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May 31st, 2017
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  1. program new;
  2. {$i srl\srl.scar}
  3. var
  4. Form : TFORM;
  5. labels : array [0..1] of array of TLabel;
  6. edits : array [0..1] of array of TEdit;
  7. combos : Array of TCOMBOBOX;
  8. buttons : Array [0..3] of TButton;
  9. v : Tvariantarray;
  10. c : integer;
  12. const
  13. column_one = 0;
  14. column_two = 1;
  16. procedure ButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
  17. begin
  18. end;
  20. procedure paint(Sender: TObject);
  21. begin
  22. c := LoadBitmap(ScriptPath + 'background.bmp')
  23. DrawBitmap(c, form.CANVAS, 0, 0);
  24. freebitmap(c);
  25. end;
  27. procedure init;
  28. var
  29. i, ii, iii : integer;
  30. labelcaptions : array [0..1] of array of String;
  31. combotexts : array[0..1] of array of String;
  32. buttontexts : array of String;
  33. begin
  34. labelcaptions[column_one] :=
  35. ['Username:', 'Password:', 'Nick:', 'Pin:'];
  36. labelcaptions[column_two] :=
  37. ['Loads:', 'Server:', 'Signed:', 'Action:'];
  38. combotexts[0] := ['True', 'False'];
  39. combotexts[1] := ['[Lumby] Spin Flax', '[LLetya] Pick Flax', '[Cammy] Pick Flax', '[Cammy] Spin Flax', '[Cammy] Both'];
  40. buttontexts := ['Save', 'Load', 'Start', 'Stop'];
  41. Form := CreateForm;
  42. with Form do
  43. begin
  44. Caption := 'Awkward Epic Flaxer';
  45. SetBounds(100, 100, 360, 200);
  46. BorderStyle := BSToolWindow;
  47. ONpaint:= @paint;
  50. end;
  51. setarraylength(labels[column_one], 5);
  52. for i := 1 to 4 do
  53. begin
  54. labels[column_one][i] := TLabel.Create(Form);
  55. with labels[column_one][i] do
  56. begin
  57. Parent := Form;
  58. caption := labelcaptions[column_one][i - 1];
  59. left := 10;
  60. top := i * 28;
  61. end;
  62. end;
  64. setarraylength(labels[column_two], 5);
  65. for i := 1 to 4 do
  66. begin
  67. labels[column_two][i] := TLabel.Create(Form);
  68. with labels[column_two][i] do
  69. begin
  70. Parent := Form;
  71. caption := labelcaptions[column_two][i - 1];
  72. left := 200;
  73. top := i * 28;
  74. end;
  75. end;
  77. setarraylength(edits[column_one], 5);
  78. for i := 1 to 4 do
  79. begin
  80. edits[column_one][i] := Tedit.Create(Form);
  81. with edits[column_one][i] do
  82. begin
  83. Parent := Form;
  84. Height := 30;
  85. Width := 110;
  86. left := 75;
  87. top := i * 28;
  88. end;
  89. end;
  91. setarraylength(edits[column_two], 3);
  92. for i := 1 to 2 do
  93. begin
  94. edits[column_two][i] := Tedit.Create(Form);
  95. with edits[column_two][i] do
  96. begin
  97. Parent := Form;
  98. Height := 30;
  99. Width := 110;
  100. left := 250;
  101. top := i * 28;
  102. end;
  103. end;
  105. setarraylength(combos, 3);
  106. for i := 1 to 2 do
  107. begin
  108. combos[i] := Tcombobox.Create(Form);
  109. with combos[i] do
  110. begin
  111. Parent := Form;
  112. Height := 30;
  113. Width := 110;
  114. left := 250;
  115. top := 56 + i * 28;
  116. if i = 1 then iii := 1 else iii := 4;
  117. for II := 0 to iii do
  118. Items.Add(ComboTexts[i - 1][ii]);
  119. end;
  120. end;
  122. for I := 0 to 3 do
  123. begin
  124. Buttons[I] := TButton.Create(Form);
  125. with Buttons[I] do
  126. begin
  127. Parent := Form;
  128. height := 40;
  129. width := 90;
  130. left := i * 90;
  131. top := 142;
  132. Caption := buttontexts[i];
  133. OnClick := @ButtonClick;
  134. end;
  135. end;
  136. form.ShowModal;
  137. form.Free;
  138. end;
  139. begin
  140. ThreadSafeCall('init',v);
  141. end.
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