
MonMusu Mekton Quest: Episode 7

Feb 3rd, 2016
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  1. 8:08 PM - Lil Bitta Mekton: You and Widoia enter the limbwork-cybernetics-augmentation shop. Though the interior isn't exactly grandoise or awe-inspiring, there's an incredible amount of cybernetics out. Whether hanging from hooks and lines on the ceiling, laid neatly on counters and in glass cases, or half-completed and strewn about any of the several workbenches that dot the area. There doesn't seem to be anyone present, though you can hear the sound of clicking wrenches and squeaking screws from a room in the back of the shop.
  2. 8:12 PM - Lil Bitta Mekton: "Wow... there are so many!" Even Widoia seems impressed at the sheer volume, though you're not sure if that's a big feat...
  3. 8:14 PM - Kari: Kari's eyes roam over the spectacles before her, a permanent grin plastered on her face. "This is so cooool!" she practically screams under her breath. "Why 'don't' they have in here?"
  4. 8:17 PM - Lil Bitta Mekton: Before Widoia can respond, you hear two people talking, exiting the room from which you heard noise before. One's footfalls are significantly heavier and more metallic than the other's. A female voice says in a nearly-monotone voice tinged with an icy (but not purposeful) edge, "Thank you, Doctor. Your work is excellent as always."
  5. 8:18 PM - Lil Bitta Mekton: A second voice, with a strange warbly tone, says, "Yes yes. Always do."
  6. 8:20 PM - Lil Bitta Mekton: From the door depart two people: one Human female, all four limbs quite obviously fully augmented. Her shoulder-length black hair is accented by her purple eyes, and she's clad in a white shirt highlighted with lavender, black and gray. The second figure is much shorter, being a Pyhua, and wearing a plain-if-dirty red jumpsuit.
  7. 8:23 PM - Kari: Kari turns with curiosity to the sound of the voices, eyes lagging a bit behind her head. Seeing the cybernetics in motion brings Kari to a giddy buzz. Hastily trotting over to the woman, she looks over all the limbs, mumbling to herself about how cool they are along with random nerdy references to the show she had mentioned.
  8. 8:25 PM - Lil Bitta Mekton: The woman stops in her tracks as you place yourself in front of her, fawning over her cybernetics. She asks, "Can I help you?" to which the Pyhua chuckles, saying, "Just admiring my work. Good taste she has."
  9. 8:25 PM - Lil Bitta Mekton: Widoia quickly skitters over, trying to gently tug you away as she apologizes to the two, "S-sorry! She's new around here..."
  10. 8:28 PM - Kari: Kari looks up at the woman, seeming to have actually noticed her for the first time. As Widoia tugs, she pulls free, babbling out an apology. "H-Hey! I'm a big girl! I can apologize." She looks over to the woman and makes a curt bow. "S-Sorry if I made you uncomfortable. I just... your limbs are sooo coooool~!" A little squeak escapes her lips, causing her to halt for a moment. Looking forward awkward, she suddenly shifts to an upright stance, clearing her through and locking her hands behind her back. "Um.. sorry."
  11. 8:30 PM - Lil Bitta Mekton: The woman holds out a metallic hand, flipping it to various angles before your face to give you easy viewing access. "It is no bother... though I wonder, I have never seen your species before. Who are you, and from where do you hail?"
  12. 8:33 PM - Kari: Kari practically bounces on her feet, beaming happily. "My name's Kari~! I'm a Kunchoren! I come from Mey'Ga. It's a forested world near Dryder territory. And you're a.. human right?"
  13. 8:34 PM - Lil Bitta Mekton: "Yes. My name is Eve Akemi, with the Galactic Federation Wraiths."
  14. 8:34 PM - Lil Bitta Mekton: The Pyhua chuckles, saying, "Should really be saying that?"
  15. 8:35 PM - Lil Bitta Mekton: The woman shrugs, rotating her other hand before you instead, turning down to look at the small gray person. "It's harmless enough. Not as though being a Wraith is confidential information."
  16. 8:36 PM - Lil Bitta Mekton: Widoia audiably gulps at the conversation, still clutching your sleeve.
  17. 8:38 PM - Kari: Kari's eyes follow the mechanical marvels, still smiling bright. At the name drop, however, she stops and looks up into the woman's eyes. She looks back at the nervous Widoia for a moment before turning back to Eve. "The... Wraiths? Are they important?"
  18. 8:40 PM - Lil Bitta Mekton: A small smile plays across Eve's face, and she nods towards Widoia as she says, "Perhaps you should ask her."
