
Matt x Felicia

Mar 13th, 2019
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  1. Matt: IS she sitting on his lap - yes she is.
  3. Felicia:His lap is more comfortable than a chair for sure, so she's alright with this development.
  5. Matt:But does by lap does he mean his face?????? probably not.
  7. Felicia:could easily find herself on his face if he plays his cards right.
  9. Matt: Just like her, he is amazing at sleight of hand.
  11. Felicia: Doesn't doubt that in the slightest, but wonders how he's supposed to know what cards he's playing.
  13. Matt: It's all through the touch. Runs a finger down her stomach.
  15. Felicia: Shivers slightly, slipping her arms around his neck slowly.
  17. Matt: Presses his nose against hers. Do you know you're the sexiest curator in New York?
  19. Felicia: Grins and slips her fingers into his hair. I do know, but I'm always glad to hear it from the sexiest defense attorney in New York.
  21. Matt: Oh now you're just egging me on. He had taken off his shades so she could see his blank stare, even though he knew where she was, as well as everything around them. His hands went downwards, grabbing a hold of her waist, one being cheeky enough to slide a little further down.
  23. Felicia: Egging you on? Me? I don't think you have any real evidence to support this claim, Mr. Murdock. Nails scratch against the base of his skull, tracing five little lines up to the crown of his head as she presses a few small kisses along his jaw. Her breath falls on his ear and she makes sure to give a gratuitous sound of enjoyment. If he was going to accuse her of egging then she was going to have to make a real show of doing so.
  25. Matt: I only have circumstantial evidence, but that's enough for me to have my biases questioned. His superhuman sense of touch was in full effect now. His entire body shivered at the way her nails scratched against his coarse stubble. He moved his head contrary to where her kisses were being given. Showing the woman a wider range of his jawline to pepper with lipstick marks. That's it... the enjoyment brought an involuntary reaction where he grabbed a hold of her behind.
  27. Felicia: The spike in her heartrate is instant and it sparks an adrenaline rush she didn't know she wanted. She likes the scratch of five o'clock shadow against her lips as she sets a path of kisses up his jawline and then slowly down his neck. Rocking her hips into his and shuddering at the feeling, Felicia purred lowly. Should I be guilty of egging you on... what's my sentence looking like?
  29. Matt: He could hear it, the spike in her heartbeat. It was like magic to him. It spoke of feelings that she was either too proud or too mischievous to share. He smiled. She could feel him smiling. She could feel him grabbing onto her, but most importantly she could hear him when he replied to her question. Your sentence is to relinquish your clothes to your defense attorney until further notice.
  31. Felicia: It is absolutely silly how a statement so entirely ridiculous is enough to have her slipping a hand from his hair to begin undoing the buttons on her blouse. Of course, climbing into his lap into the first place was a statement as to what she intended to do with him. Teeth gently nipped at his neck, her tongue tracing along his jugular so she could taste the pulse of his heart. I suppose that's getting off pretty easy so I can't complain. Leaning back and pulling her other hand free of those red locks she was growing fonder of by the minute, Felicia shrugged off her blouse and undid the buckle on her belt. Green eyes settled on him, taking in the little smudges of red she had taken the liberty of covering him in and enjoying the marks more than she thought she might.
  33. Matt: It's often the most ridiculous statements that make or break the hardest cases. She was right, their current situation could only leave so many things to the imagination. The Moussaka was cooking in the oven, the smell filled the air and in the meantime where they were supposed to wait for it to cook they were doing this silly game. Blind eyes were moving everywhere, trying to catch a glimpse of her undressed body, but unfortunately they couldn't. Matt's brain on the other hand was catching everything that was happening, the silhouette of the woman as she moved around, undoing her buttons and then her belt. The plaintiff is being very cooperative, this will net you a shorter sentence and a really enjoyable time in prison. He couldn't see the kisses, but he could feel the lingering sensation of her mouth touching his face.
  35. Felicia: Her eyes never left him as she discarded her belt and undid the button on her pants, the high-waisted leather nearly ready to join the growing pile on his apartment floor. She liked watching him shift, trying desperately to see what they both knew he couldn't. Felicia knew he could sense and see in certain ways, but she also knew that he couldn't really see the smooth surface of her stomach or the lace of her bra. Little details in her lingerie weren't going to be quite as enticing to him as they may have been to past partners. I can't say I've ever been a girl for prison, but I'll take your word for it. She slid off of his lap so she could kick off her pants and let her panties go with them. There was no need to put on a big show and she would hate for the food he worked so hard on to burn, so she discarded her bra in a few quick motions and then settled back over his lap. Here, She gathered his hand and placed it palm down against the base of her ribcage, shivering from the warmth of his touch before slowly guiding him upwards one rib at a time. Why don't you get a good long look at me?
