

May 31st, 2017
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  1. Covet: Cadence was half pacing in the dining room area as she munched on a protien bar, going over the counts in her head for everything. The numbers had become repetitive in her head at this point always playing and going through the motions. It was all she could do from having a complete panic attack over the competition tomorrow.
  2. Covet: *protein.
  3. Tsaaq: ((Oops forgot about here.))
  4. Covet: [lol np]
  5. Tsaaq: "So I was thinking, most of my finals are already done." Remy spoke loudly as he came from the bedroom. "So if you really want, I can come along to the cheer competition or something?" He offered.
  6. Covet: She looked over at him as he walked out of the bedroom, "Are you serious? Babe.. Fuck yes.. please come... That will give me some sort of buffer so I don't murder Steph." She said finishing off her snack. She went to go throw her wrapper away then turned around to throw her arms around Remy.
  7. Tsaaq: Remy shook his head. "Yeah don't murder Steph." He said before going to hug her tightly. "I don't know. You seem pretty worried so maybe I should just come and cheer you guys on...Somehow. Cheerception."
  8. Covet: "I'm trying really really hard not to. And Yeah.. I am....and stressed. I'd like to have our own little cheering section." She said with a relieved smile, then she winced, "And there's the headache I've been fighting off all day. Again.. stress.. Because I'm sure as shit not dehydrated."
  9. Tsaaq: He frowned and went to turn her around. "Come on." He sighed as he put his hands on her shoulders and began to massage them carefully. "You're not allowed to be so stressed that you're in physical pain."
  10. Covet: "It's just a headache... but damn that feels good..." She said leaning into the massage "Cheerleading is one of the only things I don't royally suck at. I know I'm pushing them hard...but I have to, otherwise we'd just be shit. But then that makes me into a bad guy because I have expectations of people at least being healthy."
  11. Tsaaq: "Yeah well, it's not JUST a headache. You've been on edge all week. No bueno." He muttered before pressing his lips against each other while he listened to her. "It does not make you the bad guy. She has a mental disorder. It's not your fault."
  12. Covet: "I know.. I'll be fine. It will all be over one way or the other tomorrow. Then I wn't have to stress about it at all." She said in a rather non-convincing way. She took a deep breath and started moving her arms in subtle motions while she went through the counts again.
  13. Tsaaq: He countinged to massage her shoulders. "You're still gonna be friends with her after this shit so no. You'll still be stressed. So how are we gonna deal with this?"
  14. Covet: "After Cheer's over and done with, I probably won't run into her much. I'd say to suggest an intervention, but the last one for her went... swimmingly, this one would go about the same. Bryan said he could have a friend of her's that died from her ED's mom talk to her... but he also said that was the last possible step he wanted to take."
  15. Tsaaq: "Shit." Remy whispered as he went to kiss the side of her head. "I feel bad about this. But oh well. Best to not worry about shit that isn't happening yet... Let's get over the competition hump, right?"
  16. Covet: "Yeah.. I know. It's not exactly my forte but I'm trying. Which is why I'm throwing so much into this competition." She said with a sigh, then turned around, to look at him, "Thank you... for being super supportive and shit, Stud Muffin."
  17. Tsaaq: "Anything for you Cupcake." Remy said as he leaned over and kissed her, squeezing her ass in the most romantic way possible. "Now you need some sleep okay?" He said. "So let's make sure you get some good old fashioned shut eye."
  18. Covet: "Yes, Daddy." she said with a smile and a laugh as he squeezed her ass. She felt at least relaxed enough to get some sleep, before having to be awake at the ass crack of dawn to get on the road. She took Remy's hand and drug him off to bed with her for the sleep things.
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