
The Desert Hobo's Plans (Asim)

Jan 15th, 2020
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  1. [00:00] Running with all his might, he had no idea where he could find his wife, but even though it was stupid, he decided to go back to the camp for a moment, only to see it destroyed and with no one there.
  3. Having no idea of where it would be good to hide, the man takes his injured friend to a cave to the north of the desert, not too close to moonfall nor too close to Osrona.
  5. Arriving at the end of the cave, he puts his torchlight potion on the ground and starts to check Asim up to see what new injuries he had.
  7. Rain's breathing was rough, he was obviously tired, his body was riddled with wounds from all types of magic. Still, he appeared to be more worried about Asim than himself.
  9. "We... we need to find the others...
  11. Krís has Alvin... Tokiwa... the Knight returned but she didn't. She escaped..."
  13. He was probably panicking slightly right now as well.
  15. "I need to find her, if she's okay..."
  17. One couldn't be sure if he was speaking with Asim or himself.
  18. (Rain Multhunder)
  19. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  21. [00:08] After being place down within the confides of this strange cave, he lets out a cough. He seems quite drained. The yellow hues stare at Rain, they seem dead. As if he plans to make them rue the day for this. Humiliation, was the thing that he hated most!
  23. The man moves around on his legs trying to get feeling back in them. Them getting removed from the joints were painful. The discomfort that followed was bad as well. At least he is a live...
  25. "Damn it... If I wasn't there, that wouldn't have ended like that. I should've just ran like Kris." He seems torn over his decision. It really might have gone much better if he didn't take part. He really did just slow him down and hinder him. It was a shameful display.
  27. "Yea... I hope the others are fine." He says while tearing his clothes up to apply new bandages to himself. The open bleeding wounds were still bad even after the slight medicine that monster gave him.
  29. "So whats the plan?" He asks rhetorically.
  30. (Asim)
  31. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  33. [00:08] * You have been awarded 4 Roleplay Points! *
  34. [00:24] Ignoring his own wounds, the man stops Asim's movements.
  36. "Let me deal with this first."
  38. First thing he does is control water from the air, clear as Crystal and move it through the injured teen's wounds, removing any dirt, sand or whatever impurities there might be.
  40. After doing so, his hand would channel a agreat ammound of holy magic into them. It wasn't much for the healing of other people or of grievous wounds, but it would at the ver least stop bleeding and taking away the pain.
  42. Asim had already few clothing, so instead, he would use his own robes, taking parts out of it, using his water magic to remove any impurities, and moisture from it before using it as bandages.
  44. "I don't really have a plan, one thing is for sure though. I'm not certain if we can stay in the desert any longer. The Knights will be back...
  46. Fortunately, Paca wasn't there so he might escape this. We also need to warn the King...
  48. If we stay there though, the Knights will just return in bigger numbers or with more powerful people."
  50. With a sigh, he finishes bandaging Asim.
  52. "I'm not sure on how to find Krís and Tokiwa though... I'm honestly not sure if they would've gone to moonfall or another place...
  54. But if they did go to moonfall I can't go there, I'll get killed for being a former member of the Clergy, worshipping the Stars and having injured Occultists."
  56. The man falls on his put, completely exhausted.
  57. (Rain Multhunder)
  58. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  60. [00:33] The young man sat there getting bandaged by his battle-hardened compatriot. He attempted his best to hold still as he gets to the more worn areas.
  62. "Man, I'm a complete mess." He attempts to lighten the mood ever so slightly. His failures are common, his pride faded. He just humored his mistakes and aim to fix them later.
  64. "I agree... we have sadly lost this war. Many a people have died due to those damned bandits. I can only hope we will make them pay.
  66. They most likely went to Moonfall. Its the only other location that's really populated, other than Orsona. I could probably walk in there but I don't like the idea of being there. I makes me uncomfortable just thinking about it.
  68. However I will do it to find Kris and your wife if I must." The man slouches over since the tending was dealt with for now. He looks at the gashes that covered Rain. Nothing was major but they both look like hell.
  69. (Asim)
  70. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  72. [00:38]
  73. {LOAD GAME}
  75. [00:45] The man is incapable of feel any amusement at Asim's joke and instead looks to the side, a sudden coughing fit coming up, and he coughs up blood on the ground.
  77. It was amazing how he still hadn't passed out yet, but that was probably due to his need to see his wife and son, before he could relax.
  79. Once the coughing stopped, he looked at the blood in his hand which he had used to cover it, small drops of it falling to the ground. It seems that fighting the Knight and the Parsi had been more arduous than he intially thought.
  81. "If you want to go... Then go... Honestly, I wouldn't like you going there alone like that. If they were there, I'm sure Krís would love to see you're okay..."
  83. His arm which was supporting his arm trembles as he pushes himself to sitting with his legs crossed.
  85. "It's your choice... Don't feel pressured by me... worse case scenarion, I'll go there alone."
  86. (Rain Multhunder)
  87. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  89. [00:54] Asim looks over the man in front of him. He is worse for ware. Another cough comes from his chest. It rattles his bones. He doesn't feel to swift either.
