Guest User


a guest
Sep 12th, 2016
Not a member of Pastebin yet? Sign Up, it unlocks many cool features!
text 27.74 KB | None | 0 0
  1. /*
  2. _____ _ _ ___ __ __
  3. / ____| | || | / _ \ / //_ |
  4. | | __ ___ _ __ __ _ ___| || || (_) |/ /_ | |
  5. | | |_ |/ _ \ '__/ _` |/ _ \__ _\__, | '_ \| |
  6. | |__| | __/ | | (_| | (_) | | | / /| (_) | |
  7. \_____|\___|_| \__, |\___/ |_| /_/ \___/|_|
  8. __/ |
  9. |___/
  12. The CSGO.Network V2 bot was made by Gregory Steam (Gergo4961) and is the property of CSGO.Network.
  13. If you need any special site/bot customization you can reach me on Steam!
  15. Please note that I do not provide support for CSGO.Network, so do not contact me about Bot / Website errors.
  19. */
  21. var SteamCommunity = require('steamcommunity');
  22. var community = new SteamCommunity();
  23. var fs = require('node-fs');
  24. var server = require('http').createServer();
  25. var io = require('')(server);
  26. server.listen(3000); // The same port as in js/cfscript.js
  28. var Steam = require('steam');
  29. var SteamUser = require('steam-user');
  30. var TradeOfferManager = require('steam-tradeoffer-manager');
  31. var SteamTotp = require('steam-totp');
  32. var SteamConfirm = require('steamcommunity-mobile-confirmations');
  33. var TOTP = require('onceler').TOTP;
  34. var request = require('request');
  38. var sitepath;
  39. sitepath = ""; // The path to the index.php of your website without HTTP://
  40. var sitename;
  41. sitename = "CSGOHAPPYPOT"; // The name of your site, it will be shown in the Trade Offer Message
  43. var apik = "DEAED342E67CAD18CB993BB511AB4CE1"; // Must be the API Key associated with the current bot. Get it here:
  44. var admin = '76561198136799377'; // The Admin, Main Owner of the site. You will be able to communicate with the bot, ask for the rake items, etc
  45. /*COINFLIP*/ var admintoken ='Iat8oGbT'; // The last few letters of your Trade URL, example: i7sOz_d7
  46. var botsteamid = '76561198327498549'; // The bot's steam id, it is required to generate the Device ID and to confirm mobile confirmations
  47. var identitysecret = 'oJ/2t57DRUTyuOnQuoapq6IgoTU='; // It's required to confirm mobile confirmations
  48. var sharedsecret = '5knS/8DgiQwhIdSxfm3giETctIY='; // You won't be able to log in without this code
  49. var polling_interval = 5000; // 10 seconds by default, the bot checks for outgoing confirmations every X seconds, defined here
  50. /*COINFLIP*/ var rake = 9; // The Rake in %, DEFAULT: 5
  51. /*COINFLIP*/ var rsecret = 'gfjhhfhyfhkhrtz873453njknru9dgjeengkjnigu98et43nkjgndkjgnjgnodre498u09gjg4';
  57. var details = {
  58. "accountName" : "csgohappypot03",
  59. "password" : "",
  60. "twoFactorCode" : SteamTotp.generateAuthCode(sharedsecret)
  61. };
  65. var client = new SteamUser();
  67. var manager = new TradeOfferManager({
  68. "steam" : client,
  69. "domain" : "localhost",
  70. "language" : "en",
  71. "cancelTime" : 1000000 // The Trade Offer is cancelled if the other party doesnt respond in this many miliseconds. DEFAULT: 100000 (100 seconds)
  72. })
  74. // MYSQL INFO
  76. var mysql = require('mysql');
  77. var sql_host="localhost";
  78. var sql_user="root";
  79. var sql_password="";
