
the butthurt of 7/16/11

Jul 26th, 2011
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  1. 03[19:41:27] * Topic is 'Welcome to #KCMM! Stay awhile, someone will respond eventually | Tjmsrubegoldberg's guide should be able to help you with all the essentials. |'
  2. 03[19:41:27] * Set by LordNoah on Tue Jul 19 15:34:40
  3. 10[19:43:21] * Joins: KCMMGuest (
  4. 01[19:43:21] <kcmmbot> Welcome to #KCMM KCMMGuest . if you need help, type "help"
  5. [19:44:03] <KCMMGuest> Uhh anyone no how to use Sawndz and such I want to use some of these sound replacement stuff
  6. [19:44:51] <Haku-men> derp
  7. [19:45:14] <KCMMGuest> Hmm guess il take that as a no
  8. [19:46:46] <KCMMGuest> "help"
  9. 02[19:47:28] * Quits: KCMMGuest ( (Client Quit)
  10. [19:58:16] <Haku-men> Oh well.
  11. [19:58:18] <Haku-men> NEXT.
  12. 10[19:58:25] * Joins: KCMMGuest (~KCMMGuest@
  13. 01[19:58:25] <kcmmbot> Welcome to #KCMM KCMMGuest . if you need help, type "help"
  14. [19:58:30] <LC-DDM> Why are you here if you don't intend to help.
  15. [19:58:42] <Haku-men> Why are you here if you intend to be a homo?
  16. [19:58:53] <LC-DDM> What are you, 12?
  17. [19:58:54] <LC-DDM> >_>
  18. [19:59:04] <Haku-men> Shut up and rub your man tits with KJP.
  19. 03[19:59:06] * KCMMGuest is now known as Noaaah
  20. [19:59:13] <Noaaah> I'm 12.
  21. [19:59:16] <Noaaah> What's wrong with 12s?
  22. [19:59:21] <Haku-men> Shut up Noah.
  23. 03[19:59:22] * Noaaah is now known as LordNoah
  24. 03[19:59:29] * LordNoah is now known as LordNoaah
  25. [19:59:43] <LC-DDM> Go fuck yourself with a flaming tire iron cuntbag.
  26. [20:00:09] <LordNoaah> Make me shutup
  27. [20:00:12] <Haku-men> Oh man, truth hurts, doesn't it?
  28. [20:00:18] <LordNoaah> LC, are you seriously rubbing your chest with KJP?
  29. [20:00:23] <LC-DDM> Nope.
  30. [20:00:23] <Haku-men> He is.
  31. [20:00:24] <LordNoaah> Disgusting. -.-
  32. [20:00:26] <Haku-men> With Velen.
  33. [20:00:28] <LC-DDM> I just said no.
  34. [20:00:36] <LordNoaah> meh
  35. [20:01:06] <LC-DDM> Least I don't abuse mod powers when I have them by being a complete fucking retard and kicking everyone off as if you own the place.
  36. [20:01:10] <LC-DDM> What was that about the truth again?
  37. [20:01:13] <Haku-men> LC-DDM says (19:40):
  38. [20:01:15] <Haku-men> *Hey KJP~~
  39. [20:01:16] <Haku-men> King says (19:40):
  40. [20:01:17] <Haku-men> *Hi LC.
  41. [20:01:19] <Haku-men> LC-DDM says (19:41):
  42. [20:01:21] <Haku-men> **takes off her shirt*
  43. [20:01:23] <Haku-men> *~.^
  44. [20:01:23] <Haku-men> King says (19:41):
  45. [20:01:25] <Haku-men> */O_O
  46. [20:01:27] <Haku-men> Velen says (19:41):
  47. [20:01:29] <Haku-men> *O.O
  48. [20:01:30] <LC-DDM> Bullshit.
  49. [20:01:31] <Haku-men> Velen * goes forward and hugs LC, puting KJp against her bare breasts.
  50. [20:01:32] <Haku-men> LC-DDM says (19:42):
  51. [20:01:34] <Haku-men> *o.o
  52. [20:01:35] <Haku-men> King says (19:42):
  53. [20:01:37] <Haku-men> *!!!!!!
  54. [20:01:39] <Haku-men> **Insert Mario Mushroom get SFX*
  55. [20:01:41] <Haku-men> Velen * then pulls away...and rubs KJP against her chest.
  56. [20:01:49] <Haku-men> King says (19:43):
  57. [20:01:49] <Haku-men> */O_O
  58. [20:01:52] <Haku-men> Oh gee, this looks familiar.
  59. [20:01:52] <Haku-men> You're a sick fuck.
  60. [20:02:15] <LC-DDM> Nope, I'm not the one blocking people off the chatroom for lulz.
  61. [20:02:28] <Haku-men> wut
  62. [20:02:50] <LC-DDM> But if you're going to compare helping people to roleplaying, it's your ball pit.
  63. [20:03:02] <Haku-men> There's limits in RP'ing.
  64. [20:03:13] <Haku-men> And you went out of the boundaries into homosexuality.
  65. [20:03:18] <LC-DDM> Bisexuality.
  66. [20:03:21] <LC-DDM> k, thx.
  67. [20:03:25] <Haku-men> You are not bi.
  68. [20:03:27] <Haku-men> kthx.
  69. [20:03:29] <LC-DDM> Yes, I am.
  70. [20:03:31] <LC-DDM> kthx.
  71. [20:03:32] <LC-DDM> :3
  72. [20:03:47] <Haku-men> derp
  73. [20:09:39] <LordNoaah> wow guys
  74. [20:09:44] <LordNoaah> i don't care of your sexualities
  75. [20:09:57] <LordNoaah> but if i may add
  76. [20:09:59] <LordNoaah> normally
  77. [20:10:14] <LordNoaah> people tend to be "bi" 'cause they're afraid of admitting the fact they don't like the opposite gender
  78. [20:10:27] <LC-DDM> Or maybe people actually like both genders.
  79. [20:10:28] <LC-DDM> >_>
  80. [20:10:29] <LordNoaah> and hie the truth saying they're bi, when they're more inclined towards their sex.
  81. [20:10:54] <LordNoaah> true, that's an option, as well.
  82. [20:10:54] <LordNoaah> lol
  83. 10[20:23:25] * Joins: Velen (~Mibbit@
  84. 01[20:23:25] <kcmmbot> Welcome to #KCMM Velen . if you need help, type "help"
  85. [20:23:31] <Velen> Haku.
  86. [20:23:49] <Velen> You. Me. PM. Right now.
  87. [20:30:21] <Velen> Where's Wolfric?
  88. 10[20:38:05] * Joins: KCMMGuest (~KCMMGuest@
  89. 01[20:38:05] <kcmmbot> Welcome to #KCMM KCMMGuest . if you need help, type "help"
  90. 03[20:38:22] * KCMMGuest is now known as Wolfric
  91. 02[20:38:22] * Quits: LordNoaah (~KCMMGuest@ (Quit: PJIRC forever!)
  92. Session Close: Tue Jul 26 20:38:24 2011
  94. Session Start: Tue Jul 26 20:38:24 2011
  95. Session Ident: #KCMM
  96. 02[20:38:24] * Disconnected
  97. 05[20:38:27] *** Looking up your hostname...
  98. 05[20:38:28] *** Checking Ident
  99. 05[20:38:28] *** Found your hostname
  100. 02[20:38:33] * Attempting to rejoin channel #KCMM
  101. 05[20:38:34] -NickServ- This nickname is registered. Please choose a different nickname, or identify via /msg NickServ identify <password>.
  102. 10[20:38:34] * Rejoined channel #KCMM
  103. 03[20:38:34] * Topic is 'Welcome to #KCMM! Stay awhile, someone will respond eventually | Tjmsrubegoldberg's guide should be able to help you with all the essentials. |'
  104. 03[20:38:34] * Set by LordNoah on Tue Jul 19 15:34:40
  105. [20:38:49] <KCMMGuest> Oh hey, looks like I joined at the right time.
  106. 03[20:38:53] * KCMMGuest is now known as Miacis
  107. 06[20:40:32] * Velen is glaring daggers at Haku-men.
  108. [20:47:57] <Wolfric> Allo Miacis.
  109. 10[20:51:06] * Joins: LordNoah (
  110. 04[20:51:06] * ChanServ sets mode: +o LordNoah
  111. 03[20:51:32] * LordNoah changes topic to 'Welcome to #KCMM! Stay awhile, someone will respond eventually | Tjmsrubegoldberg's guide should be able to help you with all the essentials. | NO RP ALLOWED HERE KTHX'
  112. [20:51:51] <Haku-men> The fuck is this.
  113. [20:52:17] <@LordNoah> Come on, I don't go on irc for a few hours and look what happens
  114. 04[20:52:32] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Haku-men
  115. 02[20:53:02] * Quits: Miacis ( (Quit: PJIRC forever!)
  116. [20:53:12] <@LordNoah> POW
  117. [20:53:28] <@LordNoah> also, this isn't a help irc, don't pretend it is
  118. [20:53:51] <Velen> Noah.
  119. [20:54:02] <Wolfric> POW?
  120. [20:54:05] <@LordNoah> since kcmm staff completely ignore this place, ya'll can thank me and allenmelon for keeping it alive
  121. [20:54:31] <@LordNoah> I'm not going to bother reading what went down in my log, but cool your shitters, okay
  122. [20:54:35] <@Haku-men> Glad that grimalkin is gone.
  123. [20:54:47] <@LordNoah> shaddup
  124. [20:55:51] <@LordNoah> what velen
  125. 02[20:56:40] * Quits: Velen (~Mibbit@ (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  126. 10[20:56:42] * Joins: KCMMGuest (
  127. 01[20:56:42] <kcmmbot> Welcome to #KCMM KCMMGuest . if you need help, type "help"
  128. [20:57:04] <@Haku-men> Shaddup 12 year old.
  129. [20:57:04] <@Haku-men> Go cry back to mommy.
  130. 04[20:57:21] * Haku-men was kicked by LordNoah (Haku-men)
  131. 10[20:57:22] * Joins: Haku-men (
  132. 04[20:57:22] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Haku-men
  133. [20:57:26] <@Haku-men> wut
  134. [20:57:30] <Wolfric> Wut.
  135. 02[20:57:35] * Quits: KCMMGuest ( (Client Quit)
  137. [20:58:32] <@Haku-men> derp derp.
  138. [20:58:39] <@Haku-men> At least Miacis left.
  139. [20:58:43] <@Haku-men> Got I hate him.
  140. [20:58:53] <@LordNoah> and you shaddup, you're always causing shit
  141. [20:59:08] <@Haku-men> You're 12.
  142. [20:59:13] <@Haku-men> You. Know. NOTHING.
  143. [20:59:22] <@LordNoah> doesn't matter when I've got double the IQ
  144. [20:59:35] <@LordNoah> now gtfo, you sad shit
  145. [20:59:36] <@Haku-men> OK Professor Noah
  146. [20:59:43] <@Haku-men> How about another time?
  147. 04[21:02:12] * LordNoah was kicked by Haku-men (LordNoah)
  148. 10[21:02:12] * Joins: LordNoah (
  149. 04[21:02:13] * ChanServ sets mode: +o LordNoah
  150. 03[21:03:59] * LordNoah changes topic to 'Welcome to #KCMM! Stay awhile, someone will respond eventually | Tjmsrubegoldberg's guide should be able to help you with all the essentials. | You sad man-babies'
  151. 10[21:04:01] * Joins: KCMMGuest (
  152. 01[21:04:01] <kcmmbot> Welcome to #KCMM KCMMGuest . if you need help, type "help"
  153. 03[21:04:05] * KCMMGuest is now known as Miacis
  154. [21:04:29] <@Haku-men> derp
  155. [21:04:40] <Miacis> If my very presence bothers you, Hakumen, I'll make sure to come here as often as I can.
  156. [21:04:52] <@Haku-men> I knew LC-DDM would call you in here.
