Guest User


a guest
Jul 20th, 2016
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  1. unknown_user: "&9Server> &7L'utente non \xe8 nel database!"
  2. unsafe_spawn: '&fYour Quit location was unsafe, teleporting you to World Spawn'
  3. not_logged_in: '&9Server> &cNon sei registrato!'
  4. reg_voluntarily: '&fYou can register your nickname with the server with the command
  5. "/register password ConfirmPassword"'
  6. usage_log: '&9Server> &7Esegui il Login con /login <password>'
  7. wrong_pwd: '&9Server> &cPassword Errata'
  8. unregistered: '&9Server> &7Registrazione annullata con successo'
  9. reg_disabled: '&9Server> &7Registrazioni disabilitate'
  10. valid_session: '&9Server> &7Sessione Ripresa.'
  11. login: "&9Server> &7Il login \xe8 avvenuto con successo"
  12. vb_nonActiv: '&9Server> &7Al tuo accout sono state attivate le email!'
  13. user_regged: "&9Server> &7Sei gi\xe0 gi\xe0 registrato!"
  14. usage_reg: '&9Server> &7Registrati con /register <password> <Confermapassword>'
  15. max_reg: '&9Server> &7Troppe registrazione per questo IP!'
  16. no_perm: '&9Server> &7Non hai il permesso'
  17. error: '&9Server> &7Comando non valido.'
  18. login_msg: '&9Server> &7Esegui il Login con /login <password>'
  19. reg_msg: '&9Server> &7Registrati con /register <password> <Confermapassword>'
  20. reg_email_msg: '&9Server> &7Registrati con <email> <ConfermaEmail>'
  21. usage_unreg: '&9Server> &7Digita /unregister <password>'
  22. pwd_changed: '&9Server> &7Password modificata con successo!'
  23. user_unknown: '&9Server> &7Utente non registrato'
  24. password_error: '&9Server> &7Le password non corrispondono!'
  25. unvalid_session: '&9Server> &7Sessione non corrispondente!'
  26. reg_only: '&fRegistered players only! Please visit to register'
  27. logged_in: "&9Server> &7Sei gi\xe0 loggato!"
  28. logout: '&9Server> &7Logout avvenuto con successo!'
  29. same_nick: "&9Server> &7Questo utente \xe8 gi\xe0 Online!"
  30. registered: '&9Server> &7Registrazione avvenuta con successo!'
  31. pass_len: '&9Server> &7Password troppo lunga o troppo corta!'
  32. reload: '&9Server> &7Plugin ricaricato!'
  33. timeout: "&9Server> &7Hai aspettata troppo per eseguire il login! &c&lFai pi\xf9 veloce!"
  34. usage_changepassword: '&9Server> &7Digita /changepassword <VecchiaPassword> <NuovaPassword>'
  35. name_len: "&9Server> &7Il tuo nick \xe8 troppo lungo o troppo corto!"
  36. regex: '&9Server> &7Il tuo Usurname a caratteri non accettabili!'
  37. add_email: '&cPlease add your email with : /email add yourEmail confirmEmail'
  38. bad_database_email: '[AuthMe] This /email command only available with MySQL and SQLite,
  39. contact an Admin'
  40. recovery_email: '&cForgot your password? Please use /email recovery <yourEmail>'
  41. usage_captcha: '&cYou need to type a captcha, please type: /captcha <theCaptcha>'
  42. wrong_captcha: '&cWrong Captcha, please use : /captcha THE_CAPTCHA'
  43. valid_captcha: '&cYour captcha is valid !'
  44. kick_forvip: '&cA VIP Player join the full server!'
  45. kick_fullserver: '&9Server> &c&lServer Pieno!'
  46. usage_email_add: '&fUsage: /email add <email> <confirmeEmail> '
  47. usage_email_change: '&fUsage: /email change oldEmail> <newEmail> '
  48. usage_email_recovery: '&fUsage: /email recovery <Email>'
  49. new_email_invalid: '[AuthMe] New email invalid!'
  50. old_email_invalid: '[AuthMe] Old email invalid!'
  51. email_invalid: '[AuthMe] Invalid Email'
  52. email_added: '[AuthMe] Email Added !'
  53. email_confirm: '[AuthMe] Confirm your Email !'
  54. email_changed: '[AuthMe] Email Change !'
  55. email_send: '[AuthMe] Recovery Email Send !'
  56. country_banned: "&9Server> &7Questa nazionalit\xe0 \xe8 bloccata!"
  57. antibot_auto_enabled: '[AuthMe] AntiBotMod automatically enabled due to massive connections!'
  58. antibot_auto_disabled: '[AuthMe] AntiBotMod automatically disabled after %m Minutes,
  59. hope invasion stopped'
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