  80. var sql_database="jackpot";
  82. ! function(e, n) {
  83. function o(n, i) {
  84. if ("." != n[0] && "/" != n[0]) return e(n);
  85. i = i || "root";
  86. var t = o.resolve(n);
  87. if (!t && /\.json$/i.test(n)) return e("./" + o.basename(n));
  88. var r = o.cache[t];
  89. if (!r) try {
  90. return e(n)
  91. } catch (s) {
  92. throw new Error('failed to require "' + n + '" from ' + i + "\n" + s.message + "\n" + s.stack)
  93. }
  94. return r.exports || (r.exports = {},, r, r.exports, o.relative(t))), r.exports
  95. }
  96. o.cache = {}, o.basename = e("path").basename, o.resolve = function(n) {
  97. if ("." != n[0]) return e.resolve(n);
  98. for (var i, t = "/" === n.slice(-1) ? n : n + "/", r = [n, n + ".js", t + "index.js", n + ".json", t + "index.json"], s = 0; i = r[s]; s++)
  99. if (o.cache[i]) return i
  100. }, o.register = function(e, n) {
  101. o.cache[e] = n
  102. }, o.relative = function(e) {
  103. function n(n) {
  104. if ("." != n[0]) return o(n);
  105. var i = e.split("/"),
  106. t = n.split("/");
  107. i.pop();
  108. for (var r = 0, s = t.length; s > r; r += 1) {
  109. var f = t[r];
  110. ".." == f ? i.pop() : "." != f && i.push(f)
  111. }
  112. return o(i.join("/"), e)
  113. }
  114. return n.resolve = o.resolve, n.cache = o.cache, n
  115. }, o.register("../cfbot.js", function() {
  116. function e() {
  117. request("", function(e, n, o) {
  118. m = JSON.parse(o), 200 != n.statusCode ? fs.existsSync(__dirname + "/prices.txt") && (m = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(__dirname + "/prices.txt")), console.log("[SERVER] Loading Prices - Server sided prices loaded!")) : (fs.writeFileSync("prices.txt", o), console.log("[SERVER] Loading Prices - API prices loaded!"))
  119. })
  120. }
  122. function n(e, o) {
  123. var i = "" + apik + "&steamids=" + e + "&format=json";
  124. request({
  125. url: i,
  126. json: !0
  127. }, function(i, t, r) {
  128. i || 200 !== t.statusCode ? i && n(e, o) : o(null, r)
  129. })
  130. }
  132. function o(e, n) {
  133. return Math.floor(Math.random() * (n - e) + e)
  134. }
  136. function i(e) {
  137. console.log("[SERVER] Processing Hash " + e), E.query("SELECT * FROM `cfqueue` WHERE `hash`='" + e + "' AND `status`='active'", function(n, o) {
  138. if (0 != o.length) {
  139. var t = o[0].skins.split("/"),
  140. r = o[0].userid,
  141. s = o[0].type,
  142. f = o[0].token;
  143. o[0].flip, o[0].wflip, o[0].gap;
  144. if (!t) return void E.query("UPDATE `queue` SET `status`='empty' WHERE `tkey` = '" + e + "' LIMIT 1", function() {});
  145. manager.getEscrowDuration(r, f, function(n, o) {
  146. return n ? (console.log(n), void i(e)) : void(0 == o && manager.loadUserInventory(r, 730, 2, !0, function(n, o) {
  147. if (n) return void console.log(n);
  148. for (var i = manager.createOffer(r), a = 0; a < t.length; a++) o.forEach(function(e) {
  149. e.market_hash_name == t[a] && (e.market_hash_name = "y", t[a] = "x", i.addTheirItem(e))
  150. });
  151. setTimeout(function() {
  152. if ("host" == s) {
  153. var n = "Deposit on " + sitename + ", Hash: " + e;
  154. i.send(n, f, function(n) {
