

Apr 17th, 2019
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  1. '148':
  2. name: §c§oFactionShop 1
  3. uuid: 233ef567-dcfa-41b3-8e9a-3b66132be214
  4. traits:
  5. wallet:
  6. player-uuid: none
  7. type: infinite
  8. money: 0.0
  9. spawned: true
  10. gravity:
  11. enabled: false
  12. location:
  13. world: world
  14. x: '213.485'
  15. y: '67.0'
  16. z: '310.4986'
  17. yaw: '-160.8487548828125'
  18. pitch: '-40.0'
  19. trader:
  20. type: server
  21. owner-uuid: none
  22. patterns: []
  23. sell:
  24. - enchanted_book p:1350.00 a:1 se:silk_touch/1 s:48
  25. - enchanted_book p:350.00 a:1 se:durability/3 s:47
  26. - enchanted_book p:350.00 a:1 se:mending/1 s:46
  27. - enchanted_book p:350.00 a:1 se:dig_speed/5 s:45
  28. - leather p:40.00 a:1 s:41
  29. - ender_pearl p:90.00 a:1 s:40
  30. - blaze_rod p:120.00 a:1 s:39
  31. - sulphur p:200.00 a:20 s:38 .sp
  32. - glowstone_dust p:70.00 a:9 s:37 .sp
  33. - slime_ball p:50.00 a:1 s:36
  34. - flint p:45.00 a:4 s:33 .sp
  35. - coal p:100.00 a:8 s:32 .sp
  36. - redstone p:150.00 a:8 s:31 .sp
  37. - iron_ingot p:50.00 a:1 s:30
  38. - gold_ingot p:90.00 a:1 s:29
  39. - diamond p:140.00 a:1 s:28
  40. - emerald p:190.00 a:1 s:27
  41. - banner:15 p:500.00 a:5 s:26 bn:unused .sp
  42. - armor_stand p:250.00 a:5 s:25 .sp
  43. - item_frame p:125.00 a:5 s:24 .sp
  44. - painting p:100.00 a:5 s:23 .sp
  45. - prismarine_crystals p:250.00 a:60 s:19 .sp
  46. - prismarine_shard p:250.00 a:64 s:18 .sp
  47. - sponge p:50.00 a:1 s:17
  48. - soul_sand p:50.00 a:1 s:16
  49. - mycel p:50.00 a:1 s:15
  50. - obsidian p:480.00 a:4 s:14 .sp
  51. - nether_stalk p:80.00 a:1 s:10
  52. - carrot_item p:40.00 a:1 s:9
  53. - potato_item p:40.00 a:1 s:8
  54. - log:3 p:500.00 a:32 s:7 .sp
  55. - ink_sack:3 p:40.00 a:1 s:6
  56. - sugar_cane p:20.00 a:1 s:5
  57. - beetroot_seeds p:60.00 a:1 s:4
  58. - pumpkin_seeds p:20.00 a:1 s:3
  59. - melon_seeds p:20.00 a:1 s:2
  60. - seeds p:100.00 a:64 s:1 .sp
  61. - cactus p:20.00 a:1 s:0
  62. buy: []
  63. converted-to-v5: true
  64. guiName: hpa
  65. lookclose:
  66. enabled: true
  67. range: '5.0'
  68. realisticlooking: false
  69. type: VILLAGER
  70. owner:
  71. owner: server
  72. uuid: ''
  73. traitnames: type,mounttrait,owner,trader,location,gravity,lookclose,spawned,inventory
  74. navigator:
  75. speedmodifier: '1.0'
  76. avoidwater: false
  77. usedefaultstuckaction: true
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