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Jan 3rd, 2014
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  1. Very well. Even after all the Kryptos bullshit you still went on. I would love to tell you a lot about what you know as 3301. More like warn you. Not because 3301 is dangerous. It's not fulfilling. First of all.. I am not Cicada. Or not anymore at least. Some refer to me as an individual called Rorschach. I have been inside. I've seen how they work. I know, I haven't gathered much interest as a troll, but tbh, it isn't about arriving at the end, it's about the process of solving. It's the process of solving puzzles that satisfies us not what's at the end. So if I would've made my puzzles harder, there would be no difference to actual 3301 puzzles. And that's what 3301 is all about. The only one to realize this yet, was Wind. What do you think is at 3301's end? A secret organization? Someone powerful? Well wisdom is powerful, but that doesn't necessarily mean 3301 is a powerful organization. Everything that Cicada did can be done by 4chan easily in about a week and you know this. Imagine everyone working on 3301 trying to break Cicada's key. Once the key is broken, there would be no way to verify whether stuff is genuine or not whatsoever. This year in Cicada needs to be different. They've shown us the very basics of internet cryptography. Mainly outguess, PGP and xoring. If they were as powerful as they claim to be, stuff will get harder. And if not , oh well, we can still create our own riddles. This isn't the last you're gonna here from me. Ave atque Vale
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