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Oct 19th, 2018
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  1. Kiss-Shot Acerola-Orion Heart-Under-Blade wasn't a permanent resident of the North Shirahebi Shrine. Sure, the place had a fantastic facelift after its decrepit condition had continued for god-knows-how-long and the hilltop blot of sacred land was a somewhat popular place for the locals to visit again. Every night a lone figure emerged from within the shrine, stretched and yawned at the moon up above. That figure was now the suspect of every unusual occurrence, every disappearance and every unexplained death.
  3. And yet here was Araragi Koyomi, former 1/4th vampire. Sitting down at 1AM on a Thursday evening, before a shrine inhabited by a dangerous monstrosity. Alone. Or so he thought, anyway. Having grabbed a convenience store's premade food box with him, he settled into place and gazed at the approaching figure in the dark, barely detecting her silhouette anymore. Human sight was so much weaker than what he was used to by now. Deep breaths, Araragi. Deep breaths. "Good night, Shinobu," he spoke out loud before shoving some nigiri into his mouth.
  5. "You're early," replied an older, deep female voice. Stopping less of a meter in front of him, Kiss-Shot carefully lowered herself onto her knees and sat on her heels, folding the red dress around her. Only her eyes had enough of a shine to be seen clearly; this far from civilization meant light was in short supply. Araragi was one of the few men on the planet who could look at the calamity vampire in the eye and not get distracted by her body. Even in squalor, it was one of the most beautiful bodies on the planet. The personality, however...
  7. "Ah, that. Hitagi got a call to go back to work for a late shift, so with nothing else to do I took the opportunity to come ahead of schedule for once."
  8. "Is that so? Have I become merely a replacement for your other activities to stave off boredom, master?"
  9. "Mgh... don't twist my words, you know perfectly well what I mean."
  10. "Ka ka ka, of course I do. Don't be foolish, I can understand cues well enough. It was merely a joke."
  12. A brief moment of silence ensued as the former pair stared at each other, looked away or just gathered their thoughts.
  14. "My hunger is beginning to return again."
  15. "Yeah, about that..."
  16. "The exorcist warned that this may be the result of your recovery."
  17. "...I don't know what we're going to do about that."
  18. "I would rather die than go back to what I was before. Staying by your side is more important than mere survival. The choice is ultimately up to you, master. Can you accept me even if I am to go back into devouring people for my hunger?"
  20. That gave the young university student genuine pause. It was a painful decision. An unfair decision. He didn't want his best friend to die, but he couldn't go back to the way things were, either. Shinobu's hunger had been severely cut down while he still held a portion of her power within him. Now that things were back to normal and she was her true self again, just a couple of love bites and donuts wouldn't cut it. She'd kill people. Eat people. Who knows how many would die just so she can keep roaming the earth? And yet he couldn't imagine living without her company.
  22. "We can find a way. M-maybe some alternatives we haven't considered, like if donuts would still do at least half of-"
  23. Kiss-Shot raised her hand. "Please. You know as well as I do: that won't work."
  24. "I'm saying this because Kagenui got in touch with me recently."
  25. "Hoo? That hot-headed oddity killer that enjoys tangling with immortals? I can guess where this is going."
  26. "She said she'd come for me if I ever got out of control, but she never said that about you. Still, she warned me that others would come if you began eating people. Sooner or later, someone will come to try and stop you. Or, if not that at least investigate. This will keep attracting attention, Shinobu. I don't even know if I'm willing to let you go despite what I know, but... I don't want you to die, but that doesn't mean anything to others."
  28. Who knows, maybe investigators or monster slayers were already watching them. Under the bright, starry sky of Shirahebi Shrine's courtyard they weren't exactly hidden. On the contrary, it was a clearing in the midst of a bamboo thicket. One could hardly find a more exposed position with more cover around them.