  157. [21:05:04] <@LordNoah> haku I'll give miacis AOP if you don't stfu
  158. [21:05:05] <@Haku-men> Please, come often, it's quite lonely in here.
  159. [21:05:13] <LC-DDM> Because I'm totally the only one that has Miacis' contact rite
  160. [21:05:16] <LC-DDM> :D
  161. [21:05:16] <@Haku-men> Oh really?
  162. [21:05:22] <@LordNoah> no
  163. [21:05:23] <@LordNoah> jk
  164. [21:05:31] <@Haku-men> Lol, you got me for a second.
  165. [21:05:37] <@Haku-men> Fucker.
  166. [21:05:38] <Miacis> Hakumen, why exactly are you still around this chat ?
  167. [21:05:42] <Miacis> And having powers ?
  168. [21:05:49] <@LordNoah> oh please
  169. [21:05:58] <@Haku-men> Why are you present in this chat?
  170. [21:06:00] <Miacis> I mean, you're not only useless to newcomers, now you insult other members ?
  171. [21:06:02] <@LordNoah> if you actually cared about the irc I'd see you more often
  172. [21:06:03] <@Haku-men> When you hardly use it?
  173. [21:06:13] <Miacis> Because you're causing trouble in it.
  174. [21:06:14] <@LordNoah> this isn't a help irc, don't pretend it is
  175. [21:06:16] <@Haku-men> I've been insulting members since the beginning.
  176. [21:06:18] <@Haku-men> Deal with it.
  177. [21:06:31] <Miacis> Okay, well, thanks for the revelation.
  178. [21:06:42] <@Haku-men> Are you done yet?
  179. [21:06:44] <Miacis> I'll deal with that pretty easily, I can assure you.
  180. [21:06:49] <@Haku-men> k
  181. [21:07:08] <@LordNoah> miacis only allen, vyse, haku and I have irc powers
  182. [21:07:22] <@LordNoah> so I'm not sure what you're going to deal with
  183. [21:07:46] <Miacis> Ah ? Really.
  184. [21:08:10] <@Haku-men> So, is anybody going to drink their tea, or will it get cold?
  185. [21:08:16] <@LordNoah> I'd give them to you but I'd be scared for my safety
  186. [21:08:19] <Miacis> Noah, you still wnt to have him around on this IRC when he's clearly not being an incentive to come here ?
  187. [21:08:20] <@LordNoah> and you never come on
  188. [21:08:41] <Miacis> I don't reall care about what you did LordNoah, in all honesty... -_-
  189. [21:08:59] <@LordNoah> what did I do?
  190. [21:09:09] <Miacis> At least you have a certain form of ""pride in this IRC""" no matter how dying it is.
  191. [21:09:18] <@Haku-men> So, where exactly is this argument headed?
  192. [21:09:30] <Miacis> To an inevitable conclusion ?
  193. 10[21:09:41] * Joins: Aisuru_Senka (
  194. 01[21:09:41] <kcmmbot> Welcome to #KCMM Aisuru_Senka . if you need help, type "help"
  195. [21:09:47] <@LordNoah> well to put it franl=kly, its dieing because of- oh come on
  196. [21:09:49] <@LordNoah> more?
  197. [21:09:49] <@Haku-men> Figures. Looks like you wasted your time, grimalkin.
  198. 03[21:09:53] * Parts: Aisuru_Senka (
  199. [21:10:32] <@LordNoah> haku, don't abuse your AOP or I'll take it away
  200. [21:10:51] <@Haku-men> I've been here longer than you, damnit.
  201. [21:10:53] <Miacis> Why dioes he even have it anyway ?
  202. [21:11:02] <Wolfric> -_-
  203. [21:11:04] <@Haku-men> Go figure.
  204. [21:11:08] <@LordNoah> because she's a regular
  205. [21:11:13] <Miacis> Ancienty does not provide safety.
  206. [21:11:14] <Wolfric> Allo Miacis, Noah, Haku.
  207. [21:11:27] <Miacis> Yeah ? Wanna say something, Wolfric ?
  208. [21:11:29] <@LordNoah> its not like anybody cares for the irc, so don't complain who's in charge of it
  209. [21:11:48] <Wolfric> Just greeting you people.
  210. [21:12:11] <Miacis> I don't really like us to keep an IRC where users can get insulted by admins with oversized heads, Noah.
  211. [21:12:44] <Miacis> If the only thing that comes out of this chat is stuff like that, might as well close it.
  212. [21:12:48] <@LordNoah> miacis, would you like a chat log so you can see what happened?
  213. [21:12:52] <@LordNoah> I don't think you know
  214. [21:12:55] <@Haku-men> Last I checked, someone here isn't an Admin anymore.
  215. [21:12:57] <Miacis> I already got one, but sure.
  216. [21:13:07] <Wolfric> This is the first time I've encountered a mess like this on the IRC.
  217. [21:13:10] <Miacis> (IRC Admin)
  218. [21:13:16] <Wolfric> I wouldn't want it to be closed for this only.
  219. [21:13:26] <Miacis> Blame Hakumen.
  220. [21:13:36] <Wolfric> You're over reacting, Miacis.
  221. [21:13:41] <@Haku-men> Blame Miacis.
  222. [21:13:58] <Miacis> I'm not overreacting.
  223. [21:14:02] <Wolfric> I don't have the whole details, but all Haku-men used to annoy LC was a convo of a RP'ing section.
  224. [21:14:13] <Wolfric> Is that true?
  225. [21:14:21] <Miacis> But I can't really stand having an IRC admin running around and calling regular users gay.
  226. [21:14:34] <Wolfric> True.
  227. [21:14:35] <Wolfric> XD
  228. [21:14:43] <Miacis> The one from the chatroom you were in when it happenned Wolfric, yes.
  229. [21:14:47] <@LordNoah> there was only 1 user
  230. 10[21:14:49] * Joins: Velen (Mibbit@
  231. 01[21:14:49] <kcmmbot> Welcome to #KCMM Velen . if you need help, type "help"
  232. [21:14:54] <@Haku-men> help
  233. 06[21:15:03] * Velen looks like he is about to kill someone.
  234. [21:15:04] <Miacis> LordNoah, that's already enough of a blunder.
  235. [21:15:06] <Wolfric> Wait, you're pointing at me?
  236. [21:15:13] <Wolfric> You tend to like to dothat, Miacis.
  237. [21:15:25] <Wolfric> This is getting ridiculous.
  238. [21:15:27] <Miacis> You're the only hisponophone who was around, so I've heard.
  239. [21:15:29] <@LordNoah> listen miacis, I'll remove haku's AOP if it happens again
  240. [21:15:42] <@Haku-men> Oh bullshiut.
  241. [21:15:52] <Miacis> He insulted me right before I left.
  242. [21:15:53] <@Haku-men> I didn't even use any AOP power.
  243. [21:16:00] <Miacis> It already happenned. kthx.
  244. [21:16:01] <@Haku-men> Oh boo hoo.
  245. 10[21:16:02] * Joins: Aisuru_Senka (
  246. 01[21:16:02] <kcmmbot> Welcome to #KCMM Aisuru_Senka . if you need help, type "help"
  247. [21:16:04] <Wolfric> I'm the guy that had Haku-men blocked for some problems between us.
  248. 03[21:16:07] * Parts: Aisuru_Senka (
  249. [21:16:26] <Wolfric> This thing is goin' too far, really.
  251. [21:16:37] <Miacis> Then explain who else couldcopypast a conversation with "XUser says : "
  252. [21:16:40] <Wolfric> No Caps Lock, please.
  253. [21:16:44] <Wolfric> We're all civilized.
  254. [21:16:44] <@LordNoah> lol plz
  255. [21:16:48] <@LordNoah> I'ma quote that
  256. [21:16:48] <@Haku-men> You guys want answer?
  257. [21:16:52] <@Haku-men> Why don't you ask me.
  258. [21:16:59] <Wolfric> I could screencap right now my conversations
  259. [21:17:04] <Miacis> You're a lier, Hakumen.
  260. [21:17:12] <Wolfric> And show you how it shows "Says"
  261. [21:17:13] <@Haku-men> It's, liar, grimalkin.
  262. [21:17:14] <@LordNoah> go ahead miacis, remove the irc icon from the header
  263. [21:17:32] <@LordNoah> thats what you want to do
  264. [21:17:35] <Miacis> Remove Hakumen if you want it to stay. >_>
  265. [21:17:43] <@LordNoah> no
  266. [21:17:45] <Wolfric> I can'tr believe how being part of the VIP Chat involves me in the Oizen attacks AND this.
  267. [21:17:49] <Velen> Haku. LC did not give allen crapshit. He told me this himself. Therefore allen could not have given to you. Therefor you are lying.
  268. [21:17:49] <@Haku-men> Remove yourself, prick.
  269. [21:17:58] <Miacis> Or 'll just wait for Vyse to come and see the logs I posted in the Adin section.
  270. [21:17:59] <Velen> Now come clean.
  271. [21:18:06] <@Haku-men> OK, go ahead.
  272. [21:18:09] <@LordNoah> you don't have all the logs miacis
  273. [21:18:11] <@Haku-men> Knock yourself out.
  274. [21:18:19] <@LordNoah> I have logs since april
  275. [21:18:24] <Miacis> Sure, send me all of them.
  276. [21:18:33] <Miacis> I'll have fun reading them.
  277. [21:18:47] <Wolfric> I don't really care for all this crap, it's really pointless, I'll be back when it's over. Have a good night, guys. <3
  278. 02[21:18:49] * Quits: Wolfric (~KCMMGuest@ (Quit: PJIRC forever!)
  279. [21:18:56] <Miacis> Doesn't chang ethe fact that I got logs with an IRC Admin insulting the sexuaity of one of our users.
  280. [21:19:05] <@LordNoah> you really want these logs? I think I'll give them to vyse instead
  281. [21:19:15] <@Haku-men> Oh wow, a little butthurt?
  282. [21:19:19] <@Haku-men> Get over it.
  283. [21:19:19] <@LordNoah> 1 sec miacis
  284. [21:19:38] <Miacis> Hakumen : a little incompetent ?
  285. [21:19:48] <Velen> Apparently you've become too dumb to understand the gravity of your actions, Haku-men.
  286. [21:20:24] <@Haku-men> I can say the same thing about you as well.
  287. [21:20:24] <Miacis> What kinda of admin job have you been doing since you came back ?
  288. [21:20:24] <Miacis> Geez you're doing even worse at creatin conflicts than Oizen
  289. 02[21:20:24] * Quits: @LordNoah ( (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  290. [21:20:24] <Velen> You should not have been able to have access to the MSN chat.
  291. [21:20:24] <@Haku-men> I was more of a "Super" Mod.
  292. [21:20:26] <Velen> How did you get it?
  293. 10[21:20:28] * Joins: LordNoah (
  294. 04[21:20:28] * ChanServ sets mode: +o LordNoah
  295. [21:20:35] <@Haku-men> All of this over insulting a Family Member?
  296. [21:20:38] <Miacis> So far, the only thing you've tried to do is to hold a personnal vendetta against users ou dislike.
  297. [21:20:39] <@Haku-men> I need to do this more often.
  298. [21:20:41] <@LordNoah> [19:59:43] <LC-DDM> Go fuck yourself with a flaming tire iron cuntbag.
  299. [21:20:47] <Miacis> No, over insulting a goddamn user.
  300. [21:20:51] <@LordNoah> [19:59:43] <LC-DDM> Go fuck yourself with a flaming tire iron cuntbag.
  301. [21:20:53] <Miacis> Yup.
  302. [21:20:56] <@LordNoah> [19:59:43] <LC-DDM> Go fuck yourself with a flaming tire iron cuntbag.
  303. [21:20:59] <@Haku-men> My personal vendettas didn't come back until someone pressed the button
  304. [21:21:09] <Miacis> 00:58:51] <Haku-men> Shut up and rub your man tits with KJP.
  305. [21:21:17] <@Haku-men> Sweet.
  306. [21:21:27] <@LordNoah> are we weighing insults now?
