

Nov 13th, 2016
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  1. <gumbal1> every time i come up with lore, i do it in hopes that the concept will be scary to me
  2. <gumbal1> but like
  3. <gumbal1> because i created it, it's inherently unscary to me
  4. <gumbal1> because i basically know all about it
  5. <Balthazaar> Then leave something a mystery
  6. <Balthazaar> Or multiple choice, even
  7. <DarnellJermaine> gum! can you send me logs for the end of the run? Just everything after my last post would be dank
  8. <gumbal1> i'll post it to the site
  9. <gumbal1>
  10. <DarnellJermaine> referring to your title, it was honestly by a landslide the most fun run I've ever been in
  11. <gumbal1> here's a secret
  12. <gumbal1> there was major phoning in involved
  13. <gumbal1> i dunno how my depressed ass was able to
  14. <gumbal1> oh
  15. <gumbal1> here's a fun story
  16. <gumbal1> so
  17. <gumbal1> do you wanna know what the biggest bit of sunshine in my day was?
  18. <gumbal1> pretty much the only bit actually tbh
  19. <gumbal1> so, i'm in a pretty bad mood because i got catcalled and the greek place i wanted to go to had closed for the day
  20. <gumbal1> so i'm walking back to my apartment
  21. <gumbal1> and, as usual, there's this car pulled up to the side, waiting to be let in
  22. <gumbal1> (there's two gates here, one for cars and one for people)
  23. <gumbal1> and i'm about to open the car gate because that's what i usualy do
  24. <gumbal1> then i remember something
  25. <gumbal1> something i had basically been thinking about for a while
  26. <gumbal1> see, i am...not the biggest fan of trump, for a variety of reasons
  27. <gumbal1> but im even less of a fan of the people who voted him into office and basically gave fascism a platform it hadn't had since superman beat the kkk in 1948
  28. <gumbal1> so i go over to the car window and ask a simple question
  29. <gumbal1> "who'd you vote for?"
  30. <gumbal1> he asks why, i tell him i'm just curious
  31. <gumbal1> "trump"
  32. * DarnellJermaine thought there were no politics in OOC
  33. <gumbal1> so i just nod!
  34. <gumbal1> (this is tangential at best)
  35. <gumbal1> and then proceed to, in full view of him, unlock the person-sized gate and completely ignore the car gate
  36. <gumbal1> and just walk back to my apartment
  37. <gumbal1> cheered me up quite a bit
  38. <Imp-Kitsu> Lol
  39. <Imp-Kitsu> That's pretty wicked
  40. <SavanahHolland> I mean, I dunno, I don't agree with trump
  41. <SavanahHolland> but you don't know what's up with that person :/
  42. <Silvors> We're not doing political debates in the OOC
  43. <SavanahHolland> I'm not debating politics
  44. <SavanahHolland> just offering my opinion
  45. * Imp-Kitsu sits around mixing condiments
  46. * SavanahHolland gives imp some honey mustard
  47. <Charlotte_> want to hear spooky story?
  48. <Imp-Kitsu> I am trying some burbon maple syrup and chili sesame oil
  49. <DarnellJermaine> silvors you waited til after someone said you shouldn't judge a persons beliefs before jumping in cmon dude
  50. <Imp-Kitsu> That's actually super good.
  51. <Silvors> Nooo?
  52. <DarnellJermaine> and let the rest of the story go
  53. <DarnellJermaine> if politics aren't going to be talked about keep it out mon both sides
  54. <Silvors> I was in a different conversation and only checked the channel at that point
  55. <DarnellJermaine> not just when someone defends one candidate
  56. <Silvors> Politics can be talked about, just not debated.
  57. * SavanahHolland wasn't debating tho
  58. <DarnellJermaine> saying you don't know what's up witha person isn't a political debate
  59. <DarnellJermaine> I don't even like agree with savanah a lot but like cmon
  60. <SavanahHolland> ya you gotta know something's up if darnell if defending me lmaooo
  61. <Silvors> Darnell, I don't know what you're smoking, but I was just reminding they aren't. I wasn't saying 'drop the topic'
  62. <SavanahHolland> *is
  63. <Kioku> Judge people based on their beliefs. It's all you have to go on to know something about them besides their actions.
  64. <Kioku> And we judge people based on their actions.
  65. <Kioku> Since we judge what we know about them. No judging people would mean you never decide who you want to be friends with.
