
Imagine being a guy...

Mar 2nd, 2016
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  1. Imagine being a guy who was dyslexic before they knew what to do with that, or even had a name for it other than "dummy". He gets socially promoted until he can't take the humiliation and drops out. He does manual labor with gusto til his back and knees go, which you know they did at 40, but keeps going until he craters completely at 52. He tries to get into a program, but what's the first thing they do? Hand you a form and say, "Fill this out!" More humiliation and defeat. Do you seriously blame this guy, who lives under a bridge because what the fuck else can he do, for drinking every day to stop himself from crying himself to sleep every night? And, if you stick a mic in his face and say, "Why are you here?" Do you really think he's going to fly his real and horrible list of sorrows? Hell no! He's going to try to hang onto one last shred of dignity and say, "I'm here because I want to be!"
  3. And I tell you what, if you choose to believe that, you are a fucking sadist.
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