  307. [21:21:28] <Miacis> [00:59:59] <Haku-men> Oh man, truth hurts, doesn't it?
  308. [21:21:34] <Miacis> Kinda.
  309. 04[21:21:36] * LordNoah sets mode: +o kcmmbot
  310. 04[21:21:36] * kcmmbot sets mode: +l 12
  311. [21:21:38] <@Haku-men> I know right?
  312. [21:21:44] <Miacis> 10 lines of insult versus one.
  313. [21:21:54] <Velen> Come clean. Haku. How did you get the log.
  314. [21:22:12] <@Haku-men> Maybe another time.
  315. [21:22:14] <Miacis> Why are you even trusting that guy ?
  316. [21:22:29] <@Haku-men> Can you please, go back with your Family Members.
  317. [21:22:35] <Miacis> He's been lying to each of his colleagues since day 1 he came back.
  318. [21:22:46] <@Haku-men> I've done no such thing.
  319. [21:22:55] <@Haku-men> And if I have, go ahead and spill it.
  320. [21:22:55] <Miacis> Really ? You funny.
  321. [21:23:01] <@Haku-men> It'd be considered a leak, you know.
  322. [21:23:17] <Miacis> Ohh, but you did everything in pblic, you know.
  323. [21:23:26] <@Haku-men> No one knows what happened.
  324. [21:23:39] <Miacis> Haha ? Really ?
  325. [21:23:57] <@Haku-men> If you do, please tell me everyone's role in all of this.
  326. [21:24:10] <@LordNoah> what are you talking about now
  327. [21:24:13] <@Haku-men> You've only made assumptions and pinned a joke VILE made to restrict us.
  328. [21:24:42] <Miacis> Sure.
  329. [21:24:45] <Velen> What do you called that horseshit you gave me earlier? LC didn't give allen anything. Not only that, LC himself told me he didn't. The reason I trust him on this is because he knows stuff like that is supposed to be private. Someone is lying Haku. Who is it?
  330. [21:25:04] <Miacis> Haku.
  331. [21:25:09] <@Haku-men> Grimalkin.
  332. [21:25:28] <@LordNoah> allen?
  333. [21:25:33] <Miacis> You think I haven't seen most of the things you said here ?
  334. [21:25:40] <@Haku-men> Nope.
  335. [21:25:52] <Miacis> Or the stuff you say about me in your "private" chatrooms ?
  336. [21:25:56] <@Haku-men> I know all the Family Members sycophantically send you everything.
  337. [21:26:01] <Miacis> Come on, grow up a little bit.
  338. [21:26:11] <@Haku-men> Derp, maybe later.
  339. [21:26:13] <Miacis> The joke is vented. Nobody trusts you anymore.
  340. [21:26:27] <@Haku-men> OK, that's fine.
  341. [21:26:30] <Miacis> Actually it wasn't a family member.
  342. [21:26:43] <Miacis> But you're so obsessed with that Family, it's almost funny.
  343. [21:26:56] <@LordNoah> who's obsessed?
  344. [21:26:57] <@Haku-men> And you know nothing about what goes on our "private" chat.
  345. [21:26:57] <Miacis> Everything I say, verything I do, it's because of the family.
  346. [21:27:07] <Velen> The reason the Family sends everything to Mia is because they trust him. YOU on the other hand.
  347. [21:27:10] <Miacis> Paranoid, much ? Think we say bad things about in there ?
  348. [21:27:11] <@Haku-men> Hey, I'm just point out what's blatant.
  349. [21:27:27] <Miacis> Hahaha
  350. [21:27:28] <@Haku-men> Nope, I know you guys don't talk shit in there.
  351. [21:27:45] <Velen> That's one thing you've gotten right this evening.
  352. [21:28:07] <Miacis> I know nothing about the "private chat" you say ? ;3
  353. [21:28:19] <@Haku-men> Alright, pass me a convo from there.
  354. [21:28:30] <@Haku-men> Let's see what you have to show.
  355. [21:28:37] <Miacis> Don't feel like replacing all the "says", thanks.
  356. [21:28:50] <Miacis> Would be boring, and would burn my contact.
  357. [21:28:50] <@Haku-men> Oh well.
  358. [21:28:59] <@Haku-men> Can't support your argument?
  359. [21:29:06] <@Haku-men> That's a DAMN shame.
  360. [21:29:10] <Miacis> No. Can you ?
  361. [21:29:16] <@Haku-men> I actually can.
  362. [21:29:28] <Miacis> I only need the info in there.No point in showing you my cards.
  363. [21:29:45] <@Haku-men> And that's what's going to keep me from showing you mine.
  364. [21:30:05] <Miacis> Doesn't really change the fact that you just enjoy being here to satisfy your little urge to lash at family members.
  365. [21:30:18] <@Haku-men> Been doing it since day 1, thank you.
  366. [21:30:27] <Miacis> Unless you have a good explanation for what I heard about LC?
  367. [21:30:41] <@Haku-men> I have nothing to say to you.
  368. [21:30:43] <Miacis> And how does it make it better ? -_o Do tell
  369. [21:30:49] <@Haku-men> The less you know, the better.
  370. [21:31:00] <Miacis> Can't support your argument ?
  371. [21:31:24] <@Haku-men> Oh please, I'd put less important trash in front of you.
  372. [21:31:42] <Miacis> Ah, anything else to say ?
  373. [21:31:47] <Velen> Cut the Hakumen persona Haku. It's not helping your case.
  374. [21:31:51] <@Haku-men> Nope, how about you?
  375. [21:32:12] <Miacis> I dunno, tell me what you think about me. Let's see what you know about what I do.
  376. [21:32:25] <Miacis> Should be pretty enterataining.
  377. [21:32:29] <@Haku-men> Oh, what is this? A date?
  378. [21:32:39] <@Haku-men> Aren't you seeing someone currently?
  379. [21:32:46] <@Haku-men> Goes by the name, Kit.
  380. [21:33:17] <Miacis> Yup.
  381. [21:33:26] <@Haku-men> Congratulations.
  382. [21:33:33] <@Haku-men> I thought you were a faggot the entire time.
  383. [21:33:36] <Miacis> That's all ? Dang, maybe you aren't all that well-inormed, after all.
  384. [21:33:45] <Miacis> Good, I'm proud of it.
  385. [21:33:52] <@Haku-men> Nope, the longer I can stall you, the better.
  386. [21:34:04] <Miacis> Stall me for WHAT ? -_o
  387. [21:34:16] <@Haku-men> Go. Figure.
  388. [21:34:29] <Velen> Destroying the evidence?
  389. [21:34:38] <Miacis> So ... how does it feel to be an homophobe ?
  390. [21:34:39] <@Haku-men> Damn, I've been discovered.
  391. [21:34:49] <@Haku-men> It feels fine.
  392. [21:34:53] <Miacis> Evidence is already on its way, kids.
  393. [21:34:59] <Velen> You failed.
  394. [21:35:06] <@Haku-men> As long as they're not close enough to lay a finger on me.
  395. [21:35:12] <@Haku-men> I'm fine with them.
  396. [21:35:18] <@LordNoah> everyone get the fuck out my irc
  397. [21:35:20] <Miacis> You're proud of being itolerant ? Dang, that must be sad to be like you ...
  398. [21:35:26] <@Haku-men> You heard the UUA.
  399. [21:35:34] <@Haku-men> Oh, well.
  400. [21:35:43] <Miacis> After you, mi "lady".
  401. [21:35:46] <@Haku-men> I'm glad to at least spell correctly, you know.
  402. [21:35:55] <Velen> You're a coward Haku.
  403. 10[21:35:57] * Joins: KCMMGuest (~KCMMGuest@
  404. 01[21:35:57] <@kcmmbot> Welcome to #KCMM KCMMGuest . if you need help, type "help"
  405. 03[21:36:00] * KCMMGuest is now known as Wolfric
  406. [21:36:02] <Miacis> "milady"
  407. [21:36:04] <Wolfric> Still at it?
  408. [21:36:10] <Miacis> joke. Pun. Get it ?
  409. [21:36:13] <@Haku-men> itolerant ?
  410. [21:36:35] <Velen> A coward and a liar. What a combination.
  411. [21:36:35] <@LordNoah> cut him some slack, english isn't his first language
  412. 04[21:36:36] * kcmmbot sets mode: +l 13
  413. [21:36:43] <Miacis> Oh sorry, that was too hard to understand for you ?
  414. [21:36:52] <@Haku-men> Yes it was, go back to school sir.
  415. [21:36:52] <@LordNoah> velen why are you here, exactly?
  416. [21:37:04] <@Haku-men> He's here because somebody got butthurt for insulting him.
  417. [21:37:10] <Miacis> Let's see how you speak French ?
  418. [21:37:30] <Miacis> Somebody got butthurt because you're insulting them ?
  419. [21:37:44] <@Haku-men> Difference here, is that you've been learning, and I haven't bothered with your first language.
  420. [21:37:49] <Miacis> Who was the butthurt guy when I posted that poll to restrict you ?
  421. [21:37:55] <@Haku-men> VILE?
  422. 10[21:38:00] * Joins: smerft (Mibbit@
  423. 01[21:38:00] <@kcmmbot> Welcome to #KCMM smerft . if you need help, type "help"
  424. [21:38:12] <@Haku-men> Since you guys falsely accused him and stuff.
  425. [21:38:18] <@Haku-men> Poor guy.
  426. [21:38:31] <Miacis> "Miacis ! You are taking down two very important people here ! I hope you measure the consequences of your acts ! " -thunder and lughtning*
  427. [21:38:43] <@Haku-men> A bit of sarcasm?
  428. [21:38:46] <Miacis> That was you, rght ?
  429. [21:38:56] <@Haku-men> Those were someone elses words.
  430. [21:39:00] <Miacis> Too bad that bluff didn't really work.
  431. [21:39:12] <@Haku-men> Cool.
  432. [21:39:16] <Velen> Why, Noah?
  433. [21:39:21] <Miacis> Like all the times where you were even able to provide any good defense when you were accusated ?
  434. [21:39:26] <Velen> Cause I am FUCKING PISSED.
  435. [21:39:30] <Miacis> *weren't
  436. [21:39:40] <@Haku-men> Well, see, how was I suppose to prove I didn't do it?
  437. [21:39:45] <@LordNoah> why are you pissed exactly
  438. [21:39:57] <Miacis> "Oh hey, I'll blame it on Oizen. Should make me look more credible."
  439. [21:40:04] <Velen> Are you numb to what happened earlier in this chat?
  440. [21:40:07] <@Haku-men> I became the main suspect because I have a vendetta with Oizen.
  441. [21:40:16] <Miacis> And against the whole family.
  442. [21:40:20] <@Haku-men> And hell, I love how you let his actions slide.
  443. [21:40:20] <Miacis> Dn't forge thtat.
  444. [21:40:27] <Miacis> What actions ?
  445. [21:40:31] <@Haku-men> Shows how you put the Family before the staff.
  446. [21:40:36] <Miacis> Please, do tellme that last bad thing he dd ?
  447. [21:40:40] <@LordNoah> haku called LC a homo
  448. [21:40:46] <Miacis> Really, I wanna know.
  449. [21:40:51] <@Haku-men> Let's see here.
  450. [21:41:08] <@Haku-men> I received complaints for him deleting posts without a valid reason
  451. [21:41:14] <@Haku-men> And then there's banning Vish.
  452. 04[21:41:36] * kcmmbot sets mode: +l 14
  453. [21:41:38] <Miacis> Oh yeah, for 1 day, and it was agreed ?
  454. [21:41:44] <Miacis> Got nothing better ?
  455. [21:41:48] <@Haku-men> It's still power abuse.
  456. [21:41:53] <Miacis> Oizen isn't even deleting posts, btw.
  457. [21:41:59] <@Haku-men> He was.
  458. [21:42:08] <@Haku-men> He's not currently.
  459. [21:42:13] <@Haku-men> But hey, you weren't there for that day.