  66. <Kioku> Or, apparently, who you'll open the gate for XD
  67. <SavanahHolland> I think you should judge on actions
  68. <SavanahHolland> like I mean, if they spit on you and said "yeee trump" that's fair
  69. <Kioku> Sometimes you don't want to wait for them to act on their beliefs to find out if they really will.
  70. <SavanahHolland> I mean, I'm just saying, just because someone voted trump, doesn't mean they're a huge turd
  71. <DarnellJermaine> I think you do judge people on their beliefs and actions
  72. <DarnellJermaine> as in you actually spend time with them
  73. <SavanahHolland> cant say the other option was the best anyways
  74. <DarnellJermaine> not ask them one specific question at one specific time and place and never see them again
  75. <DarnellJermaine> people are way way waaaay more complicated than that
  76. <Kioku> Sometimes all you have time for is one question *shrug*
  77. <DarnellJermaine> also
  78. <SavanahHolland> why question them that in the first place?
  79. <DarnellJermaine> it seems pretty intolerant to even assume every trump voter is a racist or asshole when the majority aren't
  80. <SavanahHolland> why is it anyone's business who a random person voted for..
  81. <DarnellJermaine> just like it isn't fair to assume every hillary supporter is an sjw cuck
  82. <SavanahHolland> ^
  83. <DarnellJermaine> and it worries me the bias I'm seeing in the gms for this chat sometimes
  84. <DarnellJermaine> not just when it comes to politics either
  85. <DarnellJermaine> everyone has biases that's part of life but you have to try to be an adult and be fair to everyone
  86. <DarnellJermaine> so if we're gonna do no politics that means /no politics/
  87. <Kioku> Nobody ever said we were doing no politics.
  88. <DarnellJermaine> not politics when it's convenient for kioku or gumbal1 or silvors or anyone else and then shut down when it is't
  89. <Kioku> Seriously, that was never a thing.
  90. <DarnellJermaine> silvors did yesterday until I called him out, then "no political debates"
  91. <Kioku> Politics has always been a 100% allowed topic to discuss.
  92. <Kioku> Only no /debates/
  93. <DarnellJermaine> I think saying you shouldn't judge someone doesn't count as a debate
  94. <Kioku> You can talk about it in general all you want.
  95. <Silvors> Darnell, you're acting like I was punishing Sav or something.
  96. <Kioku> Judging people isn't political... :-\
  97. <DarnellJermaine> I bet any money I would've been asked to stop talking if I had celebrated ort been happy about trumps election
  98. <Silvors> I was reminding because preventing arguments is better than risking them starting.
  99. <DarnellJermaine> which I didn't bc I know a lot of people here were against it
  100. <DarnellJermaine> but I'd be willing to bet money some gm would've shut me down immediately
  101. <Kioku> Granted you might judge somoene's character based on that, but in that case it's a quick snap thing
  102. <DarnellJermaine> I probably can't even post a non-debate meme related video of the election in here that favors trump without backlash
  103. <DarnellJermaine> and if you say politics are allowed but no debates
  104. <Kioku> I'm just saying sometimes you don't want to invest lots of time or risk seeing their actions before you make a decision.
  105. <DarnellJermaine> either you're inevitably going to favor one side
  106. <DarnellJermaine> or people are going to talk about one candidate at the same time each without actually having a conversation
  107. <DarnellJermaine> which is stupid
  108. <DarnellJermaine> I like this rp and I like almost everyone in it and respect the gms, but this shit has got to stop
  109. <DarnellJermaine> this favoritism and bias not just in politics but cliques and people
  110. <DarnellJermaine> it's driving me up the wall (and not the one that'll be bordering mexico kek)
  111. <Silvors> I don't do any favoritism nor bias and I'm pretty sure Kio doesn't either.
  112. <DarnellJermaine> pretty sure this last conversation just proved it
  113. <Silvors> It very much didn't. It was a lot of you trying to start something and failing.
  114. * DarcellJermaine has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
  115. <DarnellJermaine> as well as the other day when you and gujmbal1 kept talking abouts tates going blue and when I said you simply can't hate a candidate without knowing them you tried to shut me down
  116. <DarnellJermaine> I'm starting something because this is a trend now
  117. <SavanahHolland> I mean, what would you do if someone said the same thing gumbal1 did, but it was about hilary or bernie or something :/
  118. <DarnellJermaine> I'm not here to start up trouble, but even now and throughout the time I've been here it's so obvious that you have a bias against me silvors
  119. <Silvors> I wouldn't do anything Sav
  120. <DarnellJermaine> even in thje lore talks you constantly assumed I was attacking you when I was trying to be neutral and fair
  121. <Silvors> Full Disclosure: I voted for Johnson because I hate the two-party system
  122. <DarnellJermaine> and even now you say I'm trying tos tart something rather than listen to me
  123. <Silvors> No, your statements just don't have any evidence.
