
Vector Holten's backstory.

Sep 19th, 2015
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  1. Vector Holten's backstory:
  3. About five years ago, Vector was a respected man. He was a skilled doctor, he lived in a large house in sweden, he had a wonderful wife and son.
  4. But all that changed when he came home from work earlier than usual one day. Because as he came closer to the house, he noticed that the door was broken down and a trail of blood..led inside. As he rushed in with his Spas-12, he saw a horrific sight..his wife was being gutted by three men. Who laughed and threw her organs she screamed in agony. He stood there for a few secounds. Untill he higherd his Spas-12, and fired six shells. Each one of them, aimed for the bandits knees. He then dropped the shotgun, as the three bandits screamed in anger and pain. He went upstairds, and retrived a knuckleknife...he then went down...and gutted the three men alive. He stayed with his wifes body for what seemed like days..untill the locals came to check what had happaned. In a clash of rage and pure insanity he attacked the locals, gutting as many he could. The few wounded survivors ran back to town, and told the guards of what had happaned. As the guards rushed into Vectors home, they saw the horrific sight...Vector was sitting on the floor with a large grin on his he had decorated his home with the locals guts. They opend fire at him, but he was quick and had already manadged to kill one of the guards, taking his Reiner-7. He then proceeded to flee the house, only bringing his Spas-12, a Reiner-7, His knuckleknife....and a red, plaid, cap. He then began walking towards norway and only stopped to get food, smokes and booze. As he arrived on the coast of norway he hired a boat to island, where he did the same thing once more, he began walking towards the coast, only stopping to refill his supplies. As he arrived to the coast of iceland he took a boat to greenland, and redid the whole thing. He did this for about five years, as he traveled from sweden to hawaii through; Norway, Iceland, Greenland, Canada, The united states and finally arrived in Pearl Harbour, Hawaii. He quickly tried to join the CDF, and while waiting to be approved a certain russian man approached him in the bar, and hired him.
  6. THE END
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