  460. [21:42:20] <Miacis> Without any consequence on anyone but a willing victim, it's not a power abuse we really mind.
  461. [21:42:26] <Miacis> We have better things to do.
  462. [21:42:38] <@Haku-men> Like hug your family members?
  463. [21:42:45] <Miacis> Vyse is the one deleting90% of the posts here, you know ?
  464. [21:42:53] <Miacis> Hahaha xD
  465. [21:42:56] <@Haku-men> You mean, in the Moderations topic.
  466. [21:43:00] <@Haku-men> Get your shit straight.
  467. [21:43:04] <Miacis> You really don't have any argument beside the Family.
  468. [21:43:11] <@Haku-men> Well.
  469. [21:43:13] <@Haku-men> Let's see here.
  470. [21:43:15] <Miacis> In the moderation topic ?
  471. [21:43:20] <Miacis> That was Vyse too.
  472. [21:43:34] <Miacis> Even though Oizen was accusated because he was targetted, for a change.
  473. [21:43:37] <@Haku-men> I was pinned with KittyLeaks, which I had nothing to do with, and forum leaks without any evidence.
  474. 10[21:43:42] * Joins: KCMMGuest (~KCMMGuest@
  475. 01[21:43:42] <@kcmmbot> Welcome to #KCMM KCMMGuest . if you need help, type "help"
  476. [21:43:51] <@Haku-men> I'm doing the exact same thing here.
  477. [21:44:06] <@LordNoah> yo newcomers, put a real name on or you get kicked
  478. [21:44:09] <Miacis> 'cause you and some of your friends just don't know how to recognize that Oizen hasn't been doing anything as of late.
  479. 02[21:44:22] * Quits: KCMMGuest (~KCMMGuest@ (Client Quit)
  480. [21:44:29] <Miacis> Hakumen, you admitted the leaks.
  481. [21:44:38] <@Haku-men> Yep.
  482. [21:44:42] <Miacis> Stop taking us for morons.
  483. [21:44:42] <@Haku-men> The madness had to stop.
  484. [21:44:53] <Miacis> You're a good person.
  485. [21:45:07] <@Haku-men> I learned something from all of this.
  486. [21:45:12] <Miacis> Except you stopped the adness when VILE had been kicked out already.
  487. [21:45:19] <Miacis> That the family is evil ?
  488. [21:45:23] <@Haku-men> Never take the heat for another persons actions.
  489. [21:45:45] <Miacis> I'll think about that.
  490. [21:45:46] <@Haku-men> VILE was only getting spam.
  491. 10[21:45:57] * Joins: mib_xo674g (Mibbit@
  492. 01[21:45:57] <@kcmmbot> Welcome to #KCMM mib_xo674g . if you need help, type "help"
  493. [21:46:15] <@Haku-men> And you basically fired him for doing his job.
  494. 02[21:46:18] * Quits: @LordNoah ( (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  495. Session Close: Tue Jul 26 21:46:19 2011
  497. Session Start: Tue Jul 26 21:46:19 2011
  498. Session Ident: #KCMM
  499. 02[21:46:19] * Disconnected
  500. 05[21:46:22] *** Looking up your hostname...
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  502. 05[21:46:22] *** Found your hostname
  503. 02[21:46:26] * Attempting to rejoin channel #KCMM
  504. 05[21:46:26] -NickServ- This nickname is registered. Please choose a different nickname, or identify via /msg NickServ identify <password>.
  505. 10[21:46:26] * Rejoined channel #KCMM
  506. 03[21:46:26] * Topic is 'Welcome to #KCMM! Stay awhile, someone will respond eventually | Tjmsrubegoldberg's guide should be able to help you with all the essentials. | You sad man-babies'
  507. 03[21:46:26] * Set by LordNoah! on Tue Jul 26 21:03:57
  508. 10[21:46:32] * Joins: LordNoah (
  509. 04[21:46:33] * ChanServ sets mode: +o LordNoah
  510. [21:46:42] <Miacis> So sanctionning posts that were monthes old = doing his job ?
  511. [21:46:53] <Miacis> No wonder why you're doing your own so poorly.
  512. [21:46:56] <@Haku-men> I told him not to go there.
  513. [21:47:01] <@Haku-men> Oh shut up.
  514. [21:47:13] <Miacis> Maybe you should have told him louder.
  515. [21:47:34] <@Haku-men> I've done a much better done than you've ever have Mod'ing this forum.
  516. 04[21:47:34] * smerft was kicked by LordNoah (smerft)
  517. [21:47:47] <Miacis> So we basically fired him for doing something that even youtold him not to do.
  518. [21:47:50] <@Haku-men> Oh damn.
  519. [21:47:58] <@Haku-men> I really hate thinking and typing at the same time.
  520. [21:48:09] <mib_xo674g> clearly
  521. [21:48:09] <Miacis> Hard, isn't it ? >_>
  522. [21:48:13] <mib_xo674g> you don't seem to do it that often
  523. [21:48:16] <@Haku-men> OK, how many people did VILE warn for posts over a month old?
  524. [21:48:25] <mib_xo674g> VILE didn't do anything
  525. [21:48:29] <mib_xo674g> he was just all talk lol
  526. [21:48:30] <Miacis> At least a good third o the warnings he gave.
  527. [21:48:35] <@Haku-men> Because I saw the warns he did in the Family.
  528. [21:48:40] <@Haku-men> Those were legit.
  529. [21:48:43] <@Haku-men> Under a week.
  530. [21:48:44] <Miacis> That was vastly enough to warrant a kick.
  531. [21:48:47] <@Haku-men> I checked them myself.
  532. [21:49:06] <Miacis> Especially considering he had done worse to his credibility.
  533. [21:49:40] <@Haku-men> Eh, he tried.
  534. [21:49:51] <Miacis> Didn't try reallt hard.
  535. [21:49:54] <@Haku-men> But oh well.
  536. [21:50:05] <@Haku-men> He put in some good effort, though.
  537. [21:50:14] <Miacis> He never care about iehter his job, his team mates, or the trust people had in him.
  538. [21:50:25] <@Haku-men> That's true.
  539. [21:50:27] <Miacis> Where do you see effort in that ?
  540. [21:50:34] <Velen> Haku-men. Please, come clean. Who gave you the MSN chat log? If you tell me, I will not continue asking.
  541. [21:50:44] <@Haku-men> Well, I see effort when he actually tried to gain his credibility back.
  542. [21:50:50] <Velen> Please.
  543. [21:50:54] <Miacis> When did that happen ?
  544. 03[21:51:06] * mib_xo674g is now known as Oizen
  545. [21:51:06] <Miacis> Must have missed it.
  546. [21:51:11] <@Haku-men> Ignoring the warns he did for posts over a month old.
  547. [21:51:36] <@Haku-men> Shit, I should've known.
  548. [21:51:39] <Miacis> Yeah, he started warning stuff that was already buried in a thousand pages topic.
  549. [21:51:57] <@Haku-men> The stuff he warned for in there though, was under a week.
  550. [21:52:05] <Miacis> Like if warning something that didn't bother anyone is gonna be considered "redeeming".
  551. [21:52:22] <@Haku-men> Well, if he rarely did his job around.
  552. [21:52:36] <Miacis> So he went berzerk instead.
  553. [21:52:38] <@Haku-men> And then started to do it, I think it's a stage of redemption.
  554. [21:52:42] <Miacis> Good strategy.
  555. [21:52:50] <@Haku-men> Yeah, I couldn't agree more.
  556. [21:53:11] <Miacis> You really are talking out of your [censored], aren't you ?
  557. [21:53:24] <@Haku-men> Clearly.
  558. [21:53:39] <@Haku-men> What the hell are you doing up so early?
  559. [21:53:42] <Miacis> Or are you so blinded by your hatred to so people on KCMM that you can't even see what a proper moderation job is ?
  560. [21:53:47] <@LordNoah> lemme get this straight
  561. [21:54:00] <Miacis> Yup ?
  562. [21:54:04] <@LordNoah> haku and vile were demoted for warning people for rediculous reasons?
  563. [21:54:13] <Miacis> And other inside stuff.
  564. [21:54:13] <@Haku-men> Oh, I'm a misanthropist. So, it probably was.
  565. [21:54:28] <@LordNoah> thats a bit of another double standard, isn't it
  566. [21:54:36] <@LordNoah> because I got muted for talking about a blog
  567. [21:54:47] <@LordNoah> huh
  568. [21:54:52] <Miacis> That was removed and excuses were given after, right ?
  569. [21:55:03] <@LordNoah> I was still muted
  570. [21:55:11] <Miacis> We apologized for that.
  571. [21:55:11] <Oizen> actually
  572. [21:55:21] <Oizen> Haku was removed for something else ._.
  573. [21:55:24] <@LordNoah> but nobody was demoted
  574. [21:55:36] <Wolfric> This is the first time I've seen the IRC to lively. XD
  575. [21:55:37] <@LordNoah> and in this case its different
  576. [21:55:38] <@Haku-men> We already know, Captain Obvious.
  577. [21:55:46] <Miacis> Haku has been doing much worse than Oizen.
  578. [21:55:54] <@Haku-men> derp
  579. [21:55:56] <Miacis> And is still at it.
  580. [21:55:59] <@LordNoah> ok, so the only reason vile was removed?
  581. [21:56:08] <@LordNoah> was stupid warnings?
  582. [21:56:14] <Oizen> well, the public outburst and the fact he created KL doesn't help.
  583. 10[21:56:19] * Joins: mibbywibby (
  584. 01[21:56:19] <kcmmbot> Welcome to #KCMM mibbywibby . if you need help, type "help"
  585. [21:56:23] <@LordNoah> OH? KL?
  586. [21:56:26] <Miacis> Abusive "vendetta warnings". + another matter that shall remain private.
  587. [21:56:33] <@Haku-men> Shit, who joined now.
  588. [21:56:43] <Oizen> oh noes, we found your secret hide out of trolling?
  589. [21:56:47] <Miacis> That private matter dating from a bit, but that took a huge chunk at his credibility.
  590. 06[21:56:51] * Velen was wondering the same thing.
  591. [21:56:51] <@LordNoah> KL is well outside the range of your jurisdiction
  592. [21:56:55] <@Haku-men> No idiot, that's VIP Brawl Hackers.
  593. [21:57:02] <Oizen> you mean that thing he did to BV?
  594. [21:57:05] <Oizen> ._.
  595. [21:57:07] <@LordNoah> so don't fucking tell me starting KL got him kicked out
  596. [21:57:15] <Oizen> no, it didn't
  597. [21:57:22] <Oizen> its just more of a reason not to bring him back
  598. [21:57:23] <@LordNoah> why'd you mention it
  599. 10[21:57:24] * Joins: gamakichi (Mibbit@
  600. 01[21:57:24] <kcmmbot> Welcome to #KCMM gamakichi . if you need help, type "help"
  601. [21:57:30] <Miacis> No, but it (again) took a bite out of his credibility, Noah.
  602. [21:57:35] <Velen> WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE?!
  603. [21:57:41] <Oizen> I am your father
  604. [21:57:41] <@LordNoah> names or gtfo
  605. [21:57:42] <@Haku-men> I DON'T KNOW.
  606. 06[21:57:43] * Velen points to the peopl logging in.
  607. [21:57:53] <Miacis> And since trust is the only thing that glues our team together, whenyou're untrustworthy, you're kicked out.
  608. [21:57:57] <@Haku-men> I guess they're spectators.
  609. [21:58:05] <Velen> You gotta be kidding me.
  610. [21:58:16] <@LordNoah> so making a satirical blog is untrustworthy?
  611. [21:58:21] <@LordNoah> so much sense
  612. [21:58:30] <Miacis> About flaming some users ?
  613. [21:58:33] <@Haku-men> Making a joke is apparently untrustworthy.
  614. [21:58:39] <Miacis> And not telling anyone who did it ?
  615. [21:58:42] <Oizen> that was a joke?
  616. [21:58:43] <Oizen> ._.
