
SMART report (SATA)

Mar 4th, 2015
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  1. #!/bin/sh
  3. ### Parameters ###
  4. logfile="/tmp/smart_report.tmp"
  5. email=""
  6. subject="SMART Status Report for FreeNAS"
  7. drives="da0 da1 da2 da3 da4 da5 da6 da7"
  8. tempWarn=40
  9. tempCrit=45
  10. sectorsCrit=10
  11. testAgeWarn=1
  12. warnSymbol="?"
  13. critSymbol="!"
  15. ### Set email headers ###
  16. (
  17.     echo "To: ${email}"
  18.     echo "Subject: ${subject}"
  19.     echo "Content-Type: text/html"
  20.     echo "MIME-Version: 1.0"
  21.     echo -e "\r\n"
  22. ) > "$logfile"
  24. ### Set email body ###
  25. echo "<pre style=\"font-size:14px\">" >> "$logfile"
  27. ###### summary ######
  28. (
  29.     echo ""
  30.     echo "########## SMART status report summary for all drives ##########"
  31.     echo ""
  32.     echo "+------+---------------+----+-----+-----+-----+-------+-------+--------+------+------+------+-------+----+"
  33.     echo "|Device|Serial         |Temp|Power|Start|Spin |ReAlloc|Current|Offline |UDMA  |Seek  |High  |Command|Last|"
  34.     echo "|      |               |    |On   |Stop |Retry|Sectors|Pending|Uncorrec|CRC   |Errors|Fly   |Timeout|Test|"
  35.     echo "|      |               |    |Hours|Count|Count|       |Sectors|Sectors |Errors|      |Writes|Count  |Age |"
  36.     echo "+------+---------------+----+-----+-----+-----+-------+-------+--------+------+------+------+-------+----+"
  37. ) >> "$logfile"
  38. for drive in $drives
  39. do
  40.     (
  41.         smartctl -A -i -v 7,hex48 /dev/"$drive" | \
  42.         awk -v device="$drive" -v tempWarn="$tempWarn" -v tempCrit="$tempCrit" -v sectorsCrit="$sectorsCrit" \
  43.         -v testAgeWarn="$testAgeWarn" -v warnSymbol="$warnSymbol" -v critSymbol="$critSymbol" \
  44.         -v lastTestHours="$(smartctl -l selftest /dev/"$drive" | grep "# 1" | awk '{print $9}')" '\
  45.        /Serial Number:/{serial=$3} \
  46.        /Temperature_Celsius/{temp=$10} \
  47.        /Power_On_Hours/{onHours=$10} \
  48.        /Start_Stop_Count/{startStop=$10} \
  49.        /Spin_Retry_Count/{spinRetry=$10} \
  50.        /Reallocated_Sector/{reAlloc=$10} \
  51.        /Current_Pending_Sector/{pending=$10} \
  52.        /Offline_Uncorrectable/{offlineUnc=$10} \
  53.        /UDMA_CRC_Error_Count/{crcErrors=$10} \
  54.        /Seek_Error_Rate/{seekErrors=("0x" substr($10,3,4));totalSeeks=("0x" substr($10,7))} \
  55.        /High_Fly_Writes/{hiFlyWr=$10} \
  56.        /Command_Timeout/{cmdTimeout=$10} \
  57.        END {
  58.            testAge=sprintf("%.0f", (onHours - lastTestHours) / 24);
  59.            if (temp > tempCrit || reAlloc > sectorsCrit || pending > sectorsCrit || offlineUnc > sectorsCrit)
  60.                device=device " " critSymbol;
  61.            else if (temp > tempWarn || reAlloc > 0 || pending > 0 || offlineUnc > 0 || testAge > testAgeWarn)
  62.                device=device " " warnSymbol;
  63.            seekErrors=sprintf("%d", seekErrors);
  64.            totalSeeks=sprintf("%d", totalSeeks);
  65.            if (totalSeeks == "0") {
  66.                seekErrors="N/A";
  67.                totalSeeks="N/A";
  68.            }
  69.            if (hiFlyWr == "") hiFlyWr="N/A";
  70.            if (cmdTimeout == "") cmdTimeout="N/A";
  71.            printf "|%-6s|%-15s| %s |%5s|%5s|%5s|%7s|%7s|%8s|%6s|%6s|%6s|%7s|%4s|\n",
  72.            device, serial, temp, onHours, startStop, spinRetry, reAlloc, pending, offlineUnc, \
  73.            crcErrors, seekErrors, hiFlyWr, cmdTimeout, testAge;
  74.        }'
  75.     ) >> "$logfile"
  76. done
  77. (
  78.     echo "+------+---------------+----+-----+-----+-----+-------+-------+--------+------+------+------+-------+----+"
  79.     echo ""
  80.     echo ""
  81. ) >> "$logfile"
  83. ###### for each drive ######
  84. for drive in $drives
  85. do
  86.     brand="$(smartctl -i /dev/"$drive" | grep "Model Family" | awk '{print $3, $4, $5}')"
  87.     serial="$(smartctl -i /dev/"$drive" | grep "Serial Number" | awk '{print $3}')"
  88.     (
  89.         echo ""
  90.         echo "########## SMART status report for ${drive} drive (${brand}: ${serial}) ##########"
  91.         smartctl -H -A -l error /dev/"$drive"
  92.         smartctl -l selftest /dev/"$drive" | grep "# 1 \|Num" | cut -c6-
  93.         echo ""
  94.         echo ""
  95.     ) >> "$logfile"
  96. done
  97. sed -i '' -e '/smartctl 6.3/d' "$logfile"
  98. sed -i '' -e '/Copyright/d' "$logfile"
  99. sed -i '' -e '/=== START OF READ/d' "$logfile"
  100. sed -i '' -e '/SMART Attributes Data/d' "$logfile"
  101. sed -i '' -e '/Vendor Specific SMART/d' "$logfile"
  102. sed -i '' -e '/SMART Error Log Version/d' "$logfile"
  103. echo "</pre>" >> "$logfile"
  105. ### Send report ###
  106. sendmail -t < "$logfile"
  107. rm "$logfile"
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