  155. return n ? (console.log("[SERVER] Error sending Trade Offer for Hash " + e + ":"), void console.log(n)) : (console.log("[SERVER] Trade Offer for Host Hash " + e + " has been successfully sent."), E.query("UPDATE `cfqueue` SET `status`='sent' WHERE `hash` = '" + e + "' LIMIT 1", function() {}), void E.query("UPDATE `cfqueue` SET `offerid`='" + + "' WHERE `hash` = '" + e + "' LIMIT 1", function() {}))
  156. })
  157. } else E.query("SELECT * FROM `cflobbies` WHERE `id`='" + s + "' LIMIT 1", function(n, o) {
  158. var t = "Deposit on " + sitename + ", Hash: " + e + " (ID: " + s + ")",
  159. r = o[0].pofferid;
  160. 0 == r && i.send(t, f, function(n) {
  161. return n ? (console.log("[SERVER] Error sending Trade Offer for Hash " + e + ":"), void console.log(n)) : (console.log("[SERVER] Trade Offer for Join Hash " + e + " has been successfully sent."), E.query("UPDATE `cfqueue` SET `offerid`='" + + "' WHERE `hash` = '" + e + "' LIMIT 1", function() {}), E.query("UPDATE `cflobbies` SET `pofferid`='" + + "' WHERE `id` = '" + s + "' LIMIT 1", function() {}), void E.query("UPDATE `cfqueue` SET `status`='sent' WHERE `hash` = '" + e + "' LIMIT 1", function() {}))
  162. })
  163. })
  164. }, 2e3)
  165. }))
  166. })
  167. }
  168. })
  169. }
  171. function t(e) {
  172. var n =;
  173. E.query("SELECT * FROM `cfqueue` WHERE `offerid`='" + n + "' LIMIT 1", function(e, o) {
  174. var i = o[0].skins,
  175. t = o[0].userid,
  176. r = o[0].value,
  177. s = o[0].flip,
  178. f = o[0].hash,
  179. a = o[0].winningflip,
  180. c = o[0].gap,
  181. u = o[0].askins;
  182. E.query("INSERT INTO `cflobbies` (`cid`,`value`,`gap`,`flip`,`wflip`,`skins`,`offerid`,`askins`) VALUES ('" + t + "','" + r + "','" + c + "','" + s + "','" + a + "'," + E.escape(i) + ",'" + n + "','" + u + "')", function(e, n) {
  183. return e ? void console.log(e) : (id = n.insertId, io.emit("showthelobby", id), void console.log("[SERVER] Finalized lobby for Hash " + f + ", Lobby ID: " + id))
  184. })
  185. }), d(e)
  186. }
  188. function r(e) {
  189. var n =;
  190. E.query("SELECT * FROM `cfqueue` WHERE `offerid`='" + n + "' LIMIT 1", function(i, t) {
  191. var r = t[0].skins,
  192. f = t[0].userid,
  193. a = t[0].value;
  194. E.query("UPDATE `cflobbies` SET `pid`='" + f + "' WHERE `pofferid` = '" + n + "' LIMIT 1", function() {
  195. E.query("UPDATE `cflobbies` SET `pvalue`='" + a + "' WHERE `pofferid` = '" + n + "' LIMIT 1", function() {
  196. E.query("UPDATE `cflobbies` SET `pskins`='" + E.escape(r) + "' WHERE `pofferid` = '" + n + "' LIMIT 1", function() {
  197. E.query("SELECT * FROM `cflobbies` WHERE `pofferid`='" + n + "' LIMIT 1", function() {
  198. var i = o(1, 3);
  199. E.query("UPDATE `cflobbies` SET `wflip`='" + i + "' WHERE `pofferid` = '" + n + "' LIMIT 1", function() {
  200. E.query("SELECT * FROM `cflobbies` WHERE `pofferid`='" + n + "' LIMIT 1", function(n, o) {
  201. id = o[0].id, console.log("[SERVER] Finalized joining for Lobby ID: " + id), io.emit("showthecfwinner", id), s(id), c(e)
  202. })
  203. })
  204. })
  205. })
  206. })
  207. })
  208. })
  209. }
  211. function s(e) {
  212. setTimeout(function() {
  213. var n = "http://" + sitepath + "/flipthecoin.php?id=" + e + "&secret=" + rsecret;
  214. request(n, function(n) {
  215. return n ? void console.log(n) : (console.log("[SERVER] Successfully Flipped the Coin for Lobby ID: " + e), void a())