  617. [21:58:44] <Miacis> After getting restricted ?
  618. [21:58:59] <@Haku-men> VILE admitted before getting restricted.
  619. [21:59:04] <Miacis> You people should try and put things into context.
  620. [21:59:06] <Velen> Apparently a direct attack at people directed at someone masked as a joke is untrustworthy.
  621. [21:59:08] <@LordNoah> to better phrase that
  622. [21:59:17] <@LordNoah> vile was demoted after he admitted it was him
  623. [21:59:21] <@LordNoah> strange timing there
  624. [21:59:27] <Oizen> it actually is
  625. [21:59:53] <@Haku-men> Didn't you bring up the word, "paranoid" earlier?
  626. [21:59:56] <Velen> I may have found them funny at one point, but then they just got ridiculous.
  627. [22:00:10] <Miacis> yup.
  628. [22:00:19] <@LordNoah> and also, i recall a few of you saying you had no problems with them?
  629. [22:00:20] <Miacis> Why ? Did you start understanding it just now ?
  630. [22:00:24] <@Haku-men> Hey, they're still funny, SDOOM is making another as we speak.
  631. [22:00:39] <Velen> Satire is supposed to make fun of things in a humorous manner, but what VILE was doing was bordering personal attacks.
  632. [22:00:49] <Miacis> What Velen just said.
  633. [22:00:52] <@Haku-men> He was not.
  634. [22:01:01] <@LordNoah> I do recall a certain terrorist making a post about how you can't do anything about KL, and its out of your jurisdiction?
  635. [22:01:08] <Miacis> Bu hey, as long as it keep targetting the evil Family members, it's good satire, right ?
  636. [22:01:18] <@LordNoah> thats besides the point
  637. [22:01:21] <@LordNoah> you said yourself
  638. [22:01:28] <Miacis> Just like Hakumen being a repugnant homophobe earlier is light-hearted satire ?
  639. [22:01:30] <@LordNoah> you had no control over what was done over the blog
  640. [22:01:42] <Oizen> hakumen is a homophobe?
  641. [22:01:45] <@LordNoah> resorting to name slinging miacis?
  642. [22:01:49] <@LordNoah> that reminds me of haku men
  643. [22:01:50] <Oizen> but his own gender is unknown
  644. [22:02:00] <@LordNoah> don't be so fucking nearsighted
  645. [22:02:01] <@Haku-men> Correction, Miacis thinks Hakumen is a homophobe.
  646. [22:02:02] <Oizen> I still call him a he/she/it
  647. [22:02:09] <Miacis> Sorry, I should be tolerant to intolerant people.
  648. [22:02:11] <Oizen> well funny you say that
  649. [22:02:17] <Oizen> your actions speak otherwise
  650. [22:02:27] <@Haku-men> k
  651. [22:02:32] <@LordNoah> stoop to haku's level, by all means, you won't get anywhere
  652. [22:02:33] <@Haku-men> So, why are you here?
  653. [22:02:47] <Miacis> Oh hey, btw ...
  654. [22:02:49] <Oizen> isn't it obvious? :D
  655. [22:02:55] <@Haku-men> Family.
  656. [22:03:00] <Miacis> An issue I've been wanting to bring up for a long time ...
  657. [22:03:12] <@Haku-men> Oh boy, I hope this is another leak.
  658. [22:03:14] <@LordNoah> if its old its irrelivant
  659. [22:03:17] <@LordNoah> remember?
  660. [22:03:30] <Miacis> Family is a bad thinkg that makes us go all-favoritism on people and do power abuse, right ?
  661. [22:03:30] <@LordNoah> so if its past like, a day old, don't bother
  662. [22:03:31] <Oizen> wodahS :)
  663. [22:03:42] <@Haku-men> Hey.
  664. [22:03:44] <@Haku-men> I remember that guy.
  665. [22:03:47] <@LordNoah> I've never said that miacis
  666. [22:03:51] <Miacis> Oh, it's still in place Noah, I can assure you.
  667. [22:03:55] <@LordNoah> I made wodahS
  668. [22:03:56] <@Haku-men> He was cool, until I swung the hammer at him for a few hours.
  669. [22:04:08] <Oizen> 24 = a few?
  670. [22:04:17] <@Haku-men> <24.
  671. [22:04:30] <Oizen> your message in the log says a day. ._.
  672. [22:04:40] <@Haku-men> I made a topic saying <24.
  673. [22:04:43] <Miacis> Talking about faoritism, what are these 2 ranks you added for all you "friends", Hakumen ?
  674. [22:04:51] <Miacis> With some added permissions.
  675. [22:05:04] <@Haku-men> They're my mini Modding team.
  676. [22:05:07] <@Haku-men> Well, they WERE.
  677. [22:05:11] <Wolfric> Liar. <_<
  678. [22:05:28] <@Haku-men> wut
  679. [22:05:56] <Miacis> I'm still astounded that there are still some people who do not see how much of an hypocrite Hakumen is.
  680. [22:06:11] <Oizen> I still can't believe its not butter :C
  681. [22:06:14] <@Haku-men> You mean, picking random people is favoritism?
  682. [22:06:23] <Oizen> noah is a random person?
  683. [22:06:25] <Oizen> lolk
  684. [22:06:30] <Miacis> Random person ?
  685. [22:06:31] <@Haku-men> Noah came after.
  686. [22:06:36] <Miacis> You're funny.
  687. [22:06:40] <Oizen> clearly thats justification.
  688. 06[22:06:49] * Oizen slow clap here
  689. [22:06:53] <@Haku-men> Micaiah and Wulfric were chosen at random.
  690. [22:06:57] <Miacis> It was a random person who complained about your homophobic insults against LC.
  691. [22:07:11] <@Haku-men> Oh cool.
  692. [22:07:11] <@LordNoah> right, back to the point
  693. [22:07:18] <@Haku-men> I guess that's payback for me warning him.
  694. [22:07:21] <@LordNoah> LC calls people names far worse here all the time
  695. [22:07:21] <Miacis> Which is ?
  696. [22:07:32] <Miacis> Really ?
  697. [22:07:33] <Oizen> then report it
  698. [22:07:36] <@LordNoah> so please get the fuck out of my irc and stop blowing this out of proportion
  699. [22:07:37] <Oizen> duh
  700. [22:07:41] <@LordNoah> its irc, nobody gives a shit
  701. [22:07:42] <Miacis> Then repo- oh, ninja'd
  702. [22:07:47] <@LordNoah> why the fuck would i do that
  703. [22:07:55] <Oizen> gee I don't know
  704. [22:08:00] <Velen> Cause it would actually DO SOMETHING?
  705. [22:08:07] <@LordNoah> I'm the one in charge here, so if he does shit, i kick him
  706. [22:08:09] <Miacis> Then don't bring it up if you don't care.
  707. [22:08:15] <@LordNoah> i once had to ban him
  708. [22:08:22] <Miacis> Why wasn't Hakumen kicked earlier ?
  709. [22:08:23] <@Haku-men> IRC =/= the forum.
  710. [22:08:25] <@LordNoah> I didn't cry like a bitch however
  711. [22:08:30] <Oizen> IRC linked to the forum
  712. [22:08:32] <@LordNoah> i wasn't here then
  713. [22:08:34] <Oizen> IRC is part of KCMM
  714. [22:08:37] <@LordNoah> really?
  715. [22:08:39] <Miacis> You kidding Me ?
  716. [22:08:44] <@LordNoah> why don't you frequent more often then?
  717. [22:08:47] <Velen> II know LC by now Noah. He doesn't start letting shit fly out of his mouth unless he is provoked.
  718. [22:08:53] <Miacis> [01:00:05] <LordNoaah> LC, are you seriously rubbing your chest with KJP?
  719. [22:08:57] <Miacis> You weren't here ?
  720. [22:08:59] <@LordNoah> thats not me
  721. [22:09:01] <@LordNoah> thats a poser
  722. [22:09:03] <@Haku-men> Nope, he was not.
  723. [22:09:04] <Oizen> oh
  724. [22:09:06] <@LordNoah> look at the IP
  725. [22:09:14] <@LordNoah> my nick is protected
  726. [22:09:21] <Velen> ...
  727. [22:09:21] <Miacis> Ho was it then ?
  728. [22:09:22] <Oizen> well of course it is
  729. [22:09:23] <@LordNoah> thats why there is an extra a
  730. [22:09:28] <@LordNoah> I don't know or care
  731. [22:09:28] <Oizen> he has admin status
  732. [22:09:48] <Miacis> Maybe you should care ?
  733. [22:09:50] <Velen> Something's fishy.
  734. [22:10:01] <@LordNoah> I have chat logs since april of LC calling people names
  735. [22:10:07] <@LordNoah> so if you'd kindly drop this
  736. [22:10:09] <Miacis> I mean, this is "your IRC", and you don't mind still having Hakumen with powers after what he did ?
  737. [22:10:10] <Oizen> then report them?
  738. [22:10:22] <Oizen> this is a two way street, and its still not justification for what haku did.
  739. [22:10:24] <Miacis> Or kick him ?
  740. [22:10:27] <Velen> Haku. Who are the people here who have Admin status besaides you, Noah, and Allen.
  741. [22:10:32] <@Haku-men> I can kick you.
  742. [22:10:34] <Velen> *besides.
  743. [22:10:34] <@LordNoah> HE CALLED HIM A HOMO
  744. [22:10:39] <@Haku-men> ^
  745. [22:10:39] <@LordNoah> BIG FUCKING DEAL
  746. [22:10:45] <Miacis> ...
  747. [22:10:49] <Oizen> dont bring it up if you don't care
  748. [22:10:50] <@Haku-men> You know, Miacis has a thing for LC.
  750. [22:10:58] <@Haku-men> Everytime I insult him, he seems to come here.
  751. [22:11:02] <Miacis> Had. Check your info.
  752. [22:11:25] <Miacis> Noah. Why is Hakumen still with admin status after what he did ?
  753. [22:11:35] <@LordNoah> because it wasn't a big deal?
  754. [22:11:42] <Miacis> Really ?
  755. [22:11:47] <@LordNoah> yeah really
  756. [22:11:56] <Miacis> Re-read that log, and remove your blind fold, please ?
  757. [22:12:06] <@LordNoah> if you make me remove haku's powers, I'll have to permaban LC-DDM
  758. [22:12:11] <@LordNoah> for the shit he says
  759. [22:12:19] <@Haku-men> Cool.
  760. [22:12:22] <Velen> Don't blackmail your way out of this.
  761. [22:12:35] <Oizen> kay, but remove yourself too
  762. [22:12:36] <@LordNoah> its not blackmail, I'm playing by miacis's rules
  763. [22:12:41] <Oizen> idk why your even IRC admin
  764. [22:12:48] <@Haku-men> It's, "you're."
  765. [22:13:01] <@LordNoah> because you useless shits don't take care of your chat room, thats why
  766. [22:13:06] <Velen> Are you really, or are you just playing by what you perceive to be Miacis' rules?
  767. [22:13:11] <Miacis> Remove that comma Hakmen, it's useless
  768. [22:13:13] <Oizen> neither do you apparently
  769. [22:13:16] <@LordNoah> I'll take that as a thank you you ungreatful bastards
  770. [22:13:28] <Oizen> I mean if you just troll and torment him back, what good are you?
  771. [22:13:29] <Miacis> Unrateful ?
  772. [22:13:30] <@LordNoah> you want me to take care of the chat room right now?
  773. [22:13:32] <@Haku-men> Remove it yourself, grimlakin.
  774. [22:13:37] <@Haku-men> Oh fuck.
  775. [22:13:40] <@Haku-men> That's embarassing.
  776. [22:13:48] <Miacis> I don't care
  777. [22:13:52] <@Haku-men> Well I do.
  778. [22:13:58] <@Haku-men> I don't recall asking if you did.
  779. [22:13:59] <Miacis> This chatroom is empty
  780. [22:14:00] <Oizen> please, show me your Superior moderation powers.
