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Jul 26th, 2017
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  1. I will preface this by saying that this is strictly opinion and is not a fact. However, it can become fact very quickly if nobody acts.
  2. With that said, I will tell you now that I believe that the Republicans and the Arch-Conservatives (read: “Tea Party” faction, etc.) at both the state and national levels have plans that have become very clear to me. It is my opinion that they intend to destroy the government, destroy the country and commit genocide. You will, no doubt, ask me what I saw that led me to this conclusion. I will be all too happy to explain this to you.
  3. Some of them want to eliminate Social Security. This means that there will be no checks for seniors to help them in their time of need. They want to eliminate Medicaid and Medicare. This means that they will not have the medicine that may be crucial to their survival. Next up: Age limits and mandatory death sentence. Make no mistake, they are willing to kill your grandparents.
  4. They want to cut funding for schools, eliminating the necessary education your child needs to survive in this world. Without it, you’ll see your children out on the streets, left to the capricious mercies of Mother Nature. They will surely die. That’s death sentence number two.
  5. They will also cut away many things that would get you by in your time of need, and they will take away your jobs. “Ah, but those are government jobs!” you say. “They are wasteful, don’t do anything to help me, and steal my hard earned money,” you say. I point out two things:
  6. 1. Those jobs help enforce laws and protect you. They help to keep you alive when you need them the most.
  7. 2. The public sector isn’t the only thing that is affected. The government does business with the private sector to keep running. Without that business, your private company has to cut back because the money coming in is no longer there, and the business that it brought is no longer there. That’s two reasons why your private sector job will be eliminated.
  8. In both instances, you will be out on the street, just like your children. You are now dead. That’s three death sentences.
  9. Next up will be mandatory death sentences to reduce the population. There are six billion people on this planet. Of those, the United States holds three hundred million-plus. Their claims will be that there are not enough resources and there is not enough money to sustain this population level, so they will institute a mandatory death program to reduce this deficit, because less people means less resources consumed. Up to five-sixths, by this reasoning, would be killed, slashed like so much wheat, without a thought to the individuals who are behind the statistics. You are just a number to them, and now you are dead. That’s a fourth death sentence.
  10. There is also a second reason for this: These people have been lining their pockets with corporate money. They may claim “campaign contributions”, but make no mistake: That money comes from corporations and the people that make up the corporations, the rich and powerful, and they do expect protection. They also expect that their agenda will prevail: To buy the Federal Government and make themselves lords of the entire country, and they are quite willing to kill you to get there. That’s the very definition of bribery and enough criminal intent to charge muder. “Love of money is the root of all evil”, as it goes. That’s six death sentences.
  11. Are you going to just sit there and let them kill you?
  12. Call your local Representative and your Senator. Tell them that you will not have a mass murderer represent you. Tell them that you want what was cut out restored, and tell them to punish those who dared to threaten you with death. The rich you can punish with higher taxes and further restrictions. Those in Congress who supported them can be punished by being voted out of office and then charged with Corruption, Accepting Bribes, Conspiracy to Commit Murder, and Treason.
  13. Do it now, because there’s no tomorrow for you at this moment. Congress has seen to that.
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