  91. "You might want to tend to your wounds at least." He says before standing up. Quite unsteady footing. His energy for this is quite low and his body acts accordingly.
  93. "Yea. Your right but... I suppose its at least something I could do. I haven't been able to help at all." A worried tone to his voice. For many reasons. Too many reasons!
  94. (Asim)
  95. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  97. [01:02] Water and holy magic start to being emitted from his body, but they are too sloppy... The water falls to the ground, and the light disappears. He was too tired for it right now.
  99. "I will... eventually..."
  101. His bleeding had already stopped, so it wasn't a problen.
  103. "If that's truly what you want... I can take you there... but I'll be honest, for you, going there like this may be a terrible choice.
  105. I don't know what happened with Tokiwa, Alvin and Krís... if something happened to you too, I really would be alone right now..."
  107. A hand comes to cover his face.
  109. "Let's wait for your wounds to heal first... even if you go there, you won't be able to do anything depending on how it goes."
  110. (Rain Multhunder)
  111. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  113. [01:07] That's really depressing. Asim is the only person that he has at the moment. Yea is wife is out there somewhere and Kris is also missing. He has no one else to lean on. Well he might be they probably live in Orsona. Which is more of a Deathwish than Moonfall.
  115. "Alright... We can wait. I don't want to do anything rash right now. I'll just let you lead. You know what your doing more than I do." This is a really bad spot to be in. Most of Esshar wants them dead, or arrested. Basically that is one in the same.
  117. "Perhaps making a guise to fool people would help us? Something to hide our Identity?" He says a random thought.
  118. (Asim)
  119. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  121. [01:16] They are in a depressing situation. It wasn't as bad for Assim though, and the man would make sure they understood that.
  123. "Follow my lead if you want, but know that despite being dangerous, you might be able to find your place among those in moonfall. While that isn't the case for me, you need to know that not all of Esshar is against you."
  125. Nodding at their idea, the man really thought it was a good one.
  127. "That would be for the best. It would still attract suspicion, but at least some people would ignore us, and it would allow us to move around more safely."
  128. (Rain Multhunder)
  129. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  131. [01:23] Yea its not as bad for Asim as it is for Rain. He could fall into Moonfall… However being within the ratios of the war is not a good thought. He doesn't trust anyone there. Occultist or not the people there are strange. He doesn't know what to do really.
  133. "I don't wish to leave you to handle this on your own... Even though I know that I'm more of a hinderance than an assistant. I don't wish to back down from this and Moonfall is not something I will to fall into." He shakes his head at the thought even if its possible, Hell no!
  135. "I might just go back to my nomadic way and wonder around. With something to hide my face and a cloak would do me some well. I could just pass myself off as a common traveler. A basic mask that has no type of allegiance is a good plan. That will be hard... I might try and make my own with crystals." He ponders aloud. Would that give it away if it was made of his magicks? Probably.
  136. (Asim)
  137. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  139. [01:41] "Yes... going back to a nomadic lifestyle would probably be for the best... can't be worse than living in Sudbury at least"
  141. His voice was somewhat rough due to how tired he was, still, a small smile formed on his lips upon seeing that the man didn't wish to just leave him on his own. Asim was a true comrade.
  143. "Thank you..."
  145. Taking a look around, the man sighs again.
  147. "I wonder if we should stay here... though it might be good to make our disguises first before going around."
  148. (Rain Multhunder)
  149. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  151. [01:47] "Hmmm... Yea this place might be the best place to hide out in for the time being. I don't want any extra attention than we need right now. I just hope you don't have that large of a bounty on you yet. If I have one its probably really low. Which is fine."
  153. He takes a seat again. Sleeping on the floor again with just this lamp. This is all to common. He hadn't even been with Shavetia for very long and he is already back to his original lifestyle. Right now his mind doesn't even begin to think of Dragmire. This happened due to his obsessive public recruiting.
  155. "I hope Paca and Huiyin are going to be alright. They know about Paca… well those bandits do. They might try and hunt him down, since we resisted." He sighs before looking around the damp, dank cave they are in.
  156. (Asim)
  157. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  159. [01:54] Rain Multhunder says, "normal one"
  160. [02:06] Shaking his head, the man falls with his back on the ground.
  162. "Paca should be smarter than that... Huiyin is new... a kid still... she'll be smarter than to remain as a follower of Shavethia."
  164. Giving a few coughs, he curls up on himself.
  166. "I suppose a small rest here will be for the best... doesn't seem like many people come across this cave."
  167. (Rain Multhunder)
  168. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  170. [02:10] Asim walks over to on of the walls and presses his back up against it. It seems he plans to be the look out. Probably aiming to go to sleep a tad bit later. He was paranoid of people attacking him in his sleep due to Kris.
  172. "Aye. If I see her I'll tell her about it. Its ironic... since I was saying that it was unsafe in Orsona and now were getting hunted. Sucks I probably won't be able to hang out with her much. Until this kills over or till we sort this shit out.
  174. Anyway, I'll stay on watch for now." Yellow hues glow radiantly in a vigilant search!
  175. (Asim)
  176. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  178. [02:12] Rain Multhunder says, "Alright..."
  179. [02:12] He passes out.
  180. (Rain Multhunder)
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