  781. [22:14:08] <Miacis> Nobody asked you to take care of it
  782. [22:14:30] <@LordNoah> if there isn't an AOP in here in the span of 4 days the irc goes down
  783. [22:14:38] <Miacis> So if you want to do your thing here, do it But if you can't take the consequences of what happens on this IRC, then get out
  784. [22:14:40] <@LordNoah> so you can thank me and allen for being here for 2 years
  785. [22:14:49] <@LordNoah> don't tell me to get out
  786. [22:14:52] <Oizen> get out
  787. 04[22:15:00] * Oizen was kicked by Haku-men (OK)
  788. [22:15:00] <@LordNoah> I'm done son
  789. 10[22:15:03] * Joins: Oizen (Mibbit@
  790. 01[22:15:03] <kcmmbot> Welcome to #KCMM Oizen . if you need help, type "help"
  791. [22:15:07] <Oizen> cry some moar
  792. [22:15:08] <@Haku-men> I jusr had to.
  793. [22:15:10] <@Haku-men> OK.
  794. [22:15:15] <@Haku-men> I ran out of jars though.
  795. [22:15:18] <@Haku-men> Have anymore?
  796. [22:15:18] <Velen> Noah. If you think personal attacks against someone are not a big deal...Then something is wrong with you.
  797. [22:15:26] <Miacis> Wolfric, you still around ?
  798. [22:15:36] <Oizen> velen, he doesn't care
  799. [22:15:37] <Miacis> What Velen just said
  800. [22:15:37] <@LordNoah> LC calls people names whenever they bring up melee
  801. [22:15:46] <Miacis> Then kickban him
  802. 10[22:15:48] * Joins: Vyse (
  803. 04[22:15:48] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Vyse
  804. [22:15:54] <Miacis> But do the same to Hakumen
  805. [22:15:57] <@LordNoah> you want me to kick ban everyone for swearing?
  806. [22:16:02] <@LordNoah> you're fucking nuts
  807. [22:16:02] <Oizen> and you, the supposed admin are worthless.
  808. [22:16:02] <Miacis> WHo cares Just do your "job
  809. [22:16:15] <@LordNoah> don't fucking insult me
  810. [22:16:19] <Velen> Oizen.
  811. [22:16:23] <Velen> That was uncalled for.
  812. [22:16:26] <Oizen> not really
  813. [22:16:32] <Velen> Yes. It was.
  814. [22:16:38] <Oizen> if he doesn't want to do his job correctly, he's worthless as an IRC admin
  815. [22:16:52] <@LordNoah> welcome to man-baby chat vyse, where when you call someone a homo, the police blow your house up
  816. [22:16:55] <Oizen> both haku and LC should be outted
  817. [22:17:08] <@LordNoah> nope
  818. [22:17:15] <Velen> The same can be said about a plethora of board admins across the net.
  819. [22:17:42] <@LordNoah> yeah well I'm not going to blow this out of proportion like you're all doing
  820. [22:17:50] <@LordNoah> I'm not banning anyone
  821. [22:18:04] <@LordNoah> if you want OP in the irc, try fucking taking care of it
  822. [22:18:17] <@LordNoah> don't bitch to me when someone gets called names
  823. [22:18:30] <Miacis> Noah why do you think flaming is forbidden here ?
  824. [22:18:33] <Oizen> well clearly we cant trust you with the IRC
  825. [22:18:45] <Miacis> Flaming: Directly or indirectly insulting other members.
  826. [22:18:53] <Miacis> Examples: 201cYou idiot201d; 201cAnyone who believes that is a moron201d; 201cJust shut up201d; attacking someone based on race, gender, sexuality, etc
  827. [22:19:01] <@LordNoah> if you cared, you'd be here more often then
  828. [22:19:02] <Miacis> Is it really hard to understand ?
  829. [22:19:13] <@LordNoah> nowhere in the rules does the irc apply
  830. [22:19:21] <Oizen> according to you
  831. [22:19:23] <@LordNoah> and a live chat should have different rules anyways
  832. [22:19:28] <Miacis> LordNoah your job does not recap to bein around the chat once a day
  833. [22:19:29] <Oizen> you, who have nothing to do with KCMM in the slightest
  834. [22:19:30] <@LordNoah> go fucking quote where it says irc
  835. [22:19:39] <@LordNoah> ok, I'll have to do my job now
  836. [22:19:46] <@LordNoah> I'll ban all of you for disturbing the pease
  837. [22:19:48] <@LordNoah> peace
  838. [22:19:49] <Velen> Noah. Personal attacks = Big Deal. Which equals, not blowing it out of proportion. Haku and whoever it was who brought it up in here had no right to do what they did.
  839. [22:19:49] <Miacis> If you can't make the rules of KCMM respected in here, you're only doing a half of the job
  840. [22:19:59] <Oizen> how expected.
  841. [22:20:07] <@LordNoah> the rules suck dick for one
  842. [22:20:16] <@LordNoah> I go by morals
  843. [22:20:22] <@LordNoah> some people lack those I guess
  844. [22:20:28] <Miacis> You ?
  845. [22:20:28] <Oizen> here comes noah with the morale speach
  846. [22:20:30] <Oizen> make way
  847. [22:20:34] <Miacis> XD
  848. [22:20:40] <@LordNoah> oh hilarious
  849. [22:20:45] <Velen> I'd have to agree with Miacis.
  850. [22:20:46] <Miacis> You know morals so much better than we do
  851. [22:20:56] <Velen> Your morals clearly make for twisted rules.
  852. [22:21:12] <Miacis> Well, my morals do not include protecting homophobic talk
  853. [22:21:15] <@LordNoah> twisted rules? you want me to ban haku because he called someone a homo?
  854. [22:21:21] <Miacis> Yup ?
  855. [22:21:26] <@Haku-men> homo
  856. [22:21:27] <Miacis> And rubbed salt in the wound
  857. [22:21:27] <Oizen> well you sugar coat it
  858. [22:21:31] <@LordNoah> you've all called me a fair amount of names here as well, so I'll get to banning all of you
  859. [22:21:36] <Miacis> lines
  860. 04[22:21:36] * LordNoah sets mode: +b *!*@76.232.92.*
  861. 04[22:21:40] * LordNoah sets mode: +b *!*@107.10.200.*
  862. 04[22:21:44] * LordNoah sets mode: +b *!*@*
  863. 04[22:21:48] * LordNoah sets mode: +b *!*@*
  864. [22:21:49] <@Haku-men> What
  865. 04[22:21:53] * LordNoah sets mode: +b *!*@*
  866. [22:21:56] <@Haku-men> Noah, have you gone mad?
  867. [22:22:09] <@LordNoah> get the fuck out my irc you man babies
  868. [22:22:17] <mibbywibby> D:
  869. 04[22:22:56] * LordNoah sets mode: -bbbb *!*@* *!*@* *!*@* *!*@107.10.200.*
  870. 04[22:22:56] * LordNoah sets mode: -b *!*@76.232.92.*
  871. [22:23:01] <@LordNoah> was that fair?
  872. [22:23:02] <@Vyse> What in the world is wrong with all of you
  873. 04[22:23:14] * Vyse sets mode: +m
  874. [22:23:18] <@Vyse> Everyone shut the hell up
  875. [22:23:37] <@Vyse> OK
  876. [22:23:40] <@Vyse> Stop being babies
  877. 04[22:23:50] * Vyse sets mode: -m
  878. [22:23:51] <@LordNoah> >.>
  879. [22:24:15] <Miacis> Can I at least ask that a sanction is taken against blatant rule-breaking ?
  880. [22:24:17] <@LordNoah> so listen guys, I'm not banning anyone
  881. [22:24:24] <Oizen> kay
  882. [22:24:26] <Miacis> Or is it too much to ask ?
  883. [22:24:34] <@LordNoah> you can go ahead and remove the irc icon from the header now
  884. [22:24:40] <@LordNoah> I'm not taking any actions
  885. [22:24:50] <Miacis> Vyse ?
  886. [22:24:57] <@Vyse> What
  887. [22:25:05] <Miacis> What are we doing ?
  888. [22:25:38] <@Vyse> not being babies
  889. [22:25:44] <@Vyse> I dunno I'm kinda distracted
  890. [22:25:46] <Miacis> Need admin opinions on that one If possible on what we should do
  891. [22:25:51] <Miacis> Ah
  892. [22:26:02] <@LordNoah> stop being babies? impossible!
  893. [22:26:04] <@Vyse> Lot going on over here
  894. [22:26:14] <Miacis> "Not being babies" isn't very clear to me ?
  895. [22:26:21] <@LordNoah> so if you guys could wait patiently until vyse can respond
  896. [22:26:32] <@LordNoah> and not muck up the irc with your constant bickering
  897. [22:26:35] <@LordNoah> that'd be nice
  898. [22:26:38] <Oizen> you sound impatient noah.
  899. 06[22:26:41] * Miacis waits patiently until Vyse can respond.
  900. 06[22:26:50] * @Haku-men is getting bored.
  901. [22:26:56] <Oizen> oh, I forgot that there was conversations that WEREN'T like this in here
  902. [22:27:28] <@Vyse> OK.
  903. [22:27:30] <@Vyse> OK.
  904. [22:27:35] <@Vyse> What is going on.
  905. [22:27:38] <Miacis> Okay ?
  906. [22:27:38] <@Vyse> Noah first.
  907. [22:27:49] <@LordNoah> well, I'll have to give you a chat log
  908. [22:27:58] <@LordNoah> but to sum it up
  909. [22:28:10] <@LordNoah> haku called LC-DDM a homo and made some other comments
  910. [22:28:14] <@LordNoah> LC swore back
  911. [22:28:31] <@LordNoah> I'm not here at this time, I read it in the bot log
  912. [22:28:39] <@LordNoah> I come in and find miacis and velen
  913. [22:28:46] <Miacis> (I kinda gave the chatlog already in the Admin section, if I may.)
  914. [22:29:00] <@LordNoah> they're demanding that I ban haku or remove his irc powers
  915. [22:29:14] <@LordNoah> and making some threats to remove the irc entirely
  916. [22:29:20] <Miacis> Or at least do something. >_>
  917. [22:29:32] <@LordNoah> and then everyone bitched for about 30 minutes, then you showed up
  918. [22:29:57] <@Vyse> And you all shut up and basked in my radiance
  919. [22:29:59] <@Vyse> OK
  920. [22:30:02] <@Vyse> Haku-men's turn
  921. [22:30:03] <@LordNoah> correct
  922. [22:30:04] <Miacis> .-.
  923. 06[22:30:11] * @Haku-men passes.
  924. [22:30:55] <Miacis> ... ?
  925. [22:31:13] <@LordNoah> haku doesn't want to say anything?
  926. 10[22:31:15] * Joins: KCMMGuest (
  927. 01[22:31:15] <kcmmbot> Welcome to #KCMM KCMMGuest . if you need help, type "help"
  928. [22:31:17] <Oizen> I think it should be kcmmbot's turn
  929. 01[22:31:32] <kcmmbot> you're all fucking man babies
  930. [22:31:32] <mibbywibby> :D
  931. [22:31:44] <Oizen> hey
  932. [22:31:48] <Oizen> dont forget hakumen
  933. [22:31:52] <Miacis> I think we could ask Wolfric too ... if he's still around.
  934. [22:31:55] <Oizen> who is apparently a girl
  935. [22:32:29] <Miacis> If not, well ... my turn ?
  936. [22:32:41] <Oizen> GOD YOUR SO IMPAITENT
  937. [22:32:44] <@Vyse> k sure
  938. [22:32:48] <Oizen> wait for the Great Vyse to speak.
  939. [22:32:55] <@LordNoah> spoken, go
  940. [22:33:14] <Miacis> K. I got a PM from KJP mentionning something that happenned in the IRC Chat.
  941. [22:33:59] <Miacis> "Someone" ho was around in a public chatroom where some not-so-discreet roleplay was had, gave the MSN log to Hakumen, apparently.
