
Infinity Legion Chouko!

Nov 12th, 2014
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  1. Even amongst the most learned of scholars, there is an unknown truth: magic exists across every possible dimension, no matter how they may differ. Of course, this is scarcely something of note to the inhabitants of these worlds; in those where it isn't more widely known of, only a single person will ever develop it. They are the universal constant--the sole human to remain immune to the butterfly effect.
  3. As a fixed point in the spreading web of chaos, each individual varies somewhat, but patterns recur and by and large the outlines of her life remain fixed. Whether it's a world that nearly annihilated itself through nuclear warfare or one that never got out of the bronze age, the girl [i]will[/i] live a similar life, will look more or less the same... and will discover magic.
  5. Except for one. One version, in the infinite sea of probabilities, has never displayed any talent above the natural; never found herself in a life-or-death situation with inexplicable immaterial monsters. It's no surprise, then, that when one group cracks the secret to travelling between worlds, hers is the first target: with no magical protection, it should be easy.
  7. Such a shame that one of the variations worked it out too.
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