  19. 8:40 PM - Lil Bitta Mekton: Widoia gulps again. "O-only the top secret service go-to agents employed by the Federation Council itself. T-t-they're like, a-action movie heroes, but real. And probably more dangerous."
  20. 8:42 PM - Kari: Kari looks back to Widoia on Eve's nudging, staring wide eyed at the explanation. "That.... that's so..." She blinks a couple of times, hesitating before speaking again. Turning back to Eve, she claps her hands together with a big smile. "Cool!"
  21. 8:45 PM - Lil Bitta Mekton: "I'm glad you think so. If you'll excuse me, I've got some business to attend to. Perhaps we'll meet again, Kari."
  22. 8:47 PM - Kari: "Sure thing, Miss Akemi!" she says, snapping a short salute and beaming proudly. As she leaves the store, Kari turns to Widoia with that same "I'm nerding the fuck out right now" smile of hers. "Why didn't you tell me they were thing?! That's so cool, Wids!"
  23. 8:49 PM - Lil Bitta Mekton: Akemi nods, flipping her hair over her shoulder before walking out, her full-leg-length black high-heel boots thumping solidly from the weight of her augmetic legs.
  24. 8:49 PM - Lil Bitta Mekton: "I didn't really think of it at the time... and they're usually like, more rumor than anything else. You see them all the time in holovids, but never hear anything about real ones. That was terrifying... she had such a scary presence."
  25. 8:51 PM - Lil Bitta Mekton: The little Pyhua, meanwhile, watches your conversation with apparent amusement. It's hard to tell emotion with their giant beady eyes. "Scary lady, good customer. What you need? Don't look broken. Want new parts?"
  26. 8:55 PM - Kari: Kari hangs on Widoia's words, not really sure just what she means by scary. A couple ideas pop into her head, but are quickly pushed aside as the Pyhua speaks. "Oh, um. Maybe? My friend here was showing me your cybernetics. I've.. never seen them before."
  27. 8:57 PM - Lil Bitta Mekton: "Have many to see. Like your enthusiasm."
  28. 8:58 PM - Kari: With a girlish giggle, mouth covered by one hand, she bounce in place once more before bowing. "My name's Kari~. Who are you, if I may ask?"
  29. 8:59 PM - Lil Bitta Mekton: "Around here, called Tink."
  30. 9:00 PM - Kari: "I like it~. So um.... what can you tell me about your wares? I don't really know where to begin."
  31. 9:03 PM - Lil Bitta Mekton: "Much to tell. Have replacements, work just like old limb. Have improvements, more precision, strength, such. Alternatives, want tentacle for arm? Can do. Wings? Expensive, possible. Internal components, tools, computers, weapons? Easy. Also more than just limbs. Eyes, organs, many things."
  32. 9:05 PM - Kari: Kari's eyes light up the more he talks, getting wider by the second. Eventually she peaks, however, and her expression seems to fall. Skewing her fingers across her chin, she thinks something over a moment before speaking. "That Akemi woman sounded really mechanical. Something seemed... off... Was she always like that?"
  33. 9:07 PM - Lil Bitta Mekton: He shrugs. "Possible. Has more than limbs, can't say more. Confidential. Probably kill me if release information. Nothing change voice though."
  34. 9:08 PM - Lil Bitta Mekton: "Could just be her line of work," Widoia mumbles.
  35. 9:10 PM - Kari: "So the parts didn't make her sound like that... okay then~." Kari shrugs gleefully, just happy her brain's not going to wind up fried. She barely even notices the tone in Widoia's voice, gleefully ignorant of what that could mean. "So um... what does it cost to get something through you?"
  36. 9:10 PM - Lil Bitta Mekton: "Depends on what want."
  37. 9:11 PM - Lil Bitta Mekton: "Could be few hundred, few thousand, few hundred thousand. Features define price."
  38. 9:15 PM - Kari: "Hrmm... Do you have a catalogue I can look at, and then come back when I'm ready to buy?"
  39. 9:16 PM - Lil Bitta Mekton: Waddling over in his hunched manner towards a particular workbench, he sifts through various screws and metal bits before making his way back to you, holding out a small, generic datachip. "Entire catalogue. Works on any computer."
  40. 9:18 PM - Kari: "Awesome~!" She gingerly, albeit excitedly, plucks the chip from him, slotting it in her wrist communicator with a smile. "Thank you very much, Tink! I'll be sure to come back to you when I have the money and the fire for self improvement!"
  41. 9:19 PM - Lil Bitta Mekton: "Yes, yes. May cost extra, never worked on species before. Biology depending."