  942. [22:34:35] <Miacis> Hakumen was on this chat and used that MSN log to give some homophobic talk against LC.
  943. [22:35:09] <Miacis> (And in the mean time, to KJP, I guess. Since he was participating in that roleplay, along with Velen.)
  944. [22:35:30] <Miacis> LC indeed replied one insulting line against Hakumen.
  945. [22:35:46] <LC-DDM> This is true, I did.
  946. [22:36:23] <@Vyse> OK
  947. [22:36:25] <Miacis> A WHOAS that I could rpovide you also shows that Wolfric (under the username Lornoaaah) participated in that personnal attack.
  948. [22:36:28] <@Vyse> So how did that become all this
  949. [22:36:37] <Miacis> So I came here to ask something to be done.
  950. [22:36:46] <@LordNoah> they want haku sanctioned
  951. [22:36:52] <Miacis> This.
  952. 10[22:37:04] * Joins: KCMMGuest713 (~KCMMGuest@
  953. 01[22:37:04] <kcmmbot> Welcome to #KCMM KCMMGuest713 . if you need help, type "help"
  954. [22:37:18] <Miacis> Last time I checked, this kinda flaming is rather severe, and should get sanctionned somehow.
  955. [22:37:24] <@LordNoah> I don't see a problem
  956. [22:37:29] <@LordNoah> LC flames all the time in here
  957. [22:37:38] <Miacis> Then blame both.
  958. [22:37:41] <@LordNoah> I deal with it when I need to
  959. [22:37:49] <Miacis> Doesn't make Hakumen's fault any lower.
  960. [22:37:52] <@Vyse> The thing is that I had no idea people even cared about the IRC
  961. [22:38:00] <Miacis> Neither do I.
  962. [22:38:09] <@LordNoah> oh but everyone jumps at a chance to get haku in trouble
  963. [22:38:16] <@LordNoah> so thats what this is about
  964. [22:38:18] <Miacis> That is actually a rather punctual big event, it seems.
  965. [22:38:34] <@Vyse> I think it's only big because we're making it big
  966. [22:38:45] <Miacis> LordNoah, he got himself into this mess. Nobody forced him to act like that.
  967. [22:38:47] <@Vyse> Also "punctual" isn't the right word; not sure what you were going for
  968. [22:38:50] <@Vyse> Usually I can tell
  969. [22:39:03] <@LordNoah> glad thats settled
  970. 02[22:39:10] * Quits: Miacis ( (Quit: PJIRC forever!)
  971. 10[22:39:18] * Joins: KCMMGuest999 (
  972. 01[22:39:18] <kcmmbot> Welcome to #KCMM KCMMGuest999 . if you need help, type "help"
  973. [22:39:23] <Oizen> wat are you talkin about
  974. [22:39:25] <KCMMGuest999> I meant "localized"
  975. 03[22:39:29] * KCMMGuest999 is now known as Miacis
  976. [22:39:30] <@Vyse> Oh
  977. [22:39:44] <Miacis> (Frenglish :P)
  978. [22:40:08] <Miacis> So yeah, I'm really just here to ask something to be done. Big or not.
  979. [22:40:09] <@Vyse> Yeah, like I said, I can usually tell what you meant
  980. [22:40:12] <@Vyse> OK
  981. [22:40:22] <@Vyse> Well
  982. [22:40:33] <@Vyse> Noah is owner of the IRC, iirc
  983. [22:40:38] <@LordNoah> nope
  984. [22:40:40] <@LordNoah> allenmelon
  985. [22:40:42] <@Vyse> Oh
  986. [22:40:50] <@LordNoah> I'm next in line
  987. [22:41:04] <@Vyse> Successor
  988. [22:41:06] <@Vyse> OK
  989. [22:41:08] <Miacis> Yup
  990. [22:41:09] <@LordNoah> yup
  991. [22:41:23] <@Vyse> Anyway
  992. [22:41:26] <Miacis> *drums rolls*
  993. [22:41:33] <@Vyse> So if Shadow's gonna get demoted or whatever, that falls on allen
  994. [22:41:37] <@Vyse> Since he's the only one with that powr
  995. [22:41:39] <@Vyse> *power
  996. [22:42:00] <Miacis> Wait, Noah really can't ? .-.
  997. [22:42:04] <@LordNoah> lolno
  998. [22:42:14] <@LordNoah> I haku has the same access as me except I'm successor
  999. [22:42:24] <@LordNoah> we can't demote eachother
  1000. [22:42:29] <Miacis> WThen why did you ... ? And why were you ... ? Gah, now I'm confused. x_x
  1001. [22:42:47] <@LordNoah> why did I say I wasn't going to demote haku? because I can't
  1002. [22:42:49] <@LordNoah> I wouldn't if i could
  1003. [22:42:52] <@LordNoah> I see no reason
  1004. [22:42:54] <Miacis> Anyways, moving on ... so Haku should get demoted, or what ?
  1005. [22:43:21] <@LordNoah> you'll have to wait for allenmelon
  1006. [22:43:28] <Miacis> ...
  1007. [22:43:35] <@Haku-men> I heard he's AFK.
  1008. [22:43:40] <@LordNoah> lol
  1009. [22:43:41] <@Haku-men> For hours and hours.
  1010. [22:43:45] <@Haku-men> Oh well.
  1011. [22:43:51] <@LordNoah> yeah, but he keeps the irc alive
  1012. [22:44:03] <@LordNoah> anyways, if haku does get sanctioned
  1013. [22:44:23] <@LordNoah> I'll have to sanction most of you for all of the above text^
  1014. [22:44:37] <@LordNoah> because now that calling names is punishable
  1015. [22:44:40] <@LordNoah> you're all offenders
  1016. [22:44:42] <Miacis> I was insulting to what ?
  1017. [22:45:07] <@LordNoah> I don't remember, but you called haku names, and thats a no-no
  1018. [22:45:15] <Miacis> Heck, if you wanna go for a ridiculous baby martial law, kick yourself out.
  1019. [22:45:16] <@LordNoah> apparently
  1020. [22:45:25] <@LordNoah> don't be hypocritical now
  1021. [22:45:31] <Oizen> ^lol
  1022. [22:45:36] <Miacis> There, you just did. =D
  1023. [22:45:58] <@LordNoah> so now you're proving my point
  1024. [22:46:09] <@LordNoah> name calling isn't something that should go punished
  1025. [22:46:14] <@LordNoah> so I'll leave it alone
  1026. [22:46:16] <Miacis> Now that the funny idea is put aside ...
  1027. [22:46:31] <Miacis> Homophobic talk and name calling = different.
  1028. [22:46:44] <@LordNoah> not really
  1029. [22:46:57] <Miacis> Same goes for religion insults, racial insults, etc ...
  1030. 02[22:47:04] * Quits: KCMMGuest713 (~KCMMGuest@ (Quit: PJIRC forever!)
  1031. [22:47:10] <Oizen> and apparently being 12 years old
  1032. [22:47:11] <Miacis> Don't like it ? Deal with it ? That's how our society goes.
  1033. 02[22:47:22] * Quits: gamakichi (Mibbit@ (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  1034. [22:47:37] <@Haku-men> Cool.
  1035. [22:47:42] <@LordNoah> well guess what: I'm not going to do anything, allenmelon won't do anything
  1036. [22:48:01] <Miacis> Then I can come and shit on any user I don't like here ?
  1037. [22:48:17] <Miacis> Sweet. This is an IRC for flaming.
  1038. 10[22:48:25] * Joins: LordN0ah_ (
  1039. 01[22:48:25] <kcmmbot> Welcome to #KCMM LordN0ah_ . if you need help, type "help"
  1040. [22:48:27] <LordN0ah_> but if I'm here I'll verbally warn you, kick you if need be.
  1041. [22:48:30] <Miacis> Like a big whole like that in our boards is great.
  1042. [22:48:37] <Oizen> oooo
  1043. [22:48:41] <Oizen> so I can flame here?
  1044. [22:48:49] <Miacis> So I'll wait until our away and I'm fine ?
  1045. [22:48:53] <Miacis> Like Hakumen ?
  1046. [22:48:57] <Miacis> *you're
  1047. [22:49:04] <Oizen> This is so exciting!
  1048. [22:49:09] <LordN0ah_> be my guest insulting the bot
  1049. [22:49:16] <LordN0ah_> thats the only one who will be here
  1050. [22:49:22] <LordN0ah_> the bot allen and LC
  1051. [22:49:43] <Miacis> Who said we needed to insult people who were around ?
  1052. [22:50:01] <LordN0ah_> fair enough miacis, I'll stay in the irc constantly
  1053. [22:50:08] <Miacis> God.
  1054. [22:50:10] <Miacis> *Good
  1055. [22:50:17] <LordN0ah_> to protect users from words such as homo
  1056. [22:50:18] <Miacis> And make sure to sanction trespassers.
  1057. [22:50:30] <Miacis> Becase so far, you haven't really done a great job at it.
  1058. [22:50:38] <LordN0ah_> you really wouldn't know
  1059. [22:50:41] <LordN0ah_> you're never here
  1060. [22:50:42] <Miacis> And you should really re-read that IRC.
  1061. [22:50:55] <LordN0ah_> i already told you
  1062. [22:50:58] <Miacis> Oh, cut the self-righteousness crap.
  1063. [22:50:59] <LordN0ah_> its not worth my time
  1064. [22:51:12] <Miacis> You being around here does not make you a good IRC Admin.
  1065. 02[22:51:22] * Quits: @LordNoah ( (Ping timeout: 192 seconds)
  1066. [22:51:28] <LordN0ah_> I never claimed I was
  1067. 03[22:51:33] * LordN0ah_ is now known as LordNoah
  1068. 04[22:51:42] * ChanServ sets mode: +o LordNoah
  1069. [22:51:51] <@LordNoah> but until now I've had no complaints
  1070. [22:51:53] <Miacis> You definitely act like one.
  1071. [22:52:01] <@LordNoah> aside from LC's constant bitching
  1072. [22:52:07] <@LordNoah> which I've grown to ignore
  1073. [22:52:14] <@allenmelon> SO MANY PEOPLE!
  1074. [22:52:17] <Oizen> well he does bitch about it constantly on the forums
  1075. [22:52:29] <Miacis> allenmelon, we were kinda expecting you.
  1076. [22:52:32] <@LordNoah> oh hey allen
  1077. [22:52:50] <@Haku-men> ohi
  1078. [22:52:50] <Miacis> Allen, question : are homophobic talks allowed here ?
  1079. [22:52:51] <Velen> Oizen.
  1080. [22:52:55] <Velen> Why are you here?
  1081. 04[22:52:58] * LordNoah sets mode: +m
  1082. [22:53:04] <@allenmelon> Miacis: As long as the irc stays more active :D
  1083. [22:53:11] <@LordNoah> these folk want you to remove haku from AOP
  1084. [22:53:15] <@LordNoah> for calling someone a homo
  1085. [22:53:30] <@LordNoah> that person is LC-DDM
  1086. [22:53:44] <@LordNoah> who often flings insults around, if you've ever been there when he does
  1087. [22:53:55] <@LordNoah> so the decision is up to you apparently
  1088. [22:54:05] <@LordNoah> thanks for letting me talk everyone ;)
  1089. 04[22:54:08] * LordNoah sets mode: -m
  1090. [22:54:12] <@allenmelon> LOL
  1091. [22:54:14] <Oizen> lol
  1092. [22:54:17] <Oizen> he sugar coats it
  1093. 04[22:54:24] * LordNoah sets mode: +m
  1094. [22:54:27] <@Vyse> oh goddammit I stop paying attention
  1095. [22:54:29] <@Vyse> Oh hey
  1096. [22:54:31] <@Vyse> Thanks for that
  1097. [22:54:35] <@Vyse> Saved me some time
  1098. [22:54:37] <@LordNoah> np
  1099. [22:54:45] <@LordNoah> allen, do you want a chat log?
