe again
- R
- よし…じゃあ、同時に回すぜ?
- Okay... Let's try turnin' it at the same time.
- A
- いくよ!…せーのッ!
- On three! One, two...!
- Y
- 手間はかかったが…なんとか開けられたな。
- This took some time, but we managed to force it open.
- クイーンのお陰だ
- >スカルとパンサーのお陰だ
- チームワークの賜物だ
- Nice work, Queen.
- Good job, Skull and Panther.
- Great teamwork, everyone.
- R
- え?オレたち!?ま、まぁ、開けたのはそうだけどもよ…
- Us!? I-I mean, I guess we did open it and all...
- A
- クイーンの作戦と、チームワークのお陰よね。
- It was more thanks to Queen's plan and our teamwork though.
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