
Connect ban #rsbot

Apr 5th, 2011
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  1. [16:43] <Connect> Need help?
  2. [16:44] == Connect []
  3. [16:44] ==  realname :
  4. [16:44] ==  channels : #rsbot
  5. [16:44] ==  server   : * [Where are you?]
  6. [16:44] ==           : is a CGI:IRC client
  7. [16:44] == End of WHOIS
  8. [16:44] <Me> Whos this?
  9. [16:44] <Me> do you have help?
  10. [16:44] <Me> my rsbot wont open
  11. [16:44] <Connect> Got teamview?
  12. [16:44] <Connect> Has it ever opened before?
  13. [16:45] <Me> no, but my friend said that he got a file from someone on here im not sure who and then it worked
  14. [16:45] <Me> do you know what he was talking about
  15. [16:45] <Connect> The hotfix?
  16. [16:45] <Me> im not sure...
  17. [16:45] <Me> do you have a link?
  18. [16:46] <Me> hmm?
  19. [16:46] <Connect> Nope.
  20. [16:46] <Me> where do i get the hotfix
  21. [16:46] <Connect> What anitvirus you use?
  22. [16:46] <Me> I dont have any on this computer
  23. [16:46] <Me> why?
  24. [16:47] <Connect> IT sometimes interferes.
  25. [16:47] <Connect> idk i think this is it
  26. [16:47] <Connect> Tell me if its the right link.
  27. [16:51] <Me> whats a .scr file
  28. [16:51] == No such nick/channel: Connect
  29. [16:51] ==  server   : Rizon [Tue Apr  5 16:49:38 2011]
  30. [16:51] ==  server   : Rizon [Tue Apr  5 16:43:27 2011]
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