
Yui Tsuruno Costume Story - New Year's Kimono ENG

Dec 19th, 2020 (edited)
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  1. I'll put a JSON friendly copy-paste at the bottom.
  3. menu text: んじゃわたし、外に出てるからねー!
  4. well then, I'm gonna go outsideー!
  6. 鶴乃: ちょっと時期が早いかな?ってお父さんとも話してたけど
  7. Tsuruno: "Isn't it too early in the season for this?" is what I told my dad, but
  8. 鶴乃: そんなにお客さんも来ないしちょっとずつ大掃除を進めることになった
  9. Tsuruno: since there weren't many customers,we started cleaning things little by little.
  10. 鶴乃: …でも、お店が暇すぎて結局わたしたちは本格的に大掃除に取り掛かった
  11. Tsuruno: …But, we had too much free time,and we eventually went all out with the spring cleaning.
  12. 鶴乃: はー、さむっ!
  13. Tsuruno: Haー, so cold!
  14. 鶴乃: 普通に掃き掃除してるだけじゃ全然体があったまらないよ…
  15. Tsuruno: Even though I'm sweeping and cleaning like usual,my body just isn't warming up at all…
  16. 鶴乃: …はっ!そうだよ…これなら!
  17. Tsuruno: …Huah!I know…this should do it!
  18. 鶴乃: 由比家に伝わる…秘技!
  19. Tsuruno: Passed down through generations of the Yui family…Our secret techniques!
  20. 鶴乃: 右箒左塵取周囲塵零運動!!(ハイスピード・クリーンナップ)
  21. Tsuruno: Right: broom. Left: dustpan.Surroundings: Zero Dust Movement!!(High-Speed Cleanup!)
  22. 鶴乃: ササッ!ササササッ!ササササササーッ!
  23. Tsuruno: Sasa! Sasasasa!SASASASASASAー!
  24. 鶴乃: へいオッケー!
  25. Tsuruno: The fence is okayー!
  26. 鶴乃: お次は…看板だー!
  27. Tsuruno: Next up…is the signboardー!
  28. 鶴乃: ピッカピカにしてあげるからね!
  29. Tsuruno: I'll clean it til it shines!
  30. 鶴乃: 両手雑巾磨上是ッ!!(デュアル・ポリッシュアーップ)
  31. Tsuruno: Two-handed dustcloth polish!!(Dual・Polish Up!)
  32. 鶴乃: とりゃとりゃとりゃーっ!
  33. Tsuruno: Take this! and that! and thisー!
  34. 鶴乃の父: お、おーい鶴乃!ちょっと来てくれ!
  35. Tsuruno's Dad: O-Oi, Tsuruno!C'mere for a sec!
  36. 鶴乃: おわっ!?
  37. Tsuruno: Wha!?
  38. 鶴乃: お、お父さん…?どうしたの!?
  39. Tsuruno: D-Dad…?What's wrong!?
  40. 鶴乃: えっと、これは…?
  41. Tsuruno: Um, this is…?
  42. 鶴乃の父: 着物だよ!
  43. Tsuruno's Dad: It's a kimono!
  44. 鶴乃の父: はぁ~、懐かしいなぁ…
  45. Tsuruno's Dad: Haa~, how nostalgic…
  46. 鶴乃: ほわぁー…うちに着物なんてあったんだね!
  47. Tsuruno: Woahー…We had a kimono at home!
  48. 鶴乃の父: …あ、そうか…鶴乃は知らないよな…
  49. Tsuruno's Dad: …Ah, I see…Tsuruno couldn't have known…
  50. 鶴乃の父: …この着物は、父さんのばあちゃん…
  51. Tsuruno's Dad: …this kimono belonged to my Granny…
  52. 鶴乃の父: 鶴乃のひいおばあちゃんが着ていた着物だよ
  53. Tsuruno's Dad: It's the kimono that Tsuruno'sgreat-Granny used to wear.
  54. 鶴乃: ひいおばあちゃん!?
  55. Tsuruno: Great-Granny!?
  56. 鶴乃: すごい!由比家に伝わる秘宝だ!ふんふん!
