
Hisame - Shara C-S

Sep 3rd, 2015
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  1. [usual disclaimer:]
  3. C
  5. Shara: Oh enough...why is this...
  6. Hisame: Shara...what happened?
  7. Shara: It's nothing, really...
  8. Hisame: I-is that so.
  9. Shara: This is irritating...
  10. Hisame: ...They say if you share your troubles with someone then you'll feel better. Would you like to try talking about it a little so you'll stop feeling so low.
  11. Shara: Oh well... I don't think you'll be able to find a solution but just this time I will tell you.
  12. Hisame: Yes, I think that would be best.
  13. Shara: Lately things haven't been going well with my fortune-telling has been wrong and even the effect of my binding spells is there any way to solve this?
  14. Hisame: That means you want an immediate expected this is impossible. Because when it comes to magic, compared to Shara I'm no better than an amateur.
  15. Shara: are right.
  16. Hisame: However, I believe I understand a little about feeling irritable.
  17. Shara: ...What do you mean?
  18. Hisame: Well, please follow me.
  19. Shara: Eh...?
  21. Shara: This is...
  22. Hisame: This tea I brewed goes great with these pickled vegetables. Come then, please eat.
  23. Shara: You are saying these will help me calm down? How can't be this simple...siiip..crunch crunch...
  24. Hisame: ......
  25. Shara: Oh my..what is going on...this is delicious...I feel I've regained my composure.
  26. Hisame: Hehehe, that's right. Tea has a calming effect on your mind and body.
  27. Shara: I see...that doesn't mean things will go smoothly with my magic but...for now I am grateful. Thank you Hisame.
  28. Hisame: You are welcome.
  30. B
  32. Shara: Hah...
  33. Hisame: still seem irritated. Are things going badly with your magic?
  34. Shara: No...after that time I've been doing well. Thank you...
  35. Hisame: I am happy to hear that. Then, what on earth is it this time...?
  36. Shara: I want to use some herbs for a new spell but...I have forgotten their name...what could it feels like I've got it, I can't remember...
  37. Hisame: If you just keep thinking while biting your nails like that you will not remember it. What do you say about calming down first and then trying to once again think about this slowly?
  38. Shara: Are you talking about drinking tea again...?
  39. Hisame: Yes, that is right.
  41. Shara: ......I never thought I'd simply remember just by drinking some tea...I wonder, is there something magical hidden in your tea?
  42. Hisame: There is no such thing. If you stay calm then the things you need will become clear to you, that is all.
  43. Shara: I wonder if it's thanks to this tea that you are always so composed even though you are so young.
  44. Hisame: Well...of course this might be one of the main reasons but, if pushed I'd say that perhaps in this case it is because watching my father being so restless served as a good example of what not to do.
  45. Shara: Ah...a negative example. I can understand that feeling...oh well...either way, even though I have no interest in other people I will say that your acting like an old person despite being so young has its merits.
  46. Hisame: Are you...praising me?
  47. Shara: Yes, I don't mind if you take it that way...
  48. Hisame: ...I see. Thank you very much.
  50. A
  52. Shara: Haa...this is relaxing after all.
  53. Hisame: Shara, are you drinking tea?
  54. Shara: ...Yeah, that's right. This is the method you taught me in order to calm I have been practising on my own.
  55. Hisame: I see. I am glad I could help you. other words...does that mean I'm relieved from my duty? When I think I won't be making tea for you any more, I feel a bit disappointed.
  56. Shara: That is not the case.
  57. Hisame: Eh?
  58. Shara: I am still not used to the ways of tea-making...And above all you are a genius when it comes to being calm.
  59. Hisame: A calming...genius?
  60. Shara: Yes. I understand now how much this can soothe my mind... For that reason I want you to teach me various ways without fail.
  61. Hisame: I see...understood. Using my abilities to the fullest I will pass on these techniques to you.
  62. Shara: Yes, I am counting on you Hisame.
  64. S
  65. Hisame: Ah...Shara.
  66. Shara: Oh. what is it Hisame?
  67. Hisame: Um...well...would you like to have some tea?
  68. Shara: Oh, do you think I'm always irritated? Even if it doesn't look so, today I'm in a good mood.
  69. Hisame: I, I see...I-I apologize.
  70. Shara: ...? Today somehow it seems you are the one who can't calm down.
  71. Hisame: M-maybe that's's...phew...perhaps it's time to resolve myself.
  72. Shara: Resolve yourself for what?
  73. Hisame: Actually...I really cannot calm down. When I'm in front of you I always feel nervous and my heart is pounding.
  74. Shara: that some chronic illness?
  75. Hisame: That's not it!! I, I...I love you...!
  76. Shara: ...!
  77. Hisame: think I would just blurt out my confession like this... But every time we had tea together...the one who was always desperately trying to calm down was me.
  78. Shara: ......Hehehe, so it was something like this. While faced with my irritable self your heart was beating loudly. No way, just remembering it a little makes me feel embarrassed... But...I am happy.
  79. Hisame: Eh...happy...?
  80. Shara: Yes...I learned this serene feeling from you so you are important to me...I too want to live peacefully with you forever ...
  81. Hisame: Shara...thank you very much!
  82. Shara: Hehehe...I'm thankful as well. From now on...please always stay by my side Hisame.
  83. Hisame: Of course.
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