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- /dts-v1/;
- / {
- interrupt-parent = <0x1>;
- model = "Amlogic";
- amlogic-dt-id = "sm1_s905x3_u215";
- #address-cells = <0x1>;
- #size-cells = <0x1>;
- compatible = "amlogic, g12a";
- vdac {
- status = "okay";
- compatible = "amlogic, vdac-sm1";
- };
- dmc_monitor {
- status = "okay";
- interrupts = <0x0 0x33 0x1>;
- reg_base = <0xff639000>;
- compatible = "amlogic, dmc_monitor";
- };
- chosen {
- bootargs = "init=/init console=ttyS0,115200 no_console_suspend earlyprintk=aml-uart,0xff803000 ramoops.pstore_en=1 ramoops.record_size=0x8000 ramoops.console_size=0x4000 otg_device=0 reboot_mode_android=normal logo=osd0,loaded,0x3d800000 vout=576cvbs,enable panel_type=lcd_1 hdmitx=,rgb,8bit hdmimode=1080p60hz frac_rate_policy=1 hdmi_read_edid=1 cvbsmode=576cvbs osd_reverse=0 video_reverse=0 irq_check_en=0 androidboot.selinux=permissive androidboot.firstboot=0 jtag=disable androidboot.hardware=amlogic androidboot.serialno=1234567890 mac=00:df:12:00:a3:31 androidboot.mac=00:df:12:00:a3:31 ro rootwait skip_initramfs androidboot.dtbo_idx=0 --cmdline root=/dev/mmcblk0p18 buildvariant=user";
- };
- codec_mm {
- memory-region = <0x63 0x64>;
- dev_name = "codec_mm";
- status = "okay";
- compatible = "amlogic, codec, mm";
- };
- rtc {
- alarm_reg_addr = <0xff8000a8>;
- status = "okay";
- timer_e_addr = <0xffd0f188>;
- init_date = "2015/01/01";
- compatible = "amlogic, aml_vrtc";
- };
- pwmao_d-regulator {
- regulator-always-on;
- voltage-table = <0xf9060 0x0 0xf6950 0x3 0xf4240 0x6 0xf1b30 0xa 0xef420 0xd 0xecd10 0x10 0xea600 0x14 0xe7ef0 0x17 0xe57e0 0x1a 0xe30d0 0x1e 0xe09c0 0x21 0xde2b0 0x24 0xdbba0 0x28 0xd9490 0x2b 0xd6d80 0x2e 0xd4670 0x32 0xd1f60 0x35 0xcf850 0x38 0xcd140 0x3c 0xcaa30 0x3f 0xc8320 0x43 0xc5c10 0x46 0xc3500 0x49 0xc0df0 0x4c 0xbe6e0 0x50 0xbbfd0 0x53 0xb98c0 0x56 0xb71b0 0x5a 0xb4aa0 0x5d 0xb2390 0x60 0xafc80 0x64>;
- phandle = <0xe>;
- max-duty-cycle = <0x4e2>;
- status = "okay";
- regulator-min-microvolt = <0xafc80>;
- regulator-max-microvolt = <0xf9060>;
- regulator-name = "vddcpu0";
- compatible = "pwm-regulator";
- pwms = <0x4c 0x1 0x4e2 0x0>;
- };
- cpu_ver_name {
- compatible = "amlogic, cpu-major-id-sm1";
- };
- serial@ffd22000 {
- pinctrl-names = "default";
- pinctrl-0 = <0x31>;
- phandle = <0xeb>;
- clock-names = "clk_uart", "clk_gate";
- reg = <0xffd22000 0x18>;
- fifosize = <0x40>;
- status = "disabled";
- interrupts = <0x0 0x5d 0x1>;
- compatible = "amlogic, meson-uart";
- clocks = <0x15 0x2 0x3c>;
- };
- ionvideo {
- dev_name = "ionvideo";
- status = "okay";
- compatible = "amlogic, ionvideo";
- };
- defendkey {
- phandle = <0xf9>;
- reg = <0xff630218 0x4>;
- mem_size = <0x0 0x100000>;
- status = "okay";
- compatible = "amlogic, defendkey";
- };
- custom_maps {
- map1 = <0x2c>;
- map0 = <0x2b>;
- phandle = <0x2a>;
- mapnum = <0x4>;
- map3 = <0x2e>;
- map2 = <0x2d>;
- map_1 {
- cursor_up_scancode = <0x16>;
- phandle = <0x2c>;
- size = <0x1c>;
- keymap = <0x4e0002 0xd0003 0xc0004 0x4a0005 0x90006 0x80007 0x460008 0x50009 0x4000a 0x1000b 0x4c008b 0x180073 0x100072 0x110066 0x50006a 0x510069 0x160067 0x1a006c 0x13001c 0x410071 0x19009e 0x400074 0x4b00a8 0x1d0 0x4f00d0 0x42000e 0x430057 0xf0058>;
- cursor_right_scancode = <0x50>;
- mapname = "amlogic-remote-2";
- cursor_ok_scancode = <0x13>;
- cursor_left_scancode = <0x51>;
- cursor_down_scancode = <0x1a>;
- release_delay = <0x50>;
- fn_key_scancode = <0x0>;
- customcode = <0xfe01>;
- };
- map_0 {
- phandle = <0x2b>;
- size = <0x32>;
- keymap = <0x47000b 0x130002 0x100003 0x110004 0xf0005 0xc0006 0xd0007 0xb0008 0x80009 0x9000a 0x5c0061 0x51003d 0x50003e 0x40003f 0x4d0040 0x430041 0x170042 0x43 0x10044 0x160057 0x49000e 0x60082 0x140083 0x440067 0x1d006c 0x1c0069 0x48006a 0x53007d 0x450068 0x19006d 0x520077 0x5007a 0x59007b 0x1b0078 0x40079 0x1a0074 0xa000f 0xe0071 0x1f0066 0x1e0084 0x70085 0x120086 0x540087 0x20088 0x4f001e 0x420030 0x5d002e 0x4c0020 0x580089 0x55008c>;
- mapname = "amlogic-remote-1";
- release_delay = <0x50>;
- customcode = <0xfb04>;
- };
- map_2 {
- phandle = <0x2d>;
- size = <0x11>;
- keymap = <0xca0067 0xd2006c 0x990069 0xc1006a 0xce0061 0x450074 0xc50085 0x800071 0xd0000f 0xd6007d 0x950066 0xdd0068 0x8c006d 0x890083 0x9c0082 0x9a0078 0xcd0079>;
- mapname = "amlogic-remote-3";
- release_delay = <0x50>;
- customcode = <0xbd02>;
- };
- map_3 {
- cursor_up_scancode = <0x38>;
- phandle = <0x2e>;
- size = <0xc>;
- keymap = <0x83008b 0x870073 0x890072 0x730066 0x39006a 0x370069 0x380067 0x40006c 0x13001c 0x27009e 0x810074 0x4801d0>;
- cursor_right_scancode = <0x39>;
- mapname = "amlogic-remote-4";
- cursor_ok_scancode = <0x13>;
- cursor_left_scancode = <0x37>;
- cursor_down_scancode = <0x40>;
- release_delay = <0x50>;
- fn_key_scancode = <0x48>;
- customcode = <0x7f80>;
- };
- };
- locker {
- interrupt-names = "irq";
- phandle = <0x105>;
- clock-names = "lock_out", "lock_in", "out_src", "in_src", "out_calc", "in_ref";
- dividor = <0x31>;
- status = "disabled";
- frequency = <0x2ebae40>;
- interrupts = <0x0 0x1 0x1>;
- compatible = "amlogic, audiolocker";
- clocks = <0x1d 0x2d 0x1d 0x2e 0x1d 0x27 0x1d 0x28 0x2 0xd 0x2 0xe>;
- };
- auge_sound {
- compatible = "amlogic, g12a-sound-card";
- aml-audio-card,name = "AML-AUGESOUND";
- aml-audio-card,dai-link@0 {
- bitclock-master = <0x7c>;
- mclk-fs = <0x200>;
- suffix-name = "alsaPORT-pcm";
- format = "dsp_a";
- frame-master = <0x7c>;
- codec {
- phandle = <0x102>;
- sound-dai = <0x7d 0x7d>;
- };
- cpu {
- system-clock-frequency = <0x1770000>;
- dai-tdm-slot-tx-mask = <0x1 0x1 0x1 0x1 0x1 0x1 0x1 0x1>;
- phandle = <0x101>;
- sound-dai = <0x7c>;
- dai-tdm-slot-rx-mask = <0x1 0x1 0x1 0x1 0x1 0x1 0x1 0x1>;
- dai-tdm-slot-num = <0x8>;
- dai-tdm-slot-width = <0x20>;
- };
- };
- aml-audio-card,dai-link@6 {
- mclk-fs = <0x100>;
- suffix-name = "alsaPORT-earc";
- codec {
- sound-dai = <0x7d>;
- };
- cpu {
- system-clock-frequency = <0xbb8000>;
- sound-dai = <0x83>;
- };
- };
- aml-audio-card,dai-link@5 {
- mclk-fs = <0x80>;
- continuous-clock;
- suffix-name = "alsaPORT-spdifb";
- codec {
- sound-dai = <0x7d>;
- };
- cpu {
- system-clock-frequency = <0x5dc000>;
- sound-dai = <0x82>;
- };
- };
- aml-audio-card,dai-link@1 {
- bitclock-master = <0x7e>;
- mclk-fs = <0x100>;
- suffix-name = "alsaPORT-i2s";
- format = "i2s";
- frame-master = <0x7e>;
- codec {
- phandle = <0x103>;
- sound-dai = <0x7d 0x7d 0x7f>;
- };
- cpu {
- system-clock-frequency = <0xbb8000>;
- dai-tdm-slot-tx-mask = <0x1 0x1>;
- sound-dai = <0x7e>;
- dai-tdm-slot-rx-mask = <0x1 0x1>;
- dai-tdm-slot-num = <0x2>;
- dai-tdm-slot-width = <0x20>;
- };
- };
- aml-audio-card,dai-link@7 {
- mclk-fs = <0x100>;
- continuous-clock;
- suffix-name = "alsaPORT-loopback";
- codec {
- sound-dai = <0x7d>;
- };
- cpu {
- system-clock-frequency = <0xbb8000>;
- sound-dai = <0x84>;
- };
- };
- aml-audio-card,dai-link@4 {
- mclk-fs = <0x80>;
- suffix-name = "alsaPORT-spdif";
- codec {
- sound-dai = <0x7d>;
- };
- cpu {
- system-clock-frequency = <0x5dc000>;
- sound-dai = <0x81>;
- };
- };
- aml-audio-card,dai-link@2 {
- bitclock-master = <0x80>;
- mclk-fs = <0x100>;
- format = "i2s";
- frame-master = <0x80>;
- codec {
- phandle = <0x104>;
- sound-dai = <0x7d>;
- };
- cpu {
- system-clock-frequency = <0xbb8000>;
- dai-tdm-slot-tx-mask = <0x1 0x1>;
- sound-dai = <0x80>;
- dai-tdm-slot-rx-mask = <0x1 0x1>;
- dai-tdm-slot-num = <0x2>;
- dai-tdm-slot-width = <0x20>;
- };
- };
- };
- vdin0 {
- vdin_id = <0x0>;
- flag_cma = <0x0>;
- phandle = <0xef>;
- reserve-iomap = "true";
- dev_name = "vdin0";
- status = "disabled";
- interrupts = <0x0 0x53 0x1>;
- compatible = "amlogic, vdin";
- rdma-irq = <0x2>;
- tv_bit_mode = <0x15>;
- };
- aml_dma {
- reg = <0xff63e000 0x48>;
- interrupts = <0x0 0xb4 0x1>;
- compatible = "amlogic,aml_txlx_dma";
- aml_sha {
- dev_name = "aml_sha_dma";
- status = "okay";
- compatible = "amlogic,sha_dma";
- };
- aml_aes {
- dev_name = "aml_aes_dma";
- status = "okay";
- compatible = "amlogic,aes_g12a_dma";
- };
- };
- timer_bc {
- clockevent-shift = <0x14>;
- reg = <0xffd0f190 0x4 0xffd0f194 0x4>;
- bit_resolution = <0x0>;
- bit_enable = <0x10>;
- bit_mode = <0xc>;
- clockevent-rating = <0x12c>;
- interrupts = <0x0 0x3c 0x1>;
- clockevent-features = <0x23>;
- timer_name = "Meson TimerF";
- compatible = "arm, meson-bc-timer";
- };
- securitykey {
- storage_remove = <0x82000068>;
- storage_version = <0x8200006c>;
- storage_list = <0x82000067>;
- storage_in_func = <0x82000023>;
- storage_block_func = <0x82000025>;
- storage_size_func = <0x82000027>;
- storage_tell = <0x82000063>;
- storage_write = <0x82000062>;
- storage_get_enctype = <0x8200006b>;
- storage_status = <0x82000065>;
- storage_verify = <0x82000064>;
- storage_set_enctype = <0x8200006a>;
- storage_read = <0x82000061>;
- storage_query = <0x82000060>;
- compatible = "aml, securitykey";
- storage_out_func = <0x82000024>;
- };
- cpus {
- phandle = <0x91>;
- #address-cells = <0x1>;
- #size-cells = <0x0>;
- cpu@3 {
- operating-points-v2 = <0xd>;
- cpu-supply = <0xe>;
- phandle = <0xb>;
- clock-names = "core_clk", "low_freq_clk_parent", "high_freq_clk_parent", "dsu_clk", "dsu_pre_parent";
- reg = <0x3>;
- clock-latency = <0xc350>;
- voltage-tolerance = <0x0>;
- enable-method = "psci";
- cpu-idle-states = <0xc>;
- device_type = "cpu";
- compatible = "arm,cortex-a53", "arm,armv8";
- clocks = <0x2 0x17 0x2 0x16 0x2 0x0 0x2 0xf8 0x2 0xf7>;
- };
- cpu@0 {
- operating-points-v2 = <0xd>;
- cpu-supply = <0xe>;
- phandle = <0x8>;
- clock-names = "core_clk", "low_freq_clk_parent", "high_freq_clk_parent", "dsu_clk", "dsu_pre_parent";
- reg = <0x0>;
- clock-latency = <0xc350>;
- voltage-tolerance = <0x0>;
- enable-method = "psci";
- cpu-idle-states = <0xc>;
- device_type = "cpu";
- compatible = "arm,cortex-a53", "arm,armv8";
- clocks = <0x2 0x17 0x2 0x16 0x2 0x0 0x2 0xf8 0x2 0xf7>;
- };
- cpu@2 {
- operating-points-v2 = <0xd>;
- cpu-supply = <0xe>;
- phandle = <0xa>;
- clock-names = "core_clk", "low_freq_clk_parent", "high_freq_clk_parent", "dsu_clk", "dsu_pre_parent";
- reg = <0x2>;
- clock-latency = <0xc350>;
- voltage-tolerance = <0x0>;
- enable-method = "psci";
- cpu-idle-states = <0xc>;
- device_type = "cpu";
- compatible = "arm,cortex-a53", "arm,armv8";
- clocks = <0x2 0x17 0x2 0x16 0x2 0x0 0x2 0xf8 0x2 0xf7>;
- };
- cpu@1 {
- operating-points-v2 = <0xd>;
- cpu-supply = <0xe>;
- phandle = <0x9>;
- clock-names = "core_clk", "low_freq_clk_parent", "high_freq_clk_parent", "dsu_clk", "dsu_pre_parent";
- reg = <0x1>;
- clock-latency = <0xc350>;
- voltage-tolerance = <0x0>;
- enable-method = "psci";
- cpu-idle-states = <0xc>;
- device_type = "cpu";
- compatible = "arm,cortex-a53", "arm,armv8";
- clocks = <0x2 0x17 0x2 0x16 0x2 0x0 0x2 0xf8 0x2 0xf7>;
- };
- idle-states {
- entry-method = "arm,psci-0.2";
- cpu-sleep-0 {
- phandle = <0xc>;
