Guest User


a guest
May 14th, 2019
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  1. module.exports = {
  2. ACCOUNT_NAME_EMPTY: 'Account name field can not be empty',
  3. ACCOUNT_NUMBER_ALREADY_EXISTS: 'Oops. Looks like another account is registered with this account number',
  5. BANK_EMPTY: 'Bank field can not be empty',
  6. BANK_DETAILS_ALREADY_SAVED: 'You already have bank details saved',
  8. CAC_NOT_PRESENT: 'CAC number field can not be empty',
  9. CAC_ALREADY_EXISTS: 'Oops. Looks like a company is already registered with this CAC Registration Number.',
  10. COMPANY_NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS: 'Oops. Looks like another account is registered with this company name',
  11. COMPANY_NAME_REQUIRED: 'Company name is required',
  13. DOB_NOT_PRESENT: 'Date of Birth cannot be absent',
  14. DRIVERS_LICENCE_ID_REQUIRED: 'Driver licence ID is required',
  15. DESTINATION_LOCATION: 'Expecting Longitude and Latitude for Destination location',
  17. EMAIL_ALREADY_EXISTS: 'Oops. Looks like another account is registered with this email',
  18. EMAIL_NOT_PRESENT: 'Kindly provide email address',
  19. ERROR_CREATING_USER: 'Error creating user',
  20. ERROR_CREATING_DRIVER: 'Error creating driver',
  21. ERROR_OCCURRED: 'An error occurred. Kindly try again in a few.',
  23. FIRST_NAME_NOT_PRESENT: 'First name is required',
  25. INCORRECT_DELIVERY_CODE: 'Incorrect delivery code. Kindly try again.',
  26. INVALID_ACCOUNT_NUMBER: 'Invalid account number',
  27. INVALID_BANK_ACCOUNT_TYPE: 'Invalid bank account type',
  28. INVALID_DEST_ADDR: 'Invalid destination address. It should be a string',
  29. INVALID_DEST_PLACE_ID: 'Invalid destination place ID. It should be a string',
  30. INVALID_DRIVER_LICENSE_SNAPSHOT: 'Invalid driver license snapshot format. It should be a url',
  31. INVALID_EMAIL: 'Invalid email address',
  32. INVALID_EMAIL_OR_PASSWORD: 'Invalid email address or password',
  33. INVALID_GENDER: 'Gender input is invalid. It can either be M or F',
  34. INVALID_INVOICE_VALUE: 'Invalid invoice value. This should be generated from your company\'s end.',
  35. INVALID_PASSWORD: 'Kindly enter a valid password. Password can not be less than 6 characters',
  36. INVALID_PHONE: 'Invalid phone number',
  37. INVALID_PICKUP_ADDR: 'Invalid pickup address. It should be a string',
  38. INVALID_PICKUP_ID: 'Invalid pickup place ID. It should be a string',
  39. INVALID_PRODUCT_TYPE: 'Invalid product type. Product type should contain the type of product to be transported e.g. Food, Beer, Electronics.',
  40. INVALID_TRIP_TYPE: 'Invalid trip type',
  41. INVALID_TRUCK_TYPE: 'Invalid truck type',
  42. INVALID_WEIGHT: 'Invalid weight parameter',
  44. LAST_NAME_NOT_PRESENT: 'Last name is required',
  45. LOCATION_EMPTY: 'Location is empty. It needs to be updated',
  46. LONGITUDE_AND_LATITUDE_REQUIRED: 'Longitude and latitude are required',
  48. MAILS_SENT: 'Mails sent successfully',
  50. NAME_NOT_PRESENT: 'Name field can not be empty',
  51. NOT_AUTHENTICATED: 'Oops, looks like you do not have access to this resource.',
  53. PAYMENT_FAILED: 'Payment creation failed',
  54. PAYMENT_SAVED: 'Payment saved',
  55. PAYSTACK_CONNECTION_ERROR: 'Error connecting to paystack',
  56. PHONE_ALREADY_EXISTS: 'Phone number already exists',
  57. PHONE_NOT_PRESENT: 'Phone number field can not be empty',
  59. REQUEST_BODY_EMPTY: 'Request body (req.body) is empty',
  61. TIN_NOT_PRESENT: 'Tax identification number (TIN) is required',
  62. TIN_ALREADY_EXISTS: 'Oops. Looks like a company is already registered with this Tax Identification Number.',
  63. TRIP_TYPE_REQUIRED: 'Trip type is required',
  64. TRUCK_CAPACITY_NOT_PRESENT: 'Truck capacity field can not be empty',
  65. TRUCK_COLOR_NOT_PRESENT: 'Truck color field can not be empty',
  66. TRUCK_CREATED_SUCCESSFULLY: 'New truck added',
  67. TRUCK_ERROR_IN_CREATION: 'A error occurred, please try again',
  68. TRUCK_MANUFACTURE_YEAR_NOT_PRESENT: 'Truck manufacture year field can not be empty',
  69. TRUCK_MODEL_NOT_PRESENT: 'Truck model field can not be empty',
  70. TRUCK_NOT_ADDED_TO_CARRIER: 'Truck could not be added to carrier',
  71. TRUCK_PICTURE_NOT_PRESENT: 'Truck picture field can not be empty',
  72. TRUCK_REG_NUMBER_NOT_PRESENT: 'Truck registration number field can not be empty',
  73. TRUCK_REGISTRATION_NUMBER_ALREADY_EXISTS: 'Oops. Another truck is registered with this registration number',
  74. TRUCK_REQUIRED: 'A truck must be assigned to the driver',
  75. TRUCK_TYPE_REQUIRED: 'Truck type is required',
  76. TRUCKING_LICENCE_ALREADY_EXISTS: 'Oops. Looks like a company is already registered with this Tax Identification Number.',
  78. WEIGHT_REQUIRED: 'Weight is required',
  80. USER_ID_NOT_EXIST: 'User ID does not exist',
  82. };
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