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Nov 20th, 2017
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  1. Psychopaths and sociopaths in any group, tribe, neighborhood, town, or city will eventually destroy more than they ever create. All of them are eventual, and are the working equivalent of throwing dynamite in the water, or trowling dead-zones into the ocean floor to catch fish. Being a fisher of men is not being a fisher for men. I do not subscribe to the "gray area" thinking this man:
  5. attributes his existence to. There is no gray area with regards to trolling an organization, soilent green was always people. And that video was fucking terrifying if you have any soul or wits about you. Fucking eerie.
  7. Historically, many large and down to the smallest tribes would just walk these monsters to the side of a cliff and kick them off. It was understood back when people were smarter and sapes hadn't run amok that these demons destroy everything they touch. Everything with regards to a "gray area" psychopath/sociopath has everything to do with manipulation and nothing to do with gray area thinking, feeling and intuition. Just because some are more successful in the long run doesn't make a broken clock "right" twice a day. It just means several people have had their lives ruined around the clock, and some people are standing on top a pile of figurative (hopefully it remains that way...) corpses, shrugging like Putin when he's bored.
  9. I have no sympathy, nor compassion for people born or made into insufferable people. Bad genes. If people had any compassion, they'd gladly walk these insane fuckers off a cliff, too.
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