
Humanity (FiE: 12)

Jul 3rd, 2012
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  1. Part 12 (Humanity):
  2. >After your shower, you went into your room, and fell right to sleep.
  3. >Disregard sleep schedules, acquire bountiful rest.
  4. >You awaken the next morning and walk to the front door.
  5. >Opening it, you see that the town is cleaned up of the bodies of the dogs you slew.
  6. >It seems no matter where you go, or what you do, you have to kill something.
  7. >Is this what you are here for?
  8. >You're going to need a wake up shower before you do any more deep thinking.
  9. >Turning on the water to a lukewarm temperature, you flip the shower switch and take a step in.
  10. >You enjoy the sensation of the water on your skin again.
  11. >Being a human DID have its benefits.
  12. >After a good scrub-a-dub, you step out of the shower.
  13. >Grabbing a towel off the rack, you dry yourself off, and look into the mirror.
  14. >Your not-quite-wet brown hair is resting over your vibrant green eyes.
  15. >You run a hand through your hair, and try to fix it a little bit.
  16. >Well it looks... Who're you kidding, it still looks bad, but not as bad.
  17. >You look at yourself in the mirror, towel wrapped around your waist.
  18. >Damn, Zecora was right. You are fit.
  19. >With a half smile, you notice in the corner of your eye a hairbrush of purple and white, with some very large gems in the handle.
  20. >No Fid, don't you do it.
  21. >Too late.
  22. >You grab the brush, and run your hand on the stiff bristles.
  23. >Bringing the brush to your head, you try to brush your hair.
  25. >Oh god why did you do that?
  26. >The brush is entangled in that messy shenanigans going on on the top of your head.
  27. >You tug and pull, but it only makes it worse.
  28. >Fuck it, you'll fix it later, for now you need clothes that aren't a giant burlap sack.
  29. >You walk out of the bathroom with the hairbrush still in your hair, and enter the creativity room.
  30. >Grabbing some cloth from the scrap bin, you manage to form yourself a bright red colored toga.
  31. >Don't lie to yourself Fid, that's pink.
  32. >Shut up brain.
  33. >You exit, and head to the kitchen.
  34. >Your stomach had this weird pain on the inside. From what you read in your anatomy books, this sensation is called hunger.
  35. >Humans need to eat every so often.
  36. >You open the cold metal box, and see it stuffed full of things
  37. >Mouth agape, you simply stare at the vast quantities of food.
  38. >So many colors too. You could see colors before, but not this brightly.
  39. >You grab an apple, and take a bite of it.
  40. >Wow.
  41. >That there...
  43. >Is the most repulsive you have tasted in your entire life.
  44. >Chewing it twice, you spit it out, and throw the apple behind you.
  45. >New verdict: Fuck apples.
  46. >You grab a pear, and cautiously take a bite of the green fruit.
  47. >Its squishier than the apple is, but its taste is different. Vaguely similar, but different enough to be tasty
  48. >You grab a carton of liquid that has a cow's face on the side of it.
  49. >Closing up the fridge behind you, you bring the carton and the bitten pear to the table.
  50. >You have a sit down in an uncomfortably small chair as you continue to eat the pear.
  51. >These things aren't bad, really.
  52. >You grab for the carton, and simply stare at it for a moment.
  53. >Slight problem.
  55. >You have no idea how to open this thing.
  56. >You look the thing up and down,.
  57. >Apparently this stuff is called “Milk”.
  58. >Interesting.
  59. >You lift it above your head to look at the bottom.
  60. >There's a little date on there, but nothing about opening the darned contraption.
  61. >You turn it upside down, and the top unfolds, white liquid begins pouring out right into your eyes.
  62. >Panicking, you do what any rational being would do.
  63. >”DEMON CARTON DEMON CARTON!” you yell as you reflexively squeeze the carton tighter in order to choke it into submission.
  64. >All your years of combat training has not prepared you for what happens next.
  65. >The top bursts open as the carton is crushed between your hands, and a waterfall of the blinding, yet surprisingly delicious liquid spills out all over you, the pink toga, and all over the floor.
