

Aug 4th, 2017
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  1. Jul WK1 1000
  3. (Jalen)
  5. [Current Theme]
  7. So here we are, sitting in Culvers eating breakfast and chatting about various things. Inigo trying to flirt with waitresses, Rhiannon enjoying her chocolate coffee with pancakes and me and Soleil quietly eating what we ordered. As the breakfast went on, Inigo had to go use the bathroom....There, me and Soleil chatted about our monsters.
  9. "So wait, you're drilling Andrea in INT? I understand that she's part Pixie...But why tho?"
  10. "Dummy, Cause Hares actually have decent attacks such as Shriek, Deep Shriek...." Grimacing, she seems hesitant on speaking here. "...And the 3 Gas attacks which I'm NOT planning on getting." She grumbles as she eat her grits...Next to me, I hear Rhiannon humming as if to agree with her. "It's a good thing we're not training Jotaro to learn such things, right?" "Yeah." I turn towards my food and eat my bacon and crunch it in my mouth. "That's true, Besides, Jotaro's fine where he's at."
  12. "Speaking of..." She lean towards me until her head is touching my shoulder. "You named your Hare after a fictional character...." And here comes that smirk of hers.." You fucking weeb." For a moment there, I bristle in anger. "Shut up! You nor Rin here appreciate my taste in names!" Rhiannon scoffs next to me. "I wanted to use 'Kenshiro', but this guy said 'Kenshiro can wait, but Jotaro is cooler!"
  13. "WHAT!?!" I had to cover my ear as Soleil scream in shocked and anger as she shove her boobs to my left side of my head while leaning towards Rin. "This guy didn't used one of the best protagonist's names, but used one of his carbon-copies!?!" "Mhm, Tragic, ain't it?"
  15. She sits back down and give me a look of shame before she pats my head with a pity gaze. "You don't know the mistake you made, my deal child." I take her hand off as she laughs. "Go fuck yourself...Oh wait." Leaning in with a smirk. "I beat ya to that, did I?" Upon hearing that, she blushes hard and punch me on my hip. making me flinch. "Fuck you!" Despite this, both of us have a smile on each other.
  16. "You 2 are so good together." Neither of us commented on Rin's remark as we slowly went back to eat before the sounds of the doors opening with the bell above it ring out and every worker here shouting 'GOOD MORNING PRINCESS LUCINA!'. "....Oh....Fuck me." That tone of voice in Soleil's voice makes me and Rin look up...and then I frown hard as who else could it be entering but Lucina, Severa...and some blonde kid with a 40ft pole up his ass.
  18. "Goddamnit all..."I muttered. "What do we do!?!" "I say we attack them!" the 2 girls arguing near me, but I sshhh them. " what I'm gonna do..." I put the menu up and hide my face behind it with the other 2 girls doing so. "How will this work?" "Soleil, maybe we stay out of sight, we can get through this mess!" for the most part while hearing them order food with hella needs....we were able to stay out of trouble....until....
  20. "OH MY GOD, SEVERA! IT'S YOU!!!"
  23. (Lucina)
  25. [Current Theme]
  27. It's been a long week and some days for me....1st being that I lost to someone with a vicious rabbit via giving up along with my friend Severa. Then, my mother told me she watched it and was willing to remove that boy's license to breed! After a lengthy time of argument, She relented...but then she tell me that Siegbert and his Aunt Camilla were on their way here, concerned about the location of the wedding being in jeopardy. Honestly, I was beginning to think that having it by that lake I adore so much was a bad idea if all of this was happening cause of it. At the moment it's me, Severa, and Siegbert in the limo of mines on our way to Culver's for breakfast, with Severa sitting across from me and Siegbert. All of us wearing fine clothing, Mines having the Ylisse royal symbol on the back of my shirt while Siegbert's wearing a fabulously silky shirt with Nohr's symbol on the back. Within the car, is Siegbert's prized Antlan...Liquel, a Rank C monster with no losses under his belt as he sit on the floor besides Siegbert ever so calmly.