- local-timer-stop;
- min-residency-us = <0x2710>;
- exit-latency-us = <0x1388>;
- entry-latency-us = <0xfa0>;
- arm,psci-suspend-param = <0x10000>;
- compatible = "arm,idle-state";
- };
- };
- cpu-map {
- cluster0 {
- phandle = <0x92>;
- core0 {
- cpu = <0x8>;
- };
- core1 {
- cpu = <0x9>;
- };
- core3 {
- cpu = <0xb>;
- };
- core2 {
- cpu = <0xa>;
- };
- };
- };
- };
- cpu_info {
- status = "okay";
- cpuinfo_cmd = <0x82000044>;
- compatible = "amlogic, cpuinfo";
- };
- dummy-battery {
- phandle = <0xfe>;
- status = "okay";
- compatible = "amlogic, dummy-battery";
- };
- cvbsout {
- clk_path = <0x0>;
- clock-names = "venci_top_gate", "venci_0_gate", "venci_1_gate", "vdac_clk_gate";
- performance = <0x1bf0 0x9 0x1b56 0x333 0x1b12 0x8080 0x1b05 0xfd 0x1c59 0xf850 0xffff 0x0>;
- performance_sarft = <0x1bf0 0x9 0x1b56 0x333 0x1b12 0x0 0x1b05 0x9 0x1c59 0xfc48 0xffff 0x0>;
- dev_name = "cvbsout";
- status = "okay";
- performance_revB_telecom = <0x1bf0 0x9 0x1b56 0x546 0x1b12 0x8080 0x1b05 0x9 0x1c59 0xf850 0xffff 0x0>;
- compatible = "amlogic, cvbsout-sm1";
- clocks = <0x2 0x55 0x2 0x4e 0x2 0x4f 0x2 0x57>;
- };
- serial@ffd24000 {
- pinctrl-names = "default";
- pinctrl-0 = <0x2f>;
- phandle = <0xe9>;
- clock-names = "clk_uart", "clk_gate";
- reg = <0xffd24000 0x18>;
- fifosize = <0x80>;
- status = "okay";
- interrupts = <0x0 0x1a 0x1>;
- compatible = "amlogic, meson-uart";
- clocks = <0x15 0x2 0x2e>;
- };
- ge2d {
- interrupt-names = "ge2d";
- clock-names = "clk_vapb_0", "clk_ge2d", "clk_ge2d_gate";
- reg = <0xff940000 0x10000>;
- dev_name = "ge2d";
- status = "okay";
- interrupts = <0x0 0x92 0x1>;
- compatible = "amlogic, ge2d-sm1";
- clocks = <0x2 0x95 0x2 0x3d 0x2 0x96>;
- };
- watchdog@0xffd0f0d0 {
- shutdown_timeout = <0xa>;
- firmware_timeout = <0x6>;
- reset_watchdog_time = <0x2>;
- phandle = <0xc9>;
- clock-names = "xtal";
- reg = <0xffd0f0d0 0x10>;
- reset_watchdog_method = <0x1>;
- suspend_timeout = <0x6>;
- status = "okay";
- default_timeout = <0xa>;
- compatible = "amlogic, meson-wdt";
- clocks = <0x15>;
- };
- ddr_bandwidth {
- interrupt-names = "ddr_bandwidth";
- reg = <0xff638000 0x100 0xff638c00 0x100>;
- status = "okay";
- interrupts = <0x0 0x34 0x1>;
- compatible = "amlogic, ddr-bandwidth";
- };
- meson-irblaster {
- pinctrl-names = "default";
- pinctrl-0 = <0x3b>;
- phandle = <0xf4>;
- reg = <0xff80014c 0x10 0xff800040 0x4>;
- status = "okay";
- interrupts = <0x0 0xc6 0x1>;
- compatible = "amlogic, meson_irblaster";
- };
- dummy-charger {
- phandle = <0xff>;
- status = "okay";
- compatible = "amlogic, dummy-charger";
- };
- interrupt-controller@2c001000 {
- phandle = <0x1>;
- reg = <0xffc01000 0x1000 0xffc02000 0x100>;
- interrupts = <0x1 0x9 0xf04>;
- #address-cells = <0x0>;
- interrupt-controller;
- compatible = "arm,cortex-a15-gic", "arm,cortex-a9-gic";
- #interrupt-cells = <0x3>;
- };
- vdin1 {
- vdin_id = <0x1>;
- flag_cma = <0x0>;
- phandle = <0xf0>;
- reserve-iomap = "true";
- memory-region = <0x39>;
- dev_name = "vdin1";
- status = "disabled";
- interrupts = <0x0 0x55 0x1>;
- compatible = "amlogic, vdin";
- rdma-irq = <0x4>;
- tv_bit_mode = <0x1>;
- };
- unifykey {
- unifykey-index-4 = <0x6c>;
- unifykey-index-6 = <0x6e>;
- unifykey-index-1 = <0x69>;
- unifykey-index-5 = <0x6d>;
- unifykey-index-8 = <0x70>;
- unifykey-index-9 = <0x71>;
- unifykey-num = <0x10>;
- unifykey-index-10 = <0x72>;
- status = "ok";
- unifykey-index-0 = <0x68>;
- unifykey-index-14 = <0x76>;
- unifykey-index-13 = <0x75>;
- unifykey-index-7 = <0x6f>;
- unifykey-index-2 = <0x6a>;
- unifykey-index-11 = <0x73>;
- compatible = "amlogic, unifykey";
- unifykey-index-12 = <0x74>;
- unifykey-index-3 = <0x6b>;
- unifykey-index-15 = <0x77>;
- key_6 {
- key-name = "hdcp2_tx";
- key-permit = "read", "write", "del";
- phandle = <0x6e>;
- key-device = "normal";
- };
- key_10 {
- key-name = "hdcp22_fw_private";
- key-permit = "read", "write", "del";
- phandle = <0x72>;
- key-device = "secure";
- };
- key_12 {
- key-name = "prpubkeybox";
- key-permit = "read", "write", "del";
- phandle = <0x74>;
- key-device = "secure";
- };
- key_3 {
- key-name = "secure_boot_set";
- key-permit = "write";
- phandle = <0x6b>;
- key-device = "efuse";
- };
- key_1 {
- key-name = "mac";
- key-permit = "read", "write", "del";
- phandle = <0x69>;
- key-device = "normal";
- };
- key_4 {
- key-name = "mac_bt";
- key-permit = "read", "write", "del";
- phandle = <0x6c>;
- key-type = "mac";
- key-device = "normal";
- };
- key_13 {
- key-name = "prprivkeybox";
- key-permit = "read", "write", "del";
- phandle = <0x75>;
- key-device = "secure";
- };
- key_0 {
- key-name = "usid";
- key-permit = "read", "write", "del";
- phandle = <0x68>;
- key-device = "normal";
- };
- key_11 {
- key-name = "PlayReadykeybox25";
- key-permit = "read", "write", "del";
- phandle = <0x73>;
- key-device = "secure";
- };
- key_8 {
- key-name = "widevinekeybox";
- key-permit = "read", "write", "del";
- phandle = <0x70>;
- key-device = "secure";
- };
- key_15 {
- key-name = "netflix_mgkid";
- key-permit = "read", "write", "del";
- phandle = <0x77>;
- key-device = "secure";
- };
- key_5 {
- key-name = "mac_wifi";
- key-permit = "read", "write", "del";
- phandle = <0x6d>;
- key-type = "mac";
- key-device = "normal";
- };
- key_2 {
- key-name = "hdcp";
- key-permit = "read", "write", "del";
- phandle = <0x6a>;
- key-type = "sha1";
- key-device = "secure";
- };
- key_7 {
- key-name = "hdcp2_rx";
- key-permit = "read", "write", "del";
- phandle = <0x6f>;
- key-device = "normal";
- };
- key_14 {
- key-name = "attestationkeybox";
- key-permit = "read", "write", "del";
- phandle = <0x76>;
- key-device = "secure";
- };
- key_9 {
- key-name = "deviceid";
- key-permit = "read", "write", "del";
- phandle = <0x71>;
- key-device = "normal";
- };
- };
- aliases {
- tsensor0 = "/p_tsensor@ff634594";
- serial3 = "/serial@ffd22000";
- serial2 = "/serial@ffd23000";
- serial1 = "/serial@ffd24000";
- tsensor1 = "/d_tsensor@ff800228";
- i2c4 = "/soc/aobus@ff800000/i2c@5000";
- i2c0 = "/soc/cbus@ffd00000/i2c@1f000";
- i2c2 = "/soc/cbus@ffd00000/i2c@1d000";
- serial0 = "/soc/aobus@ff800000/serial@3000";
- i2c3 = "/soc/cbus@ffd00000/i2c@1c000";
- serial4 = "/soc/aobus@ff800000/serial@4000";
- i2c1 = "/soc/cbus@ffd00000/i2c@1e000";
- };
- d_tsensor@ff800228 {
- cal_d = <0x24c3>;
- cal_c = <0xc57>;
- cal_b = <0x1a8>;
- phandle = <0x8b>;
- clock-names = "ts_comp";
- reg = <0xff634c00 0x50 0xff800230 0x4>;
- cal_type = <0x1>;
- rtemp = <0x1c138>;
- status = "okay";
- interrupts = <0x0 0x24 0x0>;
- #thermal-sensor-cells = <0x1>;
- cal_a = <0x144>;
- device_name = "meson-dthermal";
- compatible = "amlogic, r1p1-tsensor";
- clocks = <0x2 0xd6>;
- };
- hevc_enc {
- interrupt-names = "wave420l_irq";
- dev_name = "HevcEnc";
- status = "okay";
- ranges;
- interrupts = <0x0 0xbb 0x1>;
- #address-cells = <0x1>;
- #size-cells = <0x1>;
- compatible = "cnm, HevcEnc";
- io_reg_base {
- reg = <0xff610000 0x4000>;
- };
- };
- jtag {
- pinctrl-names = "jtag_apao_pins", "jtag_apee_pins";
- pinctrl-0 = <0x16>;
- select = "disable";
- pinctrl-1 = <0x17>;
- status = "disable";
- compatible = "amlogic, jtag";
- };
- nfc@0 {
- pinctrl-names = "nand_rb_mod", "nand_norb_mod", "nand_cs_only";
- nand_clk_ctrl = <0xffe07000>;
- device_id = <0x0>;
- plat-names = "bootloader", "nandnormal";
- plat-part-1 = <0x4a>;
- pinctrl-0 = <0x47>;
- phandle = <0xf8>;
- fip_size = <0x200000>;
- clock-names = "core", "clkin";
- reg = <0xffe07800 0x200>;
- plat-part-0 = <0x49>;
- pinctrl-2 = <0x48>;
- pinctrl-1 = <0x47>;
- dev_name = "mtdnand";
- status = "disabled";
- plat-num = <0x2>;
- interrupts = <0x0 0x22 0x1>;
- fip_copies = <0x4>;
- bl_mode = <0x1>;
- compatible = "amlogic, aml_mtd_nand";
- clocks = <0x2 0x35 0x2 0x72>;
- nandnormal {
- rb_detect = <0x1>;
- plane_mode = "twoplane";
- timming_mode = "mode5";
- busy_pad = "rb0";
- phandle = <0x4a>;
- chip_num = <0x2>;
- t_rhoh = <0xf>;
- t_rea = <0x14>;
- bch_mode = "bch8_1k";
- part_num = <0x3>;
- partition = <0x4b>;
- enable_pad = "ce0";
- };
- nand_partition {
- phandle = <0x4b>;
- recovery {
- offset = <0x0 0x0>;
- size = <0x0 0x1000000>;
- };
- boot {
- offset = <0x0 0x0>;
- size = <0x0 0x1000000>;
- };
- system {
- offset = <0x0 0x0>;
- size = <0x0 0x4000000>;
- };
- data {
- offset = <0xffffffff 0xffffffff>;
- size = <0x0 0x0>;
- };
- logo {
- offset = <0x0 0x0>;
- size = <0x0 0x200000>;
- };
- tpl {
- offset = <0x0 0x0>;
- size = <0x0 0x0>;
- };
- };
- bootloader {
- rb_detect = <0x1>;
- timming_mode = "mode5";
- busy_pad = "rb0";
- phandle = <0x49>;
- chip_num = <0x1>;
- t_rhoh = <0xf>;
- t_rea = <0x14>;
- bch_mode = "bch8_1k";
- part_num = <0x0>;
- enable_pad = "ce0";
- };
- };
- p_tsensor@ff634594 {
- cal_d = <0x24c3>;
- cal_c = <0xc57>;
- cal_b = <0x1a8>;
- phandle = <0x85>;
- clock-names = "ts_comp";
- reg = <0xff634800 0x50 0xff800268 0x4>;
- cal_type = <0x1>;
- rtemp = <0x1c138>;
- status = "okay";
- interrupts = <0x0 0x23 0x0>;
- #thermal-sensor-cells = <0x1>;
- cal_a = <0x144>;
- device_name = "meson-pthermal";
- compatible = "amlogic, r1p1-tsensor";
- clocks = <0x2 0xd6>;
- };
- vout {
- dev_name = "vout";
- status = "okay";
- compatible = "amlogic, vout";
- };
- rc@0xff808040 {
- pinctrl-names = "default";
- map = <0x2a>;
- protocol = <0x1>;
- pinctrl-0 = <0x29>;
- phandle = <0xe8>;
- reg = <0xff808040 0x44 0xff808000 0x20>;
- max_frame_time = <0xc8>;
- dev_name = "meson-remote";
- status = "okay";
- interrupts = <0x0 0xc4 0x1>;
- led_blink_frq = <0x64>;
- led_blink = <0x1>;
- compatible = "amlogic, aml_remote";
- };
- galcore {
- nn_efuse = <0xff63003c 0x20>;
- interrupt-names = "galcore";
- clock-names = "cts_vipnanoq_axi_clk_composite", "cts_vipnanoq_core_clk_composite";
- reg = <0xff100000 0x800 0xff000000 0x400000 0xff63c118 0x0 0xff63c11c 0x0 0xffd01088 0x0>;
- dev_name = "galcore";
- status = "okay";
- interrupts = <0x0 0xba 0x4>;
- compatible = "amlogic, galcore";
- clocks = <0x2 0xe8 0x2 0xe7>;
- };
- efusekey {
- key2 = <0x7a>;
- phandle = <0x4d>;
- key3 = <0x7b>;
- key1 = <0x79>;
- keynum = <0x4>;
- key0 = <0x78>;
- key_3 {
- offset = <0x12>;
- keyname = "usid";
- phandle = <0x7b>;
- size = <0x10>;
- };
- key_1 {
- offset = <0x6>;
- keyname = "mac_bt";
- phandle = <0x79>;
- size = <0x6>;
- };
- key_0 {
- offset = <0x0>;
- keyname = "mac";
- phandle = <0x78>;
- size = <0x6>;
- };
- key_2 {
- offset = <0xc>;
- keyname = "mac_wifi";
- phandle = <0x7a>;
- size = <0x6>;
- };
- };
- audio_data {
- phandle = <0xc6>;
- status = "okay";
- query_licence_cmd = <0x82000050>;
- compatible = "amlogic, audio_data";
- };
- __symbols__ {
- rsv = "/partitions/rsv";
- b_uart_pins = "/pinctrl@ff634480/b_uart";
- misc = "/partitions/misc";
- dummy_codec = "/dummy";
- logo_reserved = "/reserved-memory/linux,meson-fb";
- ethmac = "/ethernet@ff3f0000";
- sdio_clk_cmd_pins = "/pinctrl@ff634480/sdio_clk_cmd_pins";
