
AiE: Friendship is Science Chapter 2

Apr 26th, 2012
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  1. Take Twenty Two
  3. AiE: Friendship is Science
  4. For part 1 read pastebin >>
  6. Chapter 2 - Adventures in book binding
  7. Sometimes you need to make a few sacrifices, strictly for the name of science you understand. A virgin here, a corpse there...
  8. -F. Fronkensteen
  10. Day 2
  11. Uggggg.
  12. >Your head is splitting, and your mouth tastes like you were sucking on a bag on old wet pennies all night. Your body aches from all the walking around yesterday, on top of hauling who knows how many pounds of books. Your legs in particular feel like a combination of wet noodles and as if someone had spent the last few hours stabbing pins into you. Did you go drinking last night? You remember calling in to sick yesterday, so today the Dean will be sure to be pissed if you show up to work with a hangover.
  13. >"Watch out Twi, we don't know what this thing is capable of."
  14. >"At least he making noise now; I was starting to think that I had done some permanent damage."
  15. Unnnhhhhh.
  16. >What is that noise? Did you crash at a friend's house?
  17. >"I wonder if he can speak English?" you hear the much more feminine voice question.
  18. >"I don't really care if it can speak in any language; I think we should have taken it back to wherever it came from." said the other voice, with open contempt.
  19. >"Now Spike, we can't jump to any conclusions. We don't know why it broke in, and I don't think it can be that dangerous as he seemed to be as surprised to see us as we were to see him."
  20. >"I don't know Twi, we can't find any info on him at all, plus he DID crawl into your bed last night."
  21. >"I know, that's why we did what you wanted and tied him up so I don't see how he can be of any danger now."
  22. >With this your eyes fly open and you are greeted with the unpleasant realization that no part of your body can move. Looking around the room you can hardly recognize the Library from last night. Books and scrolls are spread all over the ground. It looks like a small hurricane came through and took random books from the shelves, creating a carpet of paper and ink. There is a small resemblance of order with lone stacks of books standing as towers among the paper wasteland. You see your two stacks pushed off to the corner, with the cart lying on its side next to them.
  23. >"Ohh, he is up!"
  24. >A purple colored pony turns to you and you see the huge purple eyes from last night. This serves as almost a jolt of electricity and all of yesterday comes flooding back to you.
  27. >"Ohh, guess we need to remove this so you can say anything," The purple pony says as she removes the gag from your mouth.
  28. >"OK, NOW...CAN...YOU... UNDERSTAND...WHAT...I...AM...SAYING?"
  29. Uhh, yeah.
  30. >The purple pony claps her hooves and squeals in excitement. She turns to a much smaller green lizard, "He can speak!"
  31. >"Big Deal," the lizard snorts.
  32. >"Hello my name is Twilight Sparkle! What are you? I spent all night looking for something like you in my library and I couldn't find anything! Do you have a name?"
  33. Well, I am called Anon and I am a...
  34. >"Is that your full name? Don't you have like a descriptor after your first name like Anon Snap or Anon Flash or..."
  35. >You try to raise your arm to interrupt the excited creature. She seems to be going on an advanced state of sleep deprivation, a symptom that you recognize all too well. You again try to signal the pony but the only thing you accomplish is falling over in the chair you were tied too."
  36. >The pony turns back to you and sees you on the ground, her head starts to glow and the next thing you know you are off the ground and sitting again.
  37. >"So why are you here? I don't normally have strange monsters climb into my bed in the middle of the night."
  38. First, I am not a monster. Second, I was told that this place was abandoned. Third ... well I guess I did climb into A bed, I had no way of knowing that there was anyone in it, cause again, abandoned house.
  39. >"Well, we only moved in two days ago, but that still doesn't tell me what you are doing in MY library."
  40. I honestly don't know where to start. I guess the long and short of it is that when it was raining yesterday a bunch of my books got wet, so I was going to try to find a book to tell me how to repair water damage.