  29. "And that what happened...I'm telling you, Prince Siegbert. that Pruett is a real pest who needs a real Alpha to put him down, Not to mention his feelings for Lucina! Imagine that! a commoner trying to lay with a NOBLE!" Severa never got over her humiliation under Jalen it seems as she crosses her arms. "Hmmm...He sounds like your average hooligan commoner if you asked me...Although him trying to get with Lucina is pestering as hell can be." As much as I like him as a friend...Siegbert's attitude towards non royals annoy me. That trait he got from his father doesn't make him a suitable mate, much less a King....But me and mom disagree on that as well..Besides....I don't like Jalen THAT MUCH. "And you say this is the same person who denied our request to use that lake as our wedding spot?" At this, he grabs my hand with me grabbing it as par for the course. "Yes! I'm shocked that he turned down the amount of money I was gonna give him as well!" She lean back in the chair and sighs while rubbing her temples ."I don't understand that punk." "What's there to understand?" Siegbert crosses his arms. "He's a simple commoner....Their logic cannot be grasped by us nobles".
  31. Inward I groan...I miss the old days when I didn't had to worry about royal duties. Nevertheless, we pull up to Culver's with our bodyguard crew. Siegbert get out the car after commanding Liquel to stay in the car and open the door for me and Lucina as the bodyguards are opening the door for us to walk in, with Siegbert linking his arm with mines.
  33. "GOOD MORNING, PRINCESS LUCINA!" I smiled and wave at the people bowing towards me. "How may we be of service to you, your attendant, and your fiance?" Inwardly flinching at Fiance, Siegbert answer for me without noticing my plight. "I would like for us to get the finest order of eggs, grits, and sausages. Make sure the eggs are fried for 5 mins exact! and I want the Kalaragi spices on my grits as well!"
  34. "Make sure the bacon that comes with it are from Hoshidian Pigs only! They have the least amount of fat in them, I'm trying to watch my weight." Sigh....Both Siegbert and Severa are very picky. "All I want is some coffee and eggs pls" With a strained smile, The workers show us to a table and we sit there. As we wait there, I sit out on the conversation Siegbert and Severa have regarding the league in Nohr...Until.
  38. [End Theme]
  40. Siegbert flinches as Severa groans with a facepalm...."oh goddamnit." she muttered while Inigo comes running to us and slam his hands on the table. "What God had blessed me with your presence before me? No matter, I am ever so gla-" "Who the deuces are you and why are you harassing Miss Cramoisi?" Siegbert interrupt him , annoyance clearly on his face. "I am the ever dashing Inigo Laslow Danceur! Pleased to meet you, Prince Siegbert!" He extended his hand to shake Siegbert who stared at him.....for a full minute....Inigo bring his hand back awkwardly. "What the hell are you doing here?!? Who the hell brought you here to this fine establishment!?!" Inigo laughs and point towards a table with 3 menus up hiding 3 people.."My sister and her friends ofc!"
  42. "Soleil is here?...."
  43. Siegbert stands up..."If she's here..." he push Inigo aside as both me and Severa follows him. Oh god, if they are who I think they are...then...he's here....That boy...
  46. (Soleil)
  49. Oh god...fucking...damnit, Inigo just HAD to blow our cover!!! And to make it worse...Siegbert's making his way towards us by the sound of his footsteps! And the other 2 are coming here as well!!! (Remain calm, Soleil....Maybe nothing will come out of this....Yeah! Nothing will go wrong!)
  51. "Are you the knave who not only denied my Lucina her wish to have a divine wedding location, BUT have feelings for her?"
  53. [Current Theme]
  55. "...." Jalen doesn't answer Siegbert who crosses his arms and tap the floor with his foot. "Soleil!" I put my menu down and glare at Severa who glare back. "Severa."
  57. "I'm waiting...Knave."I can feel Jalen's anger growing judging from how he is gripping the paper in his hand. "Sooo...What bring you guys over here?" Rhiannon tries to be the peace maker here with Lucina(Who joined with Inigo behind her) helping out. "Why, we came over for some breakfast and Was gonna go ba-" "I think we should dine here." Siegbert shocks everyone, Lucina looking at him with a slight annoyed look? Anyway...He sit down across from Jalen who's not looking at him with Severa next to him on his left and Lucina on his right. Inigo come sit next to Jalen to try and speak to Severa.