- spicc0_pins_x = "/pinctrl@ff634480/spicc0_pins_x";
- tdmout_b = "/pinctrl@ff634480/tdmout_b";
- sd_emmc_a = "/sdio@ffe03000";
- ppmgr_reserved = "/reserved-memory/linux,ppmgr";
- uart_C = "/serial@ffd22000";
- usb2_phy_v2 = "/usb2phy@ffe09000";
- remote = "/rc@0xff808040";
- CPU2 = "/cpus/cpu@2";
- i2c2_master_pins2 = "/pinctrl@ff634480/i2c2_pins2";
- spicc1 = "/soc/cbus@ffd00000/spi@15000";
- cam_dvp_pins = "/pinctrl@ff634480/cam_dvp_pins";
- defendkey = "/defendkey";
- keysn_15 = "/unifykey/key_15";
- dvb_s_ts0_pins = "/pinctrl@ff800014/dvb_s_ts0_pins";
- pwm_f_pins2 = "/pinctrl@ff634480/pwm_f_pins2";
- custom_maps = "/custom_maps";
- i2c0_master_pins1 = "/pinctrl@ff634480/i2c0_pins1";
- i2c0_master_pins3 = "/pinctrl@ff634480/i2c0_pins3";
- nand = "/nfc@0";
- gpio_intc = "/soc/cbus@ffd00000/interrupt-controller@f080";
- key_3 = "/efusekey/key_3";
- i2c3_master_pins2 = "/pinctrl@ff634480/i2c3_pins2";
- keysn_4 = "/unifykey/key_4";
- vendor = "/partitions/vendor";
- sdio_x_clk_cmd_pins = "/pinctrl@ff634480/sdio_x_clk_cmd_pins";
- recovery = "/partitions/recovery";
- map_1 = "/custom_maps/map_1";
- internal_gpio_pins = "/pinctrl@ff634480/internal_gpio_pins";
- pwm_cd = "/soc/cbus@ffd00000/pwm@1a000";
- dvfs800_cfg = "/bifrost/dvfs800_cfg";
- pwm_a_pins = "/pinctrl@ff634480/pwm_a";
- dhot = "/thermal-zones/ddr_thermal/trips/trip-point@2";
- vdin0 = "/vdin0";
- eecec_b = "/pinctrl@ff634480/ee_cecb";
- tdmb_mclk = "/pinctrl@ff634480/tdmb_mclk";
- pdm_codec = "/dummy";
- eecec_a = "/pinctrl@ff634480/ee_ceca";
- gen_clk_ee_z = "/pinctrl@ff634480/gen_clk_ee_z";
- irblaster = "/meson-irblaster";
- tee = "/partitions/tee";
- wdt = "/watchdog@0xffd0f0d0";
- pcritical = "/thermal-zones/soc_thermal/trips/trip-point@3";
- tdmc_mclk = "/pinctrl@ff634480/tdmc_mclk";
- hdmitx_hpd = "/pinctrl@ff634480/hdmitx_hpd";
- key_1 = "/efusekey/key_1";
- clkc_b = "/soc/hiubus@ff63c000/clock-controller@1";
- i2c0_master_pins2 = "/pinctrl@ff634480/i2c0_pins2";
- dtbo = "/partitions/dtbo";
- aocec_a = "/pinctrl@ff800014/ao_ceca";
- cbus = "/soc/cbus@ffd00000";
- uart_AO = "/soc/aobus@ff800000/serial@3000";
- power_ctrl = "/power_ctrl@ff8000e8";
- tdmccodec = "/auge_sound/aml-audio-card,dai-link@2/codec";
- dcontrol = "/thermal-zones/ddr_thermal/trips/trip-point@1";
- keysn_0 = "/unifykey/key_0";
- all_nand_pins = "/pinctrl@ff634480/all_nand_pins";
- pdm = "/soc/audiobus@0xFF660000/pdm";
- vdin1_cma_reserved = "/reserved-memory/linux,vdin1_cma";
- cpus = "/cpus";
- dvfs666_cfg = "/bifrost/dvfs666_cfg";
- tdmacpu = "/auge_sound/aml-audio-card,dai-link@0/cpu";
- dwc3 = "/dwc3@ff500000";
- cpufreq_cool0 = "/meson-cooldev@0/cpufreq_cool0";
- tdmc = "/soc/audiobus@0xFF660000/tdm@2";
- map_0 = "/custom_maps/map_0";
- cache = "/partitions/cache";
- ao_uart_pins = "/pinctrl@ff800014/ao_uart";
- vm0_cma_reserved = "/reserved-memory/linux,vm0_cma";
- pwm_d_pins2 = "/pinctrl@ff634480/pwm_d_pins2";
- spdifb = "/soc/audiobus@0xFF660000/spdif@1";
- clkc = "/soc/hiubus@ff63c000/clock-controller@0";
- spdifin = "/pinctrl@ff634480/spdifin";
- gpio_ao = "/pinctrl@ff800014/ao-bank@ff800014";
- d_tsensor = "/d_tsensor@ff800228";
- CPU1 = "/cpus/cpu@1";
- CPU0 = "/cpus/cpu@0";
- vend_data = "/amhdmitx/vend_data";
- i2c1_master_pins2 = "/pinctrl@ff634480/i2c1_pins2";
- boot = "/partitions/boot";
- phot = "/thermal-zones/soc_thermal/trips/trip-point@2";
- pinctrl_aobus = "/pinctrl@ff800014";
- product = "/partitions/product";
- dwc2_a = "/dwc2_a@ff400000";
- vdin1 = "/vdin1";
- pwm_ao_a_pins = "/pinctrl@ff800014/pwm_ao_a";
- keysn_1 = "/unifykey/key_1";
- aobus = "/soc/aobus@ff800000";
- tdmout_a = "/pinctrl@ff634480/tdmout_a";
- pwm_AO_ab = "/soc/aobus@ff800000/pwm@7000";
- pwm_b_pins1 = "/pinctrl@ff634480/pwm_b_pins1";
- pwm_ef = "/soc/cbus@ffd00000/pwm@19000";
- spicc0 = "/soc/cbus@ffd00000/spi@13000";
- loopbackb = "/soc/audiobus@0xFF660000/loopback@1";
- usb3_phy_v2 = "/usb3phy@ffe09080";
- tdmin_c = "/pinctrl@ff634480/tdmin_c";
- secos_reserved = "/reserved-memory/linux,secos";
- gpu = "/bifrost";
- sd_to_ao_uart_clr_pins = "/pinctrl@ff800014/sd_to_ao_uart_clr_pins";
- system = "/partitions/system";
- pwm_ao_d_pins2 = "/pinctrl@ff800014/pwm_ao_d_pins2";
- sd_all_pins = "/pinctrl@ff634480/sd_all_pins";
- pwm_c_pins1 = "/pinctrl@ff634480/pwm_c_pins1";
- audiobus = "/soc/audiobus@0xFF660000";
- keysn_6 = "/unifykey/key_6";
- keysn_3 = "/unifykey/key_3";
- tdmlb = "/soc/audiobus@0xFF660000/tdm@3";
- i2c2_master_pins3 = "/pinctrl@ff634480/i2c2_pins3";
- jtag_apee_pins = "/pinctrl@ff634480/jtag_apee_pin";
- keysn_7 = "/unifykey/key_7";
- dvfs125_cfg = "/bifrost/clk125_cfg";
- hiubus = "/soc/hiubus@ff63c000";
- sd_clr_noall_pins = "/pinctrl@ff634480/sd_clr_noall_pins";
- metadata = "/partitions/metadata";
- keysn_2 = "/unifykey/key_2";
- audiolocker = "/locker";
- ddr_thermal = "/thermal-zones/ddr_thermal";
- ion_cma_reserved = "/reserved-memory/linux,ion-dev";
- gpio = "/pinctrl@ff634480/banks@ff6346c0";
- jtag_apao_pins = "/pinctrl@ff800014/jtag_apao_pin";
- sdio_x_clr_pins = "/pinctrl@ff634480/sdio_x_clr_pins";
- sdio_all_pins = "/pinctrl@ff634480/sdio_all_pins";
- uart_B = "/serial@ffd23000";
- amlogic_codec = "/t9015";
- tdmout_c = "/pinctrl@ff634480/tdmout_c";
- keysn_5 = "/unifykey/key_5";
- efusekey = "/efusekey";
- audio_data = "/audio_data";
- pdmin = "/pinctrl@ff634480/pdmin";
- vpu = "/vpu";
- emmc_conf_pull_done = "/pinctrl@ff634480/emmc_conf_pull_done";
- picdec_cma_reserved = "/linux,picdec";
- CPU_SLEEP_0 = "/cpus/idle-states/cpu-sleep-0";
- data = "/partitions/data";
- pwm_d_pins1 = "/pinctrl@ff634480/pwm_d_pins1";
- clkaudio = "/soc/audiobus@0xFF660000/audio_clocks";
- wifi_pwm_conf = "/wifi_pwm_conf";
- vad = "/soc/audiobus@0xFF660000/vad";
- codec_mm_reserved = "/reserved-memory/linux,codec_mm_reserved";
- keysn_12 = "/unifykey/key_12";
- pwm_f_pins1 = "/pinctrl@ff634480/pwm_f_pins1";
- pwm_ao_c_pins2 = "/pinctrl@ff800014/pwm_ao_c_pins2";
- aoclkc = "/soc/aobus@ff800000/clock-controller@0";
- codec_mm_cma = "/reserved-memory/linux,codec_mm_cma";
- keysn_8 = "/unifykey/key_8";
- soc_thermal = "/thermal-zones/soc_thermal";
- key_0 = "/efusekey/key_0";
- ao_to_sd_uart_pins = "/pinctrl@ff634480/ao_to_sd_uart_pins";
- tdmin_a = "/pinctrl@ff634480/tdmin_a";
- hdmitx_hpd_gpio = "/pinctrl@ff634480/hdmitx_hpd_gpio";
- clk12_24_z_pins = "/pinctrl@ff634480/clk12_24_z_pins";
- i2c0 = "/soc/cbus@ffd00000/i2c@1f000";
- canvas = "/canvas";
- pwm_ao_d_pins1 = "/pinctrl@ff800014/pwm_ao_d_pins1";
- ad82584f_62 = "/soc/cbus@ffd00000/i2c@1c000/ad82584f_62@62";
- vddcpu0 = "/pwmao_d-regulator";
- internal_eth_pins = "/pinctrl@ff634480/internal_eth_pins";
- pwm_ao_a_hiz_pins = "/pinctrl@ff800014/pwm_ao_a_hiz";
- i2c2 = "/soc/cbus@ffd00000/i2c@1d000";
- sd_emmc_b = "/sd@ffe05000";
- keysn_11 = "/unifykey/key_11";
- pcie_A = "/pcieA@fc000000";
- dswitch_on = "/thermal-zones/ddr_thermal/trips/trip-point@0";
- ao_i2c_slave_pins = "/pinctrl@ff800014/ao_i2c_slave_pins";
- tdmb = "/soc/audiobus@0xFF660000/tdm@1";
- dvfs285_cfg = "/bifrost/dvfs285_cfg";
- gpufreq_cool0 = "/meson-cooldev@0/gpufreq_cool0";
- pwm_AO_cd = "/soc/aobus@ff800000/pwm@2000";
- amlogic_battery = "/dummy-battery";
- secmon_reserved = "/reserved-memory/linux,secmon";
- aocec = "/aocec";
- p_tsensor = "/p_tsensor@ff634594";
- external_eth_pins = "/pinctrl@ff634480/external_eth_pins";
- nandnormal = "/nfc@0/nandnormal";
- vbmeta = "/partitions/vbmeta";
- codec_io = "/codec_io";
- a_uart_pins = "/pinctrl@ff634480/a_uart";
- loopbacka = "/soc/audiobus@0xFF660000/loopback@0";
- ao_i2c_master_pins2 = "/pinctrl@ff800014/ao_i2c_pins2";
- keysn_13 = "/unifykey/key_13";
- pswitch_on = "/thermal-zones/soc_thermal/trips/trip-point@0";
- uart_AO_B = "/soc/aobus@ff800000/serial@4000";
- sd_clk_cmd_pins = "/pinctrl@ff634480/sd_clk_cmd_pins";
- meson_cooldev = "/meson-cooldev@0";
- meson_fb = "/fb";
- sdio_x_en_pins = "/pinctrl@ff634480/sdio_x_en_pins";
- i2c2_master_pins1 = "/pinctrl@ff634480/i2c2_pins1";
- tdma = "/soc/audiobus@0xFF660000/tdm@0";
- cri_data = "/partitions/cri_data";
- dcritical = "/thermal-zones/ddr_thermal/trips/trip-point@3";
- sd_1bit_pins = "/pinctrl@ff634480/sd_1bit_pins";
- map_2 = "/custom_maps/map_2";
- dvfs400_cfg = "/bifrost/dvfs400_cfg";
- spdifa = "/soc/audiobus@0xFF660000/spdif@0";
- aocec_b = "/pinctrl@ff800014/ao_cecb";
- param = "/partitions/param";
- i2c1_master_pins3 = "/pinctrl@ff634480/i2c1_pins3";
- nand_cs_pins = "/pinctrl@ff634480/nand_cs";
- logo = "/partitions/logo";
- tdmacodec = "/auge_sound/aml-audio-card,dai-link@0/codec";
- gpucore_cool0 = "/meson-cooldev@0/gpucore_cool0";
- i2c_AO = "/soc/aobus@ff800000/i2c@5000";
- amlogic_charger = "/dummy-charger";
- pcontrol = "/thermal-zones/soc_thermal/trips/trip-point@1";
- emmc_conf_pull_up = "/pinctrl@ff634480/emmc_conf_pull_up";
- dvfs850_cfg = "/bifrost/dvfs850_cfg";
- periphs = "/soc/periphs@ff634400";
- earc = "/soc/audiobus@0xFF660000/earc";
- di_cma_reserved = "/reserved-memory/linux,di_cma";
- bl_pwm_off_pins = "/pinctrl@ff634480/bl_pwm_off_pin";
- cpucore_cool0 = "/meson-cooldev@0/cpucore_cool0";
- dvfs250_cfg = "/bifrost/dvfs250_cfg";
- odm = "/partitions/odm";
- ao_b_uart_pins = "/pinctrl@ff800014/ao_b_uart";
- hdmitx_ddc = "/pinctrl@ff634480/hdmitx_ddc";
- pwm_ao_c_hiz_pins = "/pinctrl@ff800014/pwm_ao_c_hiz";
- nand_partitions = "/nfc@0/nand_partition";
- gic = "/interrupt-controller@2c001000";
- i2c1_master_pins1 = "/pinctrl@ff634480/i2c1_pins1";
- tdmin_b = "/pinctrl@ff634480/tdmin_b";
- pwm_ao_c_pins1 = "/pinctrl@ff800014/pwm_ao_c_pins1";
- pinctrl_periphs = "/pinctrl@ff634480";
- amhdmitx = "/amhdmitx";
- asrca = "/soc/audiobus@0xFF660000/resample@0";
- CPU3 = "/cpus/cpu@3";
- irblaster_pins = "/pinctrl@ff800014/irblaster_pin";
- xtal = "/xtal-clk";
- pwm_ab = "/soc/cbus@ffd00000/pwm@1b000";
- uart_A = "/serial@ffd24000";
- audio_effect = "/eqdrc";
- cpu_opp_table0 = "/cpu_opp_table0";
- ao_i2c_master_pins1 = "/pinctrl@ff800014/ao_i2c_pins1";
- pwm_ao_d_pins3 = "/pinctrl@ff800014/pwm_ao_d_pins3";
- pwm_c_pins3 = "/pinctrl@ff634480/pwm_c_pins3";
- cluster0 = "/cpus/cpu-map/cluster0";
- mailbox = "/mhu@c883c400";
- partitions = "/partitions";
- c_uart_pins = "/pinctrl@ff634480/c_uart";
- i2c3_master_pins1 = "/pinctrl@ff634480/i2c3_pins1";
- key_2 = "/efusekey/key_2";
- dvfs500_cfg = "/bifrost/dvfs500_cfg";
- i2c3 = "/soc/cbus@ffd00000/i2c@1c000";
- keysn_14 = "/unifykey/key_14";
- efuse = "/efuse";
- tdmbcodec = "/auge_sound/aml-audio-card,dai-link@1/codec";
- sdio_x_all_pins = "/pinctrl@ff634480/sdio_x_all_pins";
- remote_pins = "/pinctrl@ff800014/remote_pin";
- saradc = "/saradc";
- keysn_10 = "/unifykey/key_10";
- spicc1_pins = "/pinctrl@ff634480/spicc1_pins";
- map_3 = "/custom_maps/map_3";
- bootloader = "/nfc@0/bootloader";
- pwm_ao_b_pins = "/pinctrl@ff800014/pwm_ao_b";
- sd_to_ao_uart_pins = "/pinctrl@ff800014/sd_to_ao_uart_pins";