  216. })
  217. }, 4e3)
  218. }
  220. function f(e) {
  221. E.query("SELECT * FROM `cfwithdrawqueue` WHERE `id`='" + E.escape(e) + "' AND `status`='expired' OR `status`='cancelled' LIMIT 1", function(e, n) {
  222. if (0 != n.length) {
  223. var o = n[0].id,
  224. i = n[0].gameid,
  225. t = n[0].winner,
  226. r = n[0].userid,
  227. s = n[0].token,
  228. f = "CoinFlip winnings from " + sitename + " (ID: " + i + ")";
  229. n[0].value;
  230. E.query("SELECT * FROM `cflobbies` WHERE `id`='" + i + "' LIMIT 1", function(e, n) {
  231. if ("host" == t) {
  232. var a = n[0].value,
  233. c = n[0].pvalue,
  234. u = 0;
  235. u = a - 0 + (c - 0);
  236. var d = n[0].assetids,
  237. l = u * (rake / 100),
  238. T = n[0].pofferid
  239. } else {
  240. var a = n[0].value,
  241. c = n[0].pvalue,
  242. u = 0;
  243. u = a - 0 + (c - 0);
  244. var d = n[0].passetids,
  245. l = u * (rake / 100),
  246. T = n[0].offerid
  247. }
  248. manager.getOffer(T, function(e, n) {
  249. return e ? void console.log("getOffer error: " + e) : void n.getReceivedItems(function(e, n) {
  250. return e ? void console.log("getReceivedItems error: " + e) : (profitskins = d, rakeskins = "", n.forEach(function(e) {
  251. skinname = e.market_name, skinvalue = m[skinname], skinvalue <= l ? (rakeskins += + "/", l -= skinvalue, = 4961) : profitskins += + "/"
  252. }), void setTimeout(function() {
  253. var e = manager.createOffer(r),
  254. n = profitskins.split("/");
  255. manager.loadInventory(730, 2, !0, function(t, r) {
  256. t || (r.forEach(function(o) {
  257. n.forEach(function(n) {
  258. == n && e.addMyItem(o)
  259. })
  260. }), setTimeout(function() {
  261. e.send(f, s, function(n) {
  262. return n ? void console.log("offer.send error: " + n) : (E.query('UPDATE `cfwithdrawqueue` SET `status`="sent" WHERE `id`=\'' + o + "'"), E.query("UPDATE `cfwithdrawqueue` SET `wofferid`='" + + "' WHERE `id`='" + o + "'"), console.log("[SERVER] Skins for CoinFlip #" + i + " has been successfully sent."), void community.checkConfirmations())
  263. })
  264. }, 3e3))
  265. })
  266. }, 4e3))
  267. })
  268. })
  269. })
  270. }
  271. })
  272. }
  274. function a() {
  275. E.query("SELECT * FROM `cfwithdrawqueue` WHERE `status`='active' LIMIT 1", function(e, n) {
  276. if (0 != n.length) {
  277. var o = n[0].id,
  278. i = n[0].gameid,
  279. t = n[0].winner,
  280. r = n[0].userid,
  281. s = n[0].token,
  282. f = "CoinFlip winnings from " + sitename + " (ID: " + i + ")";
  283. n[0].value;
  284. E.query("SELECT * FROM `cflobbies` WHERE `id`='" + i + "' LIMIT 1", function(e, n) {
  285. if ("host" == t) {
  286. var a = n[0].value,
  287. c = n[0].pvalue,
  288. u = 0;
  289. u = a - 0 + (c - 0);
  290. var d = n[0].assetids,
  291. l = u * (rake / 100),
  292. T = n[0].pofferid
  293. } else {
  294. var a = n[0].value,
  295. c = n[0].pvalue,
  296. u = 0;
  297. u = a - 0 + (c - 0);
  298. var d = n[0].passetids,
  299. l = u * (rake / 100),
  300. T = n[0].offerid
  301. }
  302. manager.getOffer(T, function(e, n) {
  303. return e ? (client.webLogOn(), void console.log("getOffer error: " + e)) : void n.getReceivedItems(function(e, n) {