  59. "Soooo...Severa, when will we go ou-"
  60. "Never"
  62. ...Gotta give him credit, he's determined....or maybe stupid. I don't know nor care...However, what happens next is shockingly...funny and weird.
  64. "Answer me, damn-" Here, Jalen put his menu down and glare at Siegbert.
  66. "Ok, pal look...I'm trying to become the mature one here. So I don't care for what pissing contest you wanna have with me here cause I'm trying to fucking eat here...Now can you ignore me like I was ignoring you, pls and thank you?" Jalen goes back to eating his food as a shocked Siegbert goes back to his, anger bubbling as I'm sue it is. Severa looks scared, no doubt remembering his outburst against her last they met. Rin and I share hidden looks of pride at him.
  68. "Ummm...Jalen, right?"
  70. After some time, Lucina look over to Jalen who's eating in peace, Siegbert's face looks somewhat angered by this. "My fiance is talking to you...." I felt some slight ...envy in that tone. "Yeah, what does you want, Lucina?" She clears her voice and breath in some air. "I...I am curious on your training schedule...I've..." By now, every one have stopped eating their food. "I...I was wondering if you could teach me how to train my monster!"
  72. "...."
  73. "....."
  74. "..."
  75. "...."
  76. "Excuse me?"
  78. Jalen's the only person who spoke. "I've looked at your matches from before, It's clear you have some skill...and I was wondering how much do I have to pay for your services to tea-"
  80. SLAM! A fist on the table from Siegbert who rise up from his seat as he glares at Jalen who glares back due to being challenged from an alpha like Siegbert.
  81. "I challenge you to a duel, You homewrecking bastard...Today, My monster vs yours. Name the location., I'll be there to crush you!"
  82. Jalen facepalms and rubs his temples as Inigo speaks up for Jalen for perhaps the 1st and only time. "Now, My lord..." Ever the suck up, he is..."Why would Jalen try to take Princess Lucina when he taken my sister?" Here, he gestures towards me as I sigh. However, Siegbert scowls at me. "No doubt he's one of those Alphas who like to take as many Betas as he want...selfish bastard probably realized how low quality this beta commoner is and want Lucina for his dirty needs!"
  84. THIS comment erupted quite a flow of reactions from us 4 that came here...all of us angry ofc.
  86. "Hey, that's my sister! Take that back now!"
  87. "Dude, the fuck is wrong with you!?! That's rude and crass of you!"
  88. "....."
  89. "Bitch, who the fuck are you calling a Beta!"
  91. [Current Theme]
  93. "SHUT UP, YOU DAMNED HARLOT!" Instead of trying to subdue me, that only make me angry as he pointed at me. I was gonna stand up and punch him when someone reach out and grab his hand...crushing every bone in it! Lucina and Severa look shocked with hands in front of their mouths...Inigo looking with awe...and Rhiannon with a look of "Shit's gonna get real". Siegbert grunts in pain as Jalen was the one who grabbed his hand and I shit you not, I never saw a look of anger before in my life.
  95. "Don't you EVER disrespect MY ALPHA WOMAN near me! Bring your pathetic ass to my ranch with whatever guttertrash shit you call a monster there so my monster will demolish it and make you reconsider your career!!!"
  97. He let go as I look at him with widen eyes..Damned, that was very nice of him...I could had handled it myself ofc, but it's very thoughtful of. Siegbert rubs his hand and growl back at Jalen.
  99. "Fine then! Severa, tell our driver where to go! I will be at this shitlord's ranch at 7PM tonight! Come Lucina!....I will make you RUE this day!!!" Siegbert call out as he leaves the diner...Lucina look back at us as Severa hastily follow him...and bow before us. "For-Forgive us...I just wanted to have a breakfast." and so she leaves as well..
  101. "Well..." Inigo turn to Jalen.."I must say..I'm grateful you defended my sister's honor..perhaps I was wrong about you." "Look, I'm glad you think different of me now..." Jalen reach into his wallet out of his pocket and slam down the money for the food..." But we gotta go back home and get ready..."
  103. The 4 of us do so and get home where Jotaro is informed of the events...he too get ready as the night comes and soon...a blue Mustang drives up to the ranch...Jalen and Jotaro out on the field...
  106. Shit's gonna get real now.
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