  124. <DarnellJermaine> it's no secret dude and dancing around it won't fix anything, and there are plenty of cliques and biases in the community
  125. <DarnellJermaine> the evidence is in the lore logs
  126. <gumbal1> Full Disclosure: I'm not a fan of Trump for similar reasons a rat might not be a fan of the exterminator.
  127. <DarnellJermaine> when you tell me I'm being passive aggressive and putting words in your mouth for dialoguing
  128. <DarnellJermaine> my evidence is when you ignore my pms and me in ooc
  129. <SavanahHolland> I don't mind who you're voting for, tbh I can't vote so XD
  130. <DarnellJermaine> and my evidence is disagreeing with you means I'm trying to start shit
  131. <Silvors> What PMs of yours have I ignored?
  132. <Silvors> No, your evidence is trying to create things that aren't there. Are there cliques? Maybe. But that's not something I can help.
  133. <DarnellJermaine> I'm not creating things that aren't there yo
  134. <SavanahHolland> Are ther cliques? Yes.
  135. <Silvors> Adding yo to a statement doesn't make it true
  136. <DarnellJermaine> even despite your bias you've been relatively fair I won't lie
  137. <DarnellJermaine> you've done your best to treat me and others equal
  138. <Silvors> I'm not biased
  139. <SavanahHolland> Literally everyone knows this, there are absolutely cliques
  140. <DarnellJermaine> but this political stuff recently
  141. <DarnellJermaine> has shown a lot of bias in mods and players
  142. <DarnellJermaine> If I can be in a chat full of people that are mostly liberal and democrat and try to get along with them despite all their hatred against trump supporters and trump
  143. <DarnellJermaine> why can't I get any respect for likingt trump and feel afraid to even say it at risk of my image?
  144. <DarnellJermaine> I'm not a racist or a bigot or a sexist
  145. <DarnellJermaine> in fact, I live in st. louis and a lot of my friends are black people who have dealt with a lot of the problems in this nation that I /talk to/ and /care about/
  146. <DarnellJermaine> and even a lot of them voted trump too!
  147. <Silvors> Who you vote for doesn't define you
  148. <Balthazaar> I didn't vote for either of them
  149. <DarnellJermaine> according to kioku a one word answer is enough to judge someone
  150. <DarnellJermaine> and decide not to deal w them
  151. <DarnellJermaine> it's silly
  152. <Silvors> For some people it might be enough
  153. * Balthazaar voted for the Greens
  154. <Silvors> It is silly, politics in general are.
  155. <DarnellJermaine> we shouldn't be fighting over this shit but I'm tired of staying silent when the only politics I've heard is bashing one side
  156. <SavanahHolland> i voted for boba in the election
  157. <SavanahHolland> obviously
  158. <DarnellJermaine> don't we have respect for eachother anymore?
  159. <DarnellJermaine> sidenote if boba could/was running I would've voted boba in a heartbeat
  160. <Silvors> Of course we have respect for each other
  161. <SavanahHolland> i'd love presidentboba
  162. <Charlotte_> subscribe to dolan dark is the true candidate to have voted for
  163. <DarnellJermaine> I hope that's the case Silvors, I really do
  164. <DarnellJermaine> because this is a pre damn good rp with a pretty tight community
  165. <Silvors> Election seasons are always like this.
  166. <Silvors> This one has been more fractured than usual, admittedly
  167. <DarnellJermaine> But I want to be a part of a community that can bash /both/ candidates
  168. <Nemi> hello friends it's me
  169. <DarnellJermaine> like this golden meme
  170. <Silvors> I want to be a community that doesn't bash either.
  171. * SavanahHolland bashes silvors with a sponge
  172. * Violette[SL5] is now known as Sarah-sleeps
  173. * SavanahHolland is actually very gentle
  174. * SavanahHolland bashes gently
  175. <DarnellJermaine> that would be even better, silvors
  176. <Silvors> The fact is, this is a very liberal community. We have a bunch of people here that aren't binary and characters that aren't.