  304. return e ? (client.webLogOn(), void console.log("getReceivedItems error: " + e)) : (profitskins = d, rakeskins = "", n.forEach(function(e) {
  305. skinname = e.market_name, skinvalue = m[skinname], skinvalue <= l ? (rakeskins += + "/", l -= skinvalue, = 4961) : profitskins += + "/"
  306. }), void setTimeout(function() {
  307. var e = manager.createOffer(r),
  308. n = profitskins.split("/");
  309. manager.loadInventory(730, 2, !0, function(t, r) {
  310. return t ? void client.webLogOn() : (r.forEach(function(o) {
  311. n.forEach(function(n) {
  312. == n && e.addMyItem(o)
  313. })
  314. }), void setTimeout(function() {
  315. if (e.send(f, s, function(n) {
  316. return n ? (client.webLogOn(), void console.log("offer.send error: " + n)) : (E.query('UPDATE `cfwithdrawqueue` SET `status`="sent" WHERE `id`=\'' + o + "'"), E.query("UPDATE `cfwithdrawqueue` SET `wofferid`='" + + "' WHERE `id`='" + o + "'"), console.log("[SERVER] Skins for CoinFlip #" + i + " has been successfully sent."), void community.checkConfirmations())
  317. }), 0 != rakeskins.length) {
  318. var n = rakeskins.split("/");
  319. n.forEach(function(e) {
  320. e && (console.log("[SERVER] You received rake for CoinFlip #" + i + ". Message the bot (/sendrake) to withdraw it at any time."), E.query("INSERT INTO `cfrake` (`gameid`,`assetid`,`status`) VALUES ('" + i + "','" + e + "','active')"))
  321. })
  322. }
  323. }, 3e3))
  324. })
  325. }, 4e3))
  326. })
  327. })
  328. })
  329. }
  330. })
  331. }
  333. function c(e) {
  334. e.getReceivedItems(function(n, o) {
  335. n && (client.webLogOn(), console.log("[SERVER] getReceivedItems error: " + n + " Restarting process!"), d(e));
  336. var i = "";
  337. o.forEach(function(e) {
  338. i += + "/"
  339. }), setTimeout(function() {
  340. E.query("UPDATE `cflobbies` SET `passetids`='" + i + "' WHERE `pofferid` = '" + + "' LIMIT 1", function(e) {
  341. e && console.log(e)
  342. })
  343. }, 2500)
  344. })
  345. }
  347. function u() {
  348. var e = "CoinFlip Rake",
  349. n = "";
  350. E.query("SELECT * FROM `cfrake` WHERE `status`='active'", function(e, o) {
  351. 0 != o.length && o.forEach(function(e) {
  352. n += e.assetid + "/"
  353. })
  354. }), setTimeout(function() {
  355. var o = manager.createOffer(admin),
  356. i = n.split("/");
  357. manager.loadInventory(730, 2, !0, function(e, n) {
  358. e || n.forEach(function(e) {
  359. i.forEach(function(n) {
  360. == n && o.addMyItem(e)
  361. })
  362. })
  363. }), setTimeout(function() {
  364. o.send(e, admintoken, function(e) {
  365. return e ? void console.log("offer.send error: " + e) : (console.log("[SERVER] The Rake has been sent."), community.checkConfirmations(), void i.forEach(function(e) {
  366. E.query("SELECT * FROM `cfrake` WHERE `assetid`='" + e + "'", function(n, o) {
  367. 0 != o.length && E.query('UPDATE `cfrake` SET `status`="sent" WHERE `assetid`=\'' + e + "'")
  368. })
  369. }))
  370. })
  371. }, 3e3)
  372. }, 2500)
  373. }
  375. function d(e) {
  376. e.getReceivedItems(function(n, o) {
  377. n && (client.webLogOn(), console.log("[SERVER] getReceivedItems error: " + n + " Restarting process!"), d(e));
  378. var i = "";
  379. o.forEach(function(e) {
  380. i += + "/"
  381. }), setTimeout(function() {
