

Aug 12th, 2014
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  1. [X] 1 Call for a maid to get another bed prepared. In the meantime, get to know your familiar better: Name, where's she from, <del>how does she look so lovely</del>. Familiars are supposed to be partners *glup*, right?: (Adyen)
  2. [X] 1 Call for a maid to get another bed prepared. In the meantime, get to know your familiar better: Name, where's she from, how does she look so lovely. Familiars are supposed to be partners *glup*, right?: (Xicree)
  3. [X] 2 Call for a maid to get another bed prepared. In the meantime, get to know your familiar better: Name, where's she from, how does she look some lovely. Familiars are supposed to be partners *glup*, right?: (Mu-Sensei, MrGazzer)
  4. [X] 1 Call for a maid to get another bed prepared. In the meantime, get to know your familiar better: Namely, where's she from, how does she look so lovely. Familiars are supposed to be partners *glup*, right?: (megrisvernin)
  5. [X] 14 Get it together. You are a Valliere and you have summoned your familiar. You have responsibilities to her and to be laid out to her. Call a maid and arrange for proper bedding for your familiar. Then properly introduce yourself to your familiar and get her name, species, and knowledge of any special needs. Focus sifting interaction for information like your mom taught you. And if you get warm fuzzies just imagine your mothers shame.: (Heaven Canceler, macdjord, BFldyq, Torgamous, Smuthunter, fitzgerald, Larekko12, Slayer Anderson, Jiven, Jaertin, noahgab1133, Drak4806, kinglugia, TheOtherSandman)
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