  30. -------------------------------------------------------------------
  32. Kagero -- The pair were perhaps right to be suspicious. Attacks on strangers, deaths, disappearances...such things can only go undetected for so long before the powers that be begin to investigate. ...Too many bodies were turning up, either messily devoured or utterly drained dry of blood. Too many young folk were vanishing without a trace in the area, and at last, down the long chain of bureaucracy those in the know had passed along the information to those who could really do something about it. Namely, a group of hunters who specialized in the killing and eradicating of dangerous monsters and immortal creatures. Demons, vampires, the list went on.
  34. In the end they had decided before launching a full assault the hunters knew it would be very important to gather more information about their target. Striking blind would do nothing but cause unneeded losses amongst their own ranks. Thus, they sent one of their veterans, the buxom and skilled Kagero to recon the creature, see what it was up to, what its strengths were, and if it had any kind of weakness or injury that could be exploited. Sneaking through the thick bamboo near the North Shirahebi Shrine, she had soon eyed her target. Yes, there was little mistaking it...few mortal woman had quite the...figure that a vampire was able to muster.
  36. The vampire in question along with a human male were making nervous sounding conversation in the open...Did they truly not suspect they were being watched and followed? That someone would not sooner or later put the pieces together? The dark haired woman sighed and began to edge closer, taking in as much detail about her target and her human compatriot as she could. Her nose wrinkled in disgust at him...she wondered if perhaps he had been luring his fellows to their doom in exchange for some dark favor from the vampire.
  38. The moon was high and full, and Kagero cursed when one of the tall stalks creaked loudly as she leaned on it. Being exposed now could prove highly dangerous...if not a death sentence for her. Though they did not seem to notice at could never be too sure when vampires were about.
  40. -------------------------------------------------------------------
  42. Kiss-Shot Acerola-Orion Heart-Under-Blade appeared to mostly concentrate on the man's response; why she tolerated a specific human's presence so much was a question unanswered so far. More puzzling was that he didn't look threatened or scared in the slightest. An accomplice? A vassal? No, he didn't behave like a vampire in the slightest. His actions were too clumsy in the dark unless he was the most convincing actor. The blonde's head tilted and she raised her chin, going completely still for a moment.
  44. "...what is it, Shinobu?"
  45. "I could concentrate on criminals. That is far easier on your heart, is it not?"
  46. "That's... not really why it bothers me, Shinobu. What if you pick someone that stole a bike and wants to get their life in good order? That won't work."
  47. "As always, you want to save everyone like a selfless, self-destructive--"
  49. The woman's sentence was cut short and her head turned, looking off to her right into the thicket -- and right at Kagero. Even at midnight her eyes shone like a pair of glowing orbs in the distance. Koyomi didn't get further than "Shinobu?--" before she launched into a lunge that cracked and shattered the stone tile she sat on. Its fragments were kicked high up into the air while she sliced through the air at inhumane speeds. There were only a handful of vampires that had such ability and while anyone in the business knew of Kiss-Shot Acerola-Orion Heart-Under-Blade, the latest news had been that she was 'stable' in the region. That it wasn't another vampire causing trouble but her of all people--
  51. Too late. The wooden chest-height fence marking the courtyard's borders shattered and the red-dressed vampire grabbed two big clumps of fully-grown bamboo trees to wrest them off to the sides, uprooting every one with a single push. Araragi was still catching up mentally and tossed his snack away before scrambling onto his feet and running after her. "You've been here for a while. My senses have become rusty in a life of idleness," the vampire mused less than a meter away.
  53. -------------------------------------------------------------------
  55. Kagero hissed as the vampire lunged forward, the sound of wood and bamboo splintering. If she'd had any doubts that the woman was a vampire...they were rather quickly dispelled here and there. The question now was if she should try to retreat...or if she should answer and hope to stall or convince them to let her go. She was not equipped with anything resembling special gear, and with luck she could convince them that she was simply lost or had just been eavesdropping.