  42. 9:20 PM - Kari: "Oh.. Yeah, I guess that makes sense. Is um... is it dangerous? Working on a new species?"
  43. 9:21 PM - Lil Bitta Mekton: "For most? Yes, very. Fry nerves, sever arteries, stop organs, reject augs. Lots of problem. For Pyhua? No, just need scans of parts, then know by instinct. Very good." He taps his oversized, faintly glowing head.
  44. 9:28 PM - Kari: Kari seems a little terrified at first, until Tink clarifies about his species. This calms her down quite a bit, actually, and she even breathes a sigh of relief. "That's good~," she says. "Is there recovery period?"
  45. 9:29 PM - Lil Bitta Mekton: "Cybernetic depending. Full body conversion? Take time. Simple limb? Week, maybe. Major internals? Month at worst to adjust. Recovery periods only suggestion of course."
  46. 9:36 PM - Kari: "Alright... I guess I'll have to notify my boss if I plan to get anything done." She turns over to Widoia, a satisfied smile on her face. "What about you, Widoia? Anything you're interested in?"
  47. 9:37 PM - Lil Bitta Mekton: "Well, I /do/ think this stuff is super cool... but I don't think I really want anything for myself. Maybe a computer in my arm, so I can always be at work?" She waves around her left arm, pretending to tap at a keybord on the forearm with her other hand.
  48. 9:40 PM - Kari: Giggles abound, Kari looks back over to the merchant. "Thank you, Tink. I think you've given us some things to think about. I look forward to seeing you again~." Tugging at Widoia's shirt, she tries to get the large spider to stop playing around to continue the outing.
  49. 9:41 PM - Lil Bitta Mekton: Widoia follows along with your tugs as you bid Tink a farewell. You depart the aug shop and make your way back to the prettier parts of the station.
  50. 9:43 PM - Kari: "Thanks for taking me here, Wids~!" Kari exclaims, giving her companion a big hug. "I'll probably be back sometime. For now though, where do you want to go next? Is there any shopping you wanted to do?"
  51. 9:44 PM - Lil Bitta Mekton: "We could always go clothes shopping! My wardrobe is a little lacking... Maybe see a movie too. The station's so big, there's so much to do!"
  52. 9:49 PM - Kari: "Oh yeah?" she says in a mock-challenging tone. "You should see how little 'I' have~. Maybe we 'should' go clothes shopping. Maybe you can help me pick out something nice. All the clothes people wear around here are very strange to me. Some look so... restrictive."
  53. 9:50 PM - Kari is now Away.
  54. 9:51 PM - Lil Bitta Mekton: "It's mostly just the style these days. I like nice and flowy things though," Widoia emphasizes her point by spinning in a circle to show off her top. The whole "pirouette gracefully" deal is a lot smoother and more impressive with bipedal species, by the looks of it... as it stands, she kind of just, skittered in a circle.
  55. 9:51 PM - Kari is now Online.
  56. 9:53 PM - Kari: Kari giggles and latches onto Widoia's arm as she finishes, blushing faintly. "I always thought you looked great~. Those clothes look good on you too."
  57. 9:56 PM - Kari is now Online.
  58. 9:56 PM - Lil Bitta Mekton: "You think so? You're pretty cute yourself, y'know~. Even if you don't have much of a wardrobe."
  59. 9:56 PM - Lil Bitta Mekton: You and your mantis hiphop clothes.
  60. 9:57 PM - Kari: (Hush.)
  61. 9:58 PM - Kari: Kari's blush deepens, and she peers into Widoia's eyes with a bashful chitter. Her wings buzz slightly, and her grip on the spider's arm tightns. "Y-you really think so?"
  62. 9:59 PM - Kari is now Away.
  63. 10:00 PM - Lil Bitta Mekton: "Yep yep! Your hair is so vibrant, and your eyes are pretty. And the way your wings buzz is super cute too." Widoia holds a hand to her mouth, giggling as your wings buzz.
  64. 10:00 PM - Kari is now Online.
  65. 10:02 PM - Kari: Kari finds herself left speachless. Her mouth moves to form words, but no sound escapes. Her gaze makes a desperate bid to look anywhere else. Nervously playing with her hair, she shifts it from one eye, only for it to fall back in place again.
  66. 10:03 PM - Kari is now Online.
  67. 10:03 PM - Lil Bitta Mekton: "What's the matter, Kari?" she tilts her head, looking at your frozen, nervous form.
  68. 10:05 PM - Kari is now Online.
  69. 10:06 PM - Kari: "N-nothing!" Laughing in a pitiful attempt to segue away from answering. S-so, do you have a favourite store?"