  57. Tsuruno: That's amazing! A hidden treasure handed down within the Yui family! Yup, yup!
  58. 鶴乃の父: はは、秘宝なんて物じゃないが…
  59. Tsuruno's Dad: Haha, it's not really a hidden treasure…
  60. 鶴乃の父: 懐かしいな…
  61. Tsuruno's Dad: It really is nostalgic…
  62. 鶴乃の父: もう売られちまったかと思ったがまだ家にあったなんて…
  63. Tsuruno's Dad: I thought it'd already been sold,but it had been in this house the whole time…
  64. 鶴乃: …うーん、でも、ちょっと生地が傷んでるかな?
  65. Tsuruno: …Hmm, but,isn't the fabric a little damaged?
  66. 鶴乃: ここ…カビだよね
  67. Tsuruno: and here…is mold, huh.
  68. 鶴乃の父: あ、そうだな…
  69. Tsuruno's Dad: Ah, it is…
  70. 鶴乃の父: 修繕すれば、まだ着られると思うんだが…
  71. Tsuruno's Dad: If we repair it, I think it can still be worn…
  72. 鶴乃の父: …さて、どこの店に持って行けばいいんだったか…
  73. Tsuruno's Dad: …now then,which shop should we take it to…
  74. 鶴乃: …あ!わたしに良い考えがあるよ!
  75. Tsuruno: …Ah!I have a good idea!
  76. 鶴乃: この着物、ちょっと貸して?
  77. Tsuruno: Can I borrow this kimono for a bit?
  78. 鶴乃の父: あ、あぁ、いいけど…大事に扱ってくれよ
  79. Tsuruno's Dad: A-Ah, you can, but…please handle it carefully.
  80. 鶴乃: うんっ!もちろんだよ!
  81. Tsuruno: Yup! Of course!
  82. やちよ: なるほどね…それなら、良いお店があるわ
  83. Yachiyo: I see…if that's the case, I know a good store.
  84. 鶴乃: ホント!?直せる!?
  85. Tsuruno: Really!? They can fix it!?
  86. やちよ: えぇ
  87. Yachiyo: Yes.
  88. 鶴乃: 本当にありがとう、ししょー!頼るべきものはししょーだね!
  89. Tsuruno: Thank you so much, Masterー!I knew I could count on you!
  90. いろは: やちよさん、本当に顔が広いんですね
  91. Iroha: Yachiyo-san, you have quite the large network.
  92. やちよ: そんなんじゃないわ…
  93. Yachiyo: It's not like that…
  94. やちよ: 昔、祖母が着物を着ていたから顔なじみのお店があってね
  95. Yachiyo: Long ago, my grandmother wore kimonos,so there is a shop I am familiar with.
  96. やちよ: 着物の修繕もやってるはずだし連絡してみるわ
  97. Yachiyo: When they're finished repairing the kimono,I'll call you.
  98. やちよ: …あ、もしもしお久しぶりです、七海ですが…
  99. Yachiyo: …Ah, hello?It's been a while, this is Nanami speaking…
  100. 鶴乃: やちよのおかげで着物の傷んだところを直せてしかもクリーニングもできた!
  101. Tsuruno: Thanks to Yachiyo,the damage to the kimono was repaired,and they even cleaned it!
  102. 鶴乃: お父さんには、綺麗になった着物を渡そうと思ってたんだけどみかづき荘のみんなから提案されたのは…
  103. Tsuruno: I was thinking about giving backthe clean kimono to Dad, buteveryone at Mikazuki Villa suggested…
  104. 鶴乃: ただいまー!
  105. Tsuruno: I'm homeー!
  106. 鶴乃の父: おー、鶴乃おかえ…り…って、お前、それ…
  107. Tsuruno's Dad: Ohー, Tsuruno.Welcome…home…wait, you, that…
  108. 鶴乃: へへっ、どーかな!?似合ってるかな…?
  109. Tsuruno: Hehe, what do you think!?Does it suit me…?
  110. 鶴乃: みかづき荘のみんなから提案されたのはわたしがひいおばあちゃんの着物を着てお父さんに見せてあげること!
  111. Tsuruno: Everyone at Mikazuki Villa suggested thatI wear my great-Granny's kimonoand show it to my Dad!
  112. 鶴乃: お父さんには、着物は修繕に時間がかかってるって伝えておいてお正月に突然、着物を着て帰って驚かせる作戦にしたんだ!
  113. Tsuruno: I told my Dad that the kimono was under repairand that it would take a long time.On New Year's Day, I plannedto suddenly wear the kimonoand surprise him!
  114. 鶴乃の父: …………うっ…
  115. Tsuruno's Dad: …………*sob*…
  116. 鶴乃: えっ…お父さん!?どうしたの!?