  37. Matt: Silhouettes in a world of darkness, that was how Murdock saw the world. His Radar and Sonar senses could give him an accurate 360 analogue image of his surrounding area, but he couldn't focus on details. He couldn't determine faces or distinctive features. He could see what she was doing, he could hear and feel her movements. Now her top was off and now she was starting to take off her clothes. The emptiness after she stood up from his lap was very visible to him, like how much one can hear silence. Her image was now naked. He knew that, his heartbeat racing was enough evidence that this was happening -- right before their lunch as well. While she was taking off her clothes he was fumbling around with his red tie, throwing it off and starting to unbutton his top, but he was interrupted by Felicia's naked form straddling him. His hand was caught and brought closer to her body. I know the ward. He's a great guy, uses a devil mask, goes around beating people up... He could feel his throat having a hard time gulping down the saliva that was forming around his mouth. When his fingers connected to her body an invasion of information filled his mind. Her body temperature, how healthy her organs were, her heartbeat was now a drum inside his mind that distracted him from doing something unsightly right away. His touch was rugged, his fingers have already been through a lot. One rib at a time until he felt the voluptuousness of her breasts which coaxed a gasp out of him. Yes. I can see why so many people comment on your suit now.
  39. Felicia: Anticipation was making her dizzy. She hadn't expected things to be quite so intimate. Physical touch was one thing, but the smiles he kept bringing to her lipstick smeared lips were something unaccounted for; it was hard tell herself this wasn't serious when he made her heart flutter from something more than a loss of breath and a well placed touch. Heart games were at the work and she was both parts terrified and enthralled by them. Oh I think I've met him before. The nice man in red with the cute little horns? Calloused fingers against smooth, meticulously moisturized skin was more than enough to coax a few shuddering breaths from her. As she guided up inch by inch, biting back a less savory noise as they found the curve of her breast and she allowed his hand to attempt in engulfing it. I don't zip the thing up as much as I should, really. I don't tell you how many times I nearly suffered a wardrobe malfunction while doing a back hand spring... But it's a choice made easy when most of the people who try to take me in are male and easily distracted by perky breasts wrapped in leather and fur. Her low laugh was breathy. The careful guidance of her hand was relinquished as she leaned in and pecked a small kiss to the corner of his lips and set her hand as a brace on his chest. Don't be shy, I know the best way to get a real picture of me in your head is to feel me. And with that, she seemed to be done with words since she captured his lips in a proper kiss. Felicia's touch was slow as she took up where he had left off in undoing the last few buttons of his shirt.
  41. Matt: Their connection was like fireworks, like there was actual electricity coursing through them. He would be remiss if he said that before he started doing this Daredevil business he didn't believe in magic, but he has seen it with his own eyes. Dr. Strange disrupting his senses by completely shifting reality around himself, people disappearing and reappearing out of thin air. This could be some type of magic. Like their bodies were fated to touch, his reactions and her own were a testament to that. He despised the "L" word, but those emotions were getting pretty close to that feeling. Raw passion would slowly turn into obsessive infatuation. Don't talk about his 'cute horns', he'll probably punish you in that instance. Try to play it safe, he's a very demanding ward. Their playfulness brought a cheerful smile to the blind lawyer's lips, but his bottom tier was soon captured by his teeth when she gave him those fascinating unsavory sounds. His hand sunk against the perky outline of her breast, he couldn't see it, but if he put any more force into the grip he would leave marks all over her pale body. I can't say I blame them. I'm just glad I'm able to see them whole and not just a careless peek. His mouth was shut before he could say any more dumb crap by her delicious lips. They kissed like tomorrow was never going to happen. He felt like his body was being pushed against the couch they were sitting on. His other hand found the other part of her body people complimented, borderline gawked at. Her hips were the silhouette of a goddess and now they were fully under his grasp. Her flesh was caught, kneaded, spread, slapped. All these raw emotions were materializing themselves in the hectic manner in which he 'witnessed' her body.