  41. >"Ohh, that's easy. I can help you with that."
  42. >Twilight walks over to the soggy pile of books in the corner. The striped horn from before starts to glow and the purple light slowly spreads to the stack of books. With a bright flash and a clap, a clean stack of books stands where your ruddy old books used to be.
  43. >Twilight picks up the book with a face that just drips self-satisfaction. She opens the book and the corner of her eye gives out an involuntary twitch.
  44. >She gives out a slight eep, "I removed all the water but there may be some slight problem with how the water had mixed with the ink forming a liquid so..."
  46. >She moves the glowing book so that you can see inside. Half of the letters are completely gone, and most of the remaining print is missing parts. Some sections seem to still be legible but you wouldn't be surprised if more than 95% of the text is unreadable.
  47. No, really what did you do?
  48. >"I just used a drying spell; it must have treated the ink mixed with the water as liquid and removed that as well."
  49. >Magic. Guess that makes about as much sense as a purple talking pony.
  50. Sigh.
  51. Could you maybe untie me?
  52. >"Don't do it Twilight, he is some kind of unclassified monster, PROBABLY from the Everfree Forest."
  53. >"It will be fine Spike; he had books with him for Celestia's sake. I don't think a monster would be wandering around with books, now do you?"
  54. >You walk over to the now almost useless stack of books.
  55. Is there any way you can "magic" them back?
  56. >"I'm so sorry, but I don't know of anything that could work. I can look for something in the archives, but I wouldn't hold out much hope.
  57. >You bend down and examine the dryer stack of books to see what you have left. It looks like almost all of your text books were on the top shelf that got the most wet. Gone were metallurgic chemistry and organic. Gone were all of your evolution and bio books. The only thing left were mostly already read fiction with some Calc and Linear Algebra books. As you reached the bottom of the stack you saw some coding manuals (that will be SOO useful with your tower a black, burned out mess), and a plant bio book. It looks like the worst thing that you lost were your A&P book and Merck manual. Well you guess you just won't get sick. Hopefully.
  58. >"I'm so sorry, but I still have to ask you a few questions?"
  59. Fine. Whatever.
  60. >"There are only two main questions for now. First what are you? And second where did you come from?"
  61. My scientific name is Hominidae Hominini Homo sapiens but we call ourselves humans. As for where I come from I'm not sure I can explain. I woke up yesterday in my bed, only my whole room had been transported out of my house into the middle of the woods. I wandered around for a bit until I came across another pony like you, only zebra colored. She helped me a bit and then told me about an abandoned library that I could maybe crash in for a while and fix my books.
  62. >"Yesterday?" Twilight asks while glancing at her lizard.
  63. Yeah.
  64. >"About 10 in the morning?"
  65. Yeaaah...
  66. >"Well I think I know how you got here."
  67. >Twilight proceeds to explain some creation myth that goes way over your head. Something about gods and the apparent magical dictator of the land, that somehow created an exiled nobility on the moon. This banished princess had come back two days ago and had proceeded to fuck shit up. The story ends with Twilight and some of her friends using some super powered magic stones to break the fabric of reality. The best idea Twilight can come up with is that when she was using her super mega powers she had disturbed the fabric of space time and pulled you from your comfortable apartment to a cold, wet clearing in the woods.
  68. >The main thing that you take away from this whole story is that what looks to be a small purple pony has God like powers that don't obey any known physical laws you have spent the last 15 years studying.
  69. >The creature that destroyed thousands of dollars worth of books in the 20 minutes you have known her.
  70. >This sounds like one of the greatest things that has ever happened to you in your life.
  73. This is shorter than the last one but I am going to try to stick to a schedule of trying to put out a chapter once every two days (maybe faster if I can find a way to slack off even more in class.)
  74. Ohh and any feedback is always appreciated.
  76. As always Friendship is Science. Mad Science.
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