  57. Clearing her throat, Kagero stepped out...and slightly back. "I have...sorry, I was out for a long stroll, and I may have...gotten lost. Not really used to this region!" She tried to maintain a false cheerfulness, the foolish and ditzy tourist who merely wound up in the wrong place. "I wasn't sure how best to approach the two of you, and was kind of hoping once you were done talking that one of you would be able to give me directions." She was slowly, steadily backing away as she spoke, waiting for a chance to break for it..."Sooo..yeah, if one of you two could lead me back to town in a bit, that'd be great."
  59. There was a pause as she waited, inwardly cursing herself. She wasn't planning on making these sound at all convincing...but God, were these lame excuses. She could, she supposed, radio for help...but she doubted she'd live long enough to get the chance the instant the vampire grew any more suspicious. She took a breath, taking another slow, barely perceptible step back. She knew her moves were utterly blatant to the vampire...but perhaps that human would be her salvation. If he could convince the monster to let her go...
  61. -------------------------------------------------------------------
  63. Kiss-Shot Acerola-Orion Heart-Under-Blade's intentions were clear as soon as Kagero would look her in the eyes even for a second. There was no negotiating, no chance of escaping there. Araragi caught up with a slightly winded pant and laid a hand on Kiss-Shot's shoulder, peering from behind her at the 'intruder' if she could even be called that. "You're lost? Mm, Hachikuji used to do that all the time. I could get you on the right path if you really ins--" If one listened closely enough, they could hear the cogs turning inside his head. Then in an outright comical fashion, he shoved Kiss-Shot off to the side and pointed directly at Kagero with an accusing finger. "HANG ON A MINUTE, A WOMAN ZOOMS IN LIKE A FIGHTER JET AT YOU AND THAT'S ALL YOU'VE GOT TO SAY?! A REGULAR PERSON WOULD FREAK OUT AT SOMETHING LIKE THAT HAPPENING, WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!" His outburst is indignant comedy, but given the situation laughing is either impossible or a welcomed relief of tension. He appears genuinely upset that the supposed tourist is not absolutely losing her mind at Kiss-Shot's inhuman display... but that just means he's buying it by default!
  65. -------------------------------------------------------------------
  67. Kagero blinked for a moment, unsure as to how to react to that. She knew full well that the vampire would not have believed her but this...was something else. "Eh? I thought you two were trying to put some kinda scare on me! I've been in other small towns where they rig up big scares for the tourists, y'know!" Still that false cheeriness. She was trying very hard not to look at the vampiress right now, knowing full well that she had no intent of sparing her. Indeed, she knew that even if this oaf were to agree to lead her out, his friend would likely just kill her anyway.
  69. She took a breath to focus herself. "So, it was some kinda joke, right? No way she actually moved like that on her own! Special effects or something, must be! Bet you've got a camera hidden around her to capture people freaking out too! I know that's what I'd do." She laughed nervously, rubbing the back of her head. "So, besides this here shrine, what else is there to see around here then?" She walked closer to the young man, still grinning wide. "I bet you know, like...every cool place around here." Would this be enough to lure him in? Perhaps she could take him hostage and use him as a bargaining chip...
  71. -------------------------------------------------------------------
  73. Kiss-Shot Acerola-Orion Heart-Under-Blade had to join in on Araragi's no-sell deadpan stare. The mood had lost all of its sharpness and now they both stared at her with nearly empty eyes. Kiss-Shot stood back up and dusted her dress off, but walked to Araragi's side -- or rather, slightly behind him and joined in on glaring in a rather insultingly condescending way at Kagero.
  75. "...are you an idiot?"
  77. A small silence ensued before Koyomi shaked his head back and forth and cleared the incredulous look from his eyes. "Anyway, I should probably provide some introductions. Araragi, Araragi Koyomi. My friend here is-" A brief pause as he looked over his shoulder at Kiss-Shot. She returned a nonchalant shrug. "Oshino. Oshino Shinobu. We meet at this shrine on a weekly basis." Technically, all of this was true. That's why he made for such a convincing sell. "Master, perhaps we could leave the pleasantries for later?" Araragi glanced at her again, but this time his gaze was not returned. Instead, the vampire looked right at the ninja. "I'm hungry."