  1100. [22:54:49] <@allenmelon> i hab one
  1101. [22:54:52] <@LordNoah> ogood
  1102. [22:54:56] <@LordNoah> don't bother reading it
  1103. [22:55:00] <@LordNoah> too long
  1104. [22:55:00] <@allenmelon> lol its sooo long
  1105. [22:55:24] <@Vyse> So how about we
  1106. [22:55:26] <@Vyse> stop
  1107. [22:55:28] <@Vyse> insulting people
  1108. [22:55:30] <@Vyse> And
  1109. [22:55:31] <@Vyse> Stop
  1110. [22:55:35] <@Vyse> Taking everything so seriously
  1111. [22:55:42] <@Haku-men> KittyLeaks.
  1112. [22:55:46] <@Vyse> What about it
  1113. [22:56:01] <@Haku-men> It's like catception.
  1114. [22:56:05] <@Vyse> sigh
  1115. [22:56:10] <@allenmelon> lol
  1116. [22:56:13] <@LordNoah> vyse's suggestion is pretty good
  1117. [22:56:19] <@LordNoah> can we all agree on that?
  1118. [22:56:22] <@allenmelon> I notice its still moderated hahah
  1119. [22:56:29] <@LordNoah> Us OPs of course ;)
  1120. [22:56:32] <@Vyse> Yeah I couldn't deal with all that
  1121. [22:56:44] <@Vyse> OK
  1122. [22:56:45] <@allenmelon> but im just so surprised at how many people there are here
  1123. [22:56:49] <@Vyse> So
  1124. 04[22:56:55] * Vyse sets mode: -m
  1125. [22:56:56] <LC-DDM> Noah, I'm sorry I've given you heads ups on Haku's people banning-invite blocking. :D
  1126. [22:57:10] <Miacis> That.
  1127. [22:57:15] <@LordNoah> yeah, I'm sorry oizen banned vish for a day too
  1128. [22:57:15] <Miacis> Also ...
  1129. [22:57:23] <@LordNoah> jokes are allowed though, remember
  1130. [22:57:34] <@LordNoah> unless you're about to sanction oizen
  1131. [22:57:45] <Miacis> You really only care about Oizne.
  1132. [22:57:52] <@LordNoah> plz don't give me this double standard shit
  1133. [22:58:00] <Oizen> 2 second ban with no triggers ftw?
  1134. [22:58:00] <Miacis> Everything you and Hakumen do end up with either Family or Oizen.
  1135. [22:58:10] <Oizen> I feel loved <3
  1136. [22:58:21] <@LordNoah> yeah, my whole goal here is to destroy the family and oizen
  1137. [22:58:28] <Miacis> Now, allenmelon, you still here ?
  1138. [22:58:44] <Oizen> don't you have anything better to do though?
  1139. [22:58:44] <@LordNoah> not to get you all out of my hair in this irc
  1140. [22:58:55] <Oizen> I mean, the family is sh*tastic, not really worth an IRC admin of your standards time.
  1141. [22:58:56] <Oizen> :c
  1142. [22:59:24] <@LordNoah> oh plz, I gave my examples of why I don't think oizen should be in power, you guys didn't agree, I dropped it
  1143. [22:59:37] <@LordNoah> I don't intend to bring it up again
  1144. [22:59:45] <Oizen> *scrolls up and lols*
  1145. [23:01:05] <@LordNoah> LC-DDM
  1146. [23:01:14] <@LordNoah> melee will always be better than brawl
  1147. [23:01:25] <LC-DDM> Good for you.
  1148. [23:01:38] <@Haku-men> Melee will always be better than Brawl.
  1149. [23:01:48] <@allenmelon> i luv brawl...
  1150. [23:01:50] <LC-DDM> Good for you.
  1151. [23:01:53] <@LordNoah> not your usual responce LC
  1152. [23:02:16] <@LordNoah> do you want me to go get one of your usual resonces? where you blow up at guests and scare them away?
  1153. [23:02:18] <@Haku-men> That's not LC-DDM.
  1154. [23:02:26] <LC-DDM> Oh I'm sorry you want me to actually flip out like usual. Sorry, I don't respond to forced flips.
  1155. [23:02:35] <@Haku-men> Yeah you do.
  1156. [23:02:36] <Velen> That's LC alright.
  1157. [23:02:43] <Oizen> !!!!
  1158. [23:02:45] <Oizen> I just realized
  1159. [23:02:50] <Oizen> something amazing!!
  1160. [23:02:53] <Oizen> o;
  1161. [23:02:54] <@Haku-men> k
  1162. [23:03:04] <Oizen> I don't care about the IRC ._.
  1163. [23:03:06] <LC-DDM> But I can tell you where you can go.
  1164. [23:03:07] <Oizen> have fun guys
  1165. [23:03:10] <@allenmelon> Bai
  1166. 02[23:03:10] * Quits: Oizen (Mibbit@ (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  1167. [23:03:19] <@Haku-men> Sweet.
  1168. [23:03:25] <@LordNoah> shaddup haku
  1169. [23:03:28] <LC-DDM> Melee tourneys.
  1170. [23:03:29] <LC-DDM> :D
  1171. [23:03:35] <@Haku-men> I dun wanna
  1172. [23:03:42] <LC-DDM> okay :<
  1173. [23:04:07] <@LordNoah> LC, can you define fag for me?
  1174. [23:04:14] <@LordNoah> you use it quite often in these chat logs
  1175. 10[23:04:14] * Joins: KCMMGuest143 (
  1176. 01[23:04:14] <kcmmbot> Welcome to #KCMM KCMMGuest143 . if you need help, type "help"
  1177. [23:04:15] <@Haku-men> How about queer?
  1178. 04[23:04:23] * LordNoah sets mode: -o Haku-men
  1179. 04[23:04:24] * LordNoah sets mode: +m
  1180. 03[23:04:29] * KCMMGuest143 is now known as SiLLy95
  1181. [23:04:34] <@LordNoah> 21:24:27] <LC-DDM> Tourneyfags don't know how to move on and play with a fucking different controller.
  1182. [23:04:34] <@LordNoah> [21:24:41] <LC-DDM> I wish the GC slots never existed.
  1183. [23:04:53] <@LordNoah> [21:45:16] <LC-DDM> And besides, all tourneyfag tourneys are with 2P only.
  1184. [23:05:04] <@LordNoah> [22:48:43] <LC-DDM> Smash 4 and Smash 4 Tourneyfag edition.
  1185. [23:05:08] <@LordNoah> you use it quite a lot
  1186. [23:05:18] <@LordNoah> yet its a big deal when the word homo comes up?
  1187. [23:05:38] <@LordNoah> its clear to me that you're just trying to get haku reprimanded
  1188. [23:05:51] <@LordNoah> try a little harder next time though
  1189. [23:06:01] <@LordNoah> I have nothing more to say, and nothing is about to change
  1190. 04[23:06:04] * LordNoah sets mode: -m
  1191. [23:06:11] <LC-DDM> Well, not really, but if that's what you'd like to believe, sure.
  1192. 04[23:06:14] * LordNoah sets mode: +o kcmmbot
  1193. [23:06:21] <Haku-men> You removed my OP.
  1194. [23:06:23] <Haku-men> Fucker.
  1195. [23:06:30] <@LordNoah> rejoin
  1196. [23:06:45] <Haku-men> Damn you.
  1197. [23:06:46] <LC-DDM> Though I'll have to say that those are my lines, yes, I didn't target just ONE person and called THAT person gay, really.
  1198. 03[23:06:55] * Parts: Haku-men (
  1199. 10[23:07:02] * Joins: Haku-men (
  1200. 04[23:07:02] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Haku-men
  1201. [23:07:11] <@Haku-men> Ah, that's better
  1202. [23:07:16] <SiLLy95> Lol.
  1203. [23:07:27] <@allenmelon> Ooh, someones using colors!
  1204. [23:07:30] <LC-DDM> If you want me to start using tourneytards instead so you don't get equally heartbroken, I'll be glad to.
  1205. 02[23:07:46] * Quits: SiLLy95 ( (Client Quit)
  1206. 10[23:07:53] * Joins: KCMMGuest640 (
  1207. 01[23:07:53] <@kcmmbot> Welcome to #KCMM KCMMGuest640 . if you need help, type "help"
  1208. 03[23:07:58] * KCMMGuest640 is now known as SiLLy
  1209. [23:08:15] <SiLLy> Sooo.
  1210. [23:08:48] <@LordNoah> you wanna hax your brawlz?
  1211. [23:08:50] <@Haku-men> Stuff.
  1212. [23:09:03] <@LordNoah> well sit on down and I'll tell you how, nobody else here will give you the time of day
  1213. 03[23:09:11] * LordNoah is now known as LordN0ah
  1214. [23:09:13] <@LordN0ah> help
  1215. 01[23:09:13] <@kcmmbot> what do you need help with LordN0ah ? Type the number you need assistance with: 001- Getting started. 002- Brawlvault. 003- PSA. 004- Animations. 005- Stages. 006- Vertexing. 007- Dolphin Emulator. 008- CSS/SSS 000- Shit about me. 010- FILEPATHS/NAMING
  1216. [23:09:22] <@LordN0ah> oh sheesh yall, isn't that impressive?
  1217. [23:09:26] <@LordN0ah> kcmmbot!
  1218. 01[23:09:26] <@kcmmbot> LordN0ah: Get away from me!
  1219. [23:09:33] <@LordN0ah> :O kcmmbot!
  1220. 01[23:09:33] <@kcmmbot> LordN0ah: lol k
  1221. [23:09:46] <@LordN0ah> kcmmbot, what is PM?
  1222. 01[23:09:46] <@kcmmbot> PM is she
  1223. [23:09:52] <@LordN0ah> you always forget damnit
  1224. [23:09:55] <@Haku-men> kcmmbot
  1225. [23:09:56] <@Haku-men> hi
  1226. [23:10:00] <@LordN0ah> kcmmbot, what is P:M?
  1227. 01[23:10:00] <@kcmmbot> P:M doesn't exist!
  1228. [23:10:06] <@Haku-men> !kcmmbot
  1229. 01[23:10:06] <@kcmmbot> Haku-men: Can I help you?
  1230. [23:10:10] <@Haku-men> Yeah.
  1231. [23:10:18] <@Haku-men> I'd like some victory pizza please.
  1232. [23:10:27] <@allenmelon> Afk, dinner
  1233. [23:10:41] <LC-DDM> dat timing
  1234. [23:10:42] <@LordN0ah> so I guess we're done here
  1235. [23:10:49] <@LordN0ah> you can leave whenever
  1236. [23:10:56] <@LordN0ah> thanks for coming to my butthurt party
  1237. [23:11:04] <@Haku-men> I need to do this again often.
  1238. [23:11:05] <LC-DDM> But I no get teh party hat
  1239. [23:11:05] <LC-DDM> D:
  1240. [23:11:09] <@LordN0ah> feel free to crash my party again
  1241. [23:11:47] <KCMMGuest> Thanks for the show
  1242. 02[23:11:51] * Quits: KCMMGuest ( (Quit: PJIRC forever!)
  1243. [23:12:13] <@Haku-men> Fuck, if only I could still trace IPs.
  1244. [23:12:15] <@Haku-men> Oh well
  1245. [23:12:23] <@LordN0ah> I have them all logged
  1246. [23:12:31] <@Haku-men> Sweet.
  1247. [23:12:41] <@LordN0ah> I'd give them to ya, but I don't really care as I'll be posting this entire chat anways
  1248. [23:12:44] <@LordN0ah> anyways
  1249. [23:12:50] <@Haku-men> Gotcha.
  1250. [23:13:30] <Miacis> Still having fun with being the tabloidist of the boards, Noah ?
  1251. [23:13:43] <Miacis> You two really have no shame ...
  1252. [23:13:46] <@LordN0ah> absulodefinately
  1253. 02[23:13:47] * Quits: Miacis ( (Quit: PJIRC forever!)
  1254. [23:13:53] <@LordN0ah> you give me so much material
  1255. 03[23:14:09] * LordN0ah is now known as LordNoShame
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