  66. >”YOUR END IS NEAR!” you shout as you throw the carton onto the ground.
  67. >You rise quickly and stomp on the carton multiple times.
  68. >In your furious stomping of your cardboard nemesis, you manage to splash the white liquid everywhere, what little milk that remained in the carton shoots across the room from out the top.
  69. >Letting out a smug smile that is only known by the victorious, you raise your head up and take 2 steps.
  70. >Your foot lands on a red spherical object, and you slip.
  71. >You should have known that the damnable, vile apple is in cahoots with the carton from Hell.
  73. >*BAM*
  74. >*splash*
  75. >*thud*
  76. >”Hnnngh”
  77. >Why do all the bad things that happen to you happen in this boutique.
  78. >First the attack by Rarity with various tailoring supplies, then later you got stabbed in the chest , and now this is happening.
  79. >You swear there must be some form of connection.
  80. >Slowly rising, you grab the edge of the table to pull yourself up.
  81. >When you rise, you see the apple has barely moved a few inches.
  82. >Evil little red bastard.
  83. >You kick it full force towards the wall. It bursts into pieces on impact with your foot.
  84. >You then grab the demon carton and throw it full force towards the glowing front door.
  85. >Funny, you don't remember the door glowing befo-
  86. >Oh shit.
  87. >Rarity doesn’t have a chance to take a step before the murderous milk carton pelts her in the face.
  88. >What evil have you unleashed on this poor, poor mare?
  89. >The carton glows blue as she slowly takes it away from her face
  90. >”Keep it away from you!That thing is evil! EVIL! ” You begin to shout as you try to run to help her.
  91. >You take 2 steps in place before you slip yet again and fall flat on your face.
  92. >*splash*
  93. >*thud*
  94. >”Hnnngh”
  95. >Your overly long pink toga is soaked in milk, Rarity's hairbrush is stuck in your hair, and bits of apple are stuck to your foot
  96. >No matter how hard you think, you can honestly say that you just don't know what went wrong.
  98. >Rarity simply stares at you in your predicament.
  99. >”Hello Fid.”
  100. >Face down in a puddle of milk, you mutter back something similar to a greeting.
  101. >”Is this a good time?” You can hear her stifle a laugh.
  102. >”For you, I can make time” You say as you rise for the second time in the span of a minute.
  103. >”Well that's go- Is that my hairbrush?”
  104. >Oh god she noticed it.
  105. >”Yes ma'am” She likes it when people call her ma'am. Maybe she will be less likely to murder you if you get on her good side.
  106. >”Pray tell, why is my hairbrush in your hair?” She doesn't seem to care about your pink toga, or the apple guts that cover the wall, or the gratuitous amounts of milk on the floor.
  107. >Her only concern is for her poor hairbrush.
  108. >”I got out of the shower, and decided to try to brush my hair.”
  109. >”That doesn't explain why it's still in there” she says, taking a menacing step towards you
  110. >Jeez, she sure is defensive of her hairbrush.
  111. >”Well, when I tried to brush this crow's nest, the brush started to get caught, and now I can't get it out.”
  112. >”Really Fid?”
  113. >*stare*
  114. >”Crow's nest?” she has a half smile.
  115. >You begin to smile.
  116. >”Yeah crow's nest of a mess. I thought I was going to have to shave my head to get it out of there. Terrifying thought, really.” Your smile is ear to ear.
  117. >She simply stares for a moment, before the both of you burst into a glorious fit of laughter.
  119. >Your sides hurt, and it's hard to breathe, but you are enjoying every second of this.
  120. >You love laughing.
  121. >”Ohoho, that was bad, Fid.” Rarity gasps, wiping a tear from her face with a hoof.
  122. >”I know” You are still chuckling a bit.
  123. >”Anyways, there's a reason I'm here.” she says as she tries to regain her composure
  124. >”Is it cause you live here?” you say with a smile
  125. >”Not just that. The mayor sent a message to the Princess about your protecting of P0nyville. She want's to have a rewards ceremony for you after the wedding.”she says with a smile
  126. >”That's nice., but it doesn't explain why you are back home.” You say nonchalantly as you pick bits of apple off your toga.