  43. Felicia: Something between a gasp and a moan was muffled against his lips. If there was any doubt left as to where this was going it was entirely smashed. Whatever the consequences of this were going to be, she didn't have it in her to care. He set something in her on fire and she didn't want to think about how upset she'd be with the flames couldn't be doused. A few bruises didn't bother her in slightest, so her back arched pleasantly at the pressure. The sounds of her no longer truly withheld moans mixed with the smack of their lips and the more subtle sound of skin on skin were deafening in the otherwise silent space. Her tongue had found its way into his mouth and her hands had found their way to his belt and everything seem entirely on track to have them both over the edge before the timer went off on the oven. It was all so frantic, especially since they were both far out of their teens and didn't need to be so desperate. Her nipple was stiff beneath his palm, aching for attention but not any more so than the rest of her overexcited nerves. She was soft to the touch, or at least where he was currently choosing to touch. Her breast and behind had plenty of cushion to sink his fingers into and she enjoyed thoroughly the way he did. Refusing to break for air, Felicia caught her breath between the soft 'snap's of their lips parting only to reseal. With his belt undone and the button on his slacks undone seconds later, she drew a few circles against his abdomen with her perfectly manicured nails. Between shaky breaths and repeated kisses, she gasped out a question. What do you want, Matt? The words were eons apart and barely audible, but she knew he heard them or at least understood the intend behind them. She needed to know what came next. The idea of time was lost, anything outside of touch was inconsequential.
  45. Matt: There was no doubt that they were sly together, bordering on naughty, but right now? just before they ate Lunch? They were being utterly shameless. Matt's clothed body beneath Felicia's naked one. An obscene sexual hierarchy here. A man who couldn't see and a woman that enjoyed exposing herself. If someone could peek through the stained windows of his apartment they would have a show and a half. His body spoke to hers in silence, the growing length inside his trousers was ready to burst free without a second of hesitation. Their lips were sealed, they have thrown away the possibility of breathing normally to just exchange each other's scents, their tongues intertwined, tasting each other too. His sounds were guttural, they rumbled all over his body. He was a beast ready to burst free and attack the woman, but was being held back by truly fascinating willpower. He smacked her breast, made it bounce against her chest before clutching it in his hand again, like he would never let go. His body was on fire. The overly sensitive touch he had always managed to make him feel twice, perhaps three times as excited and heated as he should be. God did she have enough cushion for him to take a hold of, she was perky and whenever he gripped somewhere particularly painful he could feel her strong muscles tensing under his assault. He vicariously made out with the woman, the lascivious sounds their mouths made just kept on egging him on and on until it was impossible to contain the thing inside his pants, the moment she unbuttoned them the head was peeking from beneath his underwear. His abs were scarred from previous battles, worn down thanks to his nights playing devil. Her question rang and he somehow was brought back to reality. Pulling back he smiled. I can see you, Felicia. I can see the heat inside you. The hottest part is like a burning sun. I want it. I want to be inside it. I want you.
  47. Felicia: Naughty was the first word that jumped to most lips when they were asked to describe her, shameless probably the runner up. The issue was that she rarely found someone who could handle it. Peter Parker certainly couldn't. They had a dynamic that she couldn't get enough of. He was a match for her in more ways than one, he took her domineering nature and met it with a familiar strength and resilience. Felicia was confident that she could handle whatever he was willing to dish out, but in a delightful turn of events she was also confident that he could handle anything she brought to the table. She was warm and unbelievably wet from his constant attentions, strong fingers kneading and digging and doing their best to etch every detail into memory. The pain was just as incredible as the floods of pleasure that came after it. Small slaps and hasty handfuls of plush flesh that made her muscles tense and tremble were what solicited the most obscene moans from her lips, the kind that was born in her core and stole from her lips before she could bite them back. He pulled back, stealing his taste from her and leaving her with only the warmth on her lips was where his tongue had been sliding seconds before. Looking to him, she couldn't stop the silly grin that spread across her face upon seeing the sheer amount of lipstick that had transferred. There was no way she had any left of her lips, that was for sure. Tapping her fingers against his abs before trailing them downwards to carefully pull his aching length from its not even slightly effective fabric cage, Felicia pressed her tongue to her upper lip. I hope it's a sight you don't mind. I was hoping you'd say that, though. Because I've been wanting you inside for me for a while now. Her hand slid down to the base of his length to hold him still as she shifted her hips forwards and lined more than slightly sopping entrance with his swollen crown. The contact of both overheated and needy spans of skin had her born in her core and stole from her lips before she could bite them back. He pulled back, stealing his taste from her and leaving her with only the warmth on her lips was where his tongue had been sliding seconds before. Looking to him, she couldn't stop the silly grin that spread across her face upon seeing the sheer amount of lipstick that had transferred. There was no way she had any left of her lips, that was for sure. Tapping her fingers against his abs before trailing them downwards to carefully pull his aching length from its not even slightly effective fabric cage, Felicia pressed her tongue to her upper lip. I hope it's a sight you don't mind. I was hoping you'd say that, though. Because I've been wanting you inside for me for a while now. Her hand slid down to the base of his length to hold him still as she shifted her hips forwards and lined more than slightly sopping entrance with his swollen crown. The contact of both overheated and needy spans of skin had her