- keysn_9 = "/unifykey/key_9";
- pwm_c_pins2 = "/pinctrl@ff634480/pwm_c_pins2";
- aed = "/soc/audiobus@0xFF660000/effect";
- spicc0_pins_c = "/pinctrl@ff634480/spicc0_pins_c";
- pwm_e_pins = "/pinctrl@ff634480/pwm_e";
- spdifout = "/pinctrl@ff634480/spdifout";
- sd_emmc_c = "/emmc@ffe07000";
- sd_clr_all_pins = "/pinctrl@ff634480/sd_clr_all_pins";
- pwm_b_pins2 = "/pinctrl@ff634480/pwm_b_pins2";
- i2c_AO_slave = "/soc/aobus@ff800000/i2c_slave@6000";
- emmc_clk_cmd_pins = "/pinctrl@ff634480/emmc_clk_cmd_pins";
- i2c1 = "/soc/cbus@ffd00000/i2c@1e000";
- };
- wifi {
- pinctrl-names = "default";
- pwm_config = <0x61>;
- pinctrl-0 = <0x60>;
- dhd_static_buf;
- power_on_pin = <0x12 0x48 0x0>;
- irq_trigger_type = "GPIO_IRQ_LOW";
- dev_name = "aml_wifi";
- interrupt_pin = <0x12 0x49 0x0>;
- status = "okay";
- compatible = "amlogic, aml_wifi";
- };
- vpu {
- phandle = <0x93>;
- clock-names = "vapb_clk", "vpu_intr_gate", "vpu_clk0", "vpu_clk1", "vpu_clk";
- dev_name = "vpu";
- status = "okay";
- clk_level = <0x7>;
- compatible = "amlogic, vpu-sm1";
- clocks = <0x2 0x95 0x2 0x4c 0x2 0x87 0x2 0x8b 0x2 0x8c>;
- };
- pinctrl@ff800014 {
- phandle = <0x95>;
- ranges;
- #address-cells = <0x1>;
- #size-cells = <0x1>;
- compatible = "amlogic,meson-g12a-aobus-pinctrl";
- ao-bank@ff800014 {
- #gpio-cells = <0x2>;
- phandle = <0x5f>;
- reg = <0xff800014 0x8 0xff800024 0x14 0xff80001c 0x8>;
- reg-names = "mux", "gpio", "drive-strength";
- gpio-controller;
- };
- dvb_s_ts0_pins {
- phandle = <0xa3>;
- tsin_a {
- groups = "tsin_a_sop_ao", "tsin_a_valid_ao", "tsin_a_clk_ao", "tsin_a_din0_ao";
- function = "tsin_a_ao";
- };
- };
- pwm_ao_b {
- phandle = <0x9b>;
- mux {
- groups = "pwm_ao_b";
- function = "pwm_ao_b";
- };
- };
- sd_to_ao_uart_clr_pins {
- phandle = <0x42>;
- mux {
- groups = "GPIOAO_0", "GPIOAO_1";
- function = "gpio_aobus";
- };
- };
- pwm_ao_d_pins2 {
- phandle = <0xa0>;
- mux {
- groups = "pwm_ao_d_10";
- function = "pwm_ao_d";
- };
- };
- ao_cecb {
- phandle = <0xa2>;
- mux {
- groups = "cec_ao_b";
- function = "cec_ao";
- };
- };
- pwm_ao_a_hiz {
- phandle = <0x9a>;
- mux {
- groups = "pwm_ao_a_hiz";
- function = "pwm_ao_a";
- };
- };
- irblaster_pin {
- phandle = <0x3b>;
- mux {
- groups = "remote_out_ao";
- function = "remote_out_ao";
- };
- };
- pwm_ao_c_pins2 {
- phandle = <0x9d>;
- mux {
- groups = "pwm_ao_c_6";
- function = "pwm_ao_c";
- };
- };
- jtag_apao_pin {
- phandle = <0x16>;
- mux {
- groups = "jtag_a_tdi", "jtag_a_tdo", "jtag_a_clk", "jtag_a_tms";
- function = "jtag_a";
- };
- };
- pwm_ao_d_pins1 {
- phandle = <0x9f>;
- mux {
- groups = "pwm_ao_d_5";
- function = "pwm_ao_d";
- };
- };
- ao_i2c_slave_pins {
- phandle = <0x1a>;
- mux {
- groups = "i2c_ao_slave_sck", "i2c_ao_slave_sda";
- function = "i2c_ao_slave";
- };
- };
- pwm_ao_c_hiz {
- phandle = <0x9e>;
- mux {
- groups = "pwm_ao_c_hiz_4";
- function = "pwm_ao_c";
- };
- };
- ao_i2c_pins1 {
- phandle = <0x97>;
- mux {
- groups = "i2c_ao_sck", "i2c_ao_sda";
- function = "i2c_ao";
- drive-strength = <0x2>;
- };
- };
- remote_pin {
- phandle = <0x29>;
- mux {
- groups = "remote_input_ao";
- function = "remote_input_ao";
- };
- };
- ao_b_uart {
- phandle = <0x1b>;
- mux {
- groups = "uart_ao_tx_b_2", "uart_ao_rx_b_3";
- function = "uart_ao_b";
- };
- };
- ao_i2c_pins2 {
- phandle = <0x98>;
- mux {
- groups = "i2c_ao_sck_e", "i2c_ao_sda_e";
- function = "i2c_ao";
- drive-strength = <0x2>;
- };
- };
- pwm_ao_c_pins1 {
- phandle = <0x9c>;
- mux {
- groups = "pwm_ao_c_4";
- function = "pwm_ao_c";
- };
- };
- ao_ceca {
- phandle = <0xa1>;
- mux {
- groups = "cec_ao_a";
- function = "cec_ao";
- };
- };
- pwm_ao_a {
- phandle = <0x99>;
- mux {
- groups = "pwm_ao_a";
- function = "pwm_ao_a";
- };
- };
- pwm_ao_d_pins3 {
- phandle = <0x8c>;
- mux {
- groups = "pwm_ao_d_e";
- function = "pwm_ao_d";
- };
- };
- ao_uart {
- phandle = <0x96>;
- mux {
- groups = "uart_ao_tx_a", "uart_ao_rx_a";
- function = "uart_ao_a";
- };
- };
- sd_to_ao_uart_pins {
- phandle = <0x44>;
- mux {
- groups = "uart_ao_tx_a", "uart_ao_rx_a";
- input-enable;
- bias-pull-up;
- function = "uart_ao_a";
- };
- };
- };
- aml_snd_iomap {
- status = "okay";
- ranges;
- #address-cells = <0x1>;
- #size-cells = <0x1>;
- compatible = "amlogic, snd-iomap";
- audiolocker_base {
- reg = <0xff661400 0x400>;
- };
- eqdrc_base {
- reg = <0xff662000 0x1000>;
- };
- earcrx_dmac_base {
- reg = <0xff663c00 0x20>;
- };
- earcrx_top_base {
- reg = <0xff663e00 0x10>;
- };
- earcrx_cdmc_base {
- reg = <0xff663800 0x30>;
- };
- reset_base {
- reg = <0xffd01000 0x1000>;
- };
- vad_base {
- reg = <0xff661800 0x400>;
- };
- pdm_bus {
- reg = <0xff661000 0x400>;
- };
- audiobus_base {
- reg = <0xff660000 0x1000>;
- };
- };
- amlvecm {
- tx_op_color_primary = <0x0>;
- cm_en = <0x0>;
- dev_name = "aml_vecm";
- status = "okay";
- wb_en = <0x0>;
- gamma_en = <0x0>;
- compatible = "amlogic, vecm";
- };
- timer {
- interrupts = <0x1 0xd 0xff08 0x1 0xe 0xff08 0x1 0xb 0xff08 0x1 0xa 0xff08>;
- compatible = "arm,armv7-timer";
- };
- vout2 {
- clock-names = "vpu_clkc0", "vpu_clkc";
- dev_name = "vout";
- status = "okay";
- compatible = "amlogic, vout2";
- clocks = <0x2 0xc4 0x2 0xc9>;
- };
- wifi_pwm_conf {
- phandle = <0x61>;
- pwm_channel1_conf {
- times = <0xa>;
- duty-cycle = <0x3ba6>;
- pwms = <0x62 0x0 0x774d 0x0>;
- };
- pwm_channel2_conf {
- times = <0xc>;
- duty-cycle = <0x3b92>;
- pwms = <0x62 0x2 0x7724 0x0>;
- };
- };
- eqdrc {
- phandle = <0x100>;
- channel_mask = <0x3>;
- eqdrc_module = <0x1>;
- lane_mask = <0x1>;
- };
- vcodec_dec {
- dev_name = "aml-vcodec-dec";
- status = "okay";
- compatible = "amlogic, vcodec-dec";
- };
- picdec {
- memory-region = <0x65>;
- dev_name = "picdec";
- status = "okay";
- compatible = "amlogic, picdec";
- };
- dwc2_a@ff400000 {
- pl-periph-id = <0x0>;
- cpu-type = "v2";
- port-dma = <0x0>;
- phy-reg-size = <0xa0>;
- phandle = <0xc8>;
- clock-names = "usb_general", "usb1";
- reg = <0xff400000 0x40000>;
- port-id = <0x0>;
- port-type = <0x1>;
- controller-type = <0x1>;
- status = "okay";
- usb-fifo = <0x2d8>;
- port-id-mode = <0x1>;
- phy-interface = <0x2>;
- interrupts = <0x0 0x1f 0x4>;
- port-speed = <0x0>;
- phy-reg = <0xffe09000>;
- port-config = <0x0>;
- device_name = "dwc2_a";
- compatible = "amlogic, dwc2";
- clocks = <0x2 0x41 0x2 0x49>;
- clock-src = "usb0";
- };
- mhu@c883c400 {
- #mbox-cells = <0x1>;
- phandle = <0x10>;
- reg = <0xff63c400 0x4c 0xfffe7000 0x800>;
- mbox-names = "cpu_to_scp_low", "cpu_to_scp_high";
- interrupts = <0x0 0xd1 0x1 0x0 0xd2 0x1>;
- mboxes = <0x10 0x0 0x10 0x1>;
- compatible = "amlogic, meson_mhu";
- };
- canvas {
- phandle = <0xf1>;
- reg = <0xff638000 0x2000>;
- dev_name = "amlogic-canvas";
- status = "okay";
- compatible = "amlogic, meson, canvas";
- };
- sdio@ffe03000 {
- pinctrl-names = "sdio_all_pins", "sdio_clk_cmd_pins";
- cap-mmc-highspeed;
- disable-wp;
- pinctrl-0 = <0x45>;
- phandle = <0xf7>;
- clock-names = "core", "clkin0", "clkin1", "clkin2", "xtal";
- reg = <0xffe03000 0x800>;
- bus-width = <0x4>;
- pinctrl-1 = <0x46>;
- max-frequency = <0x5f5e100>;
- status = "okay";
- interrupts = <0x0 0xbd 0x4>;
- cap-sd-highspeed;
- compatible = "amlogic, meson-mmc-sm1";
- clocks = <0x2 0x33 0x2 0x6a 0x2 0x2 0x2 0x5 0x15>;
- sdio {
- f_min = <0x61a80>;
- card_type = <0x3>;
- f_max = <0xbebc200>;
- max_req_size = <0x20000>;
- ocr_avail = <0x200080>;
- pinname = "sdio";
- };
- };
- emmc@ffe07000 {
- pinctrl-names = "emmc_clk_cmd_pins", "emmc_all_pins";
- cap-mmc-highspeed;
- disable-wp;
- pinctrl-0 = <0x3c>;
- phandle = <0xf5>;
- clock-names = "core", "clkin0", "clkin1", "clkin2", "xtal";
- reg = <0xffe07000 0x800>;
- bus-width = <0x8>;
- pinctrl-1 = <0x3d 0x3e>;
- max-frequency = <0xbebc200>;
- status = "okay";
- non-removable;
- interrupts = <0x0 0xbf 0x1>;
- cap-sd-highspeed;
- compatible = "amlogic, meson-mmc-sm1";
- clocks = <0x2 0x35 0x2 0x72 0x2 0x2 0x2 0x20 0x15>;
- emmc {
- f_min = <0x61a80>;
- card_type = <0x1>;
- co_phase = <0x3>;
- f_max = <0xbebc200>;
- tx_delay = <0x0>;
- max_req_size = <0x20000>;
- ocr_avail = <0x200080>;
- pinname = "emmc";
- hw_reset = <0x12 0x26 0x0>;
- gpio_dat3 = <0x12 0x1d 0x0>;
- };
- };
- cpufreq-meson {
- pinctrl-names = "default";
- pinctrl-0 = <0x8c>;
- status = "okay";
- compatible = "amlogic, cpufreq-meson";
- };
- aocec {
- pinctrl-names = "default", "hdmitx_aocecb", "cec_pin_sleep";
- product_desc = "SM1";
- interrupt-names = "hdmi_aocecb", "hdmi_aocec";
- cec_osd_string = "AML_MBOX";
- pinctrl-0 = <0x37>;
- phandle = <0xee>;
- reg = <0xff80023c 0x4 0xff800000 0x400 0xff634400 0x70>;
- pinctrl-2 = <0x38>;
- pinctrl-1 = <0x38>;
- ee_cec;
- reg-names = "ao_exit", "ao", "periphs";
- cec_version = <0x5>;
- status = "okay";
- port_num = <0x1>;
- arc_port_mask = <0x2>;
- interrupts = <0x0 0xcb 0x1 0x0 0xc7 0x1>;
- vendor_id = <0x0>;
- vendor_name = "Amlogic";
- device_name = "aocec";
- compatible = "amlogic, aocec-sm1";
- };
- power_ctrl@ff8000e8 {
- phandle = <0xcb>;
- reg = <0xff8000e8 0x10 0xff63c100 0x10>;
- compatible = "amlogic, sm1-powerctrl";
- };
- codec_io {
- phandle = <0xf2>;
- status = "okay";
- ranges;
- #address-cells = <0x1>;
- #size-cells = <0x1>;
- compatible = "amlogic, codec_io";
- io_cbus_base {
- reg = <0xffd00000 0x100000>;
- };
- io_dos_base {
- reg = <0xff620000 0x10000>;
- };
- io_hiubus_base {
- reg = <0xff63c000 0x2000>;
- };
- io_vcbus_base {
- reg = <0xff900000 0x40000>;
- };
- io_aobus_base {
- reg = <0xff800000 0x10000>;
- };
- io_efuse_base {
- reg = <0xff630000 0x2000>;
- };
- io_dmc_base {
- reg = <0xff638000 0x2000>;
- };
- };
- aml_reboot {
- sys_reset = <0x84000009>;
- sys_poweroff = <0x84000008>;
- compatible = "aml, reboot";
- };
- usb3phy@ffe09080 {
- u3-ctrl-sleep-shift = <0x12>;
- u3-hhi-mem-pd-shift = <0x1a>;
- usb2-phy-reg = <0xffe09000>;
- phy-reg-size = <0x2000>;
- phandle = <0x14>;
- clock-names = "pcie_refpll";
- reg = <0xffe09080 0x20 0xffd01008 0x100>;
- otg = <0x0>;
- u3-ctrl-iso-shift = <0x12>;
- status = "okay";
- u3-hhi-mem-pd-mask = <0xf>;
- interrupts = <0x0 0x10 0x4>;
- usb2-phy-reg-size = <0x80>;
- phy-reg = <0xff646000>;
- pwr-ctl = <0x1>;
- compatible = "amlogic, amlogic-new-usb3-v2";
- portnum = <0x1>;
- clocks = <0x2 0x18>;
- };
- thermal-zones {
- ddr_thermal {
- phandle = <0x10b>;
- polling-delay-passive = <0x3e8>;
- polling-delay = <0x7d0>;
- thermal-sensors = <0x8b 0x1>;
- sustainable-power = <0x582>;
- trips {
- trip-point@2 {
- type = "hot";
- phandle = <0x10e>;
- hysteresis = <0x1388>;
- temperature = <0x14c08>;
- };
- trip-point@1 {
- type = "passive";
- phandle = <0x10d>;
- hysteresis = <0x1388>;
- temperature = <0x124f8>;
- };
- trip-point@0 {
- type = "passive";
- phandle = <0x10c>;
- hysteresis = <0x1388>;
- temperature = <0xea60>;
- };
- trip-point@3 {
- type = "critical";
- phandle = <0x10f>;
- hysteresis = <0x3e8>;
