
Gordon Mann

Dec 11th, 2019
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  1. You are Gordon Mann, a detective living in Chicago. You have a pistol and a police
  2. badge. You enter the forest where you believe the criminal you're searching
  3. for fled to. Suddenly, you hear a gunshot behind you
  4. > look behind me
  6. You turn around and see that it's your sister Mary who shoots at the man she
  7. believes is after her. She misses him completely, but he doesn't seem to notice.
  8. He runs off into the woods and you follow him.
  10. > tackle the man
  12. You grab the man by his shirt collar and throw him against a tree. The man screams
  13. as he struggles with you, but you manage to pin him down.
  15. > "Why are you chasing my sister!"
  18. "I don't know! I just heard about what happened to you! She was so nice to me!
  19. Why didn't you help her?"
  20. "She...she..". You can't think of anything else to say
  21. > "What happened?"
  24. "Oh, she died".
  25. "Who..". You ask confused.
  26. "It wasn't her fault. It was an accident. We were playing in the backyard when
  27. we fell into some water".
  29. > "But she shot you!"
  32. "No, she thought you were going to kill her too".
  33. "How could she do this? How could she shoot you?"
  35. > shush the man and pull out my pistol and demand he tells the truth
  37. You stop the man from talking and point your gun at him. "Tell me the truth or
  38. I'm gonna blow your brains out".
  39. The man looks at you for a moment and then says
  40. > "I did
  42. it because I wanted to get revenge on her for killing my wife".
  43. You take a deep breath and exhale. "Okay, tell me everything you remember about
  44. what happened.
  45. > "
  47. Yeah, I went to the house, got inside through the backdoor and saw her standing
  48. there holding a shotgun". You say "Did you try to run away?"
  49. "No, I mean yeah, but I couldn't. I had to stay there and protect her
  50. > " "what is your name?"
  53. "John" You say "And how old are you?"
  54. >
  56. "Twenty-six" You say "How long have you been married?"
  57. "Five years" You say "Do you live here alone?"
  60. "Yes, I live here with my mother and stepfather" You say "Where is your sister
  61. now?"
  62. "She's dead". You say "How did she die?"
  64. >
  65. "She was killed by a gunshot wound to the head". You say "What time did she die?"
  66. "About five o'clock today" You say "Is she buried?"
  70. "No, she's not" You say "Can you tell me where she was killed?"
  71. >
  73. "No, I can't" You say "I'll need more information before I can even begin to
  74. solve this case".
  77. > You go back to the park.
  78. You walk back to the park and continue your search. You find a couple of clues
  79. that lead you to believe that your sister may have been murdered in the park.
  80. You learn that she was last seen getting into a car with a black man named John
  81. > . You also learn that her body has been found in the park.
  83. After searching the park, you come across a body in a ditch. It's a young woman
  84. in a dress. Her throat has been cut and her face has been beaten
  86. . There's no sign of struggle or struggle over the weapon used to kill her. You're
  87. unable to determine if she was ***** or strangled. She seems like a victim who
  88. would be easy prey for someone looking to commit a murder
  89. > examine body
  91. You kneel down next to the body and examine it. You find a small knife with blood
  92. on it. You pick up the knife and examine it. You find that it's made of a very
  93. hard material and is sharp enough to slice flesh
  94. > Find John
  96. You stand up and walk towards the body. You feel around until you find a pocket.
  97. You pull out a wallet and open it. Inside you find a driver's license belonging
  98. to John Doe. You put the wallet back and leave the park
  99. > find the man from earlier
  101. You return to the park and start walking towards the direction where you saw
  102. the man earlier. You hear footsteps behind you and turn around. You see a man
  103. dressed in a suit. He walks slowly towards you. He sees you and smiles. He reaches
  104. out his hand and puts his arm around you
  105. > tackle the man to the ground
  107. You grab the man by the shoulder and slam him to the ground. You push him backwards
  108. and kick him in the ribs. He yells in pain and falls unconscious. You look around
  109. and see that the park is empty. You quickly check the pockets of the suit and
  110. find a
  111. >
  112. wallet containing John Doe's ID and a few other items. You quickly pack them
  113. all up and exit the park.
  114. Handcuff John Doe
  115. handcuff john doe
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