  79. -------------------------------------------------------------------
  81. Fear passed through Kagero well as anger. "Well, so much for that." She said, flatly. She leaned back and sighed. "I don't suppose I can convince either of you to let me go." Reaching for throwing stars...she hurled them, the tips blessed enough that a lesser vampire would wither and crumble from them. She doubted they would work on this one. Darting back into the concealing darkness of the thick bamboo, it would now be a desperate race, assuming that the vampire was still there. She dared not look behind her, for to pause at all at this juncture would be to die.
  83. It was one of those times that she wished her body had not grown to be so curvaceous and womanly. Litheness had its charms, especially when a hungry vampire intent on ripping you to pieces was hot on your heels. Doubly so when the only chance to escape was either to find a spot to hide or wait till morning...and morning was still quite some hours away. As the bamboo cracked and creaked around her, all she could do was pray that she could find escape...
  85. -------------------------------------------------------------------
  87. Kiss-Shot Acerola-Orion Heart-Under-Blade raised her arm in front of her face, taking several of the shurikens as direct hits. They sunk into her flesh and steam rose from each wound as her flesh practically burned at the touch. The other hand knocked them off as each injury began slowly recovering before Araragi's very eyes. Before he could grab onto Kiss-Shot's arm and talk her out of it, however, she was already gone, dashing from tree to tree like a speed demon. One loud CRUNCH after another, she jumped from bamboo to bamboo, pinballing through the thicket and closing the gap between them. She couldn't see much in the thick vegetation, but smelling the anxiety-induced sweat and fresh meat was another thing entirely. Somewhere behind her, a distant "Kiss-Shot, stop! Wait!" could be heard, but it fell mostly on deaf ears. Blood rushed through her with a deafening thrum. The hunger was impossible to contain any further.
  89. The catch-up happened in a far less elegant a fashion than someone so noble-looking might be more fit for. It was a full-on tackle from behind, jumping from several meters above down and wrapping both legs around Kagero's hips. One silken gloved hand grabbed at the woman's brown hair, the other disturbingly enough reached around for her chest and tore at her clothes, seeking to squeeze and grope at her breasts while the force of her charge would snap any normal person's spine -- in this case, it was more likely to just throw one off balance and flying face first into the dirt. They were already too far away for Araragi to follow easily. His shouting could be heard distantly, but could he even hope to find them in time? Running away might've backfired, triggering a predator's chase instinct like this.
  91. -------------------------------------------------------------------
  93. Kagero -- The blow was stunning and she let out a sputteirng gasp as the wind was knocked out of her. As she slowly came to she realized the vampire was groping her body. Her huge, warm, plump breasts. Her ass...her thighs, a few fingers even reached sinfully towards her womanhood. She swallowed. In the distance she could hear the human calling...but he was too far away to be of any help. At the mercy of a hungry vampire...
  95. Slowly, her abillity to speak returned, and as the vampire eyed her with that intense, burning hunger she began to speak. "Please...please don't kill me..." She whispered. "I'll leave...I won't tell anyone what I saw..." Her throat was dry, and pain was gradually starting to shoot through her as her battered body began to react to the damage. "Please..." She begged again, voice raspy and ragged...
  97. -------------------------------------------------------------------
  99. Kiss-Shot Acerola-Orion Heart-Under-Blade exhaled warm breath that turned into mist in chilly night air. It brushed against the woman's neck while sharp fingernails began digging into soft, bare flesh. At first it was but an indentation with uncomfortable sharpness, but the vampire's grip grew stronger and stronger until it began slowly cutting through the layers and drawing blood outright. That was enough for the metallic, mind-numbing scent of blood to reach Kiss-Shot's senses. A deep growl rumbled from her and she grabbed Kagero's chin, pulling her up off the floor and instead onto her knees. Right behind her, the vampire's own position left no choice but to arch the brunette's back and yank her chin up, just before she opened her mouth and sank four long, sharp fangs into the throbbing vein pumping at the side of Kagero's neck.