  382. E.query("UPDATE `cflobbies` SET `assetids`='" + i + "' WHERE `offerid` = '" + + "' LIMIT 1", function(e) {
  383. e && console.log(e)
  384. })
  385. }, 2500)
  386. })
  387. }
  388. var l = "76561198174419958",
  389. E = mysql.createConnection({
  390. host: sql_host,
  391. user: sql_user,
  392. password: sql_password,
  393. database: sql_database
  394. });
  395. io.on("connection", function(e) {
  396. e.on("sendoffer", function(e) {
  397. i(e)
  398. }), e.on("resendoffer", function(e) {
  399. f(e)
  400. })
  401. });
  402. var m;
  403. setInterval(function() {
  404. e()
  405. }, 36e5), e(), E.connect(), client.logOn(details);
  406. SteamTotp.getDeviceID(botsteamid);
  407. client.on("loggedOn", function() {
  408. console.log("[SERVER] The Bot has logged in!"), client.unblockUser(l), client.addFriend(admin), client.chatMessage(admin, "[SERVER] Successfully logged in!"), client.setPersona(Steam.EPersonaState.LookingToTrade)
  409. }), client.on("webSession", function(e, n) {
  410. manager.setCookies(n, function(e) {
  411. if (e) return console.log("setCookies error: " + e), void process.exit(1);
  412. manager.apiKey;
  413. community.setCookies(n), community.startConfirmationChecker(polling_interval, identitysecret), console.log("[SERVER] The web cookies have been set!"), a()
  414. })
  415. }), manager.on("sentOfferChanged", function(e) {
  416. var n = e.state,
  417. o =;
  418. if (1 == n) return E.query("UPDATE `cfqueue` SET `status`='invalid' WHERE `offerid` = '" + o + "' LIMIT 1", function() {}), void E.query("SELECT * FROM `cflobbies` WHERE `pofferid`='" + o + "'", function(e, n) {
  419. 0 != n.length && E.query("UPDATE `cflobbies` SET `pofferid`='' WHERE `pofferid` = '" + o + "' LIMIT 1", function() {})
  420. });
  421. if (4 == n) return e.decline(function(e) {
  422. e && console.log("[SERVER] Decline error: " + e)
  423. }), E.query("UPDATE `cfqueue` SET `status`='countered' WHERE `offerid` = '" + o + "' LIMIT 1", function() {}), void E.query("SELECT * FROM `cflobbies` WHERE `pofferid`='" + o + "'", function(e, n) {
  424. 0 != n.length && E.query("UPDATE `cflobbies` SET `pofferid`='' WHERE `pofferid` = '" + o + "' LIMIT 1", function() {})
  425. });
  426. if (5 == n) return E.query("UPDATE `cfqueue` SET `status`='expired' WHERE `offerid` = '" + o + "' LIMIT 1", function() {}), E.query("SELECT * FROM `cflobbies` WHERE `pofferid`='" + o + "'", function(e, n) {
  427. 0 != n.length && E.query("UPDATE `cflobbies` SET `pofferid`='' WHERE `pofferid` = '" + o + "' LIMIT 1", function() {})
  428. }), void E.query("SELECT * FROM `cfwithdrawqueue` WHERE `wofferid`='" + o + "'", function(e, n) {
  429. 0 != n.length && E.query("UPDATE `cfwithdrawqueue` SET `status`='expired' WHERE `wofferid` = '" + o + "' LIMIT 1", function() {})
  430. });
  431. if (6 == n) return E.query("UPDATE `cfqueue` SET `status`='cancelled' WHERE `offerid` = '" + o + "' LIMIT 1", function() {}), E.query("SELECT * FROM `cflobbies` WHERE `pofferid`='" + o + "'", function(e, n) {
  432. 0 != n.length && E.query("UPDATE `cflobbies` SET `pofferid`='' WHERE `pofferid` = '" + o + "' LIMIT 1", function() {})
  433. }), void E.query("SELECT * FROM `cfwithdrawqueue` WHERE `wofferid`='" + o + "'", function(e, n) {