- temperature = <0x1adb0>;
- };
- };
- };
- soc_thermal {
- phandle = <0x107>;
- polling-delay-passive = <0x64>;
- polling-delay = <0x3e8>;
- thermal-sensors = <0x85 0x0>;
- sustainable-power = <0x582>;
- cooling-maps {
- cpucore_cooling_map {
- trip = <0x86>;
- contribution = <0x400>;
- cooling-device = <0x88 0x0 0x3>;
- };
- gpucore_cooling_map {
- trip = <0x86>;
- contribution = <0x400>;
- cooling-device = <0x8a 0x0 0x2>;
- };
- cpufreq_cooling_map {
- trip = <0x86>;
- contribution = <0x400>;
- cooling-device = <0x87 0x0 0x4>;
- };
- gpufreq_cooling_map {
- trip = <0x86>;
- contribution = <0x400>;
- cooling-device = <0x89 0x0 0x4>;
- };
- };
- trips {
- trip-point@2 {
- type = "hot";
- phandle = <0x109>;
- hysteresis = <0x1388>;
- temperature = <0x14c08>;
- };
- trip-point@1 {
- type = "passive";
- phandle = <0x86>;
- hysteresis = <0x1388>;
- temperature = <0x124f8>;
- };
- trip-point@0 {
- type = "passive";
- phandle = <0x108>;
- hysteresis = <0x1388>;
- temperature = <0xea60>;
- };
- trip-point@3 {
- type = "critical";
- phandle = <0x10a>;
- hysteresis = <0x3e8>;
- temperature = <0x1adb0>;
- };
- };
- };
- };
- memory {
- reg = <0x0 0xd8000000>;
- device_type = "memory";
- };
- bifrost {
- interrupt-parent = <0x1>;
- interrupt-names = "GPU", "MMU", "JOB";
- #cooling-cells = <0x2>;
- phandle = <0x8d>;
- clock-names = "gpu_mux", "gp0_pll";
- reg = <0xffe40000 0x4000 0xffd01000 0x1000 0xff800000 0x1000 0xff63c000 0x1000 0xffd01000 0x1000>;
- sc_mpp = <0x1>;
- num_of_pp = <0x2>;
- interrupts = <0x0 0xa0 0x4 0x0 0xa1 0x4 0x0 0xa2 0x4>;
- tbl = <0x3 0x4 0x5 0x6 0x7 0x7>;
- compatible = "arm,malit60x", "arm,malit6xx", "arm,mali-midgard";
- clocks = <0x2 0x83 0x2 0x7>;
- dvfs800_cfg {
- clk_parent = "fclk_div2p5";
- phandle = <0x90>;
- threshold = <0xe6 0xff>;
- voltage = <0x47e>;
- clk_reg = <0x600>;
- clk_freq = <0x2faf0800>;
- clkp_freq = <0x2faf0800>;
- keep_count = <0x5>;
- };
- dvfs666_cfg {
- clk_parent = "fclk_div3";
- phandle = <0x6>;
- threshold = <0xd2 0xec>;
- voltage = <0x47e>;
- clk_reg = <0x800>;
- clk_freq = <0x27bc86aa>;
- clkp_freq = <0x27bc86aa>;
- keep_count = <0x5>;
- };
- dvfs285_cfg {
- clk_parent = "fclk_div7";
- phandle = <0x3>;
- threshold = <0x64 0xbe>;
- voltage = <0x47e>;
- clk_reg = <0xe00>;
- clk_freq = <0x1107a76d>;
- clkp_freq = <0x1107a76d>;
- keep_count = <0x5>;
- };
- dvfs400_cfg {
- clk_parent = "fclk_div5";
- phandle = <0x4>;
- threshold = <0x98 0xcf>;
- voltage = <0x47e>;
- clk_reg = <0xc00>;
- clk_freq = <0x17d78400>;
- clkp_freq = <0x17d78400>;
- keep_count = <0x5>;
- };
- dvfs850_cfg {
- clk_parent = "gp0_pll";
- phandle = <0x7>;
- threshold = <0xe6 0xff>;
- voltage = <0x47e>;
- clk_reg = <0x200>;
- clk_freq = <0x326cef80>;
- clkp_freq = <0x326cef80>;
- keep_count = <0x5>;
- };
- dvfs250_cfg {
- clk_parent = "fclk_div4";
- phandle = <0x8f>;
- threshold = <0x50 0xaa>;
- voltage = <0x47e>;
- clk_reg = <0xa01>;
- clk_freq = <0xee6b280>;
- clkp_freq = <0x1dcd6500>;
- keep_count = <0x5>;
- };
- dvfs500_cfg {
- clk_parent = "fclk_div4";
- phandle = <0x5>;
- threshold = <0xb4 0xdc>;
- voltage = <0x47e>;
- clk_reg = <0xa00>;
- clk_freq = <0x1dcd6500>;
- clkp_freq = <0x1dcd6500>;
- keep_count = <0x5>;
- };
- clk125_cfg {
- clk_parent = "fclk_div4";
- phandle = <0x8e>;
- threshold = <0x1e 0x78>;
- voltage = <0x47e>;
- clk_reg = <0xa03>;
- clk_freq = <0x7735940>;
- clkp_freq = <0x1dcd6500>;
- keep_count = <0x5>;
- };
- };
- fd628_dev {
- status = "okay";
- fd628_gpio_dat = <0x12 0x40 0x0>;
- fd628_gpio_clk = <0x12 0x41 0x0>;
- compatible = "amlogic,fd628_dev";
- };
- vdec {
- interrupt-names = "vsync", "demux", "parser", "mailbox_0", "mailbox_1", "mailbox_2";
- dev_name = "vdec.0";
- status = "okay";
- interrupts = <0x0 0x3 0x1 0x0 0x17 0x1 0x0 0x20 0x1 0x0 0x2b 0x1 0x0 0x2c 0x1 0x0 0x2d 0x1>;
- compatible = "amlogic, vdec";
- };
- deinterlace {
- flag_cma = <0x1>;
- interrupt-names = "pre_irq", "post_irq";
- clock-names = "vpu_clkb_tmp_composite", "vpu_clkb_composite";
- pps-enable = <0x1>;
- clock-range = <0x14e 0x29b>;
- memory-region = <0x67>;
- status = "okay";
- interrupts = <0x0 0x2e 0x1 0x0 0x28 0x1>;
- post-wr-support = <0x1>;
- nr10bit-support = <0x1>;
- compatible = "amlogic, deinterlace";
- clocks = <0x2 0x9b 0x2 0x9c>;
- buffer-size = <0x3e2c40>;
- nrds-enable = <0x1>;
- };
- ram-dump {
- reg = <0xff6345e0 0x4>;
- reg-names = "PREG_STICKY_REG8";
- status = "okay";
- compatible = "amlogic, ram_dump";
- };
- soc {
- ranges;
- #address-cells = <0x1>;
- #size-cells = <0x1>;
- compatible = "simple-bus";
- periphs@ff634400 {
- phandle = <0xde>;
- reg = <0xff634400 0x400>;
- ranges = <0x0 0xff634400 0x400>;
- #address-cells = <0x1>;
- #size-cells = <0x1>;
- compatible = "simple-bus";
- };
- hiubus@ff63c000 {
- phandle = <0xdf>;
- reg = <0xff63c000 0x2000>;
- ranges = <0x0 0xff63c000 0x2000>;
- #address-cells = <0x1>;
- #size-cells = <0x1>;
- compatible = "simple-bus";
- clock-controller@0 {
- phandle = <0x2>;
- reg = <0x0 0x3dc>;
- #clock-cells = <0x1>;
- compatible = "amlogic,sm1-clkc-1";
- };
- clock-controller@1 {
- own-dsu-clk;
- phandle = <0xe0>;
- reg = <0x0 0x3dc>;
- #clock-cells = <0x1>;
- compatible = "amlogic,sm1-clkc-2";
- };
- };
- audiobus@0xFF660000 {
- phandle = <0xe1>;
- reg = <0xff660000 0x4000>;
- ranges = <0x0 0xff660000 0x4000>;
- #address-cells = <0x1>;
- #size-cells = <0x1>;
- compatible = "amlogic, audio-controller", "simple-bus";
- resample@0 {
- resample_module = <0x4>;
- phandle = <0xe4>;
- clock-names = "resample_pll", "resample_src", "resample_clk";
- status = "okay";
- compatible = "amlogic, sm1-resample";
- clocks = <0x2 0xf 0x1d 0x29 0x1d 0x2c>;
- };
- audio_clocks {
- phandle = <0x1d>;
- reg = <0x0 0xb0>;
- #clock-cells = <0x1>;
- compatible = "amlogic, sm1-audio-clocks";
- };
- tdm@0 {
- pinctrl-names = "tdm_pins";
- #sound-dai-cells = <0x0>;
- pinctrl-0 = <0x1e 0x1f>;
- phandle = <0x7c>;
- clock-names = "mclk", "clk_srcpll";
- dai-tdm-clk-sel = <0x0>;
- dai-tdm-lane-slot-mask-in = <0x0 0x1>;
- status = "okay";
- compatible = "amlogic, sm1-snd-tdma";
- clocks = <0x1d 0x24 0x2 0xc>;
- dai-tdm-oe-lane-slot-mask-out = <0x1 0x0>;
- };
- spdif@1 {
- #sound-dai-cells = <0x0>;
- phandle = <0x82>;
- clock-names = "sysclk", "gate_spdifout", "clk_spdifout";
- status = "okay";
- compatible = "amlogic, sm1-snd-spdif-b";
- clocks = <0x2 0xc 0x1d 0x15 0x1d 0x31>;
- };
- pdm {
- pinctrl-names = "pdm_pins";
- #sound-dai-cells = <0x0>;
- pinctrl-0 = <0x28>;
- phandle = <0xe3>;
- clock-names = "gate", "sysclk_srcpll", "dclk_srcpll", "pdm_dclk", "pdm_sysclk";
- status = "okay";
- filter_mode = <0x1>;
- compatible = "amlogic, sm1-snd-pdm";
- clocks = <0x1d 0x1 0x2 0x3 0x2 0xf 0x1d 0x2f 0x1d 0x30>;
- };
- tdm@1 {
- pinctrl-names = "tdm_pins";
- #sound-dai-cells = <0x0>;
- dai-tdm-lane-slot-mask-out = <0x1 0x0 0x0 0x0>;
- start_clk_enable = <0x1>;
- pinctrl-0 = <0x20 0x21 0x22>;
- phandle = <0x7e>;
- clock-names = "mclk", "clk_srcpll", "samesource_srcpll", "samesource_clk";
- dai-tdm-clk-sel = <0x1>;
- dai-tdm-lane-slot-mask-in = <0x0 0x1 0x0 0x0>;
- clk_tuning_enable = <0x1>;
- status = "okay";
- mclk_pad = <0x0>;
- compatible = "amlogic, sm1-snd-tdmb";
- clocks = <0x1d 0x25 0x2 0xd 0x2 0xc 0x1d 0x2b>;
- samesource_sel = <0x3>;
- };
- tdm@2 {
- pinctrl-names = "tdm_pins";
- #sound-dai-cells = <0x0>;
- pinctrl-0 = <0x23 0x24 0x25>;
- phandle = <0x80>;
- clock-names = "mclk", "clk_srcpll";
- dai-tdm-clk-sel = <0x2>;
- dai-tdm-lane-slot-mask-in = <0x1 0x0 0x0 0x0>;
- #dai-tdm-lane-oe-slot-mask-in = <0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0>;
- #dai-tdm-lane-slot-mask-out = <0x1 0x0 0x1 0x1>;
- #dai-tdm-lane-oe-slot-mask-out = <0x1 0x0 0x0 0x0>;
- status = "okay";
- mclk_pad = <0x0>;
- compatible = "amlogic, sm1-snd-tdmc";
- clocks = <0x1d 0x26 0x2 0xe>;
- };
- spdif@0 {
- pinctrl-names = "spdif_pins";
- #sound-dai-cells = <0x0>;
- interrupt-names = "irq_spdifin";
- pinctrl-0 = <0x26 0x27>;
- phandle = <0x81>;
- clock-names = "sysclk", "fixed_clk", "gate_spdifin", "gate_spdifout", "clk_spdifin", "clk_spdifout";
- clk_tuning_enable = <0x1>;
- status = "okay";
- interrupts = <0x0 0x97 0x1>;
- compatible = "amlogic, sm1-snd-spdif-a";
- clocks = <0x2 0xc 0x2 0x4 0x1d 0x10 0x1d 0x11 0x1d 0x2a 0x1d 0x2b>;
- };
- vad {
- #sound-dai-cells = <0x0>;
- interrupt-names = "irq_wakeup", "irq_frame_sync";
- src = <0x4>;
- phandle = <0xe5>;
- clock-names = "gate", "pll", "clk";
- status = "okay";
- interrupts = <0x0 0x9b 0x1 0x0 0x30 0x1>;
- level = <0x1>;
- compatible = "amlogic, snd-vad";
- clocks = <0x1d 0x1b 0x2 0x5 0x1d 0x35>;
- };
- loopback@1 {
- #sound-dai-cells = <0x0>;
- datalb_chnum = <0x2>;
- datain_src = <0x4>;
- datain_chnum = <0x4>;
- phandle = <0xe6>;
- clock-names = "pdm_gate", "pdm_sysclk_srcpll", "pdm_dclk_srcpll", "pdm_dclk", "pdm_sysclk", "tdminlb_mpll", "tdminlb_mclk";
- mclk-fs = <0x100>;
- datain_chmask = <0xf>;
- status = "disabled";
- datain-lane-mask-in = <0x1 0x0 0x1 0x0>;
- datalb_src = <0x1>;
- compatible = "amlogic, sm1-loopbackb";
- clocks = <0x1d 0x1 0x2 0x3 0x2 0xf 0x1d 0x2f 0x1d 0x30 0x2 0xc 0x1d 0x24>;
- datalb_chmask = <0x3>;
- datalb-lane-mask-in = <0x1 0x0 0x0 0x0>;
- };
- effect {
- #sound-dai-cells = <0x0>;
- phandle = <0xe7>;
- clock-names = "gate", "srcpll", "eqdrc";
- channel_mask = <0x3>;
- status = "okay";
- eqdrc_module = <0x1>;
- lane_mask = <0x1>;
- compatible = "amlogic, snd-effect-v3";
- clocks = <0x1d 0x16 0x2 0x5 0x1d 0x34>;
- };
- loopback@0 {
- #sound-dai-cells = <0x0>;
- datalb_chnum = <0x2>;
- datain_src = <0x4>;
- datain_chnum = <0x2>;
- phandle = <0x84>;
- clock-names = "pdm_gate", "pdm_sysclk_srcpll", "pdm_dclk_srcpll", "pdm_dclk", "pdm_sysclk", "tdminlb_mpll", "tdminlb_mclk";
- mclk-fs = <0x100>;
- datain_chmask = <0x3>;
- status = "okay";
- datain-lane-mask-in = <0x1 0x0 0x0 0x0>;
- datalb_src = <0x1>;
- compatible = "amlogic, sm1-loopbacka";
- clocks = <0x1d 0x1 0x2 0x3 0x2 0xf 0x1d 0x2f 0x1d 0x30 0x2 0xc 0x1d 0x24>;
- datalb_chmask = <0x3>;
- datalb-lane-mask-in = <0x1 0x0 0x0 0x0>;
- };
- earc {
- #sound-dai-cells = <0x0>;
- interrupt-names = "rx_cmdc", "rx_dmac";
- phandle = <0x83>;
- clock-names = "rx_gate", "rx_cmdc", "rx_dmac", "rx_cmdc_srcpll", "rx_dmac_srcpll";
- status = "okay";
- interrupts = <0x0 0x58 0x1 0x0 0x57 0x1>;
- compatible = "amlogic, sm1-snd-earc";
- clocks = <0x1d 0x23 0x1d 0x38 0x1d 0x39 0x2 0x5 0x2 0x3>;
- };
- ddr_manager {
- interrupt-names = "toddr_a", "toddr_b", "toddr_c", "toddr_d", "frddr_a", "frddr_b", "frddr_c", "frddr_d";
- interrupts = <0x0 0x94 0x1 0x0 0x95 0x1 0x0 0x96 0x1 0x0 0x31 0x1 0x0 0x98 0x1 0x0 0x99 0x1 0x0 0x9a 0x1 0x0 0x32 0x1>;
- compatible = "amlogic, sm1-audio-ddr-manager";
- };
- tdm@3 {
- #sound-dai-cells = <0x0>;
- phandle = <0xe2>;
- clock-names = "mclk", "clk_srcpll";
- dai-tdm-clk-sel = <0x1>;
- status = "disabled";
- dai-tdm-lane-lb-slot-mask-in = <0x1 0x0 0x0 0x0>;