  49. Matt: People had very shallow views on women on costumes. Perhaps society just seemed to disclose the tight suits as 'naughty' or 'obscene', he saw that in a completely different light. Women like Felicia were free to be themselves. To stave away all sort of judgement that would deem them beneath the male heroes around town. She just used her god given features to her advantage and men were gullible enough to just fall for it -- almost every time by the way she had exposed it to him. However it took a man that could not see her body to see what was beneath the shallow surface that the media and male figures saw in Black-Cat. That's why he felt so strongly that they connected. They had no biases. They saw each other in a special way that just seemed to click, beyond all the unruly things that they were currently indulging themselves in. That was the best thing about what they did together. His little mental rambling was soon brought to a halt by her moans. The he remembered he was about to fuck Felicia "Black-Cat" Hardy and there was probably a population of about a few million men that would like to be in his shoes right now. The pain he inflicted in her was nothing compared to the pleasure her presence brought him. His Radio Senses were picking up so many hot spots coming from her, especially when he gave either her ass of her tits a firm, commanding smack. He could see the outline of his fingers lingering against her flesh like it was searing her skin. It was beautiful to be perfectly honest. I still wanted to cook the Moussaka, it just so happens to be the dessert now that I am having my full meal. Cheesy, he knows it was, but that self-awareness made the joke land a bit better. I would watch that fire burn for the rest of my life. Your body's honesty is the sexiest thing, Felicia. Oof, he moaned out when she grabbed a hold of his length and guided it to her wet entrance. His heartbeat tried to steady itself, but it just felt like he was skipping a beat in a scary manner. He felt like he could throw up with the anticipation. Once she dropped down onto him his whole world caved down alongside it. That was it, the apex of pleasure that washed over his entire body. His arms wrapped themselves around her waist as tightly as they could and he could already feel like his orgasm was bubbling up. He wouldn't mind being called a quickshot, but the anticipation had him reeling to go.
  51. Felicia: Felicia never thought she minded being viewed as some kind of unattainable pin up, it was something she could weaponize. But having someone who didn't view her that way had been disorienting to say the least. She didn't consider herself easy but she knew that she probably didn't know Matt well enough to be stabbing him into her body without regard for anything around them or going on in their lives. Her mind told her that she hadn't gone to his apartment with the intention of riding him on his sofa while their lunch cooked, but her emotions told her something entirely different. Whether it was intentional or not, his length was buried inside of her and her body was holding on for dear life, muscles clamped and nerves screaming at the euphoria. I'm so full I can only hope I'll still have room for that Grecian dessert you slaved away to make. Two could play the cheesy joke game, but she decided to go ahead and go the extra mile and do so while literally whimpering from pleasure Her nails broke skin on his shoulder, nothing significant, but enough that she was sure there'd be blood. His whole body was begging her to bounce, begging her to relieve that pent up intensity she could feel trembling in his muscles. Felicia didn't talk in bodies the way that he did, but she had been with enough men to understand what his kind of quivering meant. Luckily for the both of them she was just as eager so this was going to most definitely be more of a 'quickie' than a long drawn out session. Not that it couldn't probably be revisited after their lunch and have a bit more staying power. Do you know how many people have called me the sexiest thing? I can't--- mmm-- I can't give you points for originality there. An intrusive moan divided her words as she gave into instinct and began rocking her hips. The friction had her head leaning back instantly, her voice more a needy yowl than a pleasant moan. She was wound up and the way that her walls were convulsing with her instantly quick pace was more than enough to tip him off of that fact. If her quivering thighs and the charge of her heart weren't tip enough, of course. Her hand that had been digging into his shoulder scratched up into his hair where she could latch onto him as a true anchor while she bobbed on his length. The wet sound of skin slapping skin was loud and lewd, but she loved it. I'm-- ah! fuck-- I'm s-safe if you want to... Toes curled and a lip trembling whine accompanied the tight raveling of her walls. He was probably going to beat her to the punch, but she was enjoying every second of it.