  117. Tsuruno: Eh…Dad!?What's wrong!?
  118. 鶴乃: わたし…この着物、着ない方が良かった!?
  119. Tsuruno: Should…I not have worn this kimono!?
  120. 鶴乃の父: す、すまん…そういうわけじゃないんだ…
  121. Tsuruno's Dad: S-Sorry…That's not it…
  122. 鶴乃の父: もう大昔だが…ばあちゃんが着ているのを一度だけ見たんだ
  123. Tsuruno's Dad: It's been so long…and I only ever saw Granny wear that once.
  124. 鶴乃の父: 「こんな年だから、振袖は外では着られない」って
  125. Tsuruno's Dad: 「Since we can't wear furisode outsidein a year like this」 she said
  126. 鶴乃の父: ばあちゃんは笑ってたが…本当によく似合っててな
  127. Tsuruno's Dad: and then Granny laughed…It really suits you.
  128. 鶴乃: そうなんだ…
  129. Tsuruno: So that's what it was…
  130. 鶴乃の父: まさか、その時の着物を、鶴乃が着る時が来るなんてなぁ…
  131. Tsuruno's Dad: I never would've thought the time would come,when Tsuruno would wear the kimono from back then…
  132. 鶴乃の父: …はは、泣きべそかくなんてみっともないな…
  133. Tsuruno's Dad: …haha, breaking down in tearsis not a good look for your old man…
  134. 鶴乃: そんなことないよ!
  135. Tsuruno: That's not true!
  136. 鶴乃: (この着物は…お父さんにとって)
  137. Tsuruno: (This kimono…it holds…)
  138. 鶴乃: (ひいおばあちゃんにまつわる大切な思い出なんだね…)
  139. Tsuruno: (Dad's truly precious memories of great-Granny…)
  140. 鶴乃の父: 鶴乃、とても似合ってるよ
  141. Tsuruno's Dad: Tsuruno, it suits you extremely well.
  142. 鶴乃: …うん!ありがとう、お父さん!
  143. Tsuruno: …Yeah!Thanks, Dad!
  144. ================================================================================
  146. Tsuruno: "Isn't it too early in the season for this?"@is what I told my dad, but
  147. Tsuruno: since there weren't many customers,@we started cleaning things little by little.
  148. Tsuruno: …But, we had too much free time,@and we eventually went all out with the spring cleaning.
  149. Tsuruno: Haー, so cold!
  150. Tsuruno: Even though I'm sweeping and cleaning like usual,@my body just isn't warming up at all…
  151. Tsuruno: [chara:100301:effect_emotion_surprise_0][se:7226_shock]…Huah!@I know…this should do it!
  152. Tsuruno: Passed down through generations of the Yui family…@Our secret techniques!
  153. Tsuruno: Right: broom. Left: dustpan.@Surroundings: Zero Dust Movement!!@(High-Speed Cleanup!)
  154. Tsuruno: [bgEffect:shakeSmall]Sasa! Sasasasa!@SASASASASASAー!
  155. Tsuruno: The fence is okayー!
  156. Tsuruno: Next up…is the signboardー!
  157. Tsuruno: I'll clean it til it shines!
  158. Tsuruno: Two-handed dustcloth polish!!@(Dual・Polish Up!)
  159. Tsuruno: [bgEffect:shakeSmall]Take this! and that! and thisー!
  160. Tsuruno's Dad: O-Oi, Tsuruno!@C'mere for a sec!
  161. Tsuruno: [chara:100301:effect_emotion_surprise_0][se:7226_shock]Wha!?
  162. Tsuruno: D-Dad…?@[chara:100301:lipSynch_0][wait:0.8][chara:100301:motion_101][chara:100301:lipSynch_1]What's wrong!?
  163. Tsuruno: Um, this is…?
  164. Tsuruno's Dad: It's a kimono!
  165. Tsuruno's Dad: Haa~, how nostalgic…
  166. Tsuruno: Woahー…@[chara:100301:lipSynch_0][wait:0.8][chara:100301:motion_200][chara:100301:lipSynch_1]We had a kimono at home!
