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a guest
May 24th, 2018
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  1. % When plotting a function in octave, I might want to plot axes so they meet
  2. % at the coordinate origin, instead as boxes aroung the function graph.
  3. % This might only make sense if the origin of the coordinate system is even
  4. % contained within the plotted area.
  5. x=linspace(-4,1);
  6. plot(x,2*x+4,'r.',x,sqrt(2*x+4),'b.');
  7. set(gca,'xaxislocation','origin'); % push x axis to the origin of the coordinate system
  8. set(gca,'yaxislocation','origin'); % push y axis to the origin of the coordinate system
  9. set(gca,'box','off'); % turn off the coordinate box around the graph.
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