

Oct 8th, 2020 (edited)
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  1. [ ]THANXX
  3. USERNAME:: @GlisteningHobi
  5. PASSWORD:: Seonghwa
  7. LOVE INTEREST:: Seonghwa
  9. WHY YOU CHOSE HIM:: Do you know when you just draw to someone but you don't even know why? That is exactly what happened to Hyojoo with Seonghwa. She loves his soft but also firm nature and she finds how mature he is very attractive.
  11. [ ] INCEPTION
  13. NAME:: Han Hyojoo (한효주)
  15. NICKNAME:: Joo - her parents call her that
  17. BIRTHDATE:: 13th December 1997
  19. AGE:: 22
  21. FACE CLAIM AND BACKUP:: Yeeun (CLC) + Soojin (G Idle)
  23. [ ] WAVE
  26. = gymnastics
  27. = clothes + shopping
  28. = the Sun
  29. = music
  30. = chocolate
  31. = exercising
  33. DISLIKES::
  34. = cheese
  35. = movies that are too long (only a few exceptions)
  36. = when people underestimate her
  37. = snow
  38. = being ill
  40. HABITS::
  41. = cracking joints
  42. = humming when eating
  43. = throwing phone up and down when having an interesting conversation
  44. = playing the mother figure to people she is close with
  45. = smelling things
  47. TRIVIA::
  48. = Hyojoo is emetophobic which means she has a fear of vomit.
  49. = Her celebrity crushes are Mark Ruffalo, Donghae of Super Junior, ASAP Rocky, Park Seo Joon and BoA.
  50. = She is lactose intolerant but still eats ice cream and she loves it too much.
  51. = She is definitely a shopaholic and she has a huge closet. Sometimes she regrets the stuff she buys and when that happens, she just gives it to friends.
  52. = She has ADHD, she finds it a lot easier to control than when she was younger.
  53. = She has dyscalculia which is a severe difficulty in making arithmetic calculations as a result of a brain disorder.
  54. = She loves mens perfume and fragrances.
  55. = She has always found it easier to make friends with boys than girls so she has more male friends than female friends.
  56. = She has RBF, making people hesitant to get close to her. However, when people do get close to her, they realise that she is a lot nicer and more fun than they expected.
  57. = She is very motherly as she is so used to looking after people as she has younger twin siblings. Her parents are usually working so she has to be their parental figure. She would die before she'd let anything happen to them.
  58. = She owns a Royal Python called Gucci.
  61. = Confident - she doesn’t get shy around people and genuinely doesn’t care about what people think about her. She is quite shameless and will act the same way whether she is around friends or new people. She has also got really thick skin and it takes a lot for someone to break her.
  62. = Mother-like - She can often be seen as bossy and this is just in her nature and sometimes she realises when he is being bossy but it is hard to change that. She is really good at giving advice about situations that are hard to deal with. She is the person you go to when you need the cold hard truth or just a piece of honest advice. She is definitely one of the best people to go to for emotional support as she’ll be your shoulder to cry on or the person you can’t rant at and she’ll just listen.
  63. = Flirty - she can be quite a flirty person but she usually flirts as a joke unless she really likes you. There will be a difference in her flirting if she likes you. Flirting kind of comes naturally to her.
  64. = Hard working - she is relentless in her efforts to succeed. She wants to be the best version of herself that she can be and she wants to always do the best that she can. She gets good grades due to all the work she puts in and all the sleepless nights she gets.
  65. = Rude - she can be quite sharp tongued and if you have annoyed her enough then she could say something that can really hurt you. She holds grudges. She doesn’t always sugarcoat what she says and likes to get straight to the point instead of beating around the bush. She is very straightforward and although she may come off as mean, it means that there is no miscommunication.
  66. = Dirty minded - she is not one to get shy or bashful when it comes to the sexual side of things. She enjoys making suggestive innuendos around people she is close with. If she likes someone, she'll direct it more towards them, however, she knows when she is going too far so she doesn't make people too uncomfortable.
  69. = Public speaking
  70. = Networking and socialising
  71. = Decision making
  72. = Acting
  73. = Gymnastics
  75. [ ] PIRATE KING
  77. FAMILY::
  78. Han Myungchul / father / 46
  79. Han Seolhyun / mother / 46
  80. Han Jiyoung / sister / 8
  81. Han Jinyoung / brother / 8
  83. HOMETOWN+NATIONALITY:: Sacheon, South Korea + Korean
  85. HIGHT:: 166cm (5'5")
  87. WEIGHT:: 49kg (108lbs)
  89. QUOTE:: (I don't know which one to go with so pick your favourite)
  90. = “I don't like you, i'm just tolerating you”
  91. = “I feel like knocking the living daylights out of you but it’s a monday morning so you're safe.”