  127. >”I'm here because the girls and I decided that I should be the one to tell you this great news. Also, I am the only one who can make you something spectacular in a single day.”
  128. >Oh, well that makes sense.
  129. >”We can't have you be in attendance to your own awards ceremony wearing...that” she looks with disgust at your apple covered, milk soaked pink toga..
  130. >She has yet another excellent point.
  131. >”I'll clean up this mess. Go rinse off and meet me in the creativity room so I can measure you.” she says as her horn starts to glow, taking the hairbrush out of your hair with extreme simplicity.
  132. >”How did you...”
  133. >”Darling, that brush is an old family heirloom. I got it enchanted to if anyone else tries to use it without my permission, it will get stuck. I haven't let anyp0ny use it except my dear daughter.”
  134. >This mare is usually so generous. The brush must mean a lot to her.
  135. >”Now go rinse. I'll be waiting.” she says as she places the brush gently on the table.
  136. >You nod, and walk towards the restroom.
  137. >2 showers in one day? It's more likely than you think
  139. >After rinsing, you opt out of wearing your dirty toga, and just wear the towel around your waist.
  140. >You don't know exactly why, but it feels wrong to not be covered somehow.
  141. >You approach the creativity room, and give it a knock.
  142. >”Come in!~” she sings. You enter.
  143. >”Ok Fid, I have some suit ideas I'd like to show you, but in my opinion, a black suit with a black tie would work best with you. Not to mention it would really bring out your eyes.” she says without looking up from her sketch board.
  144. >”That sounds good.” You have no idea what a suit and tie are, but she knows what shes doing, so you trust her.
  145. >Grabbing the measuring tape with her magic, she turns around to face you.
  146. >”Ok, lets get you measu- Oh my.” she looks you up and down, the measuring tape dropping to the ground next to her.
  147. >*stare*
  148. >”Oh, it's nothing. I just wasn't expecting you to be so...” she trails off, still not taking her eyes off you.
  149. >After a moment, you approach her, and kneel to her level.
  150. >”It's unladylike to stare, you know that?” You say with a half smile.
  151. >She still hasn't taken her eyes off of you.
  152. >”If staring is unladylike, then I don't want to be ladylike anymore.” she says with half lidded eyes.
  153. >Your jimmies are very VERY rustled.
  155. >”Rarity.” *snap* “Focus. And not on me.”
  156. >”Oh. Right. Measure.” She grabs the tape in her hooves (wat) and attempts to measure you.
  157. >”Don't you usually use your magic to measure?” You cock an eyebrow.
  158. >She get a nervous look about her.
  159. >”Normally, yes. But I find my magic to be *ahem* unfit for use right now.” she says as she continues to steal glances at your form.
  160. >*stare*
  161. >”Shut up” she says, stretching the tape
  162. >”I didn't say anything”
  163. >”I'm not using this as an excuse to have myself a quick feel, if that's what you're implying. When I am in *ahem* certain mindsets, my magic is next to useless.”
  164. >oh.
  165. >OH.
  166. >”Bad Rarity. Stop having those thoughts” you say with a chuckle
  167. >”Oh, hush. Now stand up so I can measure you.”
  168. >After about 20 minute of measuring (far too long, it usually takes her minutes to measure somep0ny) she looks down at your towel.
  169. >”You're going to need to take that off. I need to measure your inseam.” she says as she bites her lower lip.
  170. >Nope.
  171. >”I'll do it myself” you say as you snatch the tape from her hooves.
  172. >You walk into the bathroom, measure the height of your legs, and the inside of your legs.
  173. >You've seen her do it a few times, so you kind of know how to do things.
  174. >Walking back into the creativity room, you give her the measurements, and she begins her work.
  176. Fast forward to next morning:
  177. >You awaken to the sound of a knocking on your door
  178. >”Fid, it's almost time to go. Put this on. You can get dressed in your suit when we get there.”