  101. Sharp punctures meant that it wasn't the bite that was excruciating, but she sucked away with hunger intense enough that every mouthful she drank caused a noticeable drop in strength. Two of her fingers slithered up the chin to the lower lip, then began slowly dipping into the ninja's mouth, pumping in and out of it, massaging her tongue and getting completely coated in her saliva. They tasted... good. Almost tasty in a peculiar way. Kiss-Shot's body had an alluring vampiric charm, meant to entice in the first place. That much was obvious and easily remembered consciously, but acting on that knowledge at this point was another matter.
  103. -------------------------------------------------------------------
  105. Kagero -- The sharp pain from the nails digging into her flesh...and then the feeling of weakness as those fangs tore into her throat and began to leech away at her warm, crimson blood was more than the wounded ninja could bare. She let out a low moan, half of pain and half of a strange, practically perverse pleasure as the creature slowly sucked her life away. It almost...itched after a while, like the bite of some great, parastitic insect might, but before long her arms were too feeble to try to pull the vampire off. Even if she could try to push the monster off her...what would it avail? She was punctured, broken...she could not get away now even if she had all her strength still within her frame.
  107. Weaker and weaker she felt, almost sleepy now as the vampire continued to suck. She wondered if she'd do something worse to her...or just drain her dry and let her perish in relative peace? After all, there were a great many cruelties that could be inflicted upon her now that she was so helpless...
  109. -------------------------------------------------------------------
  111. Kiss-Shot Acerola-Orion Heart-Under-Blade broke off, drawing in a deep breath and sighing contently even when her chin was covered in crimson. "No," she panted out. "You don't get to go, yet." Biting back in before everything could bleed out onto the ground as a waste, Kiss-Shot began biting in harder and harder. The rest of her teeth squeezed into the woman's neck, but what was most noticeable was a growing sensation of vitality. Having bitten her own tongue, the vampire's own blood began to mix with Kagero's own, its healing powers mingling with her body and restoring clarity. Then just like that, the blonde drank another long gulp and brought her back down to the threshold.
  113. Almost working in tandem with the human's rapid heartbeat, this constant rollercoaster of revival and near-death experience became a rhythm. Blood was taken, blood was given. Her fingers kept pushing into the ninja's mouth, but the other hand left the bloodied chest and dug between two thick thighs, the ring finger pushed whatever underwear the woman had in the way off to the side, then two fingers traced the very slit of her nethers before pushing inside. The digits hooked within, the palm pressing against Kagero's lower abdomen while the fingertips parted the lower lips open and began slowly pushing in deeper. One, two, three knuckles deep just in time as another high of vitality flooded the body and the senses. Vampiric blood healed the body -- and then she pulled the fingers out, sucking in some regained human blood for herself. Kiss-Shot wasn't getting anything out of this; as much as she gave to the woman to keep her alive, she took just as much to feed herself. There was no gain, no loss. No reason other than to violate, humiliate and break the hunter.
  115. She wasn't even allowed to pass away in peace.
  117. Kagero: (Ooh, that's brutal~
  118. Kiss-Shot Acerola-Orion Heart-Under-Blade: (I got an idea and decided to act on it ♥)
  119. Kagero: (I'm glad you did~
  121. -------------------------------------------------------------------
  123. Kagero -- To be subjected to something so a note of bitter irony Kagero recieved the confirmation she'd always sought out as to whether or not vampires were evil. Death's door. Life again. Death's door. Life again. Over and over, on and on...the agony of bleeding out repeated again and again and again, yet no final succor. No end. She let out a tortured moan of despair as her body twitched and writhed spasmodically and her burdened heart pounded hard before nearly falling still than painfully throbbing again. "K..kill me...please...just make it end..." She begged, panting and desperate... "You crazy fucking bitch..." she hissed as energy flowed through her again..."God, just end me and be done with it!"
