

Dec 9th, 2016
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  1. Describe your character concept in 4 words or less.
  2. Gruff Weathered Husbando Elf
  3. Full Name
  4. Yaevinn aén Glas
  5. Gender
  6. Male
  7. Race
  8. Elf
  9. Game System (if any)
  10. Pathfinder
  11. Class & Archetypes (if any)
  12. Stalker (Brutal Slayer archetype)
  13. Physical Appearance
  14. This section will request information pertaining to your character's looks and physical presence.
  15. Height
  16. 6'1" or 185cm
  17. Build (muscular, chubby, toned etc.)
  18. Athletic.
  19. Hair (color, length, style, etc.)
  20. He has long black hair, braided into a tail half-way down and it usually rests on his chest on the right side of his face
  21. Eye Color
  22. Strong dark green.
  23. Complexion (color, freckles, apparent age, etc.)
  24. Uneven skin, loads of various small scars. His skin hue is pale pink.
  25. Do you have any scars? If so, how did you get them?
  26. Crooked nose from an older injury, from fighting a bear. Various other small scars that add up and make his skin look more uneven.
  27. Do you have any tattoos, piercings, or body modifications? If so, where, with/of what, and what do they represent/do for you?
  28. He has a face tattoo which rests on his face’s left side, which is the symbol of his tradition: A circle with the inside of it is filled in with sharp looking leafs forming a spiral, and the outline of the circle is made by a thorny vine. As well as 3 silver earrings on each ear.
  29. What armaments and gear do you typically carry with you?
  30. Studded leather armor, ornate cloak and hood and his ornate elven curve blade, two-handed silvensheen sword.
  31. How do you typically dress?
  32. In casual situations he prefer a green-white button up shirt with baggy pants and sandals. He keeps it simple, but still looking nice.
  33. How much care do you put into your appearance on a normal day? On a special occasion?
  34. He mostly trims his beard to a stubble and make sure his braided hair is fine, but beyond this he doesn't go far.
  35. What is your favorite aspect of your own appearance?
  36. His long elf ears.
  37. Background Information
  38. This section will ask questions regarding your character's past, family, and relationships.
  40. If you feel any of the questions do not apply to your character, reply "n/a" or leave the question blank.
  41. Aliases
  42. Indomitable
  43. Occupation
  44. Dangerous Terrain Guide or Adventurer
  45. Birthplace & Birthdate
  46. Arsmeril is his birthplace, 132 years ago.
  47. What is your social standing like?
  48. I'd say low, but he has a good reputation as a guide and have had interactions with nobles, though all business.
  49. Who are/were your parents? (names, occupations, personalities, etc.)
  50. His parents were grape farmers for making wine, his dad was the calm and aloof one, while his mother was the stern and overcaring one. Due to the traditions he follows he is not allowed to call them family anymore.
  51. Do you have any siblings? Who are/were they?(names, occupations, personalities, etc.)
  52. Yes, he has a younger sister. She was a typical tomboy of a girl that stuck way to close to our hero here constantly. But as above, she is not considered family anymore.
  53. Do you have any mentors? Who are/were they?
  54. Yes. They were so called aén elves, elves abiding to an old tradition where you are taught forms of advanced warfare and ancient elven knowledge.
  55. Do you have any friends? Who are/were they?
  56. His future party members.
  57. Do you have any romantic interests? Who are/were they?
  58. None as of yet.
  59. Is there any criminal activity in your past? If so, what?
  60. No, not really.
  61. How much schooling or training have you received?
  62. Training and being educated for his school took around 40 years.
  63. How would you describe your childhood in general?
  64. Peaceful, yet full of discipline.
  65. What would you consider the most important moment of your life so far?
  66. The moment he started to adventuring of the feeling of being "alive".
  67. What is your greatest regret of your life so far?
  68. Not respecting his old party, and that they had to settle down due to aging.
  69. How did you fall into your current line of work/adventures?
  70. He was working as a guide for an adventuring party, when they stubble upon a very well hidden bandit camp, and the party wanted to fight the bandits, and so they did and our hero suddenly felt alive, so after receiving an invite to join the party he gladly accepted while sharing some drinks.
  71. Personality/Beliefs
  72. This section will ask questions about your characters mental faculties, emotions, and personal beliefs.
  73. Optimist or pessimist?
  74. In the middle, but now in the start of his "story", he's more of a pessimist.
  75. Introvert or extrovert?
  76. Introvert who wishes he was an extrovert.
  77. Spontaneous or planner?
  78. Planner.
  79. In general, how do you treat others (politely, rudely, by keeping them at a distance, etc.)? Does your treatment of them change depending on how well you know them, and if so, how?
  80. Friends are treated rudely and brashly, while people he doesn't know more polite. He's not afraid of people but he has a hard time to call people friends.
  81. Do you tend to argue with people or avoid conflict? Why?
  82. He doesn't avoid conflict, if anything he tries to stop it.
  83. Do you tend to take on leadership positions in social situations? Why or why not?
  84. Depends, he's not the most schismatic person but he wants to make sure stuff gets done.
  85. Do you like interacting with large groups of people? Why or why not?
  86. Depends on the occasion but generally not.
  87. Do you care what others think about you? Why or why not?
  88. No. He is more concerned about his inner-self.
  89. Do you believe in a higher power? If so, do you encourage others to seek religion/spirituality as well? Why or why not?
  90. He's a pretty devout worshipper of Iori, though he would never pick up the divine arts.
  91. What are your positive personality traits?
  92. Honest, caring, well-spoken and observing.
  93. What are your negative personality traits?
  94. Too brash, habit of over-analyzing, self-absorbed (but not being an asshole about it) and distrust for people.
  95. What is the one things about yourself you are most proud of? Why?
  96. His tradition, and the progress he has made on his journey of self-improvement. He feels though as his mission in life is to improve upon the aén elf tradition by finding the answer from inside himself.
  97. What do you perceive as your greatest weakness? What is ACTUALLY your greatest weakness?
  98. His party members, but his actual greatest weakness is his originally still-alive family.
  99. we dating sim now
  100. This section is a trash can.
  101. What is your character's sexuality? (hetero-, homo-, bi-, a- etc.)
  102. Some weird mix of bi and asexual.
  103. Have you lost your virginity? If so, when and with who?
  104. He did, with one of his former party members (backstory, not players). He was 80 years at that time and was unsure about it, but the female half-elf was more experienced than him and teased him for it.
  105. Do you currently have a lover? If so, who? How did you meet/get together?
  106. No.
  107. What do you look for in a potential lover?
  108. A wanderer, someone who shares his beliefs and someone who lives as long as himself.
  109. Do you believe in soul mates/true love? Why or why not?
  110. He does, and looks up to his parents who say they were soul mates dictated by a priest.
  111. Do you have any kinks? If so, what are they?
  112. Haven't gotten that far, but he probably enjoys the pure-lust crazed rough sex that's borderline a competition of power. Like both partners wrestling who's in control.
  113. Are you more dominant or submissive in sexual situations? Why?
  114. Dominant if he's the more experienced one, submissive if he has lesser experience.
  115. Do you want to have children one day? Why or why not?
  116. Yes, he wants to. But due to his oath and tradition, they must be trained and schooled in the same traditions as himself.
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