  179. >You rise and open the door, and see her magically grasping a simple shirt and shorts.
  180. >”Thank you Rarity. You are most generous” You say as you grab the clothing.
  181. >”It's in my nature. We are leaving in a few minutes, so get ready.” she turns around and pulls the door closed behind her.
  182. >You quickly get dressed, and exit the room.
  183. >”Now, we both slept in a bit late, so we need to have breakfast on the go. Take this” She magics a piece of fruit to you.
  184. >It's an apple.
  185. >”Apples are disgusting.” You say flatly as you toss it behind you.
  186. >”Fiddlesticks! Watch your tongue!” Someone is flank flustered about this.
  187. >”I'll take a pear instead. Pears are good.”
  188. >”Pears are not nearly as delicious as apples.”
  189. >”Heresy”
  190. >She magics you a pear, and picks up the apple that you threw behind you.
  191. >You thank her as you take a bite into the delicious green fruit and head out the door with her.
  192. >You packed light for this trip. And by light, you mean your hand scythe on your side, and your suit over your shoulder.
  193. >With a pear in your hand and your purple maned best friend at your side, you hop aboard the train, knowing today is going to be a good day.
  195. >The train ride is relatively quiet, but not awkwardly so.
  196. >She does ask one question though.
  197. >”So Fid, why are you a human? I thought those went extinct thousands of years ago.”
  198. >”Ah. Good question.” You say, as you look into her crystal blue eyes.
  199. >You smile, and look ahead again.
  200. >She continues to stare at you.
  201. >”Well?”
  202. >”Hm? Oh, you want an answer?”
  203. >She punches your arm playfully.
  204. >Combat Reflex Protocol Unarmed Combat: Initiating.
  206. >Just fucking with you, bro
  207. >I hate you brain.
  208. >You explain to her that the reason you didn't go to the wedding was so you could see Zecora about getting turned back into a human without poisoning yourself to death.
  209. >”Wait, so the poison joke is actually poisonous to you?” she gasps.
  210. >”Yeah. It had a strong effect, but it wouldve killed me if I hadn't of ran into Zecora in the Everfree.”
  211. >She looks ahead and stares ahead for a moment.
  213. >”You almost died that night, and I didn't even bother to look for you.” she puts her head down, and begins sobbing.
  214. >”Hey, hey, don't cry If you had of looked for me and brought me back to the boutique, I would be dead.” you say with a smile.
  215. >You wrap your arm around the mare, and kiss her lightly on the forehead, avoiding stabbing your eye out with her horn.
  216. >Lifting your head, you still hold her tight, and brush her mane gently with your finger.
  217. >Brushie brushie.
  218. >Her sobs stop, and you can feel her happiness.
  219. >Feels good, man.
  221. >You arrive at the train station, and Rarity is immediately out the door, ushering you to follow her along
  222. >No shit you're gonna follow her, you have no idea where you're going otherwise.
  223. >She leads you to the wedding, which is now in “party” mode
  224. >You had to leave your scythe at the front door. They don't like the idea of a member of an extinct species walking into a royal wedding with a weapon.
  225. >”Shoot, looks like we missed the wedding. When is the award ceremony?”
  226. >”It's right about now. The stallions room is over there. Go get dressed!”
  227. >You rush yourself into the bathroom, and quickly get dressed after locking the door behind you.
  228. >No need for an unexpected visit from anyp0ny.
  229. >Your top hat and monocle on, and your cane in your hand, you can honestly say you look damn good in this suit.
  230. >Slipping on the jacket, you feel something awkward in the pocket.
  231. >You pull out...
  232. >Rarity's hairbrush, with a little note attached.
  233. >'Brush that crow's nest before you come out :)'
  234. >She is letting you use her hairbrush.
  235. >With a smile, you begin to brush your hair.
  236. >This brush is clearly magical, cause your hair looks DAMN good.
  237. >Setting your top hat on your head gently, you emerge out of the restroom, swag levels off the charts.
  238. >You approach Rarity, and ask the time old question.