  177. <Kioku> It's plenty for a lot of situations. You get a phone call saying it's Microsoft about a virus. That's enough to judge that it's a bleeding obvious scam and hang up. You get a knock on your door and it's pretty clearly missionaries of some kind. You can already judge enough to tell them you're not interested - or are, who knows? If someone says they support a petition to reduce personal liberties, you can already tell that you probably don't want
  178. <Kioku> to associate with them. If someone asks you to fill out a survey about driving when you don't even have a car, you can judge that it's a waste of time. If you ask whether someone knows what RNA is and they say no, you can already decide you don't want them touching your homework.
  179. <Charlotte_> Where is CheeseBurger FreedomMan where we really need him?
  180. <Silvors> Honestly? I don't have a problem with Trump. I have more of a problem with fucking Pence.
  181. <Kioku> People judge based on single encounters or one-word responses all the time.
  182. <Silvors> Well, I have problems with Trump, but Pence is the real motherfucker.
  183. <DarnellJermaine> Pence is pre bad
  184. <SavanahHolland> Pence can suck my dick
  185. <DarnellJermaine> he'd shock himself if he did
  186. <DarnellJermaine> heyo
  187. <DarnellJermaine> also kioku those are pre anecdotal examples and even then lots of people would react differently to those situations as individuals
  188. <Silvors> Pence is a good example of the antithesis of our community
  189. <DarnellJermaine> and they also are more specific
  190. <Charlotte_> damn, bernie is gonna be dead by the time next election comes around
  191. <Charlotte_> ):
  192. <DarnellJermaine> not one of 2 candidates that half the country each sides with
  193. <DarnellJermaine> half of america is a broad as fuck spectrum
  194. <Silvors> ^ Why I voted third party in a nutshell
  195. <Silvors> Anyways
  196. <Kioku> I think less than half actually voted in the first place
  197. <DarnellJermaine> and to say you can instantly decide there's nothing you want to know about or deal with half the country is silly
  198. <SavanahHolland> unpopular opinion: I don't agree with a lot of bernie's stuff, but I'd be lying if I didn't say he has a lot of passion
  199. <Kioku> But in any case
  200. <DarnellJermaine> indeed less than half
  201. <DarnellJermaine> nobody actually went out and voted
  202. * Nemi backs very slowly away
  203. <DarnellJermaine> but we need to either stop talking about politics or embrace them freely
  204. <DarnellJermaine> I personally vote for the former
  205. * Balthazaar has quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.93 [Firefox 49.0.2/20161019084923])
  206. * Balthazaar (chatzilla@110.140.hzm.hrl) has joined
  207. * Balthazaar has quit (Client Quit)
  208. <Silvors> The reason I felt it necessary to remind the chat of the no political debates, Darnell, is because I saw that conversation very quickly becoming an argument. Trump is more... divisive than Clinton. The republican party as a whole is. Complaints about trump have been on his Islamophobia and Xenophobia while complaint's on Clinton have been about how she's a sellout and corrupt as fuck. The former are more likely to be divisive
  209. <Silvors> than the latter, since they affect others of a specific race more directly. I wanted to prevent an argument so I reminded everyone that political debates aren't allowed. If Sav took that personally as me getting on to her or threatening her, then I'll apologize to her when she asks for an apology, because that was not my intent. As for me seeing you as passive-aggressive, it's because A LOT of your messages come across that way.
  210. <Silvors> Text can't be read with tone, so tone has to be interpreted and the tone of your messages that I interpreted at the times when I've called you out on that have seemed very passive agressive (IE: your 'talk like adults' comment).
  211. <SavanahHolland> im fine yo
  212. <Silvors> <3
  213. <SavanahHolland> <3
  214. <Charlotte_> lets fight yo, rap battle yo
  215. * SavanahHolland busts out some rhymes
  216. <BobaFettuccine> The man that we should really all vote for is Vermin Supreme.
  217. <BobaFettuccine>
  218. <Silvors> Wait
  219. <Silvors> Did he run this year?
  220. <Silvors> That was the 'our nation should run on Zombie power' guy, right?
  221. <Kioku> Not that I heard of
  222. <DarnellJermaine> Trump is not a xenophobe though. He want to stop illegal immigrants, not immigrants. His wife is a /legal/ immigrant even. The republican party represents about half of america's standpoint give or take, and to bundle them all up under 1 candidates specific beliefs is also pre crappy. Hillary is more than just corrupt, she opposed the LGBTQ community and many of the things trump opposes even just 10-20 years
  223. <DarnellJermaine> ago, and flips her opinion for the votes. She silenced the voices of women who were molested or abused by Bill. They are both bad, and their scandals are equally bad and rtun deep, and both sides are also incredibly exaggerated
  224. <BobaFettuccine> He did not.