  167. Tsuruno's Dad: …Ah, I see…@Tsuruno couldn't have known…
  168. Tsuruno's Dad: …this kimono belonged to my Granny…
  169. Tsuruno's Dad: It's the kimono that Tsuruno's@great-Granny used to wear.
  170. Tsuruno: [chara:100301:effect_emotion_surprise_0][se:7226_shock]Great-Granny!?
  171. Tsuruno: That's amazing! A hidden treasure@handed down within the Yui family![chara:100301:lipSynch_0][wait:1.0][chara:100301:cheek_1][chara:100301:face_mtn_ex_011.exp.json][chara:100301:lipSynch_1] Yup, yup!
  172. Tsuruno's Dad: Haha, it's not really a hidden treasure…
  173. Tsuruno's Dad: It really is nostalgic…
  174. Tsuruno's Dad: I thought it'd already been sold,@but it had been in this house the whole time…
  175. Tsuruno: …Hmm, but,@isn't the fabric a little damaged?
  176. Tsuruno: and here…is mold, huh.
  177. Tsuruno's Dad: Ah, it is…
  178. Tsuruno's Dad: If we repair it, I think it can still be worn…
  179. Tsuruno's Dad: …now then,@which shop should we take it to…
  180. Tsuruno: …Ah!@I have a good idea!
  181. Tsuruno: Can I borrow this kimono for a bit?
  182. Tsuruno's Dad: A-Ah, you can, but…@[chara:800900:lipSynch_0][wait:0.8][chara:800900:cheek_0][chara:800900:face_mtn_ex_031.exp.json][chara:800900:lipSynch_1]please handle it carefully.
  183. Tsuruno: Yup! Of course!
  184. Yachiyo: I see…@if that's the case, I know a good store.
  185. Tsuruno: Really!? They can fix it!?
  186. Yachiyo: Yes.
  187. Tsuruno: Thank you so much, Masterー!@I knew I could count on you!
  188. Iroha: Yachiyo-san, @you have quite the large network.
  189. Yachiyo: It's not like that…
  190. Yachiyo: Long ago, my grandmother wore kimonos,@so there is a shop I am familiar with.
  191. Yachiyo: When they're finished repairing the kimono,@I'll call you.
  192. Yachiyo: …Ah, hello?@It's been a while, this is Nanami speaking…
  193. Tsuruno: Thanks to Yachiyo,@the damage to the kimono was repaired,@and they even cleaned it!
  194. Tsuruno: I was thinking about giving back@the clean kimono to Dad, but@everyone at Mikazuki Villa suggested…
  195. Tsuruno: I'm homeー!
  196. Tsuruno's Dad: Ohー, Tsuruno.@[chara:800900:lipSynch_0][wait:0.8][chara:800900:cheek_0][chara:800900:face_mtn_ex_050.exp.json][chara:800900:lipSynch_1]Welcome…home…wait, you, that…
  197. Tsuruno: Hehe, what do you think!?@Does it suit me…?
  198. Tsuruno: Everyone at Mikazuki Villa suggested that@I wear my great-Granny's kimono@and show it to my Dad!
  199. Tsuruno: I told my Dad that the kimono was under repair@and that it would take a long time.@On New Year's Day, I planned@to suddenly wear the kimono@and surprise him!
  200. Tsuruno's Dad: …………[wait:0.8][chara:800900:cheek_0][chara:800900:face_mtn_ex_030.exp.json][chara:800900:lipSynch_1]*sob*…
  201. Tsuruno: Eh…[chara:100352:lipSynch_0][wait:0.8][chara:100352:motion_200][chara:100352:lipSynch_1]Dad!?@What's wrong!?
  202. Tsuruno: Should…I not have worn this kimono!?
  203. Tsuruno's Dad: S-Sorry…@That's not it…
  204. Tsuruno's Dad: It's been so long…@and I only ever saw Granny wear that once.
  205. Tsuruno's Dad: 「Since we can't wear furisode outside@in a year like this」 she said
  206. Tsuruno's Dad: and then Granny laughed…@It really suits you.
  207. Tsuruno: So that's what it was…
  208. Tsuruno's Dad: I never would've thought the time would come,@when Tsuruno would wear the kimono from back then…
  209. Tsuruno's Dad: …haha, breaking down in tears@is not a good look for your old man…
  210. Tsuruno: That's not true!
  211. Tsuruno: (This kimono…it holds…)
  212. Tsuruno: (Dad's truly precious memories of great-Granny…)
  213. Tsuruno's Dad: Tsuruno, it suits you extremely well.
  214. Tsuruno: …Yeah!@Thanks, Dad!
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