  53. Matt: What was happening here could be called a coincidence, but at the same time their honesty spoke more than a thousand words. Trying to understand, put their moment into philosophical terms would be a disservice to their love making. It was what it was and seeing how this wasn't supposed to be some drown out connection, but actually a quick showing of their infatuation with each other he imagined what they were doing was as close to perfect as perfect could be. He invited her to his apartment to have Lunch, but he would be a liar if there wasn't a small speck of hope in the back of his mind that something like this would happen or not. It did happen, though, and the way Matt looked they were enjoying the hell out of each other. Her cheesy quick was actually sexier than it was embarrassing, she owned up to the joke and turned it into fuel for the flames that were keeping his manhood erect. Her whines and whimpers did help a lot, but it was mostly what she said. It was impossible, he was really close to going all the way. The way their bodies connected, like the chemistry and biology were just meant to be, he could feel her walls clamping down around him in an ecstatic manner. He grew more embarrassed and his cheeks grew flushed, showing off his freckles. Sometimes originality doesn't matter as long as it's from the heart. Always the lawyer, even when he was balls deep inside the girl. The slapping sounds grew louder the more intensely she shook her hips. The way her walls felt against his turgid textures was driving him insane. The sensitive bulbous head reached as deep as it could before she pulled back only to slam her hips all the way down again. Her admission that this was a safe day made him shudder from head to toe. Hands reaching backwards to help her hips move at a quicker pace, forcing them up and down, leaving painful finger prints all over the contour of her fat cheeks. He indeed was the first one to come close to orgasm, but if this was only the round one he would make sure to compensate her after lunch. Almost as if he had planned the pace of their entire interaction to a T the sound of the oven rang meaning that their baked Moussaka was ready for consumption. His body continued to move, despite the buzzer ringing he paced his thrusts with the way her ass bounced on his lap. The orgasm sneaked onto him like a ninja, it built itself so suddenly that when he released he gasped for air realizing that he was holding it all this time. It was a sudden outburst of steamy white cum that continued to be released inside of her moments after the big orgasm. He would just sink back into the couch, his head leaning backwards, mouth frozen into a pleased smile. Holy shit... I never... imagined I had such good timing.
  55. Felicia: Her focus was entirely on breathing and never slowing the pace of her rocking hips. Green eyes were half open, trying to take in his features as best they could so she could cement the moment into the back of her mind. The way his lips hung open and his chest rose and fell, the way his shoulder was now peppered in scratches, the way his abdomen tensed and relaxed sporadically. There were a million things she wanted to take note of but couldn't find it in her to do so. Any notes taken in a moment so mindless would be lost in the tides of pleasure that ebbed between them. Bad luck followed her like a dark cloud, but there wasn't a single thing that could ruin this moment. His hands digging into her pert behind and his erected member hitting her hard and deep. Sweat had been collecting for a while, the only thing clothing her as she was driven collectively wilder with each violent jerk of his arms and clash of their equally sopping erogenous zones. Breasts jiggled and bounced with an equal intensity to the growing claps of her asscheeks. Shaking in every sense, she couldn't managed a response to his talk of matters of the heart. Her hold on his hair was tight, but the hand that wasn't causing his scalp pain was creeping its way down her stomach. She knew he was going to cum, she could feel it, and she knew if she was going to join him in his plunge over the edge that she'd need to edge herself along. Leaning in to bury her face against his neck, she pressed her index finger to her swollen and starving clit and began rubbing meticulous circles to match the animalistic jerks of her hips. Her walls clamped harder, her body lurched, her voice quivered, and her quickly crescendoing sounds were muffled into his skin. The buzzer was loud but it didn't pull her from the moment. The only hunger that she cared for was the metaphorical one so she didn't have a single brain cell to spare for the moussaka or the possibility that it might overcook in their caught up moment. Heat erupted in her, sticky, wet heat. The shivers that ran from her toes to her head were intense. Cleaning up the mess that was inevitable when she stood or anything like that was placed aside in favor of her fingers guiding her over her own edge as he settled back on the cushion. Something between his name and a curse pierced out louder than the buzzer as she felt her body squeeze in around his cum and his now less rigid intrusion into her body, bathing both in her own grateful release. Panting, shivering, and suddenly hungry for real food, Felicia's fingers loosened their hold on his hair and she pecked a handful of kisses up his neck and then onto his lips. Mm, a true master of time. Maybe you've got some kind of incredible super power you were entirely unaware of. Felicia withdrew her fingers from where they had been aiding her and traced them along his lips before gently probing them in to get cleaned. She didn't doubt he'd do it. We should probably go save that poor food, hm?
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