  92. = “I may not go down in history but i’ll go down on you.” *wink*
  93. = “If you don’t want a sarcastic answer, don’t ask stupid questions.”
  94. = “If you were on fire and I had water, I'd probably drink it.”
  95. = “For someone who can barely cook, you sure love stirring the pot.”
  96. = “Sharing stuff about my personal life is like me sharing food, it’s never going to happen”
  99. [ ] PROMISE
  103. HONGJOONG:: As she is also like a parental figure, she finds that she is constantly looking after everyone along with him and Seonghwa. She is quite close with Hongjoong and can easily talk to him about anything.
  105. SEONGHWA:: She immediately drew to him when she first saw him. She is really comfortable around him and feels that she doesn't have to put on a facade around him. He loves his laidback nature and how you don't need to be doing the most in order to have fun with him. She is often fighting off San and Wooyoung's bullying with him.
  107. YUNHO:: She has a good laugh whenever she is around him. She is also there to make sure the pranks don't go too far and to be the peacekeeper if they do.
  109. YEOSANG:: She loves how her confident and outgoing nature balances out his more quiet and reserved nature. She is suprisingly close with him despite their differing personalities. He is the sort of person that she can just rant to about issues she is having and he wouldn't even have to say anything to make her feel better.
  111. SAN:: She loves how energetic he is and she finds him so cute. She loves the energy that he brings to the group and can always count on him to cheer her up when she is having a bad day.
  113. MINGI:: Hyojoo treats him like her little kid even though he is only two years younger than her. She sees similarities between him and her siblings. She loves babying him. She is often embarrassing him as she knows how flustered he gets.
  115. WOOYOUNG:: She thinks that his annoyingness is part of him charm. She treats him like a younger brother.
  117. JONGHO:: She often babies him on purpose just to annoy him and get him to throw a tantrum. For example, she would squish his cheeks or tap his head like you would a little kid solely to get a reaction out of him.
  120. GIRLS WITH THE SAME BACHELOR AS HER:: She sees no reason to have an issue with them as long as they don't have an issue with her. She is not one to start drama but she is also not shy and not one to hide away when someone has a problem with her.
  122. CONTESTANTS:: Same as above, she would try to make friends with everyone but if she sees someone who seems to be acting fake or unnecessarily rude then she won't hesitate to shut them out. Though she will give them a chance to redeem themselves.
  125. = Hyojoo invites Seonghwa on a late night walk with her to clear her mind. They start talking about random things while enjoying the cool night air. They tell each other funny stories and their most embarrassing secrets. As they are making their way back, Seonghwa notices Hyojoo rubbing her hands together and so grabs onto her hand. When they make it back and Hyojoo is about to open the door, he stops her by grabbing her other hand, much to her surprise. He then pulls her in and kisses her.
  126. (sorry that was so cringe but I am currently watching a drama and I am in my feelsies.)
  127. = They play, never have I ever and much to everyone’s surprise, Hyojoo puts her fingers down on quite a few of them, she is actually the first one out and so they force her to tell the stories behind the most interesting one.
  128. = She is in a really terrible mood the whole day since her parents called her to tell her that her snake is ill and they needed to take him to the vet. This really upset her and so she is really quiet the whole day. When someone comes to ask her if she is okay (either Seonghwa, Hongjoong or Yeosang) she starts crying and tells him what happened. He comforts her and tells them that the vet will make him better and that she shouldn't worry. Over the next few days, she is still anxious until she gets a call from the vet saying that Gucci is feeling a lot better and that there was nothing to worry about. After hearing this news, she is over the moon and has a lot of energy.
  129. = Getting cat called by a group of men when she is out and about with Seonghwa and getting really scared, so she clings on to him. For the rest of the time, she doesn’t let him go until they are back at the palace. He asks her if she is okay and she just says how she doesn’t feel safe whenever she gets cat-called as it happens often and she doesn’t know what they might do. Hearing this, he hugs her tightly knowing he could never understand what she goes through. He says that he will protect her at all costs and this puts a smile on Hyojoo's face. She then leans up and kisses him.
  131. ANYTHING I MISSED?:: You can evil edit her as long as it doesn't completely ruin her chances of winning.
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