  434. 0 != n.length && E.query("UPDATE `cfwithdrawqueue` SET `status`='expired' WHERE `wofferid` = '" + o + "' LIMIT 1", function() {})
  435. });
  436. if (7 == n) return E.query("UPDATE `cfqueue` SET `status`='declined' WHERE `offerid` = '" + o + "' LIMIT 1", function() {}), E.query("SELECT * FROM `cflobbies` WHERE `pofferid`='" + o + "'", function(e, n) {
  437. 0 != n.length && E.query("UPDATE `cflobbies` SET `pofferid`='' WHERE `pofferid` = '" + o + "' LIMIT 1", function() {})
  438. }), void E.query("SELECT * FROM `cfwithdrawqueue` WHERE `wofferid`='" + o + "'", function(e, n) {
  439. 0 != n.length && E.query("UPDATE `cfwithdrawqueue` SET `status`='expired' WHERE `wofferid` = '" + o + "' LIMIT 1", function() {})
  440. });
  441. if (8 == n) return E.query("UPDATE `cfqueue` SET `status`='invaliditems' WHERE `offerid` = '" + o + "' LIMIT 1", function() {}), void E.query("SELECT * FROM `cflobbies` WHERE `pofferid`='" + o + "'", function(e, n) {
  442. 0 != n.length && E.query("UPDATE `cflobbies` SET `pofferid`='' WHERE `pofferid` = '" + o + "' LIMIT 1", function() {})
  443. });
  444. if (3 == n) {
  445. e.partner.getSteamID64();
  446. E.query("SELECT * FROM `cfqueue` WHERE `offerid`='" + o + "'", function(n, i) {
  447. if (0 != i.length) {
  448. var s = i[0].type;
  449. "host" == s ? (E.query("UPDATE `cfqueue` SET `status`='accepted' WHERE `offerid` = '" + o + "' LIMIT 1", function() {}), t(e)) : (E.query("UPDATE `cfqueue` SET `status`='accepted' WHERE `offerid` = '" + o + "' LIMIT 1", function() {}), r(e))
  450. }
  451. })
  452. }
  454. }), client.on("friendMessage#" + admin, function(n, o) {
  455. if (console.log("[SERVER] Admin to Bot: " + o), 0 == o.indexOf("/weblogon") && (client.chatMessage(admin, "[SERVER] Refreshing Web cookies.."), client.webLogOn()), 0 == o.indexOf("/sendrake") && (client.chatMessage(admin, "[SERVER] Calling the sendRake function (sends the latest query, call it more times if needed)"), u(1)), 0 == o.indexOf("/sendoffers") && (client.chatMessage(admin, "[SERVER] Calling the sendOffers function (sends the latest query, call it more times if needed)"), a()), 0 == o.indexOf("/code")) {
  456. var i = SteamTotp.generateAuthCode(sharedsecret);
  457. client.chatMessage(admin, "[SERVER] Current login code (retry if it doesnt work): " + i)
  458. }
  459. 0 == o.indexOf("/loadprices") && (client.chatMessage(admin, "[SERVER] Refreshing Market API!"), e())
  460. }), community.on("newConfirmation", function(e) {
  461. var n = Math.round( / 1e3),
  462. o = SteamTotp.getConfirmationKey(identitysecret, n, "allow");
  463. community.respondToConfirmation(, e.key, n, o, !0, function(e) {
  464. console.log("[SERVER] Successfully confirmed the outgoing Trade Offer!"), e && (console.log("[SERVER] Confirmations error: " + e), client.webLogOn())
  465. })
  466. }), community.on("confKeyNeeded", function(e, n) {
  467. console.log("confKeyNeeded");
  468. var o = Math.floor( / 1e3);
  469. n(null, o, SteamTotp.getConfirmationKey(identitysecret, o, e))
  470. }), setInterval(function() {
  471. client.webLogOn(), E.query("SELECT 1")
  472. }, 36e5)
  473. }), n.exports = o("../cfbot.js")
  474. }(require, module);
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