  125. -------------------------------------------------------------------
  127. Kiss-Shot Acerola-Orion Heart-Under-Blade was playing with her food too much. She was absorbed in the act, changing hands in the midst of it and sinking the spit-coated fingers into Kagero's pussy instead. The other moved up and pressed the slick fingers coated in the woman's own juices to her lips. The blonde's mouth could taste nothing but life and metal and it nearly silenced her deep, feral growling of satisfaction. Her thrusting became faster, fingerfucking the ill-fated hunter's pussy with more and more intensity, even occasionally spreading the fingers wide before pressing them together again with a wet squelch. Araragi's shouting was growing closer. Telepathy would've been a fantastic skill by now, but Kiss-Shot wasn't about to talk with her mouth full of human flesh and blood. Some of it still spilled on the scarf around her neck, but everything in her world could be summed up easily. The heartbeat her fangs and lips felt pulsating between her jaws. The matching pumping of her fingers violating both the woman's mouth and her cunt. The orgasmic taste of fresh blood that she couldn't stop drinking. Even the reluctant, desperate moans were like music to her ears.
  129. No, she wanted to keep going. Continue until she'd make the hunter cum and despair over it -- she could eat her afterwards.
  131. -------------------------------------------------------------------
  133. Kagero -- The paradoxical rush of pleasure and pain was driving her feverish...nearly mad, even. The walls of her mind began to break down as her tongue lolled out, awash in the taste of vampire and even her own blood as that fiendish suction continued. Perhaps it would never end. Perhaps she'd be stuck here, an eternal limbo of brushing death and then being dragged away from the light again. Despite it all her thighs were starting to clench, her cunt starting to grow hotter and hotter as the vampire toyed with her. Damn her...she was going to make her cum...Cum to her own torment! "Stop..." she gurgled, eyes rolling back as that infernal orgasm drew closer and clsoer..."Please...stop...."
  135. -------------------------------------------------------------------
  137. Kiss-Shot Acerola-Orion Heart-Under-Blade growled and leaned forward, falling down on top of Kagero, pressing the brunette's cheek against the dirt. Their hips still raised up in the air and one hand reaching back without missing a skip in violating the would-be hero, even when pinning the human down the spit-bubbling, growling words were almost angered, demanding and loud. "Do it. Give up," Kiss-Shot slurred, a mixture of her own hungry drool and blood spilling on the floor. By now even a human's senses could smell the nauseating, metallic aroma of it in the air. The heavy bust pressing against Kagero's back flattened and made them aware just how sweaty this had made them both. Way too excited. Shinobu's thumb joined in on the action, but instead of pushing inside it grazed around the sensitive clit, teasing the skin around it mere hair's breadth away... and then carefully brushed over it with the lightest of touches, perfectly in sync with a clenching of the vampire's jaws when all of her teeth sank into flesh and turned four clear puncture wounds into a much greater, gushing wound that she drank from magnitudes more than before. This orgasm might be the last thing she'll ever feel. Ever think. Ever hear. This monster was going to kill her here and now -- the thought of it couldn't possibly be driven in any more than this. What an unfair end this would be, of all things.
  139. -------------------------------------------------------------------
  141. Kagero -- She shut her eyes, that welcoming abyss approaching at last as she finally let out that shuddering, writhing orgasm, voice giving out a single, weak moan. The vampire's monstrous feeding continued...but by then she'd mercifully lost the last remaining conciousness she'd had. The twitching of her limbs grew still as the flood of lifeblood from her neck became naught but a trickle...and then a slow, steady drip. Soon there was nothing at all left, and her over labored heart...ceased. The bamboo forest became still and silent now, save for the human's shouting in the distance. Once a proud vampire hunter with many kills to her a meal, and a stress relief toy. If fate was thought of as anything but blind and cruel...hers was an example of the full extent of that blind cruelty...