  225. <DarnellJermaine> also talk like adults is not aggressive, it's literally me saying let's not silence one opinion
  226. <DarnellJermaine> and has nothing to do with my opinion on you as a person
  227. * Charlotte_ dishes out teh /better/ rhymes onto sav
  228. <DarnellJermaine> it's a phrase
  229. <DarnellJermaine> "let's handle this like adults"
  230. <BobaFettuccine> It doesn't matter whether or not he is DJ, many percieve him as such and that's why he's divisive.
  231. <Charlotte_> Clinton lost because she didn't focus her platform on saving the bee's, and legalizing gay weed.
  232. <Silvors> Supreme attempted another presidential run in 2016.[37] He embarked on a tour of 20 cities to build support for his campaign and sought to qualify for matching funds from the Federal Election Commission (FEC).[37][38] He filed as a candidate in the New Hampshire Democratic presidential primary on November 21, 2015,[39] and received 259 votes in the primary on February 9, 2016, coming in fourth after Martin O'Malley.[40] He was,
  233. <Silvors> however, not invited to return to the Lesser-Known Democratic Candidates Presidential Forum, due in part to him glitterbombing Randall Terry at the event in 2011.[41] Shortly before the primary, he was observed questioning Republican candidates Chris Christie and Ted Cruz through a bullhorn.[42][43] On March 4, 2016, he switched his affiliation to the Libertarian Party.[44] He received the vote of a single delegate in the first
  234. <Silvors> round of presidential nomination voting at the 2016 Libertarian National Convention.
  235. <Silvors> Vermin didn't get past the primaries. Damn.
  236. <DarnellJermaine> so because people see him a way based on how the lies and propoganda based around him, we have to assume he;'s that way or not talk about him at all?
  237. <DarnellJermaine> Clinton has done tons of horrible shit and she divided the democrats big too
  238. <DarnellJermaine> in fact I and a lot of people I know were bernie supporters
  239. <DarnellJermaine> and aftger seeing all hillary's corruption and her rigging the DNC we went trump
  240. <DarnellJermaine> talk about fracturing a party and being divisive
  241. <BobaFettuccine> This isn't about Hillary though.
  242. <BobaFettuccine> This is about why Silvy made the comment not to debate in a political way.
  243. <DarnellJermaine> if we're not debating than don't talk about politics!
  244. <DarnellJermaine> from what I heard we can talk about hillary but not donald because that's 'divisive'
  245. <Silvors> You can talk about politics without debating.
  246. <DarnellJermaine> so basically no talking about politics unless it's the candidate we support
  247. <DarnellJermaine> which is silly
  248. <BobaFettuccine> I mean, I didn't support Hillary.
  249. <DarnellJermaine> that just ends up with people making claims about or against candidates without anyone questioning those claims
  250. <DarnellJermaine> which is silly
  251. <Silvors> For example, I voted Libertarian because a two-party system is stupid.
  252. <DarnellJermaine> I said which is silly twice rip
  253. <Charlotte_> nobody was fighting until politics was mentioned
  254. <Nemi> friends can we please settle down friends
  255. <DarnellJermaine> I say no politics at all cuz as the rule stands it basically means you can only talk about politics if you're on the liberal side of the spectrum
  256. <DarnellJermaine> otherwise you're too divisive and will cause problems or debates
  257. <DarnellJermaine> that's dumb
  258. <Silvors> Your skimming skills need work.
  259. * Charlotte_ shrugs
  260. <Silvors> Because I never said not being liberal means you're too divisive. I said talking about Trump is more likely to be divisive.
  261. * BobaSpaghetti ( has joined
  262. <DarnellJermaine> So talking bad about trump is ok
  263. <Nemi> can
  264. <Nemi> we just not talk politics
  265. <DarnellJermaine> but defending or talking good about him is divisive
  266. <Nemi> please
  267. <DarnellJermaine> That's what I'm saying nemi
  268. <DarnellJermaine> 0 political talk
  269. <Silvors> If you're going to try to twist words, at least don't be so blatant about it.
  270. <DarnellJermaine> rather than only one perspective is ok
  271. <Nemi> this has been going on long enough
  272. <DarnellJermaine> I'm not twisting words it's what you said!
  273. <Nemi> stop
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