
8th episode

Sep 27th, 2017
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  1. [8th Episode]
  2. [Tuesday]
  3. [Morning to Afternoon]
  5. -The 2 travel on Route 35, beating trainers here and there, Jalen gets a Kadabra for his efforts and Rin continues to train her Phanpy and Quilava. Afterwards, they take a break and eat some food while looking out at the river, talking various stuff.
  7. -Suddenly, Rin look over and see the National Park in a frenzy, curious, both her and Jalen walk over to it. Behind them in the bushes, The Terrible Trio are watching them, Laslow very interested in competing in this...although he assume that most females(Since Selena hates Bug types) are very fearful of Bug types, so he wish to be the shining knight for them and will join up. Ironically Odin loves Bugs type and too want to enter the Bug-Catching Contest for more rightful reasons. And naturally, Selena don't want anything to do with this and disagree with them going out there with "You know....BOTH OF YOUR RELATIVES BEING IN JOHTO AT THE MOMENT, YOU GODDAMN DUMBASSES!!!", but neither one heed her warning as they head over to the park...she sighs and follow them to watch her friends compete on the jumbotron. The 3 follows the 2 MCs to the park.
  9. -Within the gates, Rin ask around and get the info she needed and want; The Bug-Catching contest occurs every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. To win, one must catch the Bug mon in 2 categories...Rarity and Health(The more healthier and not close to fainting YOUR mon that is used to catch the Bug mon...the higher the points you get.) What gets Rin's attention is the list of mons available...and listed under "ULTRA RARE" is the exclusive Heracross. Eager to catch one, she enters her name down and ask Jalen do he wanna join, who declines, not interested in the ordeal, but will gladly watch her from afar. A bit too fast, Rin notes, but she don't press it as she heads to the waiting space outside the park/forest.
  11. -She enters the park and look around at the variety of people here, but as she walk around, she hears Lucina calling out to her, the 2 fiercest rivals instantly get off to a bad start once more with them telling each other why they are here...Lucina wants a Pinsir and to win the contest and Rin with a Heracross. Meanwhile, Laslow really wanna flirt with both girls, but Odin hold him back cause Lucina's his cousin and she probably would know him. Not worried(And being hypocritical as Odin remembers the Soleil Incident in Goldenrod), Laslow head over and attempt to defuse the arguing females..failing horribly as Lucina dismiss him as a pervert. She sees Odin and don't recognize him as her cousin(Odin also hide his Mark on his hand).Laslow continues to try and flirt with the 2 ladies, eventually getting his hand crushed a bit by Lucina AND getting exposed as TR members by Rhiannon(Although it's not gonna do much without evidence...although Lucina believes her since she hates TR), incidently helping the 2 bond over one thing they hate more than anything; Male Bravado. Annoyed, she head off and get ready for the contest....Rhiannon doing the same and leaving the 2 TR Goons alone.
  13. -Back in the stands to watch the event, Jalen sits and wait for it to start when he sees Severa heading his direction, once she looks up and see him, she smirks and head towards his seat and sit next to him, challenging him right after this. He declines this, not looking forward to fighting her so soon, which hurts her more than annoy her(Much to her confusion..)Frustrated, she ask him why he's not in this, he ask her back and angers her with her demanding he answers 1st. He try to pass it off as not caring for Bug types...but Severa push him hard and eventually get the answer she wanted; Jalen is scared of most Bug types(Venomoths, Ariados, Pinsirs, Forrestresses). Severa is confused and admits that she too dislike bugs...only all of them, with Jalen admitting that some of them are cool tho. Back to business, Severa brags about beating Foleo as Jalen partially listens to her....
  15. -Within the park, Rin searches far and wide for a Heracross, casually ignoring the likes of Scythers, Pinsirs, Venonats, and more....she occasionally come across some Heracross that runs away from her...she begins to lose her patience and runs in the forest, feeling more angry than ever. Lucina's not having much luck either with strugging to find any Pinsirs...eventually both girls come across each other, tears into their clothes and sweaty...each of them come across a Pinsir and a Heracross and catch them after much battling with them. At the same time, Odin and Laslow are having a much better time finding their respective Pokemon.
  17. -Sometime later, The Contest is over and with everyone except the 2 girls out. Laslow is confident that he will win this and imagine all the ladies liking him. Until Rin and Lucina come out...clothes ragged, torn and showing spots of their fleshes....both are too mad and tired to give a damn about it. After they tell the judges of their story, they end up taking 1st place together and both get a Sun Stone for all of their efforts(And the fact that they look so sexy in it). Lucina, Flustered and embarrassed, takes her prize and walk away...Severa leaves Jalen and tell him that next time they meet, she gonna beat him. Jalen reunites with Rin who tell him to backtrack to Goldenrod so they can rest up. the next day, she tell him...they head to Ecrutrek.
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