- lb-src-sel = <0x1>;
- compatible = "amlogic, sm1-snd-tdmlb";
- clocks = <0x1d 0x25 0x2 0xd>;
- };
- };
- aobus@ff800000 {
- phandle = <0xd7>;
- reg = <0xff800000 0xb000>;
- ranges = <0x0 0xff800000 0xb000>;
- #address-cells = <0x1>;
- #size-cells = <0x1>;
- compatible = "simple-bus";
- clock-controller@0 {
- phandle = <0xd8>;
- reg = <0x0 0x3dc>;
- #clock-cells = <0x1>;
- compatible = "amlogic,sm1-aoclkc";
- };
- serial@4000 {
- pinctrl-names = "default";
- pinctrl-0 = <0x1b>;
- phandle = <0xdd>;
- clock-names = "clk_uart";
- reg = <0x4000 0x18>;
- fifosize = <0x40>;
- status = "disabled";
- interrupts = <0x0 0xc5 0x1>;
- compatible = "amlogic, meson-uart";
- clocks = <0x15>;
- };
- i2c_slave@6000 {
- pinctrl-names = "default";
- pinctrl-0 = <0x1a>;
- phandle = <0xdb>;
- reg = <0x6000 0x20>;
- status = "disabled";
- interrupts = <0x0 0xc2 0x1>;
- compatible = "amlogic, meson-i2c-slave";
- };
- pwm@2000 {
- phandle = <0x4c>;
- clock-names = "clkin0", "clkin1", "clkin2", "clkin3";
- reg = <0x2000 0x20>;
- status = "okay";
- #pwm-cells = <0x3>;
- compatible = "amlogic,g12a-ao-pwm";
- clocks = <0x15 0x15 0x15 0x15>;
- };
- serial@3000 {
- pinctrl-names = "default";
- xtal_tick_en = <0x2>;
- phandle = <0xdc>;
- clock-names = "clk_uart";
- reg = <0x3000 0x18>;
- fifosize = <0x40>;
- status = "okay";
- interrupts = <0x0 0xc1 0x1>;
- support-sysrq = <0x0>;
- compatible = "amlogic, meson-uart";
- clocks = <0x15>;
- };
- i2c@5000 {
- phandle = <0xda>;
- clock-names = "clk_i2c";
- reg = <0x5000 0x20>;
- status = "disabled";
- interrupts = <0x0 0xc3 0x1 0x0 0xc9 0x1>;
- #address-cells = <0x1>;
- #size-cells = <0x0>;
- compatible = "amlogic,meson-g12a-i2c";
- clocks = <0x2 0x2a>;
- };
- pwm@7000 {
- phandle = <0xd9>;
- clock-names = "clkin0", "clkin1", "clkin2", "clkin3";
- reg = <0x7000 0x20>;
- status = "disabled";
- #pwm-cells = <0x3>;
- compatible = "amlogic,g12a-ao-pwm";
- clocks = <0x15 0x15 0x15 0x15>;
- };
- cpu_version {
- reg = <0x220 0x4>;
- };
- };
- ion_dev {
- memory-region = <0x1c>;
- compatible = "amlogic, ion_dev";
- };
- cbus@ffd00000 {
- phandle = <0xcc>;
- reg = <0xffd00000 0x26000>;
- ranges = <0x0 0xffd00000 0x26000>;
- #address-cells = <0x1>;
- #size-cells = <0x1>;
- compatible = "simple-bus";
- i2c@1d000 {
- phandle = <0xd2>;
- clock-names = "clk_i2c";
- reg = <0x1d000 0x20>;
- status = "disabled";
- interrupts = <0x0 0xd7 0x1 0x0 0x5e 0x1>;
- #address-cells = <0x1>;
- #size-cells = <0x0>;
- compatible = "amlogic,meson-g12a-i2c";
- clocks = <0x2 0x2a>;
- };
- spi@13000 {
- phandle = <0xd5>;
- clock-names = "core", "comp";
- reg = <0x13000 0x44>;
- status = "disabled";
- interrupts = <0x0 0x51 0x4>;
- #address-cells = <0x1>;
- #size-cells = <0x0>;
- compatible = "amlogic,meson-g12a-spicc";
- clocks = <0x2 0x29 0x2 0xd1>;
- };
- i2c@1c000 {
- pinctrl-names = "default";
- clock-frequency = <0x186a0>;
- pinctrl-0 = <0x19>;
- phandle = <0xd3>;
- clock-names = "clk_i2c";
- reg = <0x1c000 0x20>;
- status = "disabled";
- interrupts = <0x0 0x27 0x1 0x0 0x5f 0x1>;
- #address-cells = <0x1>;
- #size-cells = <0x0>;
- compatible = "amlogic,meson-g12a-i2c";
- clocks = <0x2 0x2a>;
- bl_extern_i2c {
- reg = <0x2c>;
- dev_name = "lp8556";
- status = "disabled";
- compatible = "bl_extern, i2c";
- };
- ad82584f_62@62 {
- #sound-dai-cells = <0x0>;
- reset_pin = <0x12 0x37 0x0>;
- phandle = <0xd4>;
- reg = <0x31>;
- status = "disabled";
- no_mclk;
- compatible = "ESMT, ad82584f";
- };
- };
- pwm@1a000 {
- phandle = <0xcf>;
- clock-names = "clkin0", "clkin1", "clkin2", "clkin3";
- reg = <0x1a000 0x20>;
- status = "disabled";
- #pwm-cells = <0x3>;
- compatible = "amlogic,g12a-ee-pwm";
- clocks = <0x15 0x15 0x15 0x15>;
- };
- interrupt-controller@f080 {
- amlogic,channel-interrupts = <0x40 0x41 0x42 0x43 0x44 0x45 0x46 0x47>;
- phandle = <0xcd>;
- reg = <0xf080 0x10>;
- status = "okay";
- interrupt-controller;
- compatible = "amlogic,meson-gpio-intc", "amlogic,meson-sm1-gpio-intc";
- #interrupt-cells = <0x2>;
- };
- pwm@19000 {
- phandle = <0x62>;
- clock-names = "clkin0", "clkin1", "clkin2", "clkin3";
- reg = <0x19000 0x20>;
- status = "okay";
- #pwm-cells = <0x3>;
- compatible = "amlogic,g12a-ee-pwm";
- clocks = <0x15 0x15 0x15 0x15>;
- };
- spi@15000 {
- phandle = <0xd6>;
- clock-names = "core", "comp";
- reg = <0x15000 0x44>;
- status = "disabled";
- interrupts = <0x0 0x5a 0x4>;
- #address-cells = <0x1>;
- #size-cells = <0x0>;
- compatible = "amlogic,meson-g12a-spicc";
- clocks = <0x2 0x2f 0x2 0xd5>;
- };
- pwm@1b000 {
- phandle = <0xce>;
- clock-names = "clkin0", "clkin1", "clkin2", "clkin3";
- reg = <0x1b000 0x20>;
- status = "disabled";
- #pwm-cells = <0x3>;
- compatible = "amlogic,g12a-ee-pwm";
- clocks = <0x15 0x15 0x15 0x15>;
- };
- meson_clk_msr {
- reg = <0x18004 0x4 0x1800c 0x4>;
- ringctrl = <0xff6345fc>;
- compatible = "amlogic, sm1-measure";
- };
- i2c@1e000 {
- phandle = <0xd1>;
- clock-names = "clk_i2c";
- reg = <0x1e000 0x20>;
- status = "disabled";
- interrupts = <0x0 0xd6 0x1 0x0 0x5c 0x1>;
- #address-cells = <0x1>;
- #size-cells = <0x0>;
- compatible = "amlogic,meson-g12a-i2c";
- clocks = <0x2 0x2a>;
- };
- i2c@1f000 {
- pinctrl-names = "default";
- clock-frequency = <0x61a80>;
- pinctrl-0 = <0x18>;
- phandle = <0xd0>;
- clock-names = "clk_i2c";
- reg = <0x1f000 0x20>;
- status = "disabled";
- interrupts = <0x0 0x15 0x1 0x0 0x5b 0x1>;
- #address-cells = <0x1>;
- #size-cells = <0x0>;
- compatible = "amlogic,meson-g12a-i2c";
- clocks = <0x2 0x2a>;
- gt9xx@5d {
- reg = <0x5d>;
- irq-gpio = <0x12 0x4 0x0>;
- status = "disabled";
- reset-gpio = <0x12 0xa 0x0>;
- compatible = "goodix,gt9xx";
- };
- ftxx@38 {
- reg = <0x38>;
- irq-gpio = <0x12 0x4 0x0>;
- status = "disabled";
- x_max = <0x258>;
- reset-gpio = <0x12 0xa 0x0>;
- max-touch-number = <0xa>;
- y_max = <0x400>;
- compatible = "focaltech,fts";
- };
- };
- };
- };
- usb2phy@ffe09000 {
- pll-setting-1 = <0x9400414>;
- pll-setting-3 = <0xac5f69e5>;
- pll-setting-7 = <0xe0004>;
- pll-setting-2 = <0x927e0000>;
- phandle = <0x13>;
- reg = <0xffe09000 0x80 0xffd01008 0x100 0xff636000 0x2000 0xff63a000 0x2000>;
- pll-setting-4 = <0xfe18>;
- pll-setting-5 = <0x8000fff>;
- u2-ctrl-iso-shift = <0x11>;
- status = "okay";
- u2-hhi-mem-pd-mask = <0x3>;
- u2-ctrl-sleep-shift = <0x11>;
- version = <0x2>;
- pll-setting-6 = <0x78000>;
- u2-hhi-mem-pd-shift = <0x1e>;
- pwr-ctl = <0x1>;
- pll-setting-8 = <0xe000c>;
- compatible = "amlogic, amlogic-new-usb2-v2";
- portnum = <0x2>;
- };
- meson-amvideom {
- interrupt-names = "vsync";
- dev_name = "amvideom";
- status = "okay";
- interrupts = <0x0 0x3 0x1>;
- compatible = "amlogic, amvideom";
- };
- mesonstream {
- clock-names = "parser_top", "demux", "ahbarb0", "vdec", "clk_81", "clk_vdec_mux", "clk_hcodec_mux", "clk_hevc_mux", "clk_hevcb_mux";
- dev_name = "mesonstream";
- status = "okay";
- compatible = "amlogic, codec, streambuf";
- clocks = <0x2 0x40 0x2 0x39 0x2 0x43 0x2 0x22 0x2 0xb 0x2 0xa5 0x2 0xae 0x2 0xb7 0x2 0xc0>;
- };
- cpu_iomap {
- ranges;
- #address-cells = <0x1>;
- #size-cells = <0x1>;
- compatible = "amlogic, iomap";
- io_cbus_base {
- reg = <0xffd00000 0x26fff>;
- };
- io_vapb_base {
- reg = <0xff900000 0x50000>;
- };
- io_hiu_base {
- reg = <0xff63c000 0x2000>;
- };
- io_aobus_base {
- reg = <0xff800000 0xb000>;
- };
- io_apb_base {
- reg = <0xffe01000 0x7f000>;
- };
- };
- aml_pm {
- debug_reg = <0xff8000a8>;
- exit_reg = <0xff80023c>;
- status = "okay";
- device_name = "aml_pm";
- compatible = "amlogic, pm";
- };
- meson-cooldev@0 {
- phandle = <0x106>;
- status = "okay";
- device_name = "mcooldev";
- compatible = "amlogic, meson-cooldev";
- cpufreq_cool0 {
- #cooling-cells = <0x2>;
- phandle = <0x87>;
- };
- cooling_devices {
- cpufreq_cool_cluster0 {
- cluster_id = <0x0>;
- min_state = <0xf4240>;
- device_type = "cpufreq";
- dyn_coeff = <0x7d>;
- node_name = "cpufreq_cool0";
- };
- cpucore_cool_cluster0 {
- cluster_id = <0x0>;
- min_state = <0x1>;
- device_type = "cpucore";
- dyn_coeff = <0x0>;
- node_name = "cpucore_cool0";
- };
- gpufreq_cool {
- gpu_pp = <0x2>;
- cluster_id = <0x0>;
- min_state = <0x190>;
- device_type = "gpufreq";
- dyn_coeff = <0xd7>;
- node_name = "gpufreq_cool0";
- };
- gpucore_cool {
- cluster_id = <0x0>;
- min_state = <0x1>;
- device_type = "gpucore";
- dyn_coeff = <0x0>;
- node_name = "gpucore_cool0";
- };
- };
- gpufreq_cool0 {
- #cooling-cells = <0x2>;
- phandle = <0x89>;
- };
- gpucore_cool0 {
- #cooling-cells = <0x2>;
- phandle = <0x8a>;
- };
- cpucore_cool0 {
- #cooling-cells = <0x2>;
- phandle = <0x88>;
- };
- };
- firmware {
- android {
- compatible = "android,firmware";
- vbmeta {
- parts = "vbmeta,boot,system,vendor";
- by_name_prefix = "/dev/block";
- compatible = "android,vbmeta";
- };
- fstab {
- compatible = "android,fstab";
- vendor {
- type = "ext4";
- mnt_flags = "ro,barrier=1,inode_readahead_blks=8";
- fsmgr_flags = "wait";
- dev = "/dev/block/vendor";
- compatible = "android,vendor";
- };
- product {
- type = "ext4";
- mnt_flags = "ro,barrier=1,inode_readahead_blks=8";
- fsmgr_flags = "wait";
- dev = "/dev/block/product";
- compatible = "android,product";
- };
- odm {
- type = "ext4";
- mnt_flags = "ro,barrier=1,inode_readahead_blks=8";
- fsmgr_flags = "wait";
- dev = "/dev/block/odm";
- compatible = "android,odm";
- };
- };
- };
- };
- rdma {
- interrupt-names = "rdma";
- dev_name = "amlogic-rdma";
- status = "okay";
- interrupts = <0x0 0x59 0x1>;
- compatible = "amlogic, meson, rdma";
- };
- rng {
- reg = <0xff630218 0x4>;
- quality = [03 e8];
- status = "okay";
- #address-cells = <0x1>;
- #size-cells = <0x1>;
- compatible = "amlogic,meson-rng";
- };
- dwc3@ff500000 {
- cpu-type = "gxl";
- usb-phy = <0x13 0x14>;
- phandle = <0xc7>;
- clock-names = "dwc_general";
- reg = <0xff500000 0x100000>;
- status = "okay";
- interrupts = <0x0 0x1e 0x4>;
- compatible = "synopsys, dwc3";
- clocks = <0x2 0x41>;
- clock-src = "usb3.0";
- };
- amdolby_vision {
- tv_mode = <0x0>;
- dev_name = "aml_amdolby_vision_driver";
- status = "okay";
- compatible = "amlogic, dolby_vision_sm1";
- };
- bt-dev {
- gpio_reset = <0x12 0x53 0x0>;
- dev_name = "bt-dev";
- status = "okay";
- gpio_hostwake = <0x12 0x55 0x0>;
- compatible = "amlogic, bt-dev";
- };
- dummy {
- #sound-dai-cells = <0x0>;
- phandle = <0x7d>;
- status = "okay";
- compatible = "amlogic, aml_dummy_codec";
- };
- linux,picdec {
- alignment = <0x0>;
- reusable;
- phandle = <0x65>;
- size = <0x0>;
- linux,contiguous-region;
- compatible = "shared-dma-pool";
- };
- ethernet@ff3f0000 {
- pinctrl-names = "external_eth_pins";
- mc_val_external_phy = <0x1621>;
- interrupt-names = "macirq";
- pinctrl-0 = <0x11>;
- internal_phy = <0x0>;
- phandle = <0x94>;
- rst_pin-gpios = <0x12 0x10 0x0>;
- clock-names = "ethclk81";
- reg = <0xff3f0000 0x10000 0xff634540 0x8 0xff64c000 0xa0>;
- reg-names = "eth_base", "eth_cfg", "eth_pll";