  70. 10:09 PM - Kari is now Online.
  71. 10:10 PM - Lil Bitta Mekton: "Favorite store, huh? Yeah, I guess you can call it that! C'mon, let's go~." Now dragging you again, she leads you through the station's markets to the store in question. The department store has an incredible number of clothing articles available, for all of the major races that you've seen thus far. "Hmm... there isn't really a 'Kunchoren' section, but we can probably just cut some holes in Human clothing for your wings."
  72. 10:12 PM - Kari: "Hrm... I guess that makes sense. We're... similar. In ways. That one human was kinda cute, actually. Hard that hard edge like an action hero...!" Kari's obviously lost in her musings, rambling something about a character from another of her shows.
  73. 10:14 PM - Lil Bitta Mekton: Widoia attempts but fails terribly to follow along with your narrative and rambling. "So, want to help me look first? Then you can get an idea of what you'd want for yourself~"
  74. 10:14 PM - Kari: "Oh! Sure!" she says, instantly snapping back to reality as though she never left. "Show me the way, boss!"
  75. 10:17 PM - Lil Bitta Mekton: "Onwards!" The two of you skitter through the store, passing various asiles and other things. Widoia collects a number of pieces of clothing with your suggestions; most are for her upper half, but some of the fancier garbs can be draped over or laced around her abdomen and legs. Now hefting an impressive pile of clothing, the two of you proceed to the changing rooms.
  76. 10:19 PM - Kari: Kari, now far more knowledge in the world of spider clothing and accessories, follows along eagerly. "I think we found some good ones~," she muses, smiling up at her companion.
  77. 10:21 PM - Lil Bitta Mekton: "Me too. Now c'mon, help me put these on." She drags you into an unoccupied changing room. It's one of the smaller ones, which barely accomodates herself, let alone you. Shutting the curtain, she casually takes off her shirt, putting it aside and pointing to a particular piece of Dryder fashion at the top of your pile: it's a series of lacy, red ribbons meant to wrap around her abdomen.
  78. 10:21 PM - Lil Bitta Mekton: "Can you tie those on for me while I try on some shirts?" she asks sweetly.
  79. 10:25 PM - Kari: Kari follows along feeling a little perplexed as to just what's going on. As the changing room door shuts, a sudden jolt goes through her body, bringing a blush to her cheeks. She only turns more red as Widoia's top comes off. "O-o-o-ok-kay...!" she stammers out. Fumbling and trembling a bit, Kari does her best to focus on attaching the ribbons without lifting her eyes. "I... I g-guess it must be hard to reach back here, h-huh?"
  80. 10:26 PM - Lil Bitta Mekton: "Yeah, it really is. I can't ask Dematus or Mr. Silk to help me with stuff like this, and I'm /definitely/ not gonna as Langio..." she shudders at the thought of Fuhrer Titberg.
  81. 10:26 PM - Lil Bitta Mekton: ask*
  82. 10:30 PM - Kari: Kari actually stops at the mention of the drill sergeant. She fidgets in place more, mulling over her own encounter. "Y-Yeah... she's um... something else..."
  83. 10:30 PM - Lil Bitta Mekton: "You can say /that/ again..."
  84. 10:30 PM - Lil Bitta Mekton: Wanna roll Wardrobe&Style to wrap up Widoia nice and pretty-like?
  85. 10:30 PM - Lil Bitta Mekton: May as well put that skill to use
  86. 10:31 PM - Lil Bitta Mekton: You got a 1 in it, and it uses the Attr stat, which you have 7
  87. 10:31 PM - Kari: 14
  88. 10:34 PM - Lil Bitta Mekton: You do a pretty solid job of it, considering the mess of ribbons didn't come with an instruction manual. By the end of your work, Widoia's found a cute red dress for her top that drapes low, covering all of her fleshy bits and accentuating her cleavage. Your bow-work, meanwhile, has left her abdomen tied up nice and cutely, like a holiday present.
  89. 10:34 PM - Lil Bitta Mekton: Widoia looks herself over in the mirror, "Oooh! You did a good job, Kari! What do you think?"
  90. 10:37 PM - Kari: Kari crosses her arms, standing back to take in the whole view. A big smile spreads across her face with an approving nod, and she just can't take her eyes off Widoia. "Thanks, Wids~! I did my best! And the ribbons look really great with the dress!" Pushing out one hand, she gives the dryder a wink and a thumbs up. "You look like a grade A, cutie~!"