  239. >”How do I look?”
  240. >She looks you up and down.
  241. >”If it's at all possible, you look better now than you did without your shirt.” she smiles seductively.
  243. >Before you can respond, a loud yet gentle voice speaks from the stage where the band is playing.
  244. >”Mares and Gentlecolts, if I could please have your attention.” You look to see a white pony, much larger than any other p0ny you have seen, with an ethereal pink and teal mane flowing in the nonexistent wind.
  245. >”The reason I interrupt this celebration is so I can reward somep0ny special for helping defend P0nyville from the changeling invasion. The mayor of P0nyville brought it to my attention that a certain gentlecolt protected the town with chivalry and devotion similar to that of the Royal Guard itself. Fiddlesticks, if you could please come to the stage.”
  246. >Taking your cue, you walk towards the side of the stage and walk up the steps, looking into the smiling face of who you deduce to be Princess Celestia.
  247. >You go to a knee in front of her,removing your hat and placing it over your heart.
  248. >”It is an honor to be in your presence, Princess Celestia.” you say while looking down.
  249. >You read books on etiquette, you know how this stuff works.
  250. >”Fiddlesticks, for defending the town of P0nyville in a time of dire need, I present to you an honorary Element of Harmony, the Element of the Defender.” You feel metal chain being placed on your neck.
  251. >”Rise, my knight.” You do as she instructs, looking into her magenta eyes. “You are hereby titled Knight Fiddlesticks, Defender of P0nyville.”
  252. >There is applause in the form of stomping hooves. But one sound lasts after the applause is long over.
  253. >The sound of a padded paws clapping
  255. >”Bravo Fiddlesticks, bravo. “
  256. >That voice is so smooth.
  257. >Celestia looks among the crowd, her face reflecting anger, with a hint of...
  258. >Is that fear?
  259. >”But lets be honest. You are being rewarded for-” he is stifling back a laugh “defending P0nyville.”
  260. >You look towards the crowd, but you don't see who is speaking.
  261. >Willing your scythe into your hands, you grip it tightly, slowly melting to your scarecrow form.
  262. >Why does violence follow you wherever you go?
  263. >”Let's not lie to ourselves here, Fiddlesticks, you are the Harbinger of Doom. The stuff of nightmares. And you're telling me you are being rewarded for defending something?”
  264. >Your rage is building towards this phantom
  265. >”Well that doesn't make any sense now, does it Fiddlesticks?” The smooth, yet sinister voice says from nowhere in particular.
  266. >”Then again, what fun is there in making sense?” the voice is right behind you now
  267. >Before you can turn around you feel a tap on your head, and your mind spins out of control.
  268. >When you come to, you sense it.
  269. >Fear.
  270. >Oh, how you miss the taste of fear.
  272. Teaser for chapter 13 (Chaos)
  273. When Discord escapes, it will be a [spoiler]terrifying show. [/spoiler]
  274. All the p0nies in town will learn to [spoiler]fear the crows.[/spoiler]
  275. No p0nies are safe, not even little [spoiler]Applebloom.[/spoiler]
  276. The question is, which will be the first to face their[spoiler]doom?[/spoiler]
  277. No p0ny will be secure from their terrible fate.
  278. Not [spoiler]Rarity,[/spoiler] [spoiler]Celestia,[/spoiler] or even dear [spoiler]Colgate.[/spoiler]
  279. Are you all ready to feel the [spoiler]FEAR[/spoiler]?
  280. Be afraid, my child, for the terror[spoiler] is near.[/spoiler]
  281. Somep0ny is going to [spoiler]die[/spoiler], but who will it be?
  282. You, dear reader, need to consider every [spoiler] possibility.[/spoiler]
  283. A green p0ny speaks of doom while napping in her [spoiler]rocker[/spoiler]
  284. But perhaps fate will be changed with a visit from [spoiler]the Doctor.[/spoiler]
  285. Perhaps I am [spoiler]lying,[/spoiler] and there is no[spoiler] truth [/spoiler]in anything I say.
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