- mc_val_internal_phy = <0x1800>;
- status = "okay";
- interrupts = <0x0 0x8 0x1>;
- pll_val = <0x9c0040a 0x927e0000 0xac5f49e5>;
- mc_val = <0x1621>;
- compatible = "amlogic, g12a-eth-dwmac", "snps,dwmac";
- analog_val = <0x20200000 0xc000 0x23>;
- clocks = <0x2 0x38>;
- };
- pinctrl@ff634480 {
- phandle = <0xa4>;
- ranges;
- #address-cells = <0x1>;
- #size-cells = <0x1>;
- compatible = "amlogic,meson-g12a-periphs-pinctrl";
- i2c0_pins3 {
- phandle = <0xac>;
- mux {
- groups = "i2c0_sda_z7", "i2c0_sck_z8";
- function = "i2c0";
- drive-strength = <0x2>;
- };
- };
- sdio_clk_cmd_pins {
- phandle = <0x46>;
- mux {
- groups = "sdio_clk", "sdio_cmd";
- input-enable;
- bias-pull-up;
- function = "sdio";
- drive-strength = <0x3>;
- };
- };
- spicc0_pins_x {
- phandle = <0xbd>;
- mux {
- groups = "spi0_mosi_x", "spi0_miso_x", "spi0_clk_x";
- function = "spi0";
- drive-strength = <0x1>;
- };
- };
- i2c0_pins1 {
- phandle = <0xab>;
- mux {
- groups = "i2c0_sda_c", "i2c0_sck_c";
- function = "i2c0";
- drive-strength = <0x2>;
- };
- };
- tdmout_b {
- phandle = <0x21>;
- mux {
- groups = "tdmb_sclk", "tdmb_fs", "tdmb_dout0";
- function = "tdmb_out";
- drive-strength = <0x2>;
- };
- };
- pwm_e {
- phandle = <0x60>;
- mux {
- groups = "pwm_e";
- function = "pwm_e";
- };
- };
- i2c3_pins2 {
- phandle = <0x19>;
- mux {
- groups = "i2c3_sda_a", "i2c3_sck_a";
- function = "i2c3";
- drive-strength = <0x2>;
- };
- };
- b_uart {
- phandle = <0x30>;
- mux {
- groups = "uart_tx_b", "uart_rx_b";
- function = "uart_b";
- };
- };
- i2c1_pins3 {
- phandle = <0xaf>;
- mux {
- groups = "i2c1_sda_h6", "i2c1_sck_h7";
- function = "i2c1";
- drive-strength = <0x2>;
- };
- };
- cam_dvp_pins {
- phandle = <0xc5>;
- mux {
- groups = "bt656_a_vs", "bt656_a_hs", "bt656_a_clk", "bt656_a_din0", "bt656_a_din1", "bt656_a_din2", "bt656_a_din3", "bt656_a_din4", "bt656_a_din5", "bt656_a_din6", "bt656_a_din7";
- function = "bt656";
- };
- };
- pwm_f_pins2 {
- phandle = <0xbc>;
- mux {
- groups = "pwm_f_h";
- function = "pwm_f";
- };
- };
- i2c2_pins3 {
- phandle = <0xb2>;
- mux {
- groups = "i2c2_sda_z10", "i2c2_sck_z11";
- function = "i2c2";
- drive-strength = <0x2>;
- };
- };
- sdio_x_clk_cmd_pins {
- phandle = <0xa7>;
- mux {
- groups = "GPIOX_5";
- input-enable;
- bias-pull-up;
- function = "gpio_periphs";
- drive-strength = <0x3>;
- };
- mux1 {
- output-high;
- groups = "GPIOX_4";
- bias-pull-up;
- function = "gpio_periphs";
- drive-strength = <0x3>;
- };
- };
- internal_gpio_pins {
- phandle = <0xc1>;
- mux {
- groups = "GPIOZ_14", "GPIOZ_15";
- input-enable;
- bias-disable;
- function = "gpio_periphs";
- };
- };
- tdmb_mclk {
- phandle = <0x20>;
- mux {
- groups = "mclk0_a";
- function = "mclk0";
- drive-strength = <0x2>;
- };
- };
- i2c1_pins2 {
- phandle = <0xae>;
- mux {
- groups = "i2c1_sda_h2", "i2c1_sck_h3";
- function = "i2c1";
- drive-strength = <0x2>;
- };
- };
- gen_clk_ee_z {
- phandle = <0xc4>;
- mux {
- groups = "gen_clk_ee_z";
- function = "gen_clk_ee";
- drive-strength = <0x3>;
- };
- };
- ee_ceca {
- phandle = <0x37>;
- mux {
- groups = "cec_ao_a_ee";
- function = "cec_ao_ee";
- };
- };
- tdmc_mclk {
- phandle = <0x23>;
- mux {
- groups = "mclk1_a";
- function = "mclk1";
- };
- };
- hdmitx_hpd {
- phandle = <0x33>;
- mux {
- groups = "hdmitx_hpd_in";
- bias-disable;
- function = "hdmitx";
- };
- };
- all_nand_pins {
- phandle = <0x47>;
- mux {
- groups = "emmc_nand_d0", "emmc_nand_d1", "emmc_nand_d2", "emmc_nand_d3", "emmc_nand_d4", "emmc_nand_d5", "emmc_nand_d6", "emmc_nand_d7", "nand_ce0", "nand_ale", "nand_cle", "nand_wen_clk", "nand_ren_wr", "nand_rb0";
- input-enable;
- function = "nand";
- };
- };
- pwm_d_pins2 {
- phandle = <0xba>;
- mux {
- groups = "pwm_d_x6";
- function = "pwm_d";
- };
- };
- spdifin {
- phandle = <0x27>;
- mux {
- groups = "spdif_in_h";
- function = "spdif_in";
- };
- };
- i2c3_pins1 {
- phandle = <0x36>;
- mux {
- groups = "i2c3_sda_h", "i2c3_sck_h";
- function = "i2c3";
- drive-strength = <0x2>;
- };
- };
- i2c1_pins1 {
- phandle = <0xad>;
- mux {
- groups = "i2c1_sda_x", "i2c1_sck_x";
- function = "i2c1";
- drive-strength = <0x2>;
- };
- };
- jtag_apee_pin {
- phandle = <0x17>;
- mux {
- groups = "jtag_b_tdi", "jtag_b_tdo", "jtag_b_clk", "jtag_b_tms";
- function = "jtag_b";
- };
- };
- pwm_a {
- phandle = <0xb3>;
- mux {
- groups = "pwm_a";
- function = "pwm_a";
- };
- };
- tdmout_a {
- phandle = <0x1e>;
- mux {
- groups = "tdma_sclk", "tdma_fs", "tdma_dout0";
- function = "tdma_out";
- };
- };
- pwm_b_pins1 {
- phandle = <0xb4>;
- mux {
- groups = "pwm_b_x7";
- function = "pwm_b";
- };
- };
- tdmin_c {
- phandle = <0x25>;
- mux {
- groups = "tdmc_din0_a";
- function = "tdmc_in";
- };
- };
- sd_all_pins {
- phandle = <0x3f>;
- mux {
- groups = "sdcard_d0_c", "sdcard_d1_c", "sdcard_d2_c", "sdcard_d3_c", "sdcard_cmd_c";
- input-enable;
- bias-pull-up;
- function = "sdcard";
- drive-strength = <0x3>;
- };
- mux1 {
- output-high;
- groups = "sdcard_clk_c";
- bias-pull-up;
- function = "sdcard";
- drive-strength = <0x3>;
- };
- };
- pwm_c_pins1 {
- phandle = <0xb6>;
- mux {
- groups = "pwm_c_c4";
- function = "pwm_c";
- };
- };
- sd_clr_noall_pins {
- phandle = <0xa6>;
- mux {
- output-high;
- groups = "GPIOC_0", "GPIOC_1", "GPIOC_4", "GPIOC_5";
- function = "gpio_periphs";
- };
- };
- sdio_x_clr_pins {
- phandle = <0xaa>;
- mux {
- groups = "GPIOV_0";
- output-low;
- bias-pull-up;
- function = "gpio_periphs";
- };
- mux1 {
- groups = "GPIOX_4";
- output-low;
- function = "gpio_periphs";
- };
- };
- sdio_all_pins {
- phandle = <0x45>;
- mux {
- groups = "sdio_d0", "sdio_d1", "sdio_d2", "sdio_d3", "sdio_clk", "sdio_cmd";
- input-enable;
- bias-pull-up;
- function = "sdio";
- drive-strength = <0x3>;
- };
- };
- tdmout_c {
- phandle = <0x24>;
- mux {
- groups = "tdmc_sclk_a", "tdmc_fs_a", "tdmc_dout0_a";
- function = "tdmc_out";
- };
- };
- pdmin {
- phandle = <0x28>;
- mux {
- groups = "pdm_din0_z", "pdm_din1_z", "pdm_din2_z", "pdm_din3_z", "pdm_dclk_z";
- function = "pdm";
- };
- };
- emmc_conf_pull_done {
- phandle = <0x3e>;
- mux {
- groups = "emmc_nand_ds";
- input-enable;
- bias-pull-down;
- function = "emmc";
- drive-strength = <0x3>;
- };
- };
- pwm_d_pins1 {
- phandle = <0xb9>;
- mux {
- groups = "pwm_d_x3";
- function = "pwm_d";
- };
- };
- a_uart {
- phandle = <0x2f>;
- mux {
- groups = "uart_tx_a", "uart_rx_a", "uart_cts_a", "uart_rts_a";
- function = "uart_a";
- };
- };
- pwm_f_pins1 {
- phandle = <0xbb>;
- mux {
- groups = "pwm_f_x";
- function = "pwm_f";
- };
- };
- ao_to_sd_uart_pins {
- phandle = <0x43>;
- mux {
- groups = "uart_ao_tx_a_c3", "uart_ao_rx_a_c2";
- input-enable;
- bias-pull-up;
- function = "uart_ao_a_ee";
- };
- };
- tdmin_a {
- phandle = <0x1f>;
- mux {
- groups = "tdma_din1";
- function = "tdma_in";
- };
- };
- hdmitx_hpd_gpio {
- phandle = <0x35>;
- mux {
- groups = "GPIOH_1";
- bias-disable;
- function = "gpio_periphs";
- };
- };
- clk12_24_z_pins {
- phandle = <0xc3>;
- mux {
- groups = "clk12_24_z";
- function = "clk12_24_ee";
- drive-strength = <0x3>;
- };
- };
- internal_eth_pins {
- phandle = <0xc0>;
- mux {
- groups = "eth_link_led", "eth_act_led";
- function = "eth";
- };
- };
- external_eth_pins {
- phandle = <0x11>;
- mux {
- groups = "eth_mdio", "eth_mdc", "eth_rgmii_rx_clk", "eth_rx_dv", "eth_rxd0", "eth_rxd1", "eth_rxd2_rgmii", "eth_rxd3_rgmii", "eth_rgmii_tx_clk", "eth_txen", "eth_txd0", "eth_txd1", "eth_txd2_rgmii", "eth_txd3_rgmii";
- function = "eth";
- drive-strength = <0x3>;
- };
- };
- i2c0_pins2 {
- phandle = <0x18>;
- mux {
- groups = "i2c0_sda_z0", "i2c0_sck_z1";
- function = "i2c0";
- drive-strength = <0x2>;
- };
- };
- sd_clk_cmd_pins {
- phandle = <0x40>;
- mux {
- groups = "sdcard_cmd_c";
- input-enable;
- bias-pull-up;
- function = "sdcard";
- drive-strength = <0x3>;
- };
- mux1 {
- output-high;
- groups = "sdcard_clk_c";
- bias-pull-up;
- function = "sdcard";
- drive-strength = <0x3>;
- };
- };
- sdio_x_en_pins {
- phandle = <0xa9>;
- mux {
- output-high;
- groups = "sdio_dummy";
- bias-pull-up;
- function = "sdio";
- };
- };
- i2c2_pins1 {
- phandle = <0xb0>;
- mux {
- groups = "i2c2_sda_x", "i2c2_sck_x";
- function = "i2c2";
- drive-strength = <0x2>;
- };
- };
- banks@ff6346c0 {
- #gpio-cells = <0x2>;
- phandle = <0x12>;
- reg = <0xff6346c0 0x40 0xff6344e8 0x18 0xff634520 0x18 0xff634440 0x4c 0xff634740 0x1c>;
- reg-names = "mux", "pull", "pull-enable", "gpio", "drive-strength";
- gpio-controller;
- };
- sd_1bit_pins {
- phandle = <0x41>;
- mux {
- groups = "sdcard_d0_c", "sdcard_cmd_c";
- input-enable;
- bias-pull-up;
- function = "sdcard";
- drive-strength = <0x3>;
- };
- mux1 {
- output-high;
- groups = "sdcard_clk_c";
- bias-pull-up;
- function = "sdcard";
- drive-strength = <0x3>;
- };
- };
- ee_cecb {
- phandle = <0x38>;
- mux {
- groups = "cec_ao_b_ee";
- function = "cec_ao_ee";
- };
- };
- emmc_conf_pull_up {
- phandle = <0x3d>;
- mux {
- groups = "emmc_nand_d7", "emmc_nand_d6", "emmc_nand_d5", "emmc_nand_d4", "emmc_nand_d3", "emmc_nand_d2", "emmc_nand_d1", "emmc_nand_d0", "emmc_clk", "emmc_cmd";
- input-enable;
- bias-pull-up;
- function = "emmc";
- drive-strength = <0x3>;
- };
- };
- c_uart {
- phandle = <0x31>;
- mux {
- groups = "uart_tx_c", "uart_rx_c";
- function = "uart_c";
- };
- };
- hdmitx_ddc {
- phandle = <0x34>;
- mux {
- groups = "hdmitx_sda", "hdmitx_sck";
- bias-disable;
- function = "hdmitx";
- drive-strength = <0x3>;
- };
- };
- tdmin_b {
- phandle = <0x22>;
- mux {
- groups = "tdmb_din1";
- function = "tdmb_in";
- drive-strength = <0x2>;
- };
- };
- i2c2_pins2 {
- phandle = <0xb1>;
- mux {
- groups = "i2c2_sda_z", "i2c2_sck_z";
- function = "i2c2";
- drive-strength = <0x2>;
- };
- };
- pwm_c_pins3 {
- phandle = <0xb8>;
- mux {
- groups = "pwm_c_x8";
- function = "pwm_c";
- };
- };
- sdio_x_all_pins {
- phandle = <0xa8>;
- mux {
- groups = "GPIOX_0", "GPIOX_1", "GPIOX_2", "GPIOX_3", "GPIOX_5";
- input-enable;
- bias-pull-up;
- function = "gpio_periphs";
- drive-strength = <0x3>;
- };
- mux1 {
- output-high;
- groups = "GPIOX_4";
- bias-pull-up;
- function = "gpio_periphs";
- drive-strength = <0x3>;
- };
- };
- bl_pwm_off_pin {
- phandle = <0xc2>;
- mux {
- output-high;
- function = "gpio_periphs";
- pins = "GPIOH_5";
- };
- };
- nand_cs {
- phandle = <0x48>;
- mux {
- groups = "nand_ce0";
- function = "nand";
- };
- };
- spicc1_pins {
- phandle = <0xbf>;
- mux {
- groups = "spi1_mosi", "spi1_miso", "spi1_clk";
- function = "spi1";
- drive-strength = <0x1>;
- };
- };
- pwm_c_pins2 {
- phandle = <0xb7>;
- mux {
- groups = "pwm_c_x5";
- function = "pwm_c";
- };
- };
- spicc0_pins_c {
- phandle = <0xbe>;
- mux {
- groups = "spi0_mosi_c", "spi0_miso_c", "spi0_ss0_c", "spi0_clk_c";
- function = "spi0";
- drive-strength = <0x1>;
- };
- };
- spdifout {
- phandle = <0x26>;
- mux {
- groups = "spdif_out_h";
- function = "spdif_out";