  143. -------------------------------------------------------------------
  145. Kiss-Shot Acerola-Orion Heart-Under-Blade And then it came. A foreign hand, much warmer than the vampire's soft touch grabbed them both and pulled them around. Kiss-Shot was beneath her, still clutching onto her like a ragdoll. It was hard to make out the man's words, but he was shouting. Desperate. Panicked. Things went black -- and who knows how much time passed. The wake-up call was one of absolute soreness, however. The heart was overworked and now complained about it with pain, nearly every muscle was recovering from exertion and healed necrosis. Much blood was still missing and caused an anemic sensation, but... she was alive. Kagero was alive. Once her brain caught up with it, however, she was in the forest and not being manhandled by a monster. For once. Should she roll around or get up and look to her left, she'd see Araragi in Kiss-Shot's embrace, having his blood sucked this time around but in a much more caring and gentle way. It was almost romantic as a sight- but also unfair. She stared at the brunette even before she decided to stir and looked to be guarding the man as much as she was feeding on him. At least he was unconscious from the looks of things.
  147. Kagero: (oh, now there's a twist...
  148. Kiss-Shot Acerola-Orion Heart-Under-Blade: (I said I got an idea! I meant it~)
  150. -------------------------------------------------------------------
  152. Kagero -- She blinked, panting. Her...everything hurt. Her head was throbbing and her legs felt like pure jelly. She made an effort to sit up and found it as challenging as if she was trying to climb a mountain. She let out a grunt and sighed, staring at the pair. "S-so..." She began, breathless, woozy. "Why am I still...alive? What are you...nnngh.....going to do to me now? I can't imagine it being worse than what you just put me through...You just going to kill me, then? Something worse?" The waiting, in truth, was worse than anything else! "God...just..." "I'm so tired...." She looked up at her and sighed. "If it means anything at all...I'd still prefer to live...I won't tell anyone you're here."
  154. -------------------------------------------------------------------
  156. Kiss-Shot Acerola-Orion Heart-Under-Blade continued drinking at a slow, steady pace before she finally pulled her fangs out and licked over the wounds, watching them heal up before her very eyes. Still holding Araragi in her embrace, she looked at his unconscious face for a moment before returning her attention to the ninja. "I don't trust you and meant to eat you completely, but..." She paused and looked down at her friend again. "He wouldn't ever visit me again if I had done it tonight. He has spared your life, not I. I saw no purpose in holding back; I'm doing this as a favor to a friend. Besides," she flashed a sadistic smile, licking her fingertips a few times. "You panted like you enjoyed it towards the end~" What kind of sick pleasure--
  158. -------------------------------------------------------------------
  160. Kagero -- Despite the bloodloss...the ninja blushed. "You...did something to me...that is why!" To admit to herself that...a part of her genuinely enjoyed the feeling of that vampire draining the very life from her veins...well...that would only spell trouble later on. Nevertheless, she managed to rise back to her feet, the vampire transfusion having healed the wounds from her fall. She was still massively unsteady, stumbling to a nearby branch of bamboo to brace herself. "T-tell your friend...thank you." She said with a sigh. "Were it not for him I...would most assuredly be dead. I owe him my life."
  162. -------------------------------------------------------------------
  164. Kiss-Shot Acerola-Orion Heart-Under-Blade could not help looking like a monster holding a helpless victim, even if all evidence pointed towards the two being in an inexplicable friendship. The situation was apparently more complicated than the rumors could've ever let one realize -- and more surprising was the fact that the one captured wasn't already dead. "Hah! I am not your messenger. You will have to tell him yourself. You hunt oddities, do you not? Use your expertise and go thank him at his house. He deserves as much." Araragi Koyomi, was it?
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