
Idol Radio Request Week September Day 1 Setlist

Sep 30th, 2018
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  1. Fly Two Blue - Haruka, Kanata, Claire, and Emily (Requested by Taku)
  2. Ugoku, Ugoku - Inori Minase and Yurika Kubo (Requested by Knirk)
  3. Midnight Syndrome - GET IN THE RING (Requested by Yami)
  4. Kizukeyo Baby - THE ORAL CIGARETTES (Requested by Reme)
  5. Road of Resistance - BABYMETAL (Requested by Narwhal)
  6. A little pain - Trapnest (Requested by Knirk)
  7. Watashitachi no Iru Ryuu - Starlight Kukugumi (Requested by Eter)
  8. oldToday - Hiroyuki Sawano (Requested by sickly_snake)
  9. Until the World is Turned to Ash - Junna Hoshimi, Hikari Kagura, and Karen Aijo (Requested by Eter)
  10. Subterranean Homesick Alien - Radiohead (Requested by Nosreme)
  11. The Wolf - SIAMÉS (Requested by Lt.Kill)
  12. Ue o Muite Arukou - Kyu Sakamoto (Requested by Kineva)
  13. Kimi no Shiranai Monogatari - Kobasolo, SIN, Teppei, and Taichi (Requested by Seph)
  14. Haru ni Ochite - Kano (Requested by hawawa)
  15. Wish me luck!!!! - Haruka, Kanata, Claire, and Emily (Requested by Taku)
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