- };
- };
- sd_clr_all_pins {
- phandle = <0xa5>;
- mux {
- output-high;
- groups = "GPIOC_0", "GPIOC_1", "GPIOC_2", "GPIOC_3", "GPIOC_5";
- function = "gpio_periphs";
- };
- mux1 {
- groups = "GPIOC_4";
- output-low;
- function = "gpio_periphs";
- };
- };
- pwm_b_pins2 {
- phandle = <0xb5>;
- mux {
- groups = "pwm_b_x19";
- function = "pwm_b";
- };
- };
- emmc_clk_cmd_pins {
- phandle = <0x3c>;
- mux {
- groups = "emmc_clk", "emmc_cmd";
- input-enable;
- bias-pull-up;
- function = "emmc";
- drive-strength = <0x3>;
- };
- };
- };
- sd@ffe05000 {
- pinctrl-names = "sd_all_pins", "sd_clk_cmd_pins", "sd_1bit_pins", "sd_clk_cmd_uart_pins", "sd_1bit_uart_pins", "sd_to_ao_uart_pins", "ao_to_sd_uart_pins", "sd_to_ao_jtag_pins", "ao_to_sd_jtag_pins";
- pinctrl-6 = <0x42 0x43>;
- cap-mmc-highspeed;
- pinctrl-3 = <0x42 0x40 0x43>;
- disable-wp;
- pinctrl-0 = <0x3f>;
- phandle = <0xf6>;
- clock-names = "core", "clkin0", "clkin1", "clkin2", "xtal";
- reg = <0xffe05000 0x800>;
- pinctrl-2 = <0x41>;
- bus-width = <0x4>;
- pinctrl-1 = <0x40>;
- max-frequency = <0x5f5e100>;
- status = "okay";
- interrupts = <0x0 0xbe 0x1>;
- pinctrl-8 = <0x42 0x43>;
- cap-sd-highspeed;
- pinctrl-4 = <0x42 0x41 0x43>;
- compatible = "amlogic, meson-mmc-sm1";
- pinctrl-7 = <0x3f 0x44>;
- pinctrl-5 = <0x3f 0x44>;
- clocks = <0x2 0x34 0x2 0x6e 0x2 0x2 0x2 0x5 0x15>;
- sd {
- f_min = <0x61a80>;
- card_type = <0x5>;
- f_max = <0x2faf080>;
- jtag_pin = <0x12 0x2a 0x0>;
- max_req_size = <0x20000>;
- gpio_cd = <0x12 0x30 0x0>;
- ocr_avail = <0x200080>;
- pinname = "sd";
- gpio_dat3 = <0x12 0x2d 0x0>;
- };
- };
- amhdmitx {
- pinctrl-names = "default", "hdmitx_i2c";
- interrupt-names = "hdmitx_hpd";
- pinctrl-0 = <0x33 0x34>;
- phandle = <0xed>;
- clock-names = "venci_top_gate", "venci_0_gate", "venci_1_gate", "hdmi_vapb_clk", "hdmi_vpu_clk";
- pinctrl-1 = <0x35 0x36>;
- dev_name = "amhdmitx";
- status = "okay";
- interrupts = <0x0 0x39 0x1>;
- ic_type = <0xc>;
- vend-data = <0x32>;
- compatible = "amlogic, amhdmitx";
- clocks = <0x2 0x55 0x2 0x4e 0x2 0x4f 0x2 0x95 0x2 0x8c>;
- vend_data {
- product_desc = "MBox Meson Ref";
- phandle = <0x32>;
- vendor_id = <0x0>;
- vendor_name = "Amlogic";
- };
- };
- reserved-memory {
- ranges;
- #address-cells = <0x1>;
- #size-cells = <0x1>;
- linux,secmon {
- alignment = <0x400000>;
- reusable;
- phandle = <0xf>;
- size = <0x400000>;
- alloc-ranges = <0x5000000 0x400000>;
- compatible = "shared-dma-pool";
- };
- linux,meson-fb {
- alignment = <0x400000>;
- reusable;
- phandle = <0x3a>;
- size = <0x800000>;
- alloc-ranges = <0x7f800000 0x800000>;
- compatible = "shared-dma-pool";
- };
- linux,vdin1_cma {
- alignment = <0x400000>;
- reusable;
- phandle = <0x39>;
- size = <0x4000000>;
- compatible = "shared-dma-pool";
- };
- linux,ion-dev {
- alignment = <0x400000>;
- reusable;
- phandle = <0x1c>;
- size = <0x8000000>;
- alloc-ranges = <0x30000000 0x50000000>;
- compatible = "shared-dma-pool";
- };
- linux,di_cma {
- alignment = <0x400000>;
- reusable;
- phandle = <0x67>;
- size = <0x2800000>;
- compatible = "shared-dma-pool";
- };
- linux,ppmgr {
- phandle = <0x66>;
- size = <0x0>;
- compatible = "shared-dma-pool";
- };
- linux,codec_mm_cma {
- alignment = <0x400000>;
- reusable;
- phandle = <0x63>;
- size = <0x13400000>;
- linux,contiguous-region;
- alloc-ranges = <0x30000000 0x50000000>;
- compatible = "shared-dma-pool";
- };
- linux,secos {
- phandle = <0xfc>;
- reg = <0x5300000 0x2000000>;
- status = "disable";
- no-map;
- compatible = "amlogic, aml_secos_memory";
- };
- linux,codec_mm_reserved {
- alignment = <0x100000>;
- phandle = <0x64>;
- size = <0x0>;
- compatible = "amlogic, codec-mm-reserved";
- };
- ramoops@0x07400000 {
- ftrace-size = <0x40000>;
- reg = <0x7400000 0x100000>;
- console-size = <0x8000>;
- compatible = "ramoops";
- record-size = <0x8000>;
- };
- linux,vm0_cma {
- alignment = <0x400000>;
- reusable;
- phandle = <0xfd>;
- size = <0x2000000>;
- compatible = "shared-dma-pool";
- };
- };
- ppmgr {
- memory-region = <0x66>;
- dev_name = "ppmgr";
- status = "okay";
- compatible = "amlogic, ppmgr";
- };
- psci {
- method = "smc";
- compatible = "arm,psci-0.2";
- };
- fb {
- pxp_mode = <0x0>;
- interrupt-names = "viu-vsync", "viu2-vsync", "rdma";
- phandle = <0xf3>;
- clock-names = "vpu_clkc";
- mem_size = <0x800000 0x1980000 0x100000 0x100000 0x800000>;
- memory-region = <0x3a>;
- dev_name = "meson-fb";
- status = "okay";
- display_size_default = <0x780 0x438 0x780 0x870 0x20>;
- interrupts = <0x0 0x3 0x1 0x0 0x38 0x1 0x0 0x59 0x1>;
- display_mode_default = "1080p60hz";
- mem_alloc = <0x0>;
- logo_addr = "0x7f800000";
- compatible = "amlogic, meson-sm1";
- clocks = <0x2 0xc9>;
- scale_mode = <0x1>;
- };
- cpu_opp_table0 {
- opp-shared;
- phandle = <0xd>;
- compatible = "operating-points-v2";
- opp04 {
- opp-hz = <0x0 0x3b9aca00>;
- opp-microvolt = <0xcd140>;
- };
- opp01 {
- opp-hz = <0x0 0xee6b280>;
- opp-microvolt = <0xc3500>;
- };
- opp09 {
- opp-hz = <0x0 0x6590fa00>;
- opp-microvolt = <0xe57e0>;
- };
- opp00 {
- opp-hz = <0x0 0x5f5e100>;
- opp-microvolt = <0xc3500>;
- };
- opp03 {
- opp-hz = <0x0 0x27c19cc0>;
- opp-microvolt = <0xc8320>;
- };
- opp11 {
- opp-hz = <0x0 0x71b9c500>;
- opp-microvolt = <0xf6950>;
- };
- opp06 {
- opp-hz = <0x0 0x53af5700>;
- opp-microvolt = <0xd6d80>;
- };
- opp02 {
- opp-hz = <0x0 0x1dcd6500>;
- opp-microvolt = <0xc3500>;
- };
- opp08 {
- opp-hz = <0x0 0x5fd82200>;
- opp-microvolt = <0xe09c0>;
- };
- opp07 {
- opp-hz = <0x0 0x59682f00>;
- opp-microvolt = <0xdbba0>;
- };
- opp05 {
- opp-hz = <0x0 0x47868c00>;
- opp-microvolt = <0xd1f60>;
- };
- opp10 {
- opp-hz = <0x0 0x6b49d200>;
- opp-microvolt = <0xecd10>;
- };
- };
- xtal-clk {
- clock-frequency = <0x16e3600>;
- phandle = <0x15>;
- clock-output-names = "xtal";
- #clock-cells = <0x0>;
- compatible = "fixed-clock";
- };
- partitions {
- part-6 = <0x54>;
- part-5 = <0x53>;
- part-15 = <0x5d>;
- part-7 = <0x55>;
- parts = <0x11>;
- part-11 = <0x59>;
- part-3 = <0x51>;
- part-10 = <0x58>;
- phandle = <0xfb>;
- part-2 = <0x50>;
- part-14 = <0x5c>;
- part-8 = <0x56>;
- part-16 = <0x5e>;
- part-1 = <0x4f>;
- part-12 = <0x5a>;
- part-0 = <0x4e>;
- part-13 = <0x5b>;
- part-9 = <0x57>;
- part-4 = <0x52>;
- rsv {
- phandle = <0x55>;
- size = <0x0 0x1000000>;
- mask = <0x1>;
- pname = "rsv";
- };
- misc {
- phandle = <0x50>;
- size = <0x0 0x800000>;
- mask = <0x1>;
- pname = "misc";
- };
- vendor {
- phandle = <0x59>;
- size = <0x0 0x14000000>;
- mask = <0x1>;
- pname = "vendor";
- };
- recovery {
- phandle = <0x4f>;
- size = <0x0 0x1800000>;
- mask = <0x1>;
- pname = "recovery";
- };
- tee {
- phandle = <0x58>;
- size = <0x0 0x2000000>;
- mask = <0x1>;
- pname = "tee";
- };
- dtbo {
- phandle = <0x51>;
- size = <0x0 0x800000>;
- mask = <0x1>;
- pname = "dtbo";
- };
- cache {
- phandle = <0x5d>;
- size = <0x0 0x46000000>;
- mask = <0x2>;
- pname = "cache";
- };
- boot {
- phandle = <0x54>;
- size = <0x0 0x1000000>;
- mask = <0x1>;
- pname = "boot";
- };
- product {
- phandle = <0x5c>;
- size = <0x0 0x8000000>;
- mask = <0x1>;
- pname = "product";
- };
- system {
- phandle = <0x5b>;
- size = <0x0 0x74000000>;
- mask = <0x1>;
- pname = "system";
- };
- metadata {
- phandle = <0x56>;
- size = <0x0 0x1000000>;
- mask = <0x1>;
- pname = "metadata";
- };
- data {
- phandle = <0x5e>;
- size = <0xffffffff 0xffffffff>;
- mask = <0x4>;
- pname = "data";
- };
- vbmeta {
- phandle = <0x57>;
- size = <0x0 0x200000>;
- mask = <0x1>;
- pname = "vbmeta";
- };
- cri_data {
- phandle = <0x52>;
- size = <0x0 0x800000>;
- mask = <0x2>;
- pname = "cri_data";
- };
- param {
- phandle = <0x53>;
- size = <0x0 0x1000000>;
- mask = <0x2>;
- pname = "param";
- };
- logo {
- phandle = <0x4e>;
- size = <0x0 0x800000>;
- mask = <0x1>;
- pname = "logo";
- };
- odm {
- phandle = <0x5a>;
- size = <0x0 0x8000000>;
- mask = <0x1>;
- pname = "odm";
- };
- };
- serial@ffd23000 {
- pinctrl-names = "default";
- pinctrl-0 = <0x30>;
- phandle = <0xea>;
- clock-names = "clk_uart", "clk_gate";
- reg = <0xffd23000 0x18>;
- fifosize = <0x40>;
- status = "disabled";
- interrupts = <0x0 0x4b 0x1>;
- compatible = "amlogic, meson-uart";
- clocks = <0x15 0x2 0x3c>;
- };
- efuse {
- phandle = <0xfa>;
- clock-names = "efuse_clk";
- read_cmd = <0x82000030>;
- key = <0x4d>;
- status = "disabled";
- compatible = "amlogic, efuse";
- clocks = <0x2 0x61>;
- write_cmd = <0x82000031>;
- get_max_cmd = <0x82000033>;
- };
- pcieA@fc000000 {
- pcie-num = <0x1>;
- interrupt-map-mask = <0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0>;
- gpio-type = <0x2>;
- phandle = <0xec>;
- clock-names = "pcie_refpll", "pcie", "pcie_phy";
- reg = <0xfc000000 0x400000 0xff648000 0x2000 0xfc400000 0x200000 0xff646000 0x2000 0xffd01080 0x10>;
- pcie-ctrl-sleep-shift = <0x12>;
- pcie-hhi-mem-pd-shift = <0x1a>;
- bus-range = <0x0 0xff>;
- reg-names = "elbi", "cfg", "config", "phy", "reset";
- pcie-apb-rst-bit = <0xf>;
- status = "disable";
- ranges = <0x81000000 0x0 0x0 0xfc600000 0x0 0x100000 0x82000000 0xfc700000 0x0 0xfc700000 0x0 0x1900000>;
- interrupts = <0x0 0xdd 0x0>;
- pcie-ctrl-a-rst-bit = <0xc>;
- interrupt-map = <0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x1 0x0 0xdf 0x1>;
- #address-cells = <0x3>;
- #size-cells = <0x2>;
- pwr-ctl = <0x1>;
- num-lanes = <0x1>;
- device_type = "pci";
- reset-gpio = <0x12 0x49 0x0>;
- pcie-phy-rst-bit = <0xe>;
- compatible = "amlogic, amlogic-pcie-v2", "snps,dw-pcie";
- clocks = <0x2 0x18 0x2 0x3f 0x2 0x42>;
- #interrupt-cells = <0x1>;
- pcie-hhi-mem-pd-mask = <0xf>;
- pcie-ctrl-iso-shift = <0x12>;
- };
- arm_pmu {
- reg = <0xff634680 0x4>;
- cpumasks = <0xf>;
- max-wait-cnt = <0x2710>;
- relax-timer-ns = <0x989680>;
- interrupts = <0x0 0x89 0x4>;
- compatible = "arm,cortex-a15-pmu";
- };
- saradc {
- phandle = <0xca>;
- clock-names = "xtal", "saradc_clk";
- reg = <0xff809000 0x48>;
- status = "disabled";
- interrupts = <0x0 0xc8 0x1>;
- #io-channel-cells = <0x1>;
- compatible = "amlogic,meson-g12a-saradc";
- clocks = <0x15 0x2 0x105>;
- };
- t9015 {
- #sound-dai-cells = <0x0>;
- ch0_sel = <0x0>;
- is_auge_used = <0x1>;
- phandle = <0x7f>;
- reg = <0xff632000 0x2000>;
- tocodec_inout = <0x1>;
- status = "okay";
- tdmout_index = <0x1>;
- compatible = "amlogic, aml_codec_T9015";
- ch1_sel = <0x1>;
- };
- amvenc_avc {
- interrupt-names = "mailbox_2";
- dev_name = "amvenc_avc";
- status = "okay";
- interrupts = <0x0 0x2d 0x1>;
- compatible = "amlogic, amvenc_avc";
- };
- secmon {
- memory-region = <0xf>;
- in_base_func = <0x82000020>;
- out_base_func = <0x82000021>;
- reserve_mem_size = <0x300000>;
- compatible = "amlogic, secmon";
- };
- gpioleds {
- status = "okay";
- compatible = "gpio-leds";
- sys_led {
- label = "sys_led";
- gpios = <0x5f 0xb 0x0>;
- default-state = "on";
- };
- };
- };
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