  91. 10:40 PM - Lil Bitta Mekton: "Ohh I'm so glad!" She grabs you into a tight hug, your face being forced into her pleasantly cushy cleavage. "I'm totally getting this stuff. Think you'll help me put it on next time I wear it?"
  92. 10:42 PM - Kari: Kari's response is muffled as her cheeks burn furiously in Widoia's valley. Pulling her head free for a moment, a guilty and placating look sits on her face. "S-s-sure! A-any t-time!"
  93. 10:43 PM - Lil Bitta Mekton: "You're the best, Kari~. There's a lot more stuff to try on here, let's go through it before we get you some stuff! Can you untie the ribbons?" She's already in the process of taking off the dress, giving you an eyefull of her two cream-colored mounds as you work on undoing the ribbons.
  94. 10:45 PM - Kari: Feeling like she's going to have PTSD by the end of the exposure tour, Kari covers her eyes and slips around behind Widoia. Shaking furiously, it's all she can do to keep her hands steady enough to untie the ribbons. "Hey, W-Widoia? Is um... is c-casual nudity a thing with d-dryders?"
  95. 10:47 PM - Lil Bitta Mekton: "Hm? Not really, no. In certain subspecies maybe, but not for mine. We're both girls though, and you're not liable to tie me to the ceiling with my own thread, so it's not a problem, right?"
  96. 10:49 PM - Kari: "U... uh... w-well... I.. I s-suppose not..." Kari can't help but nervously brush the hair from her eyes. Then she stops alluva sudden and asks about the elephant in the room. "Wait.. what was that about tying you to the ceiling?"
  97. 10:49 PM - Lil Bitta Mekton: "...the first time I met Langio, I asked if she wanted to hang out with me. That was the result."
  98. 10:50 PM - Kari: "Oh... I uh... I s-see... She um... she seems like quite the character." Pulling the last of the ribbons away, she sets to rolling them up nice and neat.
  99. 10:52 PM - Lil Bitta Mekton: "Oh well. I just try to avoid her when I can, she's a scary lady, but we've never had any security problems! Now let's try this one..."
  100. 10:52 PM - Lil Bitta Mekton: With your help, Widoia goes through her giant pile of clothing, and the two of you manage to reduce it to a quarter of its size, ending up as the articles she'll be purchasing for herself.
  101. 10:53 PM - Lil Bitta Mekton: ~Your Social Link with Widoia has gone up in Rank!~
  102. 10:53 PM - Kari: (Yay~!)
  103. 10:55 PM - Lil Bitta Mekton: With her own goods purchased, you two proceed to look for some clothing for yourself. More than a few odd looks are thrown your way by the majority of the Humans in the Human clothing section, but it's not so completely unusual, so generally they return to their own business.
  104. 10:59 PM - Kari: "Hey um... Widoia? How are we going to try these on? I don't think they'll let us just put wing holes without buying them." She chitters a little nervously, feeling a bit put on the spot by the number of weird looks she's getting.
  105. 11:00 PM - Lil Bitta Mekton: "Hmm... that's a good question. Can you maybe cram your wings in the back, just to get an idea of how it'd look? Or do you need help with them? You helped me out, so it's only fair."
  106. 11:01 PM - Kari: "I... I d-dunno," she mumbles, clearly repeating her nervous habits. "Heh... can you even f-fit in the changing room?" Kari adds, hoping the nervous laughter will carry her jest.
  107. 11:02 PM - Lil Bitta Mekton: "...Good point. Maybe I can hang from the ceiling? We Dryders are pretty good at getting in small spaces, you know. I can just hang above you."
  108. 11:05 PM - Kari: "Eh? I... I w-was just kidding. You don't have to do that." Kari continues to sift through clothes, grabbing a couple of items here and there. "Hey um... what do you think about this?" She pulls a sleek looking jacket from one of the racks, holding it up for Widoia to see. "Seems a little rigid for me, but I dunno. I might be able to make it work. To be honest though, I don't know a lot about clothes. Yui was the smart one for modern fashion."
  109. 11:06 PM - Lil Bitta Mekton: "Oooh. I can totally see that working for you. It's got that 'Kari' feel to it."
  110. 11:08 PM - Kari: "You think so? I know the ship doesn't really have a dress code or anything as far as I can tell. I figure, if I'm supposed to representing Sylk Industries, I should consider getting something more formal. ...Then again... I run the risk of looking like Langio... As attractive as she is, I'm not sure that would be a good thing or a bad thing."
  111. 11:09 PM - Lil Bitta Mekton: "Think of it like... business casual? Mr. Silk won't much care what you wear so long as it doesn't get in the way of your work."
  112. 11:10 PM - Lil Bitta Mekton: "Just wear whatever you think you'd be comfortable in, but I think that'd look super cute on you."
  113. 11:11 PM - Kari: "Alright~," Kari chirps, adding the jacket to the mix. "So.. I know I've got my own picks here, but what would 'you' want to see me in?"
  114. 11:12 PM - Lil Bitta Mekton: "Hehe. /Just/ me?"
  115. 11:13 PM - Kari: "Uh... w-well.. um... I-I s-suppose not."
  116. 11:14 PM - Lil Bitta Mekton: "Well, I think you'd look really pretty in something white, or maybe a baby blue. It'd go nice with your hair, and the bright color would really make your eyes 'pop' too, put more focus on your face."
  117. 11:16 PM - Kari: "Oh? Alright. Is there a nice outfit with that colour around here? Maybe... something for special occasions?"
  118. 11:17 PM - Lil Bitta Mekton: "Like a fancy party? Yeah, I think those would be over here."
  119. 11:19 PM - Kari: Kari follows along beside Widoia, sticking to her like glue. As they reach the formal section, she starts to leaf through a few. With a light blush on her face, she looks up from the rack at her friend, only to do a few more takes. "H-hey um... A lot of these look good, but.. which one do you think would look the best? I trust your taste~."
  120. 11:20 PM - Lil Bitta Mekton: "Hmm... I think you'd look good in anything, really! You got that vibe about you, like you could totally rock anything."
  121. 11:22 PM - Kari: "Come ooon! You can't just give me an answer like that!" Kari makes a girlish giggle, trotting around the rack to take the spider by the hand and drag her over to where she once stood. "I've picked out a bunch, but I want something that 'you' would like. Specifically you."
  122. 11:25 PM - Lil Bitta Mekton: "Okay, okay!" She giggles as she proceeds to flip through the various dresses. Soon enough she finds something similar to what she mentioned before: a strapless light blue dress, accentuated with lavender stitches and a small red rose-shaped pin attached to the front. She holds it out in front of her, her left eyes closed as she lines it up with you.
  123. 11:26 PM - Kari: "Well~?" Kari asks, hands at her side as she strikes a cute little pose.
  124. 11:27 PM - Lil Bitta Mekton: "I think it's perfect for you. You'd look super in this."
  125. 11:30 PM - Kari: "Alright~." Kari hurries up to Widoia, taking the dress from her and laying atop the rest of her small selection. She slips a little wink and a smile in before slipping off to the dressing rooms.
  126. 11:31 PM - Lil Bitta Mekton: Widoia waves as you disappear behind the curtain, waiting patiently for you to emerge and show off your stuff.
  127. 11:35 PM - Kari: Slipping behind the curtain, Kari slips out of her garb and moves to put on one of the tops before her. It starts to catch on her wings a bit though, and after a few minutes of fighting it, she takes the article of with a little grunt of exertion. Mulling over options, Kari paces slightly before blushing from her best choice. Grabbing her clothes, she holds them to her chest and peeks out from the edge of the curtain. "H-Hey... Wids? I um... I think I could use s-some help after all. Is that okay?"
  128. 11:36 PM - Lil Bitta Mekton: "Sure thing, Kari. Comin' in~." Contorting her eight widespread legs into the rather small human-sized booth, she curls herself up right, forcing her way in. There... isn't much wiggle room.
  129. 11:40 PM - Kari: Kari slips back in as far as she can to make room for the plus-sized occupant. Doing her best to face away, she lets the clothes fall once more. "I um... I c-couldn't get these over my wings... and some of it caught here and here." Leaning over, she snags the top she was having problems with, and starts to pull it over her head.
  130. 11:43 PM - Lil Bitta Mekton: "Mhmm, I see the problem. Alright, this'll be a second. Don't worry, I'll be gentle~." Carefully grabbing your wings for fear of hurting you, she begins wiggling the dress and your wings to accomodate, running her hands and fingers down the length of your wings as she works the dress up.
  131. 11:43 PM - Lil Bitta Mekton: "Wow, this really is a tight fit with the wings, huh?"
  132. 11:45 PM - Kari: Tensing up, her blush deepens from the sensation on her wings. They tilt and tip ever so slightly as she quietly breathes and focusses. "Yeah... Yeah, it can be a bit of a problem, but... thankfully, you're very gentle~."
  133. 11:47 PM - Lil Bitta Mekton: "I wouldn't want to hurt my cute little Kari, would I? I'm not being too hard?" As she squeezes your wings into the dress a little more, her fingers brush against a particularly sensitive spot, though she fails to notice. "Almost got it..."
  134. 11:49 PM - Kari: "N-No~... You're fine..." She tenses up at the sensitive spot. Her breathing gets a little uneven, and the heat from her cheeks might be clouding her judgement a little. "Th-this is kind of a tight fit, isn't it..?"
  135. 11:51 PM - Lil Bitta Mekton: "Yeah, but I think it'll be perfect once we get holes for your wings. This is just to see how it looks on you after all." With one final slip, the dress falls into place over your wings. The bulges are pretty obvious from the back, but the dress is on.
  136. 11:54 PM - Lil Bitta Mekton: "Wow, it /does/ look good on you! You look very graceful in that."
  137. 11:55 PM - Kari: Kari twirls around a little stiffly, her blush still prominent on her cheeks. "Y-You really think so?" Her eyes look right into Widoia's, and she does her best to show off the rest of the dress despite the confines of the room.
  138. 11:56 PM - Lil Bitta Mekton: "I really do. You'd make everyone jealous if you went to a party dressed like that."
  139. 11:57 PM - Lil Bitta Mekton: She closes her eight eyes, tilting her head as she gives you an honest smile.
  140. 11:58 PM - Kari: Kari just smiles at Widoia for a time, eyes roaming over her. She focusses and narrows her eyes like she's trying solve a puzzle. "You really are just this honest and sweet aren't you?"
  141. 11:59 PM - Lil Bitta Mekton: You can practically see the question mark appear above her head as you speak. She opens her eyes, looking slightly confused. "You think? I'm not any different than normal, am I?"
  142. Friday, November 06, 2015
  143. 12:05 AM - Kari: "Nope. You're the same caring handler as you have been. A pretty darn cute one too~." With a giggle, she spins back around and does her best to relax. "Now for the hard part: Getting me 'out' of the dress."
  144. 12:07 AM - Lil Bitta Mekton: "Aww! Thank you! And you're pretty darn cute yourself, you know. Alrighty, let's get you out of there. I'm gonna have to put my hands down there and push your wings flat to pull this up, okay?"
  145. 12:08 AM - Kari: "Alright. I trust you~."
  146. 12:10 AM - Lil Bitta Mekton: She carefully slides her hands down the open back of your dress, her hands running down the length of your wings with an even gentler touch than before. Working her hands around in the dress, she brushes against that sensitive spot again, for a longer time than last as she works the dress carefully up over your shoulders.
  147. 12:10 AM - Lil Bitta Mekton: "Hopefully we didn't stretch this too much. It looks fine, I think."
  148. 12:11 AM - Kari: "Nn~... Y-You're fine." Kari's having a hard time keeping her cool with Widoia's hand holding her wings down. "Hope we can adjust it f-for wings."
  149. 12:15 AM - Lil Bitta Mekton: "Dematus is always handy with thread. That suit he gave you was made from his own thread, you know." With the dress now a reasonable way up over your shoulder, Widoia needs to try a different approach to compress your wings, so that she's able to continue pulling the dress off without damaging it. To that extent, she pulls her hands out of the top, and instead slips them up from the now-raised bottom. Pushing against the thin membrances of the lower portion of your wings sends twinges of sensation coursing down your spine. "Are you alright? I'm not hurting you, am I?" Her hands continue to carress and tease your wings as the slips the dress upwards inch by inch, like trying to take off a ring several sizes too small.
  150. 12:21 AM - Kari: Kari chitters softly from the constant touching. She does her best to stay quiet, but a few noises do esacpe. "Y-You're fine... You're not... 'hurting' me." She takes a sharp breath in at a particularly sensitive touch. Doing her best to grin and bear it, her eyes flutter, and it's all she can do to keep her wings from fidgeting. "S-So Dematus gave me a suit? All I got was the armour, gun, and comm. Do I have a locker or s-something?"
  151. 12:25 AM - Lil Bitta Mekton: "Yep, should be down in the cargo bay. Easy access pre-deployment. It's a nice, sturdy space suit. He's really taken a liking to you; I think all of us have. You're just so likeable~." Now past the worst of it, she squirms her other hand beneath the dress, which is now halfway up your back. Firmly but not painfully compressing your wings with the lengths of her forearms, she says, "Alright Kari, the rest is on you... also, I didn't think of it before, but how do you get a bra on with these wings?" To punctuate what she's referring to, she rubs her forearms left and right gently as they're pushed against your wings, contacting more surface than ever.
  152. 12:35 AM - Kari: Kari does her best to try removing the dress, the amount of contact causing her to flush quite a bit. The compliments aren't helping that matter either. "Yeah... I think even Langio likes me.... in her own, domineering, forceful, flirtatious way... That was supposed to sound more derrogitory that in did..." With a little giggle, the dress starts to come free, pushing up over her bare mounds letting them hang free before covering them with one arm. "And uh.. I... a lot of Kunchoren go without... But we do have them, they're just... specially designed around our wings. Front clasp, y-strap for the shoulders. Requires a little flexibility~. I only have one right now though. I save it for special occasions."
  153. 12:37 AM - Lil Bitta Mekton: "Oooh. I wish I could go without sometimes, mine are just so big I can't wear anything right unless they're kept secure. But hey, we got it! So, gonna buy it? You looked /really/ good in it."
  154. 12:41 AM - Kari: "I noticed. I... I m-mean... The dress! Yes! Th-thank you! You're too kind~. I um... Yeah! I think I'll grab it. I don't know if I can take much more fitting though. Maybe we should just check the sizes and if they match this one, we'll just make adjustments where necessary. Sound good?" She hastily grabs up her original clothes, doing what she can without revealing herself. Realizing only once she finishes putting them on that there was a mirror there the whole time, she burries her flushed face in her hands, and refuses to remove it.
  155. 12:42 AM - Lil Bitta Mekton: "Sounds good to me... so why aren't you putting your shirt back on yet? Do you need help with that too?"
  156. 12:43 AM - Kari: (It's on :P)
  157. 12:43 AM - Lil Bitta Mekton: oh, whoops
  158. 12:43 AM - Lil Bitta Mekton: misread that as refusing to move your arms from your bare chest~
  159. 12:43 AM - Kari: (I get ya :P)
  160. 12:44 AM - Lil Bitta Mekton: Ignore that entire line of dialogue, then.
  161. 12:44 AM - Lil Bitta Mekton: "Sounds good to me! Ready to go?"
  162. 12:45 AM - Kari: Kari's response is muffled by her hands, but it sounded snarky.
  163. 12:48 AM - Lil Bitta Mekton: "Okay... not to just uh, get out. This really is kinda tight for me..." Indeed, there doesn't seem to be any room for her to turn around. She attempts to carefully backpedal before slipping on a loose garment on the floor, causing her legs to slip like dominos one after the other. She wildly spins her arms in an attempt to find purchase, only managing to grab your shirt by the collar and pull you to the floor with her. A thud and an "Ow..." later, you find yourself sprawled chest-to-chest atop Widoia, your faces inches from each other.
  164. 12:48 AM - Lil Bitta Mekton: "Sorry about that, Kari... Dryders aren't very good at walking backwards."
  165. 12:52 AM - Kari: Kari shrieks out in surprise as she's dragged down to the floor atop Widoia. Her head feels like it's spinning for a little bit as she tries to process the intense amount of motion somehow culminating with her on top. Blinking her eyes back into focus, her blushing face flushes once more as she hovers there above the dryder. The moment is tense and awkward, and she keeps telling herself she should just stand up. Right up until Widoia speaks, and the tension breaks for a bout of laughter. Very carefully, she stands up and fenangles her way out of the dressing room to give her friend some space. Pulling the curtain aside, Kari offers her a hand to get her upright again. "It's okay. No harm done~."
  166. 12:53 AM - Lil Bitta Mekton: She takes your hand, getting her legs under her again as she rubs the back of her head sheepishly. "Thanks..."
  167. 12:55 AM - Lil Bitta Mekton: With your new dress, you search through the assorted clothing for other things of interest to you, electing on a few pieces. You take these to the register.
  168. 12:55 AM - Lil Bitta Mekton: How many outfits do you buy?
  169. 12:55 AM - Kari: 6. A full week's plus a couple extra.
  170. 12:57 AM - Lil Bitta Mekton: Sounds good. We'll call that a solid $300 purchase. Sound good?
  171. 12:58 AM - Kari: Sure.
  172. 12:58 AM - Lil Bitta Mekton: Remove the dosh, and maybe note your new wardrobe if you feel like it.
  173. 12:58 AM - Lil Bitta Mekton: Your little shopping trip has given you a little insight into the world of fashion! Gain 5 IP to Wardrobe&Style.
  174. 12:59 AM - Kari: Thank you, Sir~
  175. 12:59 AM - Kari: *salute*
  176. 1:00 AM - Kari: (So what do you think? Call it here? Get you some sleep so you're not fuck ass tired tomorrow for MB?)
  177. 1:00 AM - Lil